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Everything posted by Ginko

  1. @Anacybele @Javi Blizz Let me join the B!Ike club! @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid Yess!! My first +10 pure 5* (surprised? it's not Shiro T^T) Facts about this +10 Bike! 1. first copy from CYL free pull 2. second copy from Heroes' Path 3. 6 copies as pitybreakers (3 of 6 are from free pull if I remember correctly) 4. only 3 copies that I intentionally pull from banner focus !! 5. never intended to +10 him but decided to do it after reached +5
  2. @Zeo We're in the the same boat!! I tried for both Shiro and B!Ike for 3 years and still not +10 yet... At least that free Hector is delicious. Bless for me next time when B!Ike banner come.
  3. @mcsilas Quan with his gay-bolg is too stronk. He sure took many hits and stab them back. Also your -Atk wonder Deirdre wall those mages and punch them back with huge Glacies. Great job!
  4. Kagero all the way !! let's throw some bottles and set fire.
  5. Glad you like it. At first, I didn't believe myself that they would clear this map abyssal. But seeing people saying this map is easy made me want to give it a try and it worked!! Just changing Iceberg to Glacies is enough to beat it. (If you watch both infernal and abyssal, you'll notice) @Landmaster Cinnamon rolls and the doggo destroy this map like a champ. The Carrot on her hand really make the difference. Watching green fridge disappear in one round. The doggo risk his life for the master by taking hit but bite everything back to death!
  6. @mcsilas I appreciate these Echoes clears. Python is so bulky to take on Conrad. Kliff is underwhelming as a mage but Sagitae animation is cool. Boey got a new life with his refine. That Legendary Alm is too good, Lunar Flash will pierce through any wall. I never got my hand on Sonya, her new refine is cancer as I know. All together, I feel bad for Conrad who got beaten by everyone lol
  7. @SatsumaFSoysoy Nice Abyssal clear!! I was just wonder how did your Kagero double those fridges? Then I notice you have Null Follow Up on her. Big sacrifice but worth it. I'm start to thinking, should I +10 Kagerou and join my Dagger party? lol @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster Sorry to tag you all again, after all legendary battle we have.I only cleared Lector so far with Shiro party. So I decide to do first abyssal for my beloved dagger and here it is. I'm so proud of them T^T I won't do abyssal clear again soon until I have the mood. So enjoy the show ^^
  8. This map is quite challenging. I knew Shiro can tank him but I better avoid him got his Galeforce. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster Double fridges and mages in the middle are really annoying. Thankfully, Kagero can handle them. Leif being slow is a big weakness. Even Shiro can double and finish him easily. Dagger team got their music to enjoy the tension of battle. More fridges mean more hard time for dagger lol. But this map really give advantage to Kaze's Def Ploy.
  9. Gratz on that pull, only one more merge and he is just perfect.
  10. @mcsilas Congratz on the Ranulf pull. I will see him on your clear soon, right? @mampfoid A perfect boon Leif is so satisfying. I'm jelly. My pull is okay, not that bad. I got him on first circle which is very welcome. and then the colorless fever begins... my mind was like I'm okay to take any archer(Alm or Leif) but I got the **cker dragon. I don't care about her, even if she is +SPD I will fodder that Special Fighter to my other favourite armor.
  11. No problem. Most of the skills I mentioned can be found on 3-4 stars units. Only Swift Sparrow (2 or 3), Galeforce and weapon skills are 5* locked. You can pretty much try the lower version of bladetome before you upgrade to the + version.
  12. @TheSilentChloey After seeing your barrack. Here is some Fliers that I see you should build them or give it a try. That's all my recommendation, if you have any more question about other fliers you want to build. Or you need some build idea on specific units. Feel free to PM me.
  13. Should I stop using Kagero? I mean sometimes I feel bad to use her one round everything easy life. I'm low on orb so I didn't try to give her more merge. +1 and +10 difference is just only 4 ATK while the rest of her stat is nothing because she always die in single round from red anyways with her abysmal SPD. The Cinnamon rolls taking hits from disadvantage colors give me a heart attack but they survive. It would more entertaining if you take that Nowi out and bring in Festival Xander and dance!!
  14. Easy stuff, one team clearing with offensive formation and another team take the defensive. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster One day, Siegbert will be bench... Kaze took the first hit and then everyone go all out.
  15. @Zeo @mcsilas Congratz to both of you. I never got that 1st gen Azura like everrrr. Jacob is powerful range armor. In the perfect world, +Atk version is stronger than my Halloween Kagero. But +Def can be Ignis nuke too.
  16. @Zeo Gratz for Lancina pull. After all those freebies orbs pour into my stack. My final copy of B!Ike still not come. Now I'm sitting at 17 orbs waiting for tomorrow orbs for final day pull.
  17. @Zeo I would trade that Shiro with my +0 +Atk/-Spd Lancina. Good deal right? T^T
  18. Right? Sothe with sunglasses is so damn cool. My fashion taste can burn my orbs sometimes T^T. Hunting for Seasonal weapon is a reason... AI always prioritize their survival, Bow don't go for Sothe because Sothe is at full health and counter that Bow to death. So that's why Bow target Kagerou who can't kill it. The similar thing happen when Red mage go to suicide at Ryoma instead of Sothe because he is at Vantage range. AI choose to die while deal some damage to Ryoma rather than die at Sothe for nothing. As for your clear, Matthew sweep everything in one turn is so damn cancer lol. Big sacrifice to put DC on Amelia. But I'm sure she deserve it after stay with you and doing great job until now. Seeing Serra perform absorb like that really make me want to do a +10 healer project. Only if I get more copy of Mercedes ^^. Also it's good to know that you are a big fan of Aimer and Sawano Hiroyuki. "Everything in the tapestry" my favourite line in that song. I often listen to Aimer's song before head to bed. Her songs soothe my soul.
  19. @Zeo yeah, me too. I got too many pitybreak 5* from green. And I would say pitybreak from green is still better than those swordie from red.
  20. @RezzyIt was so damn long time I response to you in this forum. I mean I always stay in Heroes War room and make video clears. I was unsure whether to tag you or not because I do expect a reply if I tag someone name there lol. In any case, congrats on your complete Robin. Her build is the simple Raventome but I'm sure she is useful for taking down colorless units. Also maybe she can wreck my hansome boys below lol. @Zeo @mcsilas @mampfoid @Landmaster @Tragonight @Anacybele @Tybrosion I watch these 2 boys growing together, Sothe got his final copy last week and Kaze just today!! I think if I can find another Swift Sparrow 3 fodder, I'll give it to Sothe. Sothe B skill just switch around but mostly be Vantage for specific clears. Kaze need another dagger to be more offensive but right now he will stick with this Bucket and rape dragons with his huge RES.
  21. @Zeo Sorry for the late reply. You always know me !! Seeing both Tibarn and Caineghis in the same map make me want to challenge them to take my Shiro down lol. It took me 2 tries on Kaze clear, Iceberg on 1st try wasn't enough. So 2nd time ,Glacies finish the job. As for your clear, Matthew with Sol is so damn good. Before his new refine, I always see him got healed multiple times by Genny but now almost never rely on it. Ayra took care of Caineghis with her infamous Regnal Astra.
  22. @Landmaster Glad to see your twin cinnamon rolls back in action. The doggo Keaton still stop anything coming to his way. Hector act like a wall-breaker here and clear the way for team. The only thing that seem unreal to me is the damage from Hot Spring Elise. Only 9 damage for being red to attack on green fridge? This is why I never want to do abyssal map... @mcsilas Kill kill kill, die die die, everyone in your team except Rinea look so damn crazy. Can I call this team "Brain Damaged Party"? Joke aside, you do amazing job with this team
  23. easiest MHB ever I will leave my clears here and go to celebrate my +10 Sothe. @mcsilas @Zeo @mampfoid @Landmaster Mages and staff are nothing when Siegbert can reach them. Blue fridge to protect Thrasir? Kagerou can blow it away. Lance units? Shiro can handle them all. my Dagger emblem will just sweep everything here...
  24. I finished this map yesteraday but I can't find any soundtrack to fit my clears until now. @mcsilas @Zeo @mampfoid There's never be a problem for Shiro to handle physical units here. I want him to take all those pesky armors but it will be slow to do enemy phase so I let Kagero kill them to make it easier. 2 fridges are main problem for Dagger emblem so I need to go defensive and take them out one by one.
  25. @mampfoid No problem, I think it's fair enough because even me still have to take hiatus from game sometimes too. Feel free come back anytime or just leave some comment is fine too. In case you don't really have time to do your clear video.
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