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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Yep. The Ghosting Sumia will never get old. But i do think its weird how shes only in Maribelle's scene like that. I guess shes damn mad Chrom married a non-combat unit? lmao

    Yet Marribelle gives the mage line. Maybe Sumia's jealous because she can't give Lucina that...*shrugs* that or the game is sour about the player not shipping Sumia x Chrom. As if there wasn't enough of that already :/

  2. Oh, hello all! I have some interesting things to share. Namely that someone completed Chapter 4 and finally opened up the DLC massive level growths and support grinding ahoy! Also I got the predicted A Support with Chloey and Chrom unlocked at the end of this chapter :D:. Now then onto the playthrough!

    [spoiler=Stully B Support]

    So we had unlocked Stahl x Sully's B Support at the end of the last chapter and boy was it worth it! Sully talks with Stahl and we see that she is determined to see through their training as the Bull and Panther and we see that Sully has some words of wisdom for Stahl:



    Clearly Sully knows that Stahl can do better despite the fact that Stahl has told her what he thinks, so she has the bright idea of them shaking hands. She makes him realise a few things:


    A better rider? I never noticed that much of a difference between the two of you, except that you dear Sully came with a lance while Stahl came with a sword. There is nothing wrong with that now is there? However if Sully says it like that then I guess we have to trust her on that.

    [spoiler=Donnel + Kellam C]Considering that we got Donny in the last chapter, it is high time that he chat with Kellam who is right by his side. It is nice to see the pair talking to one another. If not for the scare that poor Donny gets:


    Why is it that absolutely everyone misses Kellam? How and why? I don't get it, I see him on the battle field I tell him where I need him to be and yet. Why are the others not as attuned to his presence as I am? Ah no matter. We find out through this conversation that Kellam grew up as a farm boy much like Donny:


    Nice to see Kellam as more than a one dimentional character. Of course Kellam offers to help young Donny, seeing as this entire conversation is actually about the berries that the young lad is productively growing and working on. Donny Thanks Kellam for his help and sure enough:


    With those support conversations done we now will turn to the actual play through now I promise!

    [spoiler=Two Falchions Pre Battle Stuff]


    Having handed Raimi's ass to her in chapter 3, we meet the East Khan, Flavia. While we're waiting let's have a look and see some of the fun we had prior to arriving:


    For those of you who remember us doing Donnel's Side Story, you would have seen that our Lissa was second sealed to another healer class, the Troubadour. Now she has a pretty little pony to ride around on healing everyone! Still though I guess we're not here for that D:

    Some time passes and Chloey and Chrom have a little bit of a conversation as Chloey at first assumes that the Khan is away. Chrom however corrects his tactician gently with:


    And then adds as an after thought that battle is Feroxi politics. Which leads to Chloey making a little joke about the Khan:



    Of course Chloey isn't so certain as to what is going on but as Flavia arrives it is clear that she doesn't actually appear to take any offense to Chloey's comment. In fact as she talks with Chrom most of the conversation is mildly entertaining to say the least. Especially with Flavia declaring that:


    Then we find out that Chrom wasn't quite paying attention and that Flavia is but one of the Khans. Chrom of course had yet to realise that. So we come to what might be a complication. At least until Flavia mentions a tournament that is held. She notes that the Khans do not actively get involved in this tournament and that it has been fought by outsiders:


    So before I start Fan-girling over my favourite Feroxi Khan (yes I like Flavia because she is awesome!) I had best get onto what actually happens!

    We head to the arena once Flavia declares that she likes Chrom. I suppose that our loveable blue haired Prince doesn't realise that he is slowly but surely going to end up with his tactician as his wife :XD:

    We arrive at the arena and what's this...Marth is waiting for us?! A cut scene follows and I am in shock. Marth has the some sword as Chrom! What the...ok now things just got interesting. Based on what I know I shouldn't be so surprised but still. Everytime I watch that cutscene is it interesting and fun. Oh and that means that it is time for the rest of our fun to begin!!

    [spoiler=Two Falchions Tactician's Notes]

    Pre Battle Prep:

    ~Switch Stahl/Sully for Sumia/Frederick and Miriel for Vaike

    ~Give Sumia a much needed new iron lance

    ~Give Vaike another axe (just in case his current one decides to break on me)

    ~Check the map like a mad woman to make sure that everyone will get a level out of this chapter...not that Chloey and Chrom need it

    Turn 1:

    We have Chloey comment that Marth and "his" men are skilled and that we should watch the enemy's range. So we will mind our distance. A side note is that this chapter had me stuck for a good two years because it was so hard for me to beat it the first time. That is the longest that I have been on any chapter so far.

    Oh and here we have "Marth" because I can:


    And the bottom screen:


    Is it just me or is Chloey already affecting Marth's stats? I am not so sure but we'll have to see!

    ~Paired Chrom x Chloey

    ~Paired Frederick x Sumia

    ~Moved Sumia to the shiny square. We got a glass lance D:

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey next to Vaike

    ~Moved Lissa next to Chrom

    ~Fighter goes for Vaike and does some damage

    Turn 2:

    ~Vaike attacks the fighter and gains a level. Dumb Chloey forgot to screenshot it.

    ~Made everyone wait

    ~Mage goes for Vaike and does 10 damage

    Turn 3:

    ~Chrom ended the Mage with Chloey in a beautiful dual strike:


    ~Lissa heals Vaike

    ~Sumia ends the fighter and gains the level that she was supposed to in chapter 3:


    ~Moved Vaike near Chrom

    ~Mage misses by a mile.

    Turn 4:

    ~Sumia ended the mage:


    ~Everyone waited again

    ~Knight went for Sumia/Frederick and Frederick dual struck

    ~Fighter went for Vaike

    Turn 5:

    ~Chrom/Chloey attacked the fighter and Chloey dual strikes once again!


    ~Moved Sumia

    ~Used Lissa to heal Sumia

    ~Made Vaike wait

    ~Knight went for Vaike

    ~Fighter went for Vaike

    Turn 6:

    ~Chrom ended the Knight


    ~Moved Lissa to heal Vaike

    ~Sumia Frederick blocked any potential attacks to Lissa

    ~Fighter went for Vaike again

    Turn 7:

    ~Lissa healed Vaike

    ~Chrom/Chloey dual struck the fighter


    ~Had all wait

    Turn 8:

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey

    ~Moved Vaike

    ~Used Lissa to heal Chrom


    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick


    Isn't Lissa a cute Troubadour?

    Turn 9:

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey

    ~Moved Lissa and healed her

    ~Moved Vaike

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick

    Turn 10:

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey onto the shiny square, Chrom gave Chloey a tome and stored a potion.



    Chrom and Chloey's relationship improved

    ~Moved Lissa

    ~Moved Vaike

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick

    ~Marth goes right for Chrom and the pair have an interesting conversation. Chrom asks who Marth's father is and Marth stats that "he" has said enough for one day. Chrom states that he is grateful to Marth for saving Lissa, but that he has to fight for Ylisse.




    And then Chrom proceeded to dual strike Marth without Chloey. Of course Chloey didn't dual guard like I wanted to, but at least Chrom didn't take as much damageas what he could have.

    Turn 11:

    ~Used Lissa to heal Chrom

    ~Chrom went for Marth and Chrom/Chloey took out the map D:



    I made a wonderful timing of the screenshot :P


    Wait what do you mean by expected Marth? I suppose that we will not find out D:


    [spoiler=Chapter Notes 4]With the battle over we cut to Chrom talking with Flavia about the results of the tournament. Chrom succeeds in what he set out to do which was to make an important alliance between Ylisse and Regna Ferox. Flavia tells us that she will be celebrating the victory and wants us to join her.


    We finally meet Flavia's "Other Half". Of course we don't quite know that yet, at least until Chrom asks. So after a brief chat with Basilio (come on do you think I wouldn't talk the oppertunity to have a jape at Lissa's expense?):






    We are introduced to the former champion Lon'qu who Lissa just can't see how in the world Marth beat and goes to take a closer look at said former champion...


    Who by the way has a fear of women of all things


    ...ok so how is a female tactician able to give him orders then? Or does Chrom have to give them? It does make for an interesting thought and stories. Basilio generously offers Lon'qu to help us out:


    And Chrom being the polite young man that he is asks Lon'qu if he has any objections to joining the shepherds. Lon'qu is to the point:


    And Chrom promptly welcomes Lonie for the ride that is the crazy shepherds who protect Ylisse and try to maintain peace. Without warning him of the crazily violent tactician who will throw figs at you because why not? Lonie signed up for it of course! That and he'll be spending a lot of quality time with Lissa. *laughs evilly* What can I say? I like Owain with dark coloured hair and can't really pair Lissa up with anyone else.

    After all of the fun and games we at last arrive to Ylisse. Of course we find that Emm is more than happy to see us and to find out that we got the alliance that was needed. Chrom makes a note of the Feroxi strength and I can't help but smile, at least until Phila rushes in. I feel a sinking feeling even before I see what she is saying. Hold onto your seats everyone, all hell is about to break loose.

    Gangrel decides that it has been too peaceful, so what does he do? Why kidnap the Duke of Themis' daughter of course. Add to that said daughter is a very familiar shepherd...


    Yeah the selfsame. I kknow that Maribelle did not make a very good impression earlier but given that she is in danger, I can't just leave her to be harmed. Emm obviously has the same idea when others are trying to speak sense on the matter:


    No Emm those are not the only choices that you have. You could set a trap fo Gangrel? Or perhaps send a small rescue squad? Or just ignore all caution and go to parley with Gangrel...which is exactly what she does...but not completely alone:


    Nicely done Chrom. At least Emm will have some protection now :D: Of course the Tactician is fetched and the shepherds prepare for travel when we meet the youngest shepherd, Ricken...who is the butt end of a few jokes that I will not repeat here...but they are welcome so long as they are in spoiler tags...we don't want flame wars from Ricken fans after all!


    Again with the perfect timing. I got the shot before he even spoke!

    Anyway Chrom and Ricken talk and Chrom says that Ricken is too young for the mission at hand and tells Ricken to protect the garison...which can never end well when you have a young man with hot youth in his veins...never ends well...


    So upon completing the chapter I have unlocked a few things...

    ~The barracks


    ~Chrom x Chloey A Support (Uh oh)

    ~Chrom + Lissa C Support

    ~Vaike x Lissa C Support (No Vaike, you are not going to marry Chrom's sister)

    ~Frederick x Sumia C Support (About time you talked to her Frederick! Perfect waifu material for you. That and get ready to have Chloey being jealous because she can't bloody cook!)

    So with these things unlocked we all know what that means...Support and Level Grinding. I will post some of what I get up to with levels and support levels. I'll even let you know who was S support capable as well, because why not?

  3. Sumia: "I wanted to marry you, you bkue haired bitch, & now you have two daughters? I'll mess ye up, m8"

    :XD: Not exactly. I notice that Sumia is no where to be found when Chrom marries F!Robin...perhaps she knows that F!Robin won't tolerate funny business, or that F!Robin doesn't kick up such a loud fuss like all of Chrom's other potential brides :D:

  4. *snip*

    She's got a lot of Spd and Skl, a good procstack in Luna/Astra and plenty of ending classes- a solid A tier child. She's usually used in Wyvern Lord or Paladin with a Berserker husband.

    I see.


    I so far have two ladies that need to be married (*cough, cough*Panne and Cherche*cough,cough*) and I only have a few options to chose from. So with that in mind here are the marriable men that I have left:

    Kellam, Vaike, and Donnel,

    It is not easy to work out, although I am leaning to Donnel!Yarne with Underdog as a taguel (perhaps, but I am not so certain on that one). Which would leave either Kellam or Vaike for Gerome (Axefaire/Bowbreaker Wvyern Lord? or Luna Wyvern Lord? Hmm so hard to choose wisely).

  5. It's definitely not the only graphical glitch the game has to offer. Archers/Snipers can occasionally get their battle animations messed up, and Inigo's enter battle text in one of the Challenge Pack maps (with the giant Risen, don't remember the name).

    You mean that there are more glitches O.O wow...

  6. Werid... Are Donnel's poor mods exclusinve just to Kjelle, or across all his children, because I could have sworn I had heard nothing but good things about Donnel fathering any child, or was that just because of aptitude?

    In that case, as I was going to pair him with Olivia, and he wouldn't even have had the Pegasus line to pass on, out of my single men, Stahl, Libra, Ricken, and Donnel, of course, who would be the best pairing for Olivia?

    No his mods are not exclusive to just Kjelle. Aptitude makes up for them to a point. Also he has the skill underdog, which can be of greater use.

    If you are going with Libra!Inigo he's not too bad and can work as a hybrid unit as Inigo gains the mage class for tomefaire/dark mage classes for vengance as well as the priest class if you would like renewal and miricle. I haven't tried the other guys for Inigo yet, so I am not so sure. Czar Yoshi is better at giving the run down of the different types of Inigo.

  7. It's basically the game still shipping Chrom and Sumia.

    Which is disgusting as Sumia is a married woman to someone else lol! Add to that Chrom is married as well so Sumia has no right to be there unless you married Sumia to Chrom.

    IMO it's probably an unintended glitch. A hilarious one, though. . .unless she's married to a male Robin, in which case she's making sure he's not cheating on her? :P:

    (or it could be that Sumia really is yandere)

    Well I did see the theory that Sumia is a yandere as well. If she is, I think her tactician should probably do something about that lol! I have her married to Frederick in this playthrough :D: and I don't like yanderes that much. Tharja is a yandere I think. Which is why I don't let her anywhere near M!Robin or F!Robin for that matter :D:

  8. I remember this! It's pretty creepy/hilarious lol.

    I just had a look at the original thread myself and yeah it does sound like it. That said I was shocked when I saw it on my 3DS.

    *Chloey watching the cutscene*: Hmm is that...Sumia?! WTF?! What is she doing there?! And why isn't someone noticing it in the scene?

    Pretty weird to see it. I think I may have to check the internet to see if there is a reason that this happens. I think that is my main concern. Hmm I wonder how Maribelle would react to being a grandmother...

  9. So I was playing through Chapter 13 of my FE:A game and had married Chrom to Maribelle. So far so good. We have Lucina introduced and Maribelle talks to her. Then something weird happens:


    I was under the impression that Sumia should not be there at all. Has anyone had this happen to them when they marry Chrom and Maribelle? It's just so weird. Is this an actual glitch or is Sumia meant to be there so Maribelle can show Lucina off like she said she would? Also Kaleb (M!Robin) is freaking adorable as a priest on a side note!

  10. What is Gaius!Kjelle like as a unit? I know that she can get Galeforce (thank god) and was wondering about things like skill sets and ending classes. I am trying Gaius!Kjelle for my current M!Mu run to see how she works out as a unit. That and ideas are sort of needed :D:

    I so far have two ladies that need to be married (*cough, cough*Panne and Cherche*cough,cough*) and I only have a few options to chose from. So with that in mind here are the marriable men that I have left:

    Kellam, Vaike, and Donnel,

    It is not easy to work out, although I am leaning to Donnel!Yarne with Underdog as a taguel (perhaps, but I am not so certain on that one). Which would leave either Kellam or Vaike for Gerome (Axefaire/Bowbreaker Wvyern Lord? or Luna Wyvern Lord? Hmm so hard to choose wisely).

  11. There's a good deal of misinformation about Awakening out there, so where it was doesn't matter (probably Gfaqs, Reddit or YT).

    Tharja does have a very nice +3 Mag mod, yes. But she doesn't give Noire Tomefaire, and since Tomefaire gives +5 Mag a unit with a +5 Mag mod and no Tomefaire (Henry!Noire) will have the same Mag as a unit with +0 Mag and Tomefaire. Put that next to your +2 Str and access to Bowfaire and Axefaire, and you're a bit better physical than magical.

    It's a small difference and Noire works nicely mixed (DK, in this case), but she's still a predominantly physical unit despite having a high Mag mod.

    *snip the last bit off*

    I didn't find out that information from reddit or gfaqs. I don't even go near those sites.

  12. The first one, maybe, but people assuming this is just a talk about aesthetics thread isn't unheard of.

    Since you're using her for fun, I'd just pack her full of flashy stuff like Anathema (more crits) and Despoil. There's not really anything that she does well, but that also means you don't have to worry about a performance drop from doing whatever you want with her.

    Well I was asking mostly because there is a source of information that suggests that she should be a strictly magical unit because of Tharja's mods. I'm not overly certain as to where this information was from, but I do remember reading it somewhere.

  13. OK. This is a help thread, though, so are you looking for advice on how to use them, or...?

    I think that it is a pure joke and nothing more.

    So with Henry!Noire is she better finishing as a magic unit or a physical one? I am thinking of having her as a magical unit/maybe healer? Also what skills should she end with?

  14. Personally I gave up on making a non-GF Noire work because it usually always means giving a father who was wanted elsewhere. Except for Fred, but I'm honestly not seeing how a Fred!Noire wouldn't be crap.

    I go for Henry!Noire and she works nicely enough :D:

  15. Maybe I'm going crazy here, but I feel like Fred!Gerome is totally workable for Apo. I would run him as a General with LB, Agg, AS+2, Tantivy, and Dual Guard+.

    So this is probably worse than all the Bowfaire and Axefaire Geromes, but hey if Omega could make Donnel!Owain as a tome wielding Dread Fighter in Apo, than this is hardly unusable.

    I dunno, I feel bad about leaving Fred unpaired all the time, because his only good kid is Inigo, and I so prefer Stahl there because of Bowfaire Bow Knight/Sniper. I guess I'll open a Normal file and experiment with this.

    He gives Cynthia +6 stat mods as opposed to Chrom's +4, and Frederick!Cynthia is doable, she is worth a try if you are going to experiment.

  16. Virion doesn't give Gerome anything he needs for Wyvern, though. If that's what you want him to do, you might be better off giving him a dad who gives Axefaire.

    What about bowbreaker?

    The thing about Awakening is that it's not a game of good and bad, it's a game of good and better (except on Lunatic+). So it's pretty common to find pairs that work well for everyday usage, but without a good deal of experience and/or collaboration with an online community, all you know is how those pairs stack up to enemies (always good) and not how their performance compares to that of other units and pairings.

    Which was the point that I was making before, certainly more round about than that, but still. I tend to stick with things that work, for all intents and purposes. I do however like seeing how different people approach a problem and it will without a doubt help me when I get to the higher difficulties.

  17. Uh, there's nothing wrong with pairing based on your personal preferences, but I'm honestly not sure what you want to get out of this thread.

    They're not personal preference, more like the only pairs that I have tried that worked, that and I liked their supports. I really only have two pairing preferences, Chrom x F!Robin and Lucina x M!Robin. Otherwise everyone else is fair game.

    That and whoever is the quickest to support with who without dying on me...^^'

  18. How about Virion?

    Not that my opinion bears much weight, but I second Virion big time. He gives her the speed and skill she wants, wyvern just like lon'qu, tome faire should you want it, and the sniper line. It really opens up a lot of avenues for her, and let's lon'qu send his speed and Astra to someone who really needs it, like Brady.

    Virion is going to Gerome most likely because I am thinking of keeping said child on his wyvern *looks down gulitily* and Ricken will be tied up with Laurent as well because I want Laurent to have nice mag mods, which he does get from Ricken D: why is making the kids so damn hard!

    Mental list so far of the pairings I have:

    ~F!Robin x Chrom

    ~Lissa x Lon'qu

    ~Sully x Stahl

    ~Miriel x Ricken

    ~Sumia x Frederick

    ~Maribelle x Vaike (blond Brady with some strength as a decent war monk)

    ~Panne x ??? (maybe Donnel?)

    ~Cordelia x ??? (Maybe Gregor if I don't go for Gregor!Nah)

    ~Nowi x Gregor?

    ~Tharja x Henry (their support conversations...gah!)

    ~Olivia x Libra? (hybrid phys/mag Inigo?)

    ~Cherche x Virion (bowbreaker Gerome?)

    Which leaves a definate Gaius and Kellam unmarried, I think...

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