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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Donnel's just on here since a lot of people like the farmer, other people can marry him, & he's not one of those 'i can only talk to the mu of some other special people' person. Like Tiki, Say'ri, & Anna are.

    That's true. For a paralogue character, Donnel has a surprising amount of supports. He can litterally marry all of the marriable mothers except for Sumia because IS thought it would be a bad idea to have a famer marry a woman who "belongs" to Chrom :/ I would love to see what Donnel and Sumia's supports would be like though if they could :D:

  2. Thanks Eclipse :D:

    Now on to Chapter 1 beacuse I have just finished it :D:

    [spoiler=Unwelcome Change]

    So after all the fun and games with the bandits we (by that I mean, Chloey, Chrom, Lissa and Frederick) are all travelling to Ylisstol after killing a few bandits (who would have thought :XD:) so anyway, we're walking along and Lissa is stating her opinion on the matter about bugs and darkness...which leads to yet another funny moment in the game:


    Poor Lissa feeling less than pleased makes a few well placed japes about character building oh and did I neglect to mention the music sets this up nicely? Of course Lissa grumbling with this music is a kind of fun way to have some light hearted moment in the game. Before of course, things start to go horrifically south. However for now we can have a laugh at poor Lissa's expense since she opened herself to it...much like Frederick did before and will do again. Not to mention Chloey, but I digress that is for another part of the playthrough.


    For some reason I got this near perfect shot of Lissa throwing a tantrum, nice work me :XD: I guess that I did have it in me to capture things reasonably well. Of course we find out that for all intents and purposes we miss the entire bear hunting scene D: that would have actually been fun to watch. Really. So we're soon sitting down and eating:


    And now get ready for the most meaningful jape I have. There are two picky eaters amoung the shepherds and they are soon going to be fighting a war with little or no food to eat. I don't know about you, but that screams dangerous.

    After a while everyone is asleep...except for a notable exception:


    Also it looks like half of Lissa's dress is gone :D: I am sure that I am not the only one that thinks it's weird.

    Chrom and Lissa have a talk with one another and we find out that there is something strange going on. Chrom wants to investigate it obviously and Lisssa won't let him go alone. They walk through the forest on a night-time stroll. Of course Lissa and Chrom realise that something is wrong because animals are not present. Then an earthquake quickly happens.


    What follows is a cutscene where Lissa and Chrom are bolting through the forest at a pace that supposedly out runs an earthquake. Then Lissa has her life saved by a young "man" when the weird and quite frankly disgusting risen make their first appearance. However we as an audience don't know this at first. Of course we don't. And I missed a really good screen shot of Lissa's face when Chloey and Frederick arrived D:

    The map begins. Of course I get Chloey to support Chrom this time as Chrom needs the levels and not Chloey. She is too easily leveled up at this stage and Chrom will be joined by two others that will need some EXP. I of course go for the sparkly square:


    And he gets another damn sword. As if he needed it D: Lissa is of course out of reach from the risen with Frederick behind her, so at least she is safe :D: for now. The risen move and sure enough, two new random people come and join the group in a mini cutscene. My map now looks like this:


    Lissa is definately going to be in some trouble. Before I move Chrom for the first attack of the second turn, I go to move Virion, since as we can clearly see I have disabled the slide-guides allowing for pair up before chapter 3. And this is what Virion had to say before I moved him, to my amusement:


    Who says that? Seriously? Am I a Goddess? Last time I checked I wasn't a lady so perhaps Virion is just teasing me here. I don't know. So we move Mr Archer and pair him up with Sully. Only to switch them a little later on to get some of the risen. Dumb idea I know, but it does work. I have Frederick and Lissa head towads another shiny patch without being in range of getting hurt and of course we have Chrom attack that annoying mercenary. We get a dual strike and what's this...


    Chrom you naughty man, +3 stats is not good. But at least his strength is growing in this playthrough. With my MaMu run he stayed at 8 strength until I had him kill most of the map in Chapter 4 (where I was stuck for nearly two years when I first got the game). During the enemy phase Chloey does several dual strikes and this is the best on I managed to get:


    Aww look Chloey is right alongside Chrom as he lands the last blow! I find it hilarious that she was dual striking like that. Still it ups their support points so I am all for it! It's my turn and realising that perhaps there might be a good chance to level Lissa up, I go for the shiny square and this happens:


    I will be marrying Lissa to Lon'qu, so this is bad news. Not what I wanted. *sighs* So now I have to make sure to change whom Lissa is paired up with. I then move Chrom to take out the archer. Chloey fails to kill the archer and Chrom doesn't dual strike...Ugh damn it Chrom, if you dual struck you would have helped Chloey to catch up to you!! Damn it!!

    The leader for some crazy reason likes to go after little tacticians:


    All while Chloey throws some thunder its face :P: afterwards I move Virion to make some damage. I was hoping that Sully would be a nice Cavalier and dual strike. Not even. She doesn't even dual guard either, allowing poor Virion to take some damage. I move Lissa to heal Virion and:


    Why Lissa? Why? Three stats up. Really not good, but Lissa did gain some defense out of it so I can't complain too much. I wait and watch as Lissa becomes a target and make a split choice to have Sully (who has up until that point done nothing) have a go. What happens next astounds me:


    Caught in the act, dearest Virion decides to dual strike. I soon find that I am grinning like an idiot and having already had Chloey kill the annoying Risen archer, I clear the chapter. Without anyone falling. Lissa though was dangerously close. Too close. Once I get some rescues and physics I will certainly be able to get her going. Then I will have to make certain that Lissa gets some training. The best way is to take some of those idiot units that I got from streetpass and use them as pin cushions so I can level Lissa up without hurting my own units. It's worth it for the leveling.

    Now that that is all done, we end the chapter with this:




    So Lissa thanks a young "man" and in "his" words:


    So "Marth" proceeds to tell us that there is something going on that isn't good. No details or anything really. Just that what happened was just a prelude to what is to come. And then "he" walks off:


    Talk turns to going back to Ylisstol and after some time we see...


    I am of course inclinded to agree with Chloey, that is a lot of people and the Exalt:


    Chloey shows some concern about the Exalt being out among the people and we come to a joke at Chloey's (or our) expense when we find out that the Exalt/Ruler of Ylisse happens to be none other than Lissa and Chrom's older sister:






    And then Chloey somehow gets an invitation to meet the Exalt...who Chrom calls "Emm". Now that could be several names but I'll wait and see...


    Not what I was expecting but alright, I'll leave it as is. Of course Frederick being Frederick doesn't trust Chloey (again what else is new). And Chrom looks like he wants to hit the knight with a hammer (I wonder if Frederick realises that one of Chrom's classes allows him to use axes as a viable weapon option. I may have to actually do that when all is said and done, perhaps even getting Chrom to attack an outer realm Frederick just to do that :XD:)

    The chapter ends with Lissa leading us away while Chrom and Emmeryn "hold council". And we're done.

  3. @TheSilentChloey, glad you enjoyed the pun!

    @Roflolxp54, Celica's Gale is my favorite thing ever and I tend to give it to everyone once I start meeting enemies that actually need more than one hit. Well, that, and I like Aversa's Night as well; but Celica's Gale is far more helpful for getting Galeforce activation against really tough enemies (I would never have survived Apotheosis without it, and it makes Rogues and Redeemers 3 easy). Mire is just a huge amount of fun when I have really overpowered characters, like I did in this last chapter.

    @EvilElectro, to answer your questions:

    1. The majority of enemies have either 1-range weapons, or 1-2 range weapons. Archers are perfectly fine on the player phase; but as soon as enemy phase hits they get swarmed and can't counterattack because everything that is able to is going to hit from 1-range. If they're weak, that means they die quickly unless I am absolutely sure I can annihilate everything in the area on player phase (or spam Rescue staffs), and if they're strong enough to avoid any hits, then that still means that I have to have them do almost all their attacking on player phase. Worst case scenario for a strong archer is they get boxed in by enemies and can't get far enough away to actually attack. And, given that I tend to grind by dropping a paired-up character in the middle of a map with a bunch of enemies I know they can beat and mashing End Turn (and picking off the ranged ones during player phase until the character has a high enough weapon level to give 'em a 1-2 range weapon), this means more work for me while grinding. You'll probably notice eventually that I also don't use a lot of sword-exclusive classes for a similar reason, though there's at least more enemies who have 1-range weapons than enemies who are archers. And you can't stop them from attacking by boxing them in.

    As far as Dual Strikes, I usually find that I get enough of those from Chrom and Lucina already, at least for the difficulties I generally play on. And while Chrom usually gets relegated to Avatar Support and the whole Supporting Sniper thing would probably make him even better at that... I like his Great Lord outfit, and if he has an unbreakable sword why not let him use it? As for Lucina, she gets too many great skills and classes from the majority of her parents to relegate her to a support-only unit. I do have to say, though, that if I were to pick a character to be a sniper, it would be a kid with Galeforce, like most Lucinas or Gauis/Donnel Noire. At least that way I could have them attack and move out of range, or attack and then have whoever they're paired up with switch so that they're not in the lead on the enemy phase. And I could probably strategize well enough to make an archer useful through careful positioning so that they're not in the way of anything nasty during enemy phase. On the other hand, why strategize when I can reclass to Sage or Sorcerer, hand 'em a tome and have them hitting back no wonder what comes their way?

    2. If you look at the Logbook League again, you'll notice that every single one has Limit Breaker equipped. I absolutely do have Rogues and Redeemers 3 and I've run through it so many times it's ridiculous. I pretty much only think of units as having four skill slots now because the fifth is always reserved for Limit Breaker.

    *laughs* Yes I saw the pun. I have been working on a few ideas for my current playthrough. Mostly I am trying to get my nits to take minimal damage. I fail though :/ I really am terrible at this game *sighs*

  4. @TheSilentChloey, wow I get rambley when I'm tired, sorry about that. Also, I know that feeling with the teams I meet. I usually just send in a Nosferatank with an S-supporting pair-up, and that's usually more than overkill. I've only met one nearly maxed-out guy, and he didn't have Limit Breaker, so he still didn't get very far. There's often a decent shop or two, so there's that. Sorry about what happened to your current playthrough, that sounds frustrating. Also, about choosing classes: but... but shiny coat is shiny!

    @Roflolxp54, hmm, you've got a point about Infinite Regalia. I guess if I'm just going for the Silver Card I can one-turn it with the Logbook characters without steamrolling through the Counter-wielding annoyances for the actual, er, Regalia. A "real" playthrough with a playlog will still wait on the kids, though. As for Rallybots, I don't use them as often as I could - I usually want everything killing everything rather than spending a turn on rallies - but they are useful in certain situations, so I had Katarina go get all the ones I care about (along with a bunch of other skills) before I updated her in the Logbook. I use staffbots a bit more - especially flying ones - but those are pretty easy to make; I prefer a Dark Flier with Shadowgift on easier difficulties because those are rarer and fun to play around with. Between Mire and the extra movement and Galeforce, NOTHING will escape. Nothing. (Later addition to this note: I have the Silver Card now.)

    @deskita, oops, sorry for not getting the joke. :)

    [spoiler=Ad-MIRE-ation for the Exalt: Chapter 6]


    The chapter opens with Chrom hanging out in the garden and being interrupted by Riza. Since I recently Master Sealed them both, this means that they are both taking their evening stroll in admittedly very nice armor. However nice the armor is, though, I can't imagine it's a comfortable clothing option for relaxing at the end of a long day.

    Exposition ensues regarding why Gangrel the Mad King is mad at Ylisse, specifically. Chrom is debating whether to go take care of the problem via smacking it with a sword, which has so far been his way of dealing with the majority of problems so far, nice guy though he is. Marth now joins the garden party at this point. It is revealed that the hole in the wall behind the maple grove is the rare sort of problem that was actually caused by smacking something with a sword.

    Finally, Marth says something plainly.


    Well, why didn't you say so before? I guess as 'he' says, Chrom wouldn't have believed it, but still. A cutscene ensues now, in which a pair of assassins don't seem to think that attacking the two people in shiny armor and the mysterious person with the giant sword, two of which have weapons drawn, is a bad idea. 'Marth' also loses 'his' mask, to reveal that he is actually a she, because masks hide everything in fiction. And no woman in this universe ever had short hair, obviously. 'Marth' is surprised that Chrom didn't figure this out earlier; that makes two of us.

    Now it's time to prepare for battle. So who are our players today?

    Well, we've of course got Chrom and Riza with their shiny new advanced classes...


    And we are being rejoined by Sorcerer Riza. She now has boots.


    We have three new faces on the field as well. Did you read my long rant in my previous post? No? I really, really wouldn't blame you if you didn't, it's not that relevant to the playthrough and it's LONG. However, if you did, you'd know I have the two DLC characters with Shadowgift. One of these is this cute little face:


    And the other is... probably still cute, but the pain I went through to get her is still fairly fresh so I'm a little bit terrified by association.


    A note: if you ever wake up one day and say, "Hey, I've got maxed-out characters and a little cash, and I really want Katarina, why don't I go try to beat Apotheosis, it can't be that bad on Normal, right?", don't. This is a bad idea. Learn from my mistake and have a team of Rallybots, and Aegis and Pavise, about a million Brave weapons and DON'T. UNDERESTIMATE. APOTHEOSIS. Even if you're playing on Normal.

    Anyway, we've got one more player for this battle. This is an avatar I recruited by beating a Streetpass team. This one was a sniper when I got her, so she has the Hit +20 skill, which isn't actually that bad but never ends up on any of my characters due to my dislike of archers. I ran her through several classes before deciding she'd make a decent Sorcerer. Mainly I just wanted more sorcerers.


    Do you see a pattern with today's Logbook League? Well, let's spell it out for you: All of them have Mire Tomes equipped.

    Mire is one of my favorite ways to troll the enemy AI. A character with a Mire tome can not respond to attacks 1-2 spaces away, and enemies will ALWAYS attack an available enemy who can't attack back, whether or not they actually have a chance of hitting this enemy. (Exception: Tiki paralogue.) On the other hand, a Mire-wielding Galeforce sorcerer can one-turn a small defeat-the-commander map with weaker enemies (though I'm not going to do that with this map, since I'd miss too much). If it had better hit, could be forged, allowed procs to activate and/or allowed doubling, Mire would be one of the scariest tomes in the game. So it's a bit of a double troll, especially in levels this low and stats this high: All the enemies head for the "defenseless" character who's probably the least likely to take damage, and/or you've got a character who can sit 10 squares away and zap everyone from the comfortable safety of the corner of the map.

    If you haven't guessed yet, this battle's theme is Mire tomes.

    Let's begin the battle. Sorcerer Riza, Katarina and Our Riza are on the left-hand side along with Chrom; Micaiah and Lingis are on the right.


    Creepy Gray Guy, who I thought we killed already, is back and still creepy. More awesomely, Gaius has appeared, and is a bit surprised and unhappy to hear that they're supposed to kill Emmeryn.


    I bet calling someone "sweet" is, to him, a compliment of the highest order. Also? I love Gaius. Not just because he's hilarious, but also because he is a kindred spirit. CANDY. SUGAR. GIVE ME IT.

    Ahem, sorry about that.

    Emmeryn wants Chrom to run away and take Lissa, despite the fact that he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself, especially since he remembered to Master Seal before fighting Creepy Gray Guy this time around. Creepy Gray Guy gets more creepy, and Falchion starts acting up. As usual, Marth does not explain.

    Finally, I can actually move. Now, it would be really, REALLY easy to make this a one-turn map; it's a Defeat the Commander map and Galeforce + a Mire tome could take care of that little problem. However, I'd miss out on a few things if I did that, like Gaius and that chest by Emmeryn, along with two sparkly tiles. So we're going not going to do that. What I am going to do is highlight Gaius, and put Chrom supported by Riza just outside his attack range so Gaius doesn't die by throwing himself on Chrom's sword before Chrom can talk to him. Chrom is now within range of an axe-wielding fighter. Somehow, I'm not too worried about Chrom.

    Next, you know what always annoys me about this level? If I let Chrom talk to Gaius, he gets stuck within attack range of a couple pesky Dark Mages who he can't retaliate against. You know what's not going to annoy me this time, thanks to Sorcerer Riza?


    This guy. This guy is not going to annoy me this time. (Don't worry, he's not left with any health; I just didn't grab a screenshot at the right time to show the HP bar entirely drained.)

    I have her take out the other Dark Mage from the safety of a nice corner. Next up, I have Katarina, and there's another fighter at the top of the stairs in the middle of the map and within range of Marth. Since Marth needs a bit of training before she becomes truly useful, I don't really want her attacked. It would probable be better for me to actually move Katarina closer and use the backup Nosferatu tome, so she has the extra movement to go sit on the stairs and block enemies from coming up them. Wait, no. She's a flier with Boots. Extra movement? Who needs extra movement?


    By sitting her at the bottom of the steps, she's within range of a bunch of enemies. Now, the smart thing to do would be to equip Nosferatu and wait for the enemies to throw themselves at her on the enemy phase. However, that would mean another Death Montage, and those are going to wear thin if I use them every single chapter. So instead, she's going to sit there, and I'm going to laugh as the enemies try to attack her and fail repeatedly when any sensible person would realize the futility and go find another way in.

    So instead, I'm going to have her Mire another Dark Mage across from the stairs, because I hate those guys.


    I've got Lingis and Micaiah still left to move on the right-hand side, and at the foot of the right-hand stairs there's a thief (not Gaius) and two fighters. A bit to the left, there's also a Dark Mage. That's four, which is the perfect number because that's how many moves I have between the two of them and Galeforce.

    Lingis crits on one of the fighters for 213 damage and the Dark Mage for 204 damage. Micaiah just takes out her Fighter and Thief with 68 damage a piece. And then it's the enemy phase.

    The fighter approaches Chrom. Chrom uses Smacking It With A Sword. It's super effective.


    Only two enemies were within range of Katarina, which means that I don't have enough screenshots to make a Dodge Montage yet. I'll save a screenshot for later.

    All the enemies move closer except Creepy Gray Guy, and Panne appears. Apparently she was able to slip in with the enemies. On the note of slipping in, I'd really like to know how all those horsemen got in, or if Ylissean security is just that bad. Y'know, Panne is awesome on principle because Giant Killer Bunny, but it'd be nice if she stopped insulting humans, maybe? Please? No? Okay.

    Marth informs Chrom that, despite the fact that the last person who insulted him had absolutely no good intentions, this one is actually on his side. Chrom is a very trusting person when Marth bothers to say things plainly. Well, she did just warn him about the impending attack on himself and his sister.

    Now Gaius is close enough for Chrom to talk to. I laugh at this conversation every single time. The tone in which he says "sugar" cracks me up, not at all because I have had a similar response when cookies are around. He's willing to take candy as payment for working for Chrom now, and gold later...


    Thanks to Sorcerer Riza, there aren't any enemies within range. However, there is a chest in Emmeryn's room, and I now have a thief with Locktouch. I move Gaius as far toward the room as possible and have him wait.

    Next up, Katarina. There's a sparkly tile near her, and I have her go sit on it. I also have her take out a thief near the left-hand stairs. She crits for 216 damage.



    Two cavaliers, a dark mage and a fighter are coming up the lower left-hand stairs, so I have Lingis and Micaiah take care of that little problem. Each one gets a cavalier, and Lingis crits on the fighter for 216 damage (I really want to know how she crits so much, and could she teach Riza please). Apparently Micaiah is learning a lot from fighting alongside her, since Micaiah crits against the dark mage for 195 damage.

    There's a similar set of enemies coming up the lower right-hand stairs as well; and since dark mages have annoyed me so much in the past, I let Katarina take the guy out.

    Sorcerer Riza is the only one left. I move her around to the right-side stairs and have her deal with the two cavaliers. I guess Lingis got the teach-Riza-crits message.


    She takes out the other cavalier as well. Only Panne is left, and Emmeryn looks a little lonely. Besides, there's a sparkly tile in Emmeryn's room. I have Panne wait on it. I get a glass bow. Wonderful.

    Now it's the enemy phase, and I finally get enough screenshots for a Katarina Dodge Montage. It's a little tricky because of the whole flier business, but think I managed well enough. I did have to use the "pause" button to avoid cutting off her heads, which means that I didn't get the "miss" text; trust me that every single one of these guys missed.





    And, as a bonus from the last enemy phase:


    I think the thieves mistook "Dodge Montage" for "Dance Montage".

    The last fighter walks up the lower right-hand stairs, and then it's my turn again.

    I move Gaius to Emmeryn's room and have him wait next to Panne. He doesn't have enough movement to get the chest yet, but he will next turn. I want Riza to be the one to confront Creepy Gray Guy, so I move Chrom as far down the right-hand stairs as possible and switch him out with Riza. I have Lingis take out the two fighters from the Dodge Montage. Micaiah gets the two thieves. She crits on the last one for 204 damage. I decide to let Katarina have the final fighter, and she crits for 213 damage.

    Now, there aren't really any more minions to take out, so there's nothing for any of the Logbook League to do. I end my turn early. Validar doesn't do anything on the next turn, so it's my turn again.

    I send Gaius to go open the chest. He gets a Secret Book. It would be far more hilarious if he got Gaius's Confect.

    Our Riza supported by Chrom moves toward Creepy and waits. I end my turn. He finally moves toward Riza on the enemy phase, which means that she can now attack him on my turn.


    Riza doesn't respond, likely because who'd want to admit to recognizing that face, and a dual strike from her and Chrom takes him out nicely. Validar says that this is all wrong. I would like to disagree. "How could... you have known the plan..." he asks. Er... because some mysterious stranger brought us a message in the nick of time? Y'know, like it happens in all the stories. Not very genre-savvy, are you, Mr. Creepy?

    Riza goes from 0 XP to gaining a level, because she has Veteran and Paragon equipped and this is a boss. Given that her stats are changing between every chapter now, I'm not going to keep doing the screenshots-of-points thing because it would be pointless. Pun intended.

    I get a Heal, which is a very ironic thing for a guy that looks like he has skin problems to be carrying, and that's the end of the stage.


    Emmeryn thanks Chrom, Phila apologizes for the poor security but doesn't explain it, and Marth tries her walking-away-without-explaining-anything trick. This time, Chrom catches her and thanks her, which gets a surprisingly pretty smile out of her. She also seems to be more interested in actually explaining things that she knows about some sort of averted future, which would have been nice while trying to avert said future, but hey, everything seems to have worked out.

    Next we have a rather stand-offish Panne, and she explains why her names for humans seem to be primarily derogatory: apparently humans killed her people. Emmeryn demonstrates that kind words and a ton of empathy actually work in the case of our very angry bunny friend, and she decides to stick around.

    Our Gray Guy has finally found a world with a similar color theme to himself to hang out in, but still doesn't seem particularly happy for some reason. Oh right, because he wasn't finished being evil. He is joined by someone who appears to be in need of pants, who claims to be Grima. I don't care if this is Grima, pants are still needed.

    Chrom and Co. try to get Emmeryn to relocate to a safer spot, she agrees and the chapter ends. An Anna shows up on the map afterward, bringing good things.


    I might have to actually start grinding some characters besides Chrom and Riza soon, if Anna keeps being this awesome.

    Well worth the fun and games my dear. Love the pun for the spoiler tag :D:

  5. True, but I'd rather read a story where Hubba is a seer because it advances the plot then one where he's a fortune-teller because canon says so. Research is fine and dandy but it can't make a good story alone.

    That is true. However it is the skill of the writer to bring out the story.

  6. Hey, nice playthrough!

    As for Miiverse: that's what I use for all my screenshots. It takes a little bit of extra time, but it's worth it in my opinion. Steps are below:

    1) Make sure your system is up-to-date and connected to the internet.

    2) While you're on the home screen, look at the top bar with all the little symbols. See those little green people to the far right? That's the Miiverse button. Open Miiverse and make sure you're signed in with your Nintendo ID. If you don't have a Nintendo ID, then let it walk you through getting one, and then sign in.

    3) Start playing your game. When you get to the point you want to screenshot, hit the Home button. This will pause the game for you.

    4) With the game still open, start Miiverse. Wait an eternity while it loads. Once it loads, on the touchscreen it will show you screenshots of both screens for the game you are playing; tap whichever one you want to save and hit "Save to Screenshot Album". If you want the other screenshot as well (or picked the wrong screenshot), then afterward you can hit the option in the lower left corner after the next screen appears, which will take you back to the screenshot page.

    5) Tap "Resume Game" when you're ready.

    6) To actually get your screenshot: Go to miiverse.nintendo.net on a computer and sign in with the same Nintendo ID. Find the option on the page to go to your Screenshot album. Click on any screenshot in your album to get the full picture, then right-click the picture and "save image as" to any folder on your computer.

    7) Fnd a free image hosting website on the internet - I use imgur.com - and upload the picture. You can use the BBCode link they provide for the least amount of work; just copy that and paste it wherever you want a picture in your forum post.

    You are a lifesaver!! :D: I mean it!! Thank you so much! :D:

    [spoiler=Verge of History]Since I now have the ability to post pictures I can show you the fun as well as a few words in between. I think that we will all have some fun now!! :D:

    So after the opening cutscene we get this:


    How nice, it looks like the guy who might be called Chrom is helping Chloey to her feet. That is very nice of him. Of course it looks like Lissa is leering at Chloey so I am not sure what to expect. Certain not what happnes next.

    Chrom asks if Chloey is alright and she responds naturally enough:


    Now let's cap off what we know so far because that is going to be important. Chloey knows who Chrom is and it seems that Chrom doesn't know who she is. I smell trouble. Really I do. The trouble comes when Chrom asks for Chloey's name...and if you guessed amnesia you were spot on:


    so after some awkward talk trying to assertain who Chloey is, it is decided that they will travel to the nearest town to sort the matter out. Which leads us to one of the many jokes that I will be pulling for this chapter of the game,


    Oh boy, watch it Chloey or you'll be in trouble!! We all know that acting like that will end in disaster for you dear. There is no telling what will happen now, quick better act as cautious as you can forgetting that Chrom was the guy that had helped you out!! Seriously why even?


    Stupid question alert!! Especially since you are both armed, and unbound I might add. Better than being unarmed and bound girl. Use your eyes!! D:


    Thanks Chrom, she needed to know that. Now that's out of the way, we listen to Frederick the Wary state out right that he doesn't trust Chloey (so not surprised). Then we find out where we are...Ylisse. Of course we haven't heard of the place before, so confusion is a natural reaction to have. To be told that Chloey is an actress is a little insulting. Come on Frederick, you really are going over board. Of course we also get introductions and Chrom tells us that Lissa is...delicate...


    Lissa throws a tantrum by stomping her feet and carrying on. A shame we can't capture the entire sequence as a movie. It would be a highlight if there were any :D:

    So anyway after much fun and games we quickly get interrupted by Lissa who yelles that there is a town on fire. Most likely the town that we were going to of all places. So now there is a fight to be had. At least that is what I am assuming since this is an RPG... and we have Chloey bolting after the shepherds (run Chloey, run Chloey, run, run, run):


    We get to the town and sure enough, bandits are there making a nuisance of themselves as they always seem to do. It would be nice if they weren't so annoying all of the time :/


    The usual scream of "help" and we have to help as best we can...


    Pretty obvious there Lissa, after all the bandits are causing trouble and all of that. Chrom has the right idea about dealing with bandits. Although how exactly? I mean I know that he's got a sword and...oh wait, that is what it means. Chrom and the others are going to fight the bandits. Wow I am so daft sometimes.

    Of course Chloey seemed to know that all along because she turns up just before the battle is started.


    Don't be so surprised Chrom. She is practically hiding things under that coat of hers that you wouldn't even begin to know about. She has a tome and a sword. Not sure what else she needs, but I am pretty certain that she knows that she can help you. Which of course leads to my second joke:


    Should check huh? That sounds like a dangerous policy right there Chloey, didn't you check before you ended up in trouble like this? Well I guess that is when Chrom says that he'll be standing back when she attacks. However being an amnesiac in the middle of a battle is not a good thing. Chloey what were you thinking you crazy, crazy woman? Obviously she thought that she could help and help she does:


    With stats like that though, she needs some work, but at least she isn't totally helpless. Chrom migh have better str but as we will see Chloey beats his def handily when she gets to grow out.

    Now where were we? Oh right, we're up to the part where we kill some bandits. So anyway I have Chrom support Chloey (I don't know why, but I know I should have put Chrom first) and go for the myrmidon towards the left hand side of the map. And I see something that is weird:


    Chloey does equal damge, but one is more likely to miss than the other...hmm. Knowing my luck I'll miss so I go for the sword. Hilarity follows with a dead myrmidon and a dead barbarian:


    {He missed by a mile and got dual stuck by Chloey while Chrom gave her moral support}



    {The myrmidon was an idiot and attacked Chloey with his already dangerously low heath. She showed no mercy!}

    Talk about a messy attack too. Chloey levels up after dealing single handedly with two bandits. You go girl! Show those boys who's boss!


    Now that her magic is level with her strength, she may actually do more magic damage O.O oh boy am I looking forward to that!! So realising that Chrom needed some EXP, I put him in front to face off with the wind carrying mage that was in range.


    Chrom takes some damage but is quick to take his revenge. Lissa is bought up to heal and we wait. The next myrmidon comes right on over and Chrom kills him easily (no damage to boot thanks to Chloey beefing his defense) then it's our turn again and Lissa goes for the shiny square. What's this EXP? Le gasp that sounds like a good idea! We wait a few seconds and I start from here:


    Now we close in on the boss. Lissa goes to another shiny square and gets...more EXP ha what luck I have and Fredibear was with her too! I make a slightly silly mistake resulting in Chrom taking a whoping 4 damage during the enemy's turn. Oppsie D: we swiftly fix that by moving Chrom into range and:


    Chrom takes another 4 damage and I know that he needs help considering this was during the enemy's turn. All hail healer Lissa! She comes in and heals Chrom and oh my god, I do not believe my eyes as holy crap Lissa gains a level!


    Hmm, it looks like our Lissa has a few tricks up her sleeve. Given our luck so far I'd say if we kep these growths we will have some fun. We haven't even taken on the boss by this stage. I have Chrom finish what he started and lo and behold another level up:


    Chrom says he feels a "huge" difference. Nice. Chloey and Chrom save the day. Clearly Chloey is not as helpless as they expected. Of course Frederick is even more concerned than before has to be annoying about the entire incident. Although it would have been prudent to simply thank the stranger that helps you..common courtesy says that you should at the very least thank the person for their help and not be an ass about it. I think that Frederick was asking for the joke we see later on and I simply have to share said joke at the poor knight's expence :D::








    And I get one of my first laughs of the game. More to come of course once we get on to it.

  7. Happy Birthday Henry!! (I may be a little early, but hey, I don't care it is the 13th where I am!)

    First and formost it was surprising to see what you have got this time for your birthday, and I would say that you are one of my favourites who I would have married if I wasn't so rigdedly marrying Chrom every FeMu playthrough. I would like to thank you for your cirital hits and funny quotes and making me laugh with your jokes and laughter. Thank you Henry for being my most lucky unit despite being born on an unlucky day.

  8. Well I posted the thread because I was not sure. I did know that he mentioned stuff like that in the DLC. I am working on writing a story and wanted to be sure of what he really is before I went on and made him what he isn't. It is sort of confusing after what he said to Chrom, that he had foreseen stuff, but I will just stick with making him a sage and fortune teller, even though fortune tellers can see into the future. Dang it, why is this so difficult?

    It is always fun to write a story, but given that we have minor help from the games, I would suggest following the other's advice and checking the wiki :D: that could be helpful. I have found it helpful on numerous occasions. As a writer one must research as best they can for stories :D:

  9. It's a shame that your old file was deleted D: but it's cool that you're posting a playthrough! I'm gonna look forward to seeing how it goes.

    I know you said don't ask for pictures, but if you wanted to add them you could always use Miiverse to get them.

    Also about your goal, what happens if a unit dies?

    I'm gonna take a guess and say that you're gonna marry Chrom :P

    Btw maybe you should change the title of your topic? Since you can't really tell by looking at the title that it's a playthrough

    I didn't thinik that I could use Miiverse to get pictures. Even if I could do something like that, I doubt that I have the know how to do so D:


    Also if a unit dies it simply means that I am not able to go to classic mode. Stuck on the lowest level of the game. In the worst case. I have already tried a "deathless" go on my MaMu file and failed miserably, so this will be a challenge in a way.

    Still haven't decided what forum to put this log in. . .but I will second the topic title change. Maybe I'll have a better answer tomorrow.

    The thing is, I don't even know what to put for a title D: I am at a hopeless loss.

  10. Well it looks like I did a stupid thing and deleted my current playthrough (I was up to chapter 21 D:) so I figured that with all the fun and games of trying to start again, I would rather happily share this run with everyone. Sadly I don't have a lot of pictures, so I am afraid that I will have to bore you all with walls of text. If of course you are interested in seeing me scrape through Normal/Casual mode to improve my game playing ability.

    [spoiler=Meet the game Avatar]Alrighty then, since I am going to attempt to do this properly, I will introduce you all to my avatar for this playthrough, Chloey (*cough*who will become OP really quickly if I have my way*cough*):
    Don't ask for more pictures because seriously this is all I have. So if you want your own "Chloey", here is the details and build that you will need. Of course you can do whatever you like but if you want the closest you will need to follow the build below:
    Build: 02
    Face: 04
    Hair: 02
    Hair Colour: 17
    Voice: Female 1
    Birthday: Err totally obvious :/ Oct 19th
    Asset: Def (To cover Chrom's lack there of defense caps for Lucina so that she gets a whopping +4 def and +2 res)
    Flaw: Luck (Although if you want my first ever playthrough OG Chloey Magic is the flaw here :P:)

    So now that we have the details all said and done now to the actual fun! D: What have I gotten myself into?! Heh, I hope you all know that I jest and the japes are going to flow as best as I can make them work :P:

    [spoiler=The Goal]So I know that a lot of people do challenge runs on Hard Mode, but I wanted to do something different. The plain and simple goal here is to go without any units falling, whether due to them not being strong enough to take hits or getting into enemies that will lead to their deaths. Not an easy goal I can tell you! Help is going to be much appreciated.


    Also this goal is so that I can go to casual without feeling guilty about my tactics not working. Seriously. I have never cleared the game on normal/casual without losing units. If I do this right then we might see a normal classic run in the future.

    Ok, now that is all out of the way onto the playthrough itself...

    [spoiler=Premonition/Tutorial Chapter...:XD:]We open to the all important battle cutscene. Why is this important you ask? Well I guess it gives us three of the game's characters duking it out in a fight, although why they are fighting is initially unclear.

    We leave the cutscene to two characters standing together on what looks like the corner of the map...Oh boy this does not look good to me. Chrom is the first to start speaking. Is it really the final battle already? Also why are we fighting? Can someone please clarify why. Oh right, it seems that we are rebelling against some "Destiny". Oh ok well that makes some sense now...er not :/ also why do we have to kill someone? Chrom?

    Slide guides appear and oh, we need to move closer to the guy in the middle of the map? Ok Chrom whatever you say. The thing I find I don't like is the creepy music. Since I am past the tutorial and can pass it on any difficulty, I should be fine here and not lose the two characters. Firstly though I will have to switch off the slide guides. That done I change the interface to show stats and low and behold I can now see Chrom's stats in their full glory. Looking at the map I can't see the rest of the shepherds so I am assuming that they are all dead and Lucina and the others are in Ylisse or that there will be someone who gives her the falchion. I hover over mr Sorcerer and find out that his name is Validar. He has an attack of 34. Great. Chrom has 14 res. This is not going to end well unless...Oh right Chloey's 17 res should be useful, but we'll see. Pairing Chrom up with Chloey ort to do the trick. Chrom gives Chloey the following bonuses:

    +2 Str

    +0 Mag

    +1 Skill

    +4 Spd

    +4 Lck

    +2 Def

    +1 Res

    and lastsly +0 Mov.

    I switch Chloey with Chrom and Chloey gives Chrom an astounding

    +2 Str

    +2 Mag

    +3 Skill

    +3 Speed

    +1 Lck

    +1 Def

    +1 res

    and +0 Move (who is giving the most in this pair up? Chloey obviously. No wonder she turns into Grima with those sort of bonuses being ignored by Chrom :P: A jest that I might just have fun with comparing later with their support bonuses that we get later in the game :D:)

    With is in mind, Validar will now do 19 damage? I am not sure. Chloey however allows Chrom a dual strike so I might as well use it!

    Validar says that we are fools trying to fight destiny and Chrom attacks and kills Validar taking a total of 19 damage. Too bad that Chrom didn't Crit Validar. That would have been fun to watch. Plus the idea of Chrom 1 shotting ol' Val seems like a good idea! Not bad for the tutorial run, but there wasn't a lot that I could do.

    We end with the most infamous cutscene and now we're onto chapter 1. Ugh I am so not looking forward to the fun that is to be had when we get to Invisible Ties D: really I am not. I do not want to see myself "killing" Chrom. really I don't.

    ETA:Due to some very helpful advice we now have pictures :XD: I am so going to have fun now!!

  11. Yeah, you've got two different things, Streetpass and Spotpass. They're found in the same menu in Awakening, but they're not as related as you'd think, given the names.

    Streetpass is a method of connecting to other people with 3DS's who you pass in your everyday life; so definitely in your region, and usually within 100 feet/30 meters of you. In Awakening specifically, you have Streetpassed someone when a random team pops up on your map without being summoned. You can buy things from them, fight them or recruit their avatar with in-game gold; if you fight them, you can also get their avatar for free, as well as Renown. This is the best way to know if someone has seen you - if you've seen them. It can be pretty hard to find anybody in certain areas. The only reason I get any Streetpasses is because I take my 3DS to college with me, and most days I'll find at least one or two teams on my map when I check on it. Most other places, I never see anything happen. If you ever see a team of limit-broken maxed-out kids with Counter and Lethality, including a Manakete Morgan and led by a guy with a Bolganone tome named Mustang, you've probably found me via Streetpass.

    Spotpass is how Nintendo sends out free downloadable content for games. With Awakening you get a ton of cool stuff - it's all the things in the Bonus Box. Y'know, the bonus items and maps and teams. Those end-of-game paralogues? Those weren't originally part of the game; those are only accessed by downloading them through Spotpass. One of the nicer features for people trying to break the game (like me) are the Spotpass teams, though. As long as in-game gold is easily accessible (*coughGoldenGaffecough*), mostly anything that isn't legendary can be found in those teams - from Brave weapons to Mire and Nosferatu tomes, to Tomahawks and Hammers, to Javelins and Spears, to Dragonstone+ and Beaststone+, and of course my favorite weapon in any case where one hit isn't enough, Celica's Gale. Unfortunately, Master and Second Seals aren't available (or, for that matter, Rescue staves or Aversa's Night), or you'd see my early-game characters maxed out and raining death upon everything instead of the Riza Army. You get these by going into the menu < Wireless < Bonus Box < Bonus Teams and summon a team from whichever former Fire Emblem game you want. They'll appear on your map similarly to a Streetpass team with pretty much the same options, but they won't appear randomly; they'll only appear because you summoned them. Fighting these also gives you Renown, making them a good way to grind it. You can summon them as many times as you want, as often as you want. The characters you can recruit from these teams (either by fighting them or using in-game gold to recruit the avatar) are often pretty cool, too. They all have access to every class and skill that an Avatar of their gender would have, including the Tactician and Grandmaster classes. About half the time, they'll also come with some sort of skill that a similar Avatar couldn't learn; this is also true for DLC characters. So you can get guys with Galeforce, and there's a number of folks with Charm, or Aether, or Rightful King; and you can also get another version of Tiki from Spotpass, which means you've got access to an extra manakete, and one that can learn any skill from any class available to females. There's even a special class for the Marths called Lodestar, and they can wield Parallel Falchion and Rapiers like Lord classes. Is this a bit overpowered? Maybe, but none of the Spotpass characters can support with your characters, which means that any pair-up bonuses for C-level support or higher must be induced via the Dual+ skills, one of which is only available to females and another of which is only available to Lords (or a limited number of Spotpass/DLC characters), and in order to get more than the tiniest bit of a support bonus you're wasting skill slots. Plus, they aren't voiced and don't have much personality. So they're mostly just good for game-breaking in the early stages or in Normal mode, when you don't have any really powerful enemies to worry about.

    And since I keep bringing it up - DLC is the paid stuff found in the Outrealm, and about 80% of the time you can recruit characters from finishing DLC maps. These characters are sometimes better or worse than Spotpass counterparts - they usually come with different exclusive skill sets - and sometimes they don't have Spotpass counterparts. Fun fact: DLC is the only way to get characters with Shadowgift on your team before the endgame. One of those characters is from Champions of Yore 3, which is a nice easy map that caused my (admittedly maxed-out kids) not a single problem. Her name is Micaiah and she comes along with the skill All Stats +2. The other character is Katarina. She can only be recruited by beating Apotheosis. Yes, that's right - the infamous insanely difficult DLC that everybody talks about in hushed tones.

    I have both Shadowgift characters.

    I am never playing Apotheosis again.

    I...I see ^^' I guess then that there are people in my area then that play FEA that I have no idea about (and numerous people). Suffice to say I don't see or meet a lot of people and their teams are so weak that I would have my weakest units take 'em out in a few turns with a bit of prodding. I had to restart the game again because I deleted my current play through by accident :/

  12. Alright, now I'm actually at a computer and can answer people properly.

    @Radiant head, yeah, I thought that about the Exalt too... but the Rizas can go on a roaring rampage of revenge, at least.

    @Mackc2, I approve. I approve very much.

    @shujinkou, I might do some DLCs, but it will probably be at least after I have maxed-out kids to send in (at least for the harder ones). Infinite Regalia is annoying because of all those deadlords with Counter, so I like having A/S supports for dual strikes/better hit to ensure they're properly dead before they can go kamikaze on me. It's best done with Galeforce pair-ups - two Galeforce users paired together - so I'd at least get Morgan or Lucina and grind them a bit before I'd send Riza in. The actual Riza from this playthrough, I mean.

    @deskita, why is Veteran the broken skill? The real broken skill is Paragon (2 times the XP, from Lost Bloodlines 3). Or, for REAL breakage, Paragon + Veteran = 3 times the XP = your level 1 Tactician is a level 20 Grandmaster in 7 minutes flat. There's a reason I'm not afraid of grinding stats and skills for this playthrough (at least once I get access to unlimited seals); it's because it doesn't take as much time as you'd think. Except for Chrom's resistance stat. That takes an eternity. And don't even think of trying to get magic growth out of him. 'Course, if you're trying to get Chrom to use magic, might as well get fish to learn the fine art of tree-climbing while you're at it.

    @TheSilentChloey, if you think maxed-out Riza is a holy terror, just wait till you meet her kids.

    So I now have boots on all the logbook characters, and I've run through Golden Gaffe enough times to recruit all of them again. However, I've realized that I want a better selection of logbook characters to choose from in order to keep things interesting, and I've been maxing out a few DLC/Spotpass characters who I think will be fun. I mean, the Riza Army is fun, but I can't rely on them to keep things interesting for half the game, and I'm going to be benching most of the regular characters until unlimited seals are a thing with very selective grinding for a few. In the meantime... I think I can manage enough shenanigans to keep things from getting too repetitive, but it'll require a bit of work.

    Oh I think that our Lucina would make a good run though :D: and Morgan too! :XD: Still I wonder how spot pass works. Do you actually get players from other regions or your own? I ask this because I highly doubt that anyone has seen my girl yet, let alone my M!MU when I get to that playthrough! I think that I will have to have some fun playing around with stat-maxing later. :D:

  13. Yo. If you're going to get on people's cases for not reading your directions, it's a good idea to read other people's directions yourself.

    :/ Hey get off my case. I saw what was said and suggested what I would do if I wasn't limited towards needing a sibling set for F!Morgan. However I am not going to make a fuss. This is entirely up to the OP at the end of the day.

    If I were doing a multiset I think I would have to suggest Lissa or Sumia :D:. More than likely Sumia because their support conversations are actually very sweet :D:

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