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Posts posted by InsaneNoire

  1. It was a very good concept that slowly disintegrated. I feel that a lot of modern day feminists' arguments are based purely on emotion rather than logic, i.e. the fear mongering approach to men. Also, some have attacked other women for not agreeing with their views and saying these women "hate themselves". The hive mind approach that all women need to agree with the opinions of modern day feminists is very toxic. It's as if women aren't allowed to have their own opinions and beliefs. And you can throw the dictionary definition around all you want. That doesn't justify today's actions.

  2. It's absolutely disgusting that people are celebrating this. It's unjust that those two black men were killed in that way, but how is this gonna fix anything?? I've always had issues with BLM because of this. I used to think they had good intentions deep down, but now I'm not so sure.

  3. Conquest's story overall was pretty bad, mainly because of Corrin's poor judgement, but the gameplay was sooooo good. Birthright is piss poor easy in terms of gameplay up into chapter 24? I think, but the story is a little better. You should play both paths before Revelations, since Revelations is the "true" ending. However, I will say the endings of each game are pretty unsatisfying.

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