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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Thanks. I guess it is an open interpretation at this stage. My personal opinion would be a bit of moral implications, a bit of because Byleth would be enough, and also not wanting to rely on TWISTD as much.
  2. Referring to your other analysis: Well there we go. I've still yet to play the other alternate histories, so that'll be something new. I think I know the reason why she would use the Demonic Beasts. (Are those TWISTD's?) As for CF, would it be because that she's already have Byleth and felt that the Beasts could be deployed elsewhere amongst the Imperial Troops?
  3. Is there a difference between hard military numbers of the Kingdom vs Empire? While a Doylist ideal might call for more chapters and drama in between, I think the Watsonian argument was that for all intents and purposes, the numbers were there, the training of the troops were there etc. At least the fridge brilliance entry in TV tropes make that argument for the smaller number of chapters.
  4. 1. Binding Blade - twice on normal 2. Sacred Stones - once on normal 3. Awakening - completed once on normal, once on hard, aborted on lunatic 4. Shadow Dragon - completed on normal and hard 1 5. Fates Conquest - once on normal 6. Three Houses - Currently on Chapter 14 of CF, first run
  5. I was actually drafting out a possible fanfic story for Crimson Flower with elements of Verdant Wind added once I experience all four routes. The above comment gives me an idea on how I might write a less bloody invasion into the Alliance, leading into Claude or Lorenz joining forces with Edelgard... Good question. It could paradoxically be due to Rhea's actions taken immediately after Chapter 12. Here's a possible scenario: In CF, Rhea decided to bail out, seeing her own base hopelessly overrun. This turned out to be the right choice for her, because she snuck out before Imperial Troops started occupying the Monastery proper. As for the troops themselves, they either couldn't capture her as she had already evacuated, and/or didn't bother doing so as this wasn't their primary objective...yet. And the presence of Rhea in CF boosted morale in the Kingdom and the populace and the territories were either happy to make her de facto leader, or were too intimidated to oppose her - maybe with the exception of the western territories. The Imperial Army, on the other hand became more cautious about engaging with the Kingdom in a fight. As for the other routes, she probably decided to stay put at Garreg Mach as she felt she had no reason to flee, seeing that Byleth's group successfully repelled the Imperial invasion. Except she was wrong there, as she was somehow captured - maybe Imperial Troops snucked into the Monastery grounds and ambushed her as their last desperation attempt? (Which may also mean that as they failed to take over Garreg Mach, they decided to settle with capturing Rhea.) Her absence ruined what little morale or faith people had left in their society and led to the Kingdom into further disarray, and this must have emboldened the Empire to do their early incursions.
  6. I thought Claude couldn't wipe Edie off because of the disarray with the Alliance teamwork, unless if there's something I've yet to see in further chapters or other routes that supports your claim. It implies so in some of the conversations in December 28 right before Chapter 13 where some if the Lords turned pro-Empire, and them only prevented in joining due to Claude making the Lords turn on each other to feign neutrality. I mean, if your claim is true, then the war/game would have been long over by the time Byleth woke up.
  7. A couple of partial headcanons mixing with actual canon for my current playthrough of Crimson Flower: Edelgard being ultimately more successful here than in other routes is more due to her regaining trust with other people, being more strategic with her ruthless behaviour, and having a better shot at distancing away from TWISTD. While she made better progress at the start of other routes, she ended up losing support due to her cold-heartedness overriding long-term political wisdom. Here, however, Edelgard was more cautious, and while she saw less progress in annexation at the start, the few places she managed to annex provided their full support, and other areas also became enamoured with the more favorable conditions in the Empire. Edelgard losing some of her cold-heartedness when Byleth teams up with her is pretty much canon. In more detail, after Byleth took over the Black Eagles class, Byleth encouraged Edelgard and others to reach out to each other (hence Byleth's teacher log including notes of relationships between others - which in the games manifests as the Support level progress page). This could have been easily reversed, however at the end of Chapter 11, if Byleth sides with the church. Which is implied canon, I think. But even if Byleth sides with Edelgard, stating that Byleth would have some stern words for her head student would be an understatement. This was one case where Edelgard and Byleth's friendship could have gone all wrong, but Byleth, being unnerved by Rhea's behaviour prior, and reading Daddy Jeralt's diary which describes implications of Rhea's underhandedness (and the coverup of the Gautier incident) decides that at least Edelgard isn't as creepy. While some of their classmates were initially hesitant about joining the invasion during March 1181 (the weeks leading up to Chapter 12) and sometimes even a few years after that, they ended up being swayed, both by Edelgard's propaganda, her more sensitive and in-touch attitude towards commoners, and by other classmates who knew her better. Lysithea was already disaffected by the church due to her trauma from crests being unaddressed. Sylvain also had hardships from his crests thanks to the people around him, and especially Miklain, and he was generally disaffected by the political instability in Faerghus. His family disowned Sylvain after his defection, however. Annette was swayed by her uncle to continue supporting Edelgard, as he himself decided to do so after being fed up with the political instability with Faerghus. After Annette's return to Dominic Province, she pleaded to her uncle to take Mercedes in for a while. Baron Dominic appointed Mercedes as one of the surgeons for his troops. In 1185, Mercedes was headhunted by Edelgard to rejoin the Black Eagles as Manuela's assistant. While Mercedes still believed in the Goddess, she was also disaffected by the church's complicity with crests when it brought her nothing but hardship. Her and Manuela's disaffection became part of what was to become the Protestant movement in Fodlan in the years after the Great War of 1185. Manuela always had a soft spot for the Embarr as it was somewhat less stratified than other places in Fodlan. It also helped that she was appointed as the general surgeon for the Black Eagles right after Chapter 11, and eventually for the whole army by 1185, one of the first commoners to be appointed to the position in generations. This also served to be the benchmark of how to introduce commoners to high government positions: starting small, and working the way up. While Hanneman was more hesitant in supporting the Empire, he couldn't really cut ties with the place and family he grew up with. It also helped that he started to see the negative effects of Crests on people and is now researching Crests more for the effects on people and society, and started to agree more with Edelgard's anti-Crest stance. While Ignaz was not too enthusiastic about supporting the Empire initially, he kept in touch with other units he had a support conversation with, such as Petra, Shamir, Lysithea, or Mercedes. Seeing that they are doing well under their new master made him decide that working for the Empire might be better than with the Alliance in disarray. Leonie initially stayed with the Black Eagles for Chapter 12, but after Byleth became MIA, Leonie left for a while. She undergoes similar revelations as Ignaz when she corresponds with Bernadetta and Alois. As for why she doesn't seem to make apparent progress during the five year timeskip, this was due to a combination of factors: Edelgard's insisted in stabilising the domestic situation, and the territories on former Western Faerghus. This meant: stimulating the economy on both so that she could indirectly raise more revenue. cleaning up the other nobles - both through Edelgard siding with the commoners, and pitting Edelgard's political enemies against TWISTD - to remove political corruption and recover more of the appropriated taxes She also decided that she needed to cultivate relationships beyond the other high-rank nobles within her government and with TWISTD and consolidate her authority. Through the empowered commoners, Edelgard's friends made at school (possibly canon), and her indirect friends through Byleth and others (optionally canon), she managed to keep TWISTD at bay - they had to compete with a lot more factions for support, and they been losing political sway ever since. Edie also persuaded her ministers (particularly the entire Bergliez family, and Count Hevring) to gradually disengage with TWISTD, only engaging with them as a last option. As they had no idea about the Empire's financial situation, they didn't realise that they've been gradually outfunded by other factions. Lord Arundel caught wind of it sometime between Chapter 15 and 16, but by that time, it was too late. As Edelgard's cause gained popularity and as she also granted amnesty for defecting, TWISTD even lost some of their rank-and-file members. The Arianrhod Incident immediately after Chapter 16 turned out to be their last desperation attempt in intimidating Edelgard. In the short-term, they managed to put a dent into Edelgard's war effort. They were doomed in the long-term, however, as the launching of the Javelin gave away their location, allowing Edelgard and her force to reform their Strike Force to incorporate previously unrecruited survivors from the other Houses, and to clean the proverbial house several months after CF's ending. While she managed to win Garreg Mach during Chapter 12, the loss was high enough to dissuade her to fund further campaigns in the immediate future. Furthermore, Rhea decided to bail out, seeing her own base hopelessly overrun. This turned out to be the right choice for Rhea in the short term, because she snuck out before Imperial Troops started occupying the Monastery proper. As for the troops themselves, they either couldn't capture her as she had already evacuated, and/or didn't bother doing so as this wasn't their primary objective...yet. And the presence of Rhea in CF boosted morale in the Kingdom and the populace and the territories were either happy to make her de facto leader, or were too intimidated to oppose her - maybe with the exception of the western territories. In the short-term, this was a setback for the Empire, and they became more cautious about engaging with the Kingdom in a fight. Instead Edelgard and Ferdinand started proxy wars and orchestrated rebellions across Western Faerghus and part of Leicester through possible recruits such as Baron Dominic and Annette for the former and Count Gloucester and Lorenz for the latter. The former was quite successful (if you recruited Annette - as I have done), the latter less so. It was enough to distract both Faerghus and Leicester for a while, however.
  8. 1950-60s Looney Tunes, particularly Bugs Bunny vs Yosemite Sam, and Wile E Coyote vs Road Runner, anyone?
  9. Roy: A missed opportunity that needs to be rectified with skills and rallies similar to Fates/Three Houses, unlimited supports (as a leader examining his troops, and being the Big Brother to his soldiers), and leadership stars. Basically he should have been in a game that allows wider support utility.
  10. I've already written this in numerous occasions before, so I'll just quote them here: Also see: My reddit posts: Here and here
  11. I'm playing Three Houses, I'm in my first run, I haven't even reached halfway, and I already have 80 hours! This and Tokyo Mirage Sessions are the only ones that have 80+ hours of gameplay. All others are in the 40-50 hours at most. Outside of Fire Emblem, my Pokemon Black 2 is over 200 hours, then Black 1 and Y at 150 hours, then Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden at 120-30 hours each.
  12. +1 to that. I mean, I've played Link's Awakening as my first Zelda experience, and while I enjoyed it, I actually beyond not being fussed about this particular remake being faithful. In fact, I actually don't see the point in getting the new remake when the story and characters weren't "modernised" or made more elaborate with rounded-out characters or an expanded lore like the most of recent Zelda games. Especially not when the remakes cost $60. There's already the VC version anyway. As for Genealogy of the Holy War, I have a slightly different opinion. I don't want something too faithful, because you might as well just ask Nintendo to have it released on the VC, but I do want some acknowledgement of the unique mechanics, now that I know better about the some of the design decisions and basic narrative behind the game. I now know that army groups historically had to look after their own equipment, and win their own loot, so I'd like the individualized inventory to stay, but with a couple of modifications. I'd like purchasing items off each other directly be an option under certain conditions (maybe units from the same faction, or those that have support levels). Married couples should be able to trade freely, as a bonus to further push the whole marriage point for GoHW. Existing family members (parent-child or brother-sister) that are in the player's army should also be able to trade freely (or at least give a discount in buying off stuff), because they're, well, family, duh. Battalions were implied within the units in the SNES version, and now we actually have battallions in Three Houses, it should also be a thing too in the GoHW Switch remake to give a sense of the army and battle scale. As for the story, we might as well add on to the script that is already complete, and add more conversations for the non-Lord characters to further elaborate the characters and the world.
  13. Here's the very last page: Keep in mind that it isn't finished. Probably read from Chapter 14 (here), as this is when I started to make it into a full fanfic instead of a merely glorified LP with snarky comments.
  14. Okay, what about the fact that he keeps being a doormat against an obvious Saturday-cartoon-show-level evil overlord named Garon (or even sides with one in the first place)? Or how he doesn't wise up and dispatch Hans in Chapter 14 when Garon isn't watching like he did with Zola? What about the fact that he gets off scot-free by Hinoka and Sakura (and by the narration as well) despite being complicit against everything Nohr did? Not to mention how all of this becomes pointless with Revelations (and Corrin still retains his stupidity there as late as I think Chapter 18 and never really gets scolded by anyone)? It's all levels of stupid - I only managed to tolerate playing him when I reimagined the Conquest story as an WW2 alternate history version (and Corrin there at least has an actually good reason to side with a Nohr that is less (obviously) evil. See my signature below.
  15. Raising Mozu as a sniper was awesome in my WW2!Fates Conquest run. Like, she's the Pilipino Simo Hayaa one-shotting half of all of the enemy units.
  16. We all know that, generally speaking, pre-promotes with their high base stats are generally more recommended than growth units, due to the guarrantees they have in the stats (at least in the short term), weapon levels, or even just their weapons/skills and getting their jobs done. But are there games (or even parts of games or even comparing certain units appearing around the same time) where it's the other way around? Bascially wanted to ask this question after reading the above.
  17. Marth: +1 with AnonymousSpeed's opinion Roy: I like how he actually applies his homework from Sun Tzu or Clausewitz - a massive shame it doesn't get applied into gameplay unlike Fates and its various skills or Three Houses and its battalions. I actually don't mind him being centre of attention, because of how much more of a admin/manager-oriented his story is. Eirika/Ephraim: Used to like them, but they look kinda dull now. Eirika's an idiot who did get her consequences, and Ephraim's a dumb muscle that should have no business in being a general. Robin: Male Robin only, but I like a lot of his "appealing to sanity" moments in his support conversations. Chrom/Lucina: Didn't care. Corrin: Fuck, no. Unless if it is my fanfic Corrin from World War 2. Edelgard: Only gone halfway, but I like how she's has a complex side to her, and I also like how she's controversial for the right storywriting reasons. A lot of the stuff I see here are just basically real life politics except for fictional video game characters. Byleth: She's okay, I guess. My headcanon for her is that she's subtly naïve and shy (hence why she's understated) at times, but quickly wising up and opening up as much as she can. Minako/Yu/Ren/Itsuki: Admittedly yes he's sorta bland, but I think his blandness actually works here. From a storywriting perspective, I say he's underrated. I'm pleased to see that he one of the few lords that both doesn't become a constant attention whore and does get shown to be working with others, similar to Minako, Yu, and Ren in Persona 3-5, unlike most of the lords here, just like Minako/Yu/Ren. He's probably one of the not-so-uncommon Japanese high school students where he just doesn't have a life of his own, and he constantly had to study. Probably would have been better if he was either a silent protagonist, or a full protagonist with a fuller background and personality. I wish more FE games are like this or Persona 3-5 where other characters get more showtime. Although Three Houses seems to go in the right direction.
  18. Binding Blade, when it first came out on the GBA in 2001-2 ish? This was when Roy and Marth came out on Smash in Japan. Ironically, it has to be the most difficult entry I played. It's even more so than Fates Conquest.
  19. If it is a blocked number, or an unknown one, I just simply don't answer usually. If it's a legitimate call, then they'll usually text me or leave me a message. Admittedly, this doesn't always work - as I nearly missed a phone call from my driving instructor who has his phone number blocked - presumably to keep other students from pestering him directly with schedule changes. (Any of said changes needs to be lodged to the head office of the driving school I was in.) There was one time Unicef called me, which I have been a regular donor. And a couple of times the Sydney Symphony Orchestra called as well for advertising concerts and fundraising. Those ones I'll either listen to the end, or quickly apologise and explain that I'm in the middle of work, as they tend to call during office hours.
  20. 'Round Midnight - New Sounds in Brass version - Composed by Thelonious Monk / Arranged by Toshio Mashima Performed by Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra This feels like, when the musical character has the darkest hour of his/her story, and that all seems lost.
  21. Platformers - The fast reflexes you sometimes need and the general lack of story material (particularly bad with a particular series notorious for its grandfather clause entitlement) killed my interest. A good deal of real-time games: This one is more to do with my lack of ability in playing them and my lack of coordination. Though it depends on how demanding the real-time coordination is. If it is something relatively simple like the battles in Final Fantasy 6-9, then that is not a problem. Nostalgic - After seeing the advances in some of the storytelling, its presentations, and gameplay QOL improvements for more recent games, I don't have as much interest. Faithful remakes: Again, debatable depending on whether I played the original. Basically the reason why I'll get Skyward Sword or the Pokemon DPPt remake (because I haven't played it yet), or Final Fantasy 7 Remake (Not being faithful and changing the story was a good choice. Also: awesome worldbuilding!!!!), but not Link's Awakening (I've already played the original and the story for the remake hasn't been expanded at all when it damn well should have been for a $60 game).
  22. I've got an extensive one for Persona 3-5 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions. It's tens of pages long now, and there will be further changes across the board: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KaKilNQTd2bSI0hzT2ZRDYsmUqcGKjpc/view?usp=sharing
  23. TMSFE x Persona 3-5 If it absolutely have to be Nintendo, then Zelda or maybe Pokemon Conquest, and that's it. As someone who hates Smash, I don't want to see anything Smash related in FEH.
  24. Actually, there is the officer outfit which is probably more appropriate wear for the setting, though it's DLC. So if you think F Byleth's default outfit is too revealing, there's that. As for me, as a matter of habit in recent times, I've been playing as the female protagonist when that option is available. Whether it is Pokemon, Persona 3, or Three Houses. I don't know why though. And I'm really looking forward to see her marry Dorothea or Edelgard.
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