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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. The Greil Mercenary are a dirty piece of Blackwater shit human rights abusers. Don't trust them.
  2. Banned for...oh, wait never mind...
  3. Banned for obviously not watching Captain America hahahahahaha
  4. Banned for not worshipping Hydra and its motto
  5. Banned for being a hypocrite. At least I proudly admit I'm a member of Hydra!
  6. Knows that the government is a lair. Hail Hydra
  7. Banned for being sucked into the lies, damned lies, and even more damned lies of the guvvamen.
  8. Banned for not worshipping Hydra and its motto
  9. Jazz standards arranged for Concert Band
  10. May know and like Twilight, or Twilight Princess, or Twilight Samurai, or anything else to do with the word Twilight.
  11. All hail Hydra; cut one head, two shall take its place.
  12. Ever since Smash came out, I stopped liking the Mario games. Not least because, Peach is a retard and a sissy bitch for not using her Smash moves against Bowser. Seriously, fuck her.
  13. Fire Emblem: While I am not fond of the majority of Fates/Awakening characters, Corrin kind of takes the cake for me, especially in Conquest. At least with the majority of the Lords, they don't act like doormats over to their archenemy, and they seem to have something that gives them the charisma to lead. Ike? Well, we all know how much of a badass he was, and how in pre-modern days, the badass led the army. Roy? Well he's the one who actually did the homework on the Elibean version of Sun Tzu. Leaf? Well, I don't think he started with either, but he found out that he needed to grow up quickly, and he did so. Corrin? All I could think of is how naive and spineless he was until the very few final chapters. No growing up, no learning etc. That being said, I also kind of dislike Ike as well. To a small extent, I didn't really like how he ended up shafting Micaiah after his own story in the prequel, but mainly I resent the fact that, when he got into Smash, he failed to properly bill the Tellius games for future fans, get people to buy the games, and just took the publicity himself instead. Persona: While there isn't really anyone that I actively hate, I think Naoto Shirogane was one of the few subpar characters in a series of otherwise compelling casts. Firstly, I expected her social link to be an examination of her struggle with ageism and sexism that has not been properly picked up by the media who was only interested in Naoto's celebrity status. And I expected scenes showing conflicts with the police who brushes off Naoto as a proverbial whiny princess, or even sexually harass her. Or maybe other townsfolks in Inaba who just assume her to be an amateur because their sexist/ageist prejudices, in spite of her being on television as an actual professional. Instead, it was just a series of detective games by her grandfather, which says relatively little about her inner conflicts. Worse, she could (and should!) have been involved in Persona 5 (both mainstory and Scramble) alongside with Sae, and she could have expanded the cynical world of law enforcement from her own eyes. Perhaps she ended up being disgraced from being a celebrity detective due to sexism, and/or because her narrative did not match up with Shido's. Perhaps we could have a scene of her and Akechi plotting against each other. Perhaps the moral of the story for her is that her celebrity status means nothing if others don't follow her. It cannot be that difficult to write her in while keeping it series-newcomer-friendly because the story would still be written as if you're still meeting her for the first time as you're now playing from Ren/Akira's viewpoint and no longer Yu/Souji. Mitsuru (and the Shadow Operatives in general) has the same problem as well, though I like Mitsuru in P3 better than Naoto in P4. Everything else: Luigi (a former all-right character turned into a sissy dago coward) Peach (Another retarded sissy who keeps getting kidnapped despite managed to get into Smash. Seriously, fuck you, bitch.) Spirit Tracks Zelda (Oh my Naga, her childish personality was so annoying...)
  14. How about popular music arranged for wind orchestra? I've actually made a list for Jazz and Latin standards arranged for, and performed by Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra (basically the closest orchestra you can get equivalent to the NHK Symphony for concert band). I actually think it's even better than Boston Pops - because the music arranged for Tokyo Kosei doesn't get "dumbed down" - flutes, oboes, and french horns are expected to swing and syncopate just like the typical jazz instruments.
  15. Fuck. I was thinking about buying a Switch alongside Final Fantasy 12, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Breath of the Wild, but can't buy it at the current price (Australian $300-350) if the joycons are going to be such a dog's breakfast like all of you said.
  16. Oh fuck. Camilla's and Charlotte's fanservice in Fates Conquest proper was really out of place. Attractive? Yes. Appropriate? Not really in artistic/design aspects. At least DLCs are optional. At leasr Heroes is...well, meant to be "fanservice-for-veterans-and-garner-interest-for-newcomers" type of game. And at least the fanservices in Tokyo Mirage Sessions at least made better sense with the setting than Fates did. Pretty popular opinion, admittedly: Come to think about it, the fanservice and story in Fates Conquest is just atrocious. By the looks of the forum, not only did the story not made sense, I'm also having this impression that it didn't exactly break new ground by the looks of some of the posts here. Not as popular: At least TMSFE's story was generally fun, and was generally servicable.
  17. Can we also add +15-30% crit bonus and make it a magic version of Swordmaster/Berserker? 😁 Or would that be overkill? 😂
  18. You know what, if an FE6 remake comes out, Roy's class should be as this, although I wouldn't also mind a slight buff in stats, and a redesign of his level caps in exchange for his late promotion. The above abilities in particular would make Roy an actual tactician Lord that he was always meant to be instead of being an unintentional case of dead weight.
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