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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. For Fates, I remember someone - I think it was over at GameFAQ - that they did some calculations and saw that anything over 50% is 2RN (thus skewed to hit more often), but under 50% is 1RN (not skewed to miss). Is that what we are talking about here? Edit: Oh wait, Serenes has it: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=61231&page=6
  2. While I haven't gone very far in my current Fates Conquest game card, I have heard rumors both in and out of Fates that their units fell to enemies with low hit rates. This has got me thinking, and I want to ask the audience: Which games are the best in investing in Avoid rate, and sideline (or even outright ignore) Defense? Which games have more reliable Defence or unreliable Avoid? I think a lot of people can agree, and I certainly think, that Binding Blade is one of the most suitable for dodge-tanking enemy attacks. I had so much milage with Thany, Clarine, Sue, Shin, and Fir in which they dodged everything left, right, and centre, with enemy hits under 10% and often even 0%. Even weapon disadvantage only "boosted" hit rates up to 20-25% at most. And because of the frequent doubling and criticals from enemies, I've found Defense-oriented units to be somewhat lacklustre to outright bad. Shadow Dragon was the other way around, where I had the biggest letdown with Navarre - his avoid seemed gimped (due to the calculations) and he doesn't have the defense to make up for that. I was better off using Draug against physical attacks, or Lena/Maria for tanking magic attacks. (Merric for some reason didn't have as high a Res for that - less than 15. I have to check my old file, but Lena was above 20, and Maria was around 20 too.)
  3. The two problems are that Binding Blade has some of the worse accuracy issues in the franchise, and it essentially has turn limits on certain chapters if you want to play the entire game. I certainly needed all the help I could get from Rutger or Fir.
  4. Actually how easy is it to dodge tank in Fates? Using the original post as an example, can Kazahana make up for her lack of Defense with Speed? Something like Binding Blade in general (or Thany, Fir, Sue, Shin, Clarine from my experience), albeit better balanced? Or is Fates closer to Shadow Dragon where avoid is sidelined in calculation terms and therefore not as practical? (Navarre...*sigh*...I'm looking at you.)
  5. Initially I was taken aback, but having a look at their entire support, this is exactly what I've thought.
  6. I was actually thinking about this: how the atomic bomb, or any kind of powerful weapon intended to be a deterrent can backfire. I gather in the case of RL!Hiroshima, if the bomb didn't actually result in Japan's surrender, then it at least hastened the surrender, partially because of how considerably one-sided the Pacific Theatre was, yet also because of the Japanese collective adamancy in their refusal to surrender until when said destruction came in. (*1) I gather US also had support from the UK (*2) in using the bomb? On the other hand, I gather one of the reasons for opposing the nuke in AT!South Africa was because of the attack was considered disproportionate? Or was it because of its unexpectedness? Or was it because of influences such as from Erwin Rommel? *1) There were accounts of suicides/murders within some of the Japanese local community on the onset of Allied occupation, based on the battle code Senjinkun (戦陣訓): one of the quotes were "Never live to experience shame as a prisoner." *2) Was UK the only other empire that wasn't as scathed as the other major powers, even though even she had Malaysia and Singapore taken over by the Japanese? I also wonder about Russia's stancetowards the bomb too.
  7. While reconstruction is seems just as popular in Germany and Poland, as in Japan, the experts’ opinion in Germany are more critical of what they see as falsifying the history of the built environment, a sentiment is seen in many other Western countries. [i just stopped writing my architectural research report to take a break. Hence the above]
  8. I think berating a unit for being too inefficient is just inaccurate, and only shows part of that character's gameplay strengths and weaknesses. There are some that are worth using if you can level grind (Est in Shadow Dragon, she was really easy to arena abuse in the chapter she joined), and I think there should be a separate tier to take grinding into account. The efficiency factor would be more valid if we are talking about, say, FE Conquest which has no level grinding whatsoever (not even arena abuse!). On a related note, there are no characters that are truly bad in gameplay terms in Sacred Stones. If I have time to whinge about crappy stats in that game, I just go to the Tower of Valni. Though cray stats are valid reasons for excluding a unit for the Lagdou Ruins. Not a fan of FE7 when it looks like a bunch of small-group adventurers unlike a full-scale war of most other games. Arena and boss abuse are entirely fair game, and I am not ashamed to say that I use them a lot. Except for FE6 which actually have turn limits on certain chapters. I enjoyed FE6 for downplaying some of the fantastic elements (no zombies, no sentinent creatures except the Manaketes etc) and going for a more down-to-earth approach.
  9. Should general discussions about a member's fanart/fanfic/etc ideas, or discussions of a particular art of writing/drawing (as opposed to actually displaying work) be posted on the Creative general page? To paraphrase it another way: For example, Bulbagarden has a Written Word thread group that allows us to "discuss the art of writing, give tips to writers who need a hand, and receive help from others", to use their words. Do stuff like that go on the Creative general page or elsewhere?
  10. I can see that making fun of certain illnesses such as diabetic, leukemia etc would be very unwise. But what about say making jokes about a flu or the common cold, or some other temporary-and-common illnesses? Personally, I would be really surprised if anyone had a problem with flu/cold jokes - they are basically two things that I'm sure everyone had *at least* once in their life, if not more, and they are not that deadly/disabling in the bigger scheme of things.
  11. I actually wished that overseas (as in non-Japanese) main-game regions existed from as early as Gen 3, like what happened to the third game of Yokai Watch. Hawaii (and hopefully Alola; alternately Queensland or Guam-Saipan) would have been a better region as a tropical-based Gen 3 region than Hoenn/Kyushu. This would also mean that Gen 4 would have been, say, Finland, as opposed to Sinnoh. (Though at least Sinnoh seems all right when I see on its own.)
  12. High five, dude. I too am glad that I don't have to drive anymore, unlike my previous job in Western Sydney. There's insurance and gasoline/petrol costing an arm and a leg, plus, as you said, impatient drivers - and this is on a 80km/h road that only has a single lane each way with sometime no shoulder to pull over. I do miss my old boss, my old friends, and my old workplace, but I certainly don't miss the expense and danger of driving. Out of curiosity, what is the reason you half-drive as mentioned, as opposed to driving or cycling all the way? Does your friend ride with you?
  13. I too would like to see how accurate they can create the Pokémon version of Hawaii. It would be a great joy for me if they could make another accurate recreation/adaptation like they did for Johto, Kalos (and to some extent, Kanto). I swear, I'll have to rely on your extensive knowledge of your home region for my decision to buy.
  14. Thankfully, my office has a shower room for that, and it's pretty cold right now. But yeah, that'll become an issue once spring hits. Actually, tram tracks are another thing to worry about in Melbourne. I had a couple of time where my wheels fell into the grooves and my bike (and I) nearly fell over.
  15. Yeah, I've just pre-ordered Conquest last week, and just found out about the launch. And sure, let's exchange FCs. I'll send you my FC later. Off-topic, but have you got either Pokémon XY or ORAS?
  16. Is any of our Aussie comrades on this forum (besides me) going to the Midnight launch on Friday night at EB Games on Swanston Street in Melbourne?
  17. So for the first time in my life, I decided to commute to work with my bicycle. Melbourne (Australia) has increasingly become more suitable for such a commute, due to its expanding dedicated bike lanes, and its generally flat terrain. Though there are still some missing links which forces me to walk my bike. It previously took me 30 mins to get to work just by walking from my house just north of the city/CBD/downtown to the architecture firm I am working in in the inner east. While I had some trouble finding the bike locker in my office which resulted in 25 mins door-to-door, it should take me 15 mins on a good day. So who else rides their bike to work? Is it good?
  18. Just out of curiosity: For those of you who are also members on other forums, do they have anti-necropost rule too? (For reference: I'm also a member at Bulbagarden, and they don't have any necroposting rules.)
  19. This! So much! I hate the Mario franchise in recent years so much, because of his no-story policy. Mario Galaxy was one of the few recent Mario games where the story was actually good. Bowser was actually awesome with his ambitious goal, Peach being kidnapped was better justified, and there was more than the same old story, and the ending was the best. There were times after Mario 3DS came out that I wished someone would pull the plug on the franchise. What was even worse was that Miyamoto decided to reverse the good things about Galaxy when that game won the BAFTA award - did he not get that memo?! The below meme sums up everything wrong about him: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/349/621/58f.jpg
  20. I'm glad that GF's actually based the region from an actual tropical region, instead of the geographic mess that was RSE/ORAS. This should have been the Gen 3 region, not Hoenn!
  21. Wow, so Blah!Japan's like the Asian version of the RL!-United-States. She even has hew own "Marshall Plan" that would become the soft power against Indian Communism. Is this version of the Special Higher Police (Tokubetsu Koutou Keisatsu) like the Japanese version of the CIA? Has it even got its own "Macarthy" and "House of Un-Japanese? Activities"? I'm also having a really bad feeling that...oh I'm not going to say it out in public. I'll send you a PM. I also gather that because of how Blah!Japan is on the winning side of Blah!WWII, it's probably has a permanent seat in the Blah!UN council. Even RL!Japan used to (not sure about now) have a temporary seat in the RL!UN council, and they were on the losing side of RL!WWII. I know that this is a touchy question, but how is racism in play in this universe? Are Europeans and Asians, in a general sense, on a slightly more equal footing? PS Are you looking forward to Pokémon Sun and Moon? Drop by at my profile.
  22. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll introduce someone else just as bad...or will you?
  23. Kind of hard for this one, because the NPC villains are way more interesting than this. I chose no-one. As far as play value is concerned: I didn't find Milady to be the "be-all end-all" unit that lot of people say. Low luck that makes sending her against Swordmasters and Berserkers surprisingly risky, sometimes even with weapon advantage, and a relatively low avoid that became a liability when enemies ganged up on her. Cormag on the other hand, was all right in terms of gameplay, I guess. Really, Gayle and Valter from the dark side, Cherche and Gerome from Awakening, and Camilla from Fates trumps Milady, Zeiss, and Cormag.
  24. Man, Binding Blade being my first game, Saul's contradictory in his womanising nature vs his holy chivalry was always a good laugh. Sure, Virion in Awakening is a similar womanising archetype, but Saul got there first. Besides, his conversation with Dorothy reminds me of the funnier moments of Misty restraining Brock and his womanising habits in the Pokémon anime. Actually, now that I think about it, I just cannot imagine Saul having anything other than a Croagunk...
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