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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I definitely regret taking my Year 12 mark too seriously. For those outside of Australia, eligibility to different courses (even when they are in the same university) have different cutoff rankings. In turn, the students' ranking are determined by 50% of their marks on their end-of-year exam, as well as 50% of their assignment marks. However, as it turned out, the cutoff aggregate ranking is mostly based on the course's popularity, and thus my aggregate ranking had absolutely no bearing on how I would do well in university. Otherwise, I don't care about high school at all anymore. I did enjoy my high school when I was in Adelaide, but partly because I favour moving on with life, and also because of how few people in my school move interstate for university, I don't talk to anyone from my old high school anymore. (I haven't even been to my 10-year reunion earlier this year.)
  2. I wanna ride my bicycle, I wanna ride my bike! I wanna ride my bicycle, in where Sam Oak dislike!

  3. I wanna ride my bicycle! I wanna ride my bike!I wanna ride my bicycle!

  4. Eliwood x Lyn (I'd like to think that Lyn!Roy has got Lyn's feistiness.) Roy x Lilina (same reason with @madamebrasidas) Saul x Dorothy (The A-level conversation was hilarious!) Dieck x Clarine (The whole conversation in general was another hilarious manzai act. I especially laughed at Dieck's "Well, f*** this! I'm outta here!" response to Clarine's "You have saved my bro's life! We are eternally grateful!".) As for non-romantic companions: - Dieck x Ward (The conversation really show them as brother in arms.) - Dieck x Rutger (This is a nicely done, deep conversation between men.)
  5. Fair enough. I guess it does still make sense from a marketing perspective and at any rate, it is definitely better having the option of a Female Corrin + Female Avatar + Lucina than having no other female playables other than the usual three girls from Smash. (*Armed with a sniper gun, currently aiming at Peach.*)
  6. Good: I was lucky with Lilina in Binding Blade. Her Skill was 18-20 by endgame, her Spd 20-24?, so she did not have the mobility problem that was reputed to be. I actually think that the weakness of the trainees in SacRed Stones are a non-issue. Sure, they do need babying, but saying that they are a pain to raise in SS seems like unnecessary whinging when you've already got an easy way of level-grinding in the Tower of Valini. Shamna was another unit that needed babying, but her spectacular Avoid was really worth it. Bad: Not a bad unit per se, and she is in fact decent generally, but Milady was surprisingly unreliable in avoiding Berserkers and their critical hits. And this includes times she was killed by one of their criticals despite equipping a sword.
  7. After all of this, why haven't the devs included Caeda? Unlike Corrin, she wields a lance, of course, but more importantly, she's the de facto other protagonist from the original games like Marth is! That would have been better than having the two latest avatars.
  8. Is Apartheid in South Africa more or less the same as per real life? I know Hendrik Voerward would eventually become Prime Minister of South Africa in the real life's 1950s-60s.
  9. I should do an alternate timeline myself too. I wonder how will you navigate the economy away from the Great Depression. Or did the above events pretty much doomed the prospect of a Great Depression already?
  10. The other option is to have the characters survive, but have them face permanent (or semi-permanent) and serious consequences for their severe injury. Maybe it could be that the character suffering from a car accident has to deal with loss of employment and/or having to undergo rehab in order to be able to walk again. If that character is a parent, then maybe the family suffers loss of income, or breakdown of relationship. It could be that a boxer has to deal with brain damage. It could also be that a soldier ends up being paralysed, or undergo nightmares or trauma. This can be one option to keep characters alive and relevant, yet maintain tension.
  11. Caeda/Sheeda from Fire Emblem She should be having a better chance to get in, considering that she's a key character in the franchise like Marth is, but there doesn't seem to be as much interest in her appearing in Smash. How disappointing... Paula from Earthbound Unfortunately, the Mother franchise is pretty much finished so... Misty, Kris, or Leaf with their Pokemon If only Red/Pokémon Trainer wasn't considered such a Tier-Induced Scrappy... Seriously, I would rejoice if even one of those dethrone Princess Peach.
  12. FE6 was my first Fire Emblem game. I started to look for other franchises during the GC-GBA era. At that time, Super Mario was starting to rub me the wrong way with both Mario Sunshine and having Peach in Melee. The main Donkey Kong games pretty much died out after the N64 era. There wasn't anything new from Pokémon back then and when RSE finally came, that also rubbed me the wrong way. I also didn't have as much interest in Zelda, nor the other games. (*1) The Fire Emblem came up from Melee, with Roy as a playable character. After reading stuff from Japan's Nintendo Dream magazine, there was also Lilina - who was another heroine not relying on the distressed damsel. (*2) I decided to try the game. GC and GBA games generally gave me the most disappointment/hate, but FE6 and FE8 (and for the matter Golden Sun 1 and Mother 1+2) were exceptions and were awesome games. (*1) Zelda in Melee also initially rubbed me the wrong way. It was much later when I found out that Ocarina of Time started to downplay Zelda's distressed damsel role. After Twilight Princess actually made the dd role work and gave Zelda flaming!-Light-Arrows, all my hate for Zelda in SSB went out of the window. (*2) At that time, of main females that didn't rely on the distressed damsel role, I only knew Misty and Kris from the Pokémon franchise. I only found out about Caeda around the same time as I found out about Binding Blade. Samus never interested me for some reason. I only played Mother 1+2, and found out about Paula/Ana much later on, after playing FE8.
  13. I don't really care whichever it is, although the presence of the Zygarde Core seem to beckon a multiple version. As long as they do a good job of representing Kalos in the game, I shall buy the game on the day it comes out. (XY represented Kalos wonderfully and was the reason I got back into Pokémon.)
  14. I, likewise shall bump this as this was still in the first page. I've written my review of the Symphonic Evolutions concert in Sydney. Here is the link to my review in my Bulbagarden blog.
  15. Most Johto legendaries in general, but particularly Ho-oh. It was a brilliant stylisation of a mythic being from a Japanese mythology, and that really added to the world-building of Johto as the Pokémon version of the Kansai region. This, as well as how Ecruteak and Violet Cities were stylised from their real-life counterparts really showed what I liked about the Pokémon games in Gen 1, 2, and 6 - they are more based on a realistic setting than most RPGs.
  16. Is the Casablanca movie in this alternate history the very same thing as the actual one? I wouldn't mind knowing if the film producer was the very same person too. I also had a look at Huey Long just now, and I saw that in real life he was one of the implementers of the New Deal. It does make me wonder whether the democratic/capitalist system of the USA tempered his more extreme aspects in his left-wing politics. Thank you for an interesting take on a real-life socialist senator. =)
  17. Kinda hard to tell who's the worst when grinding is really easy in this game. Sure, some like Donnel required some careful selection of enemies, but I assume this is expected in Fire Emblem. I mean, I raised Lilina from Lv 1 to Lv 10-12-ish? between Chapters 8-9 in Binding Blade and this was which there was limited grinding oppourtunities, and required a fair bit of foreplanning. I think it was ditto with Fir as well. I also did the same thing for Ewan, Amelia, and Knoll in Saced Stones. Most likely, this is what I'll be doing to a couple of low level characters once I start playing Shadow Dragon as well.
  18. It's a bit of a toss-up between Sacred Stones and Awakening.
  19. How can that be a fail? At least it made your non-Seth run all the more rewarding. (It did for me. Chapter 2 Hard in Awakening - Sully dying to a critical hit from a Risen Warrior despite the CRT being single digit percentage. Try again, repeat 3-4 times. Frederick also nearly died a couple of times in that very same instances of said chapter. Seriously are the RNG rigged?! Forgot when exactly, but a number of times in Binding Blade, I learnt the really hard way that Milady can't reliably dodge against a Berserker's critical hits. Sometimes even when she's equipped with a sword, and the Berserker's hit rate is 10-20%, she still died from a critical hit a couple of times. (That's like, 0.1 * 0.3 = 3% chance of a critical hit happening.)
  20. FE6: Chapter 14 for being Fog of War + Desert Map AND also putting a mounted Cecilia in that map! 99Sofia is a bit more understandable, but Cecilia was unnecessary. FE8: Don't know to be honest. FE 13: Paralogue 3, for having the stupidest villagers who rush head-on into the enemy, and not being able to detain them like you could in FE6/8.
  21. Chapter 2 in Hard Mode was already a pain to begin with. Enemies that you can't completely kill off without the right kind of Pair Ups and having to rack up unnecessary damage on the enemy's turn. Then the enemies themselves which actually picks off your weaker units instead of an unarmed Frederick. And then there are the warriors that seem to hit with criticals frequently despite the CRT being in single-digits. I nearly lost Frederick AND lost Sully over 3-4 times because of this. Paralogue 3 is also bad because the villagers won't stay put, and you can't detain them using the Rescue command like you could in the GBA games. On the other hand, the Gerome stage was bad in that the Villagers won't get out of the enemy's range. (Again, this would have been much easier with the GBA's Rescue command. Or allow Pair Ups with Villagers, with your units always being at the front.)
  22. I am actually thinking about playing Genealogy after a fellow member on Bulbagarden Forums recommended to me.
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