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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. 13 minutes ago, SuperTroll Maxim Lapierre said:

    I highly doubt Anna is particularly useful in Arena except when she is a bonus unit. Nowi could have Guard. Plus, there's Myrrh, who can utilize Guidance. Great Flame and Iote's Shield further make her nearly impenetrable. 

    Besides using her in bonus weeks when you don't have any other featured ones, she merely was an example against Nowi and not Myrrh, where any Falchion user and dazzle healers are easily killing her, next to a plethora of red units on EP. What my sarcastic comment was aiming at is how relatively unproblematic it is to dispatch Dragons on Enemy Phases, even without specifically teching against dragons since they generally suck during one phase, most of the time on Player Phase (speedy dragons or your Guard example are just memes for me and don't seem that threatening). Marth obviously facilitates dragon issues if you have him, there is no denying that, but he also is an absolute overkill, is all.

    As for AA, Anna is perfectly useful as a Nowi counter as well, and while Marth is better as the ultimate dragon slayer regardless of color, he still seems like a unit specifically created for people struggling, even though it isn't that hard to begin with, but that might just be me.

  2. Have people been this inept at dealing with dragons that they needed this overkilling delete button for them? Was it too hard to just put, let's say, Anna in range of a Nowi and just end the turn? This is hilarious and pathetic at the same time, but whatever, let's also make Eirika look bad while we are at it. That last bit bugs me more than I expected.

    Well, he'll definitely be a good unit with a very effective kit that anyone can use successfully and one of the best candidates for Tactic teams; not sure yet if I'll pull more than green, but I'll definitely avoid blue, had enough Lancinas for a while, and I know the game won't give me the other two. Same goes for green, where I'll pull Alfonse, or red, where it would be another dust-collecting and bench-warming Reinhardt, the ones I wouldn't want.

    I know I should skip the banner in its entirety, but hey, I'm a sucker.


  3. 4 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

    Well, RIP, no Brave Heroes for me yet after 50 orbs of blue/colourless sniping. It was like only 1 blue orb wanted to show up each time. And suddenly all the Rodericks decide to show up- two 3 star Rodericks showed up in my first session, and another one also appears later on. I appreciate the Firesweep, but not right now. Also back to back +Spd Azamas.

    I'll try and get some more orbs before the SP weekend finishes just so I can have an Arena bonus unit. I just want to try to at least get either Veronica or Hector then free pull the other one, even though I guess ultimately Hector would be the wisest choice because I lack blue armours. But hey, free Bold Fighter if I ever get a bad IV one.

    Congrats on finally breaking your curse @MonkeyCheez3K!

    Thank you, it was really grating to be disappointed times and times again, and for such a long period of time.

    With that said, don't think I forgot how you wished me luck with PA!Olivia last year when I was desperate to pull a copy of her. With the curse broken, I might be able to repay the favor and send you some of my re-acquired luck, allowing you to pull something nice after todays Roderick-epidemic. I'll definitely channel my energy and send it your way. May you pull Veronica/Hector soon (coincidentally the same duo-wish I had)!

  4. I can't believe it..... after half a year of not pulling any most wanted targets (I posted my frustration in this thread not too long ago):


    Finally, I get what I wanted, within my low orb count of merely 60 orbs, since it always gets wasted on trash or off-focus)


    Not only do I finally have a blue DC Armor, I don't even have to hesitate sacking one of them for Bold Fighter on H!Jakob (+Att/-Spd), who has been waiting patiently in the corner to complete his kit. And to top it all, I can just pick Veronica for free now, who I really wanted as well.

    My curse is broken, may it never return and forever remain in hell, where it belongs. The biggest luck to you all, that you never experience the frustration I had for quite some time, but rather share my joy on this very day.

    EDIT: Nevermind about free Veronica...



    I don't even know who to pick now. Probably Ephraim or another Hector for more Bold Fighters. I'll definitely stop summoning now. Naga blessed me, thank you.

  5. I have a feeling that, if you are able to stay in T20 this season, it will be really easy to get into T21 next season since all the super scoring users will be seperated from you and be no competitors for that particular season before a part of them rolls back into T20 the following one.

    Technically, I might already become part of the T21 before that, though I have my doubts considering the severe fishing people do during the last couple days. Regardless, if my assumption turns true, I will have the pointless crown on my FEH the next time, apparently. T20.5, here I come!

  6. That is quite the awful set of bonus units, nice. Well, since crown tier is unattainable in the very first season I'll gladly just have a 19,5 season and take it easy. Finally found something interesting on mobile to keep me distracted from the current blandness that is FEH, so it suits me well to not have to care.

  7. Armors was a refreshing challenge for me and my mediocre armor team. Doing this one without any DC would be hell, I feel. Luckily, Jakob and Grima did most of the work, while Vantage Black Knight and his WoM twin took care of the bystanders. Infernal would have been ... well, infernal to beat, tho. good thing, that's not necessary. The other quests aren't even worth mentioning if you already beat Infernal.

  8. @mampfoid @mcsilas Thanks, I appreciate it and could use all the luck sent my way. My guess is that the game considers my other pulls als "lucky", so I apparently need a surplus of it. I'm not even asking for much (at least I hope I don't, it's easy to seem greedy in gacha), just enough to follow some of my projects, just to keep me satisfied.  I don't even get merges anymore for my core...

    I'll try to be more positive, as a break from the game generally means that I wouldn't return, but my god is this type of game grating.

  9. Well, I think I might be at my breaking point towards insanity (or being kinda done with this game). What do all these orbs even matter if I don't pull anything I'm actually aiming at? Months and months of off-focus/off-colour nonsense I can't/don't want to use. How much more tolerant am I supposed to be to this atrocious system. All my monthly orbs and the tedious grind poof, exchanged for mediocre stuff that brings nothing relevant to my barracks (how can I even consider spending money with such an outcome?). Let's see, starting with February, where I pulled Grima on the Fallen Heroes banner, the last unit I actually aimed for:

    Valentine: Two Lilinas while trying for Hector, Nothing on Legendary Ephraim banner (granted I only sniped a bit of blue, but didn't commit to much)

    March: Branded King - Got Chrom, going for F!Morgan / Nothing on Countering skills while going for Hector with everything I had / Legendary Robin banner - Ike while going for Nowi, he is still collecting dust to this day.

    April: Nothing on Nowi&Tiki battle, going for Grima / Quickly pulled a Hinoka on Wings of Fate, making me kinda a hypocrite here since I do like her, but she was -Att (painfully so) and wasn't a must-have when released. / Legendary Lyn eluded me, while I got two worthless Inigos to get consumed by my +1 Inigo, also F!Grima even though I sniped green.... / Pulled Genealogy Ares while going for Lene, and got demoted afterwards, just painful.

    May:  Bridal Ninian shares the same interest as Bownoka, was aiming for Sanaki, but alas, she eluded me as well. Flying dancer is ok, but I already have enough dancers / Shiro from Stance banner while sniping for Morgan, he died by my hands / Legendary Ryoma banner, sniped blue for Hardin/Fjorm, got Robin (what a surprise to get the one i don't want)

    June: Summer's Arrival, sniped for Noire, got two Lucinas and Tana in its entire duration (yes, three reds while sniping for colorless); Legendary Hector, pulling with everything for the new shiny unit, got Myrrh and Ike of course, and while I do want to merge Myrrh up some day, it is not an immediate goal; Ike is catching dust with his sword counterpart.

    July: Hector & Matthew banner, orb wasting at its finest, coz I got nothing and left it with 4,25 or 4,5% (can't remember)/ Few orbs in Sketchy for Tiki or Camilla, got -Att Micaiah, great, thx. / Pulled for Flying Olivia, got Maribelle; yes, Maribelle is a good unit, but again, not my actual target.

    August: Pulled Lilina and Brave Lyn while going for L!Lyn or Lissa. Kill me, I am fuming with rage and want to punch someone. I'm just going to be a whiner in the eyes of many, I'm sure, but I'd give up so many of these pulls for a few of my actual desired units and months of upsetting pulls, while the game only provides lackluster content to distract me, are taking me to my limits.

    TL,DR: I hate this game.


  10. Am I right to assume that even with the new incoming skill sets we will still not be able to set a build used solely on defense teams, as in having the freedom to use the units with other skills than the optimal ones designated for defense purposes? I guess it will be easier to swap the sets out, but I'd love a feature to just set it and not have to worry about it while doing anything else (I already sent feedback long ago about this). I might be alone with this wish, though.

    Also, out of curiosity, how are our resident whales preparing for the upcoming arena changes? Are they gonna build three buffbot-armors to make it easier for the bonus unit to kill stuff? I know I won't give a damn about it for now, but maybe someday I'll be a T 20,5 user.... in the far future (I ain't gonna build +10 armors, especially not characters I don't care for, so maybe never, now that I think about it. :P)

  11. Oh boy, how much longer am I gonna be able to take this mode seriously. I gave up on defense, so no surprise there with my 0 wins, and I got kicked out of top 3k rather quickly today with 5186.... my god. It's already painfully dull to play AA, but redoing runs because of trash scoring is the worst. This week I got lucky afterwards and managed my first ever score of 5200, but that's the problem, it's just luck. No team gave any problems of getting beaten, I could use all the elements (except for the first match, of course, which is locked to water) and enemy teams are getting more boring by the run, but hey, that's how scoring works. Please game, give me merges..... I want to stay here a bit longer without having to get stressed out every week.

    After that last FEH channel, though, I just can't possibly hope for any improvement anytime soon, so I'll hope to persevere instead.

  12. Just now, mampfoid said:

    Thanks, but it don't work that way. ;-)

    Yeah, my saving lasted 3 hours, lol. I watched the FEH channel again and all those orbs we'll get. "One pull can't hurt, power of yolo" but it ended bad this time. 

    Sorry to hear you didn't get Noire, good luck with the next pulls. 

    At least I tried, ha! And thanks.

    May Lady Luck visit us again soon.

  13. 2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Because I'm weak I wasted all orbs (90+) on the new banner pulling red. No Caeda, no focus unit, no SI fodder, only a 5* +SPD/-HP M!Morgan and two 4* Legault (neutral offensive stats) in the last session ... sigh.

    3 hours after the statement that you had to save up. It hurts when that happens. I'm not even gloating or anything, since I am on the same boat with Noire. I don't NEED her, I just WANT her, because IS again, in their stupid habit, made a special hero before the regular one (if it ever happens). So I wasted over the duration of that banner 150 orbs I told myself were saved for other banners. Got pitybroken TWICE by Lucina (yup, not even the right colour, and twice), you know, the unit who becomes less and less relevant with each Masked Marth.  :D

    Enjoy my agony to soothe yours.

  14. 44 minutes ago, Troykv said:

    I'm still non completely sure (because Maribelle's whatevers have very weird color selection for a white-ish person like her); but I get what you're talking about... it indeed looks like her skin.

    Look at her damaged art and tell me you still have doubts whether her inner thighs are bare or just skin-colored parts of her weird pants. Personally, I have no freaking idea why she got the F!Corrin treatment, but I guess someone wanted to subtly see more of her legs.

  15. Ahahah, I find it quit amusing to see such an obvious rarity drop in Libra. Keeping him in the 5* pool will be quite an atrocious pitybreaking unit (I'm assuming he'll become 4-5* even though that kit is reeeeeeally underwhelming for staying up there).

    Well, I'll summon for Olivia on the first circle, of course, but will have to wait for another time to get her after that. I can't be spending too much now, too many skills I need from other banners.

  16. I'm glad Olivia ain't on a horse.

    I'll take all the orbs and summons, not that it matters with my recent luck, and dread the upcoming Arena changes (what's the point? Making Arena feel even less fun, with the exception of whales and people who only care of being at the very top?).

    Grand Conquest will now force me to play more for the ranking? Not sure if I'll bite just yet, it's still a bad mode.

    I guess I hyped up myself way too much, should have known better, though I won't deny that I like being showered with orbs for more fodder, just expected a bit more after the dull content lately. Oh well.

  17. 3 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

    Kellam would be a hidden character that just randomly popped into the barracks.

    Just ninja him into the regular 3-4* pool, no announcement at all (though listed in the details of a banner) and maybe a silhouette somewhere in the background during the FEH channel. He is just there starting tomorrow.

  18. On 28.6.2018 at 4:22 PM, Usana said:


    @MonkeyCheez3K Yeah whining about 5* may sound bad to some. But darn it, what does it matter if they weren't the ones you wanted?! They may as well be a 0star, yes? I definitely feel ya there after the long string of off banner pulls I have had this past month.

    Aaaaand it won't stop. Pulled Micaiah on the summer banner instead of what I was pulling for, Camilla or Tiki. Hope your streak of bad luck has ended, at least.

    Someone please help me as I am so annoyed with this game wasting my orbs for stuff I don't want, making me almost send her home. Right now I would be content with foddering her off for one of her skills out of principle. I think Drive Att would be a fitting end for her as it will surely become a 4* skill at some point and make her even more pointless. (I also don't see who would really benefit from Distant Defense, A-Slots are way too important, and Guard ain't relevant right now as I already inherited some and would be passed on automatically with Drive Attack 2 if I pre-inherit Spur Attack and Guard 2.)

    Did I mention Micaiah is -Att? You know, the one bane that is great for one-hit nukers? /s  - I wouldn't even trust her killing off Zelgius in AA, fml

  19. I really don't need another Olivia right now. The game has been exceptionally mean to me concerning summons in the last couple of months, content is rather bland (the new puzzle mode is ok, but definitely nothing exceptional for me), and my orbs were all wasted trying to get a single Hector on both legendary and BHB banner, where I, as expected, didn't get any, just several off-focus trash that I do not want/need (with the exception of one Myrrh merge, but without any urgency to get now). The very thought of an additional Olivia (which I must get, as she is one of the few characters I want all forms of) is disheartening with my recent luck.

    Adding my troubles of pulling for a single Hardin (or maybe W!Lissa in the next legendary banner) and my wish for a single stupid L!Lyn, who I want to immediately kill for Speed Tactic, and I feel like I'll have to wait for a rerun of Olivia if it is truly her since I won't be able to spare more orbs.

    Woe is me, bring the pain, IS, I know you want to.

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