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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. I'm so tired of pulling greens and here is yet another banner wasting my orbs while the game refuses to give me any Hectors whatsoever and while seeing obligatory free Hectors for others. Guess he knows that if he shows his dumb face in my barracks he will immediately die, HM be damned.

    His BHB was also done in seconds, damn.... I really need something fresh and enjoyably repeatable in this game to lift my morale after these tiring months of bad luck and bland events.

  2. @Chrom-ulent Well, from my personal bias it would be Leon, but you mentioned several reasons for other options.  Sheena obviously for scoring, Sothe for the lowest costs to complete and Soren to "not feel bad" about previous investment. Pick your poison.


    As for me, I'm pretty indecisive on how to build my Tactic team that I want to put up as a defense team, here is the "plan" with my current resources or planned ones:

    +Att/-Def Lilina (variable merges in future): Forblaze (special), Draw Back, Glimmer - DB3, WoM3, Spd Tactic 3, Res Tactic 3 -> Spd Tactics here, because I feel it does not matter if she gets a Speed buff or not (one would consider Myrrh for Spd Tactic, but I feel Att buffs are less needed on her and more on the rest)

    +Res/-HP Linde (hard to merge): Blarblade, Draw Back, Moonbow - Fury3, WoM3, Res Tactic 3, Def Tactic 3

    +Spd/-Res F!Grima +2: Expiration, Swap, Moonbow - Dragonskin, QR3, Def Tactic 3, Guidance

    +Res/-HP Myrrh +3: Great Flame, Swap, Bonfire - DC, QR3, Att Tactic 3, Iotes Shield

    Double Res/Def to make the team bulky and trigger more WoM


    Other candidates to swap to:

    +Att/-Spd H!Jakob once I get Bold Fighter: Brave Bow+, Draw Back, Moonbow - DB3, Bold Fighter 3, Spd Tactic 3, Armor Boots (substitute for Lilina)

    Tailtiu for Linde (for possible merges and preferable natures if I care for it), same build as Linde.

    My current merge project for a future +10, +Spd/-HP Sakura: Absorb+, Recover+, Miracle - Close Counter, Guard 3, Res Tactic 3, Close Defense 3 (substitute for Linde), though I will already use her with Corrin's Sepcial Yato and Drives to make her almost unkillable in AA.

    I already have a + 4 Takumi with Brave Bow+, Draw Back, Luna - LoD 3, WoM 3, Res Tactic 3, Def Tactic 3, which is fine, but I kinda want an Infantry Bladetome in my Tactic team.

    Possible consideration: Merric or bulky mages (Sophia instead of Lilina?), don't want Odin, also any suggestions that resonate with me.


    Anyways, anyone with experience with Tactic teams or any helpful thoughts on the matter are welcome to help me out. I really want to build something along those lines right now, while waiting for more merges on my Arena core.

  3. Well, we know IS is trying to make us spend all our orbs and cash right now, but does anyone feel they are kinda overdoing it? XD

    Whales are definitely happy to spend atm, but with todays banner, especially after yesterday, it's not like most of the other players still have any orbs to spare on these. Hector being next for DC ain't helping, either. Well, it must be working, though, so I'll just ignore all those missed opportunities like the pleb I am.

  4. So, how does the game know what I want, so that it can always give me what I don't want?

    F!Morgan banner? Here, have Shiro.

    Noire? Here have no colourless orbs and get pity-broken by Lucina (zero needs for her)

    S!Corrin back? Here have Lancina (oh ffs, again zero use for her, and yes, that includes Aether)

    Hector? Maybe my first ever DC (yes, I will kill off any Hector at this point, he just annoys me in FEH), here have B!Ike and Myrrh.

    With the exception of Myrrh, who I kinda want to merge up in the future, but without any urgency to get her right now, the game really knows how to frustrate me. Game is boring atm and I really need something I actually want right now, but it just continues to bug me.

    I really shouldn't whine when I actually get 5*s (and see that others here don't even get that), but I'm almost at a point where I'd prefer getting 3* Selena than some random 5*. Sigh....

  5. Hector.... with Distant Counter.... and yet again Armads with one of his new mood swings.... how original, but hey, whales now have their prime candidate for maximum scoring, buy buy buy. I'm going to be perfectly honest, I'm severly disappointed, though it fits the current content blandness. Seriously, though, not even Winter Lissa (also no NY! Camilla, but V!Lyn? I'm confused) makes this an easy skip after the first full circle (even though I want Myrrhs, but sniping on legendary banners is trash). Also quite the underwhelming picks for me personally, though objectively still quite decent.

    I know I'll never pull Hector, as always, so I'll wait for his banner with Matthew. Hope someone is happy about this banner, coz I am certainly not and REALLY need a FEH channel soonish....

  6. Interesting comments since the reveal got posted in this thread, always fascinating to see how people cope with these situations. Well, there will never be a case where everyone is happy, ey? (I include myself in that statement) - Only one dude is kinda a bummer, tho, cannot deny that. Cordelia is definitely the one who should have been another dude, imo.

    Anyways, shame the two upcoming legendary banners (green mostly) and Hector BHB banner are already locking in most of my orbs to be spent on those, because I wouldn't mind a Noire, as I do like her. I'm surprised to see her on the banner considering her character, but they did manage to make her look sickly/frail/hesitant, while keeping the overall theme of "sexiness" typical for these summer banners.

    I won't pull much, however I am contemplating on pulling the entire first circle or just going for Red/Colorless. The skills won't matter, really (except random Speed Tactic), a red flier mage would be a new unit type for me (couldn't pull a Nowi, sadness), and Noire is, as mentioned, nice out of personal bias. Green Axe flier and Blue Lance Horse are entirely worthless to me (Also, why do I always dislike Cordelia's art.... on all her iterations? It's her face mostly, I can't quite put my finger on it; oh, and her right shoulder on her idle bridal art).

    Interesting also how this got leaked. I'm rather curious on the cause and the consequences, but hey, I'm glad I don't have to wait till tomorrow to see "whether it's Sigurd or Ephraim" (my own guesses after seeing the tease).

  7. The cutoff for top 3K was around 5156ish, that's ludicrous and the game still refuses to give me merges to improve my score... oh boy, the clock's ticking. Lost out on the defenses this week, and, while I don't really care about those anymore, people have shown to be monsters. My team was led by the adorable Fae and I named myself FaeNeedsAWin, yet everybody killed her .... savages! :-P

  8. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    I like the Arena Assault changes. Managed to do a full run with only on-element units, it's a fun restriction to help it further push your team to the limits.

    Those changes aren't live yet, so it had no effect on the run you mentioned. It will start next season.

    My apologies if you just meant to say that you generally like the upcoming changes, but then the next sentence referring to it wouldn't make sense to me.

  9. I'm getting some Conrad vibes from Hrid. They are building him up to be this super cool character, just to end up entirely bland and pointless. My pessimism stems from the recent quality of the story. I had some hope for Book 2, but we kinda fell back to Book 1 levels of bland: Let's go fight! > obligatory introduction of the new banner units in maps to display a voyage > final battle with enemy of the season > totally anticlimactic battle where one party flees without much problem > "Ill get you next time, Gadget!".

    It's really a shame that IS hasn't been able to captivate more than that with their stories lately. Character deaths are super lame without proper buildup Heck, I'm almost missing the Awakening days in that regard, which is pretty sad (not Fates, since that was pure agony of a story). Maybe I should blame myself for expecting more from a simplified phone game, but wasn't Fate Grand Order pretty good with its storytelling (not gonna touch another Gacha ever again)? If yes, why not FEH as well, then?

  10. 6 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    I’m calling Gustav. I’ll be always calling Gustav.

    Smart choice. I'll also guess Gustav every single time, and here it would make the title less misleading, as a King would have truly found his demise in that case.

    Ultimately, whoever it was, it was a bad decision for the story, or rather a total waste of a character, once again. Let's find the brother so he can tragically die as well after two uttered sentences, in a heroic manner, of course.

  11. Compensation for the "loss" of content that anyone has probably finished ages ago? I mean I know why they did and .... I'll take it, but who cares, exactly?

    Tiki's refinement is kinda cool, but not really worth the Dew if I lose out on DC. Don't care about Merric, and Linde is whatever - Nice Gimmick and all, but I never see a good reason to use these over Bladetomes.

    Hector & Matthew BHB incoming makes me nervous. Hector DC has always eluded me and I wanted to save for the next legendary banner.... incoming huge disappointment for both, I guess....

    New menus kinda suck, especially after being used to go to other parts for HM and the catalogue.

    TT Seals are nice, now I only need Speed Tactics. Come to me, Lyn, come to the slaughtering table.

    Canas is cool as a character, but he serves no purpose in my barracks. Linus is good fodder, at least.

    How many simple stat seals do we really need? They mostly just make the list of available seals needlessly longer.

    SPEEEEEEED for all new units, SPEEEEEEEED. (Stat distribution has become really ... monotonous)

  12. Gunnthra should win now. Alfonse's crew won't be hitting the brakes anytime soon, so it won't be enough of a jump to get the last hour multiplier. We had some nonsense happen before, but now there is just no strategizing left, flags will be dumped and the last hour will very likely be "Same". This means, I screwed up one bonus hour this time and I'll have to settle with 400 flags without multiplier, oh well. better luck next time.

    @omegaxis1 he would most definitely win with a last hour multiplier, but that won't happen looking at past hours performance. Gunnthra needs to overperform by an extra 350 mio compared to the pevious hour (or Alfonse needs to stop playing, that would kinda help).... it's just too much without multipliers. I'll just be a fortune teller and say Gunnthra has it in the bag.


  13. Well, this is an awkward situation with the scores; especially with all the people who still need to dump all their badly planned flags. If Gunnthra doesn't give the bonus to Alfonse in the last hour (next hour is very unlikely), she will win, but if she actually does with the extra flags, this will be quite a ludicrous end to this tournament (A VG where Alfonse wins would truly be a sign for me to just scrap this mode altogether and replace it with a RNGenerator for feathers where one has to push every two days to get a random amount.)

  14. Yeah, won't be Surtr. Gustav had a good run, though, truly a fleshed-out character. Remember that time when Alfonse mentioned him and said he had some differences on how to handle the situation? Man, quite the arc there, even better than Gunnthra's development. After that, there isn't much more to accomplish with him, so I guess a dramatic death with red flashes would be a fitting end. He shall be forever remembered.

    Seriously, though, this chapters title worries me a lot.

  15. 1 hour ago, Marcodian_Elite said:

    After not getting a single defence win last arena season I've managed to get my highest scoring defence win ever in this season, 590 my defence team is Zelgius La hector Fjorm and Fell Vessel robin

    Always put Armor Emblem up for this particular rotation of maps. The oasis and partially the weird stone-plastered map are really beneficial for those teams when they hug the defense tiles. A lot of people struggle when facing them on those maps.

    EDIT: At least if you are using meta units. Armor alone won't cut it, but if you have typical DC, Bold/Vengeful, March/Ward monsters, then abuse the hell out of these maps if you are struggling with defense.

  16. Hmm, so I'll probably win with the meme underdog Anna... fine by me, I'll take the extra feathers. Funny also how people still get so excited by these, considering this one doesn't even follow a noteworthy theme, just OCs and random current legendary units cobbled together.

    And here I am, just mildly annoyed at having to change my sleeping schedule for the last couple of bonus hours each time a round ends, completely ignoring who even "wins" these contests (except for the possible "extra500feathers" check mark).

  17. 3 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Would be interesting to know if blessings and legendaries will boost the score only if fielded on match 1 or also in match 2-7. That would be annoying, since I wouldn't like to give blessings to all my specialized counters. 


    2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    They likely will count for every match, because that will make people pull for the lejindurriz to have the blessings to share around. And also because that will be infuriatingly dumb.

    Indeed, it would be good to know whether that's the case or not. I can see both being a possibility, not just with the vague wording they used. One to promote pulling for legendaries, as @Vaximillian mentioned, the other as a way to entice casual players if they don't have the necessary legendary + core for the first match to determine the score range; "just use whatever you got, and you'll still get some bonus out of it".

    As always, all we can do is wait to find out ("but IS, I'm impatient!" D: ), while hoping that its impact is as agreeable as possible.

  18. I'm glad the next couple of water weeks will keep me secured in T20 and Top 3k, which was way too borderline in recent past. However, having a full water core helps out so much and I don't have to fish for the highest scores all the time. I was seriously convinced I'd be joining Top 5k very soon, but I'm glad I was wrong.... for now.

    Still have my doubts about the whole 1 point extra thing for legendary and blessed units.... whether it actually helps or is just gonna inflate scores where every point counts, while also pushing us towards wasting blessings on counterpicks for that extra oomph.

  19. Gonna meme my way with Anna at first with good chances for bonus hours; doesn't matter to me, this mode has long lost its appeal and now has become borderline lazy and not worth anyone's attention besides some free feathers that pale in comparison to other modes (though admittedly without any effort as well).

  20. 3 minutes ago, ILikeKirbys said:

    @MonkeyCheez3K Wait, I thought Legendary Lyn wasn't coming back until the end-of-July Legendary Banner? Though either way, next month's Green is gonna be worth saving for, because, at minimum, it's gonna have Bold Lissa. I'm hoping for either Myrrh or M!Grima with her, but maybe they'll have Deirdre instead. Any of those would be pretty neat.

    Aw damn, was it July? I haven't looked into it, so you can definitely be right. I just assumed they'd swap out Gunnthra again, but that would be a bummer, still need Speed Tactics, and putting it on a legendary is so annoying. I hoped for a faster rerun of her.

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