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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. Y!Tiki will once again be available in rather annoying ways, legendary is trash for specific pulls and I don't really feel like pulling A!Tikis on the upcoming New Power banner. Sigh, the dragon that will continue avoiding me. Maybe a sign to save orbs, considering the possibility of astounding green units on the next legendary banner. Lissa, Lyn and Myrrh, for example, would be heaven for me. So IS will obviously do something else.

    I'm not sure I understand the changes to AA scores, though. 1 point per unit more for using any legendary/blessed ones of the seasons elements. So they want to force me into blessing all 28 units (more since it's all about counterpicking) to maximize my score in total? That doesn't sound tedious at all to consider these while choosing, wasting blessings, and having to deal with more score inflation. Maybe I'm missing something.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Javi Blizz said:

    Oh, I meant that I didn’t get a deathless run, only 1 unit died in the streak


    But it’s not enough to jump a tier up even with a deathless run 

    Oh, I see, that makes sense. Losing an entire match would surely make a difference, one single unit, on the other hand, might be irrelevant.

    38 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    My score of 5,060 fell out of top 5k already yesterday. Hard to tell how much the inflation will accelerate. 

    If you think that I got my first 5,xxx score about three months ago and I have been in top 5k for the most of AAs lifetime... 

    Oh boy, even top 5k won't be a given if I don't pay attention.

    Apparently, Naga didn't want to screw with me anymore and actually lowballed only one of my AA matches in a frustrated attempt to end this day on a better note. I somehow managed a score of 5140.... holy..... Never been this high before, and I'm glad I have enough units to kill off the monsters up here. I'll actually stay another week in top 3k now, but now I know, I won't stay here too long if I don't get some Nowis soon.

  3. 2 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Yeah, I feel you. No Roy, Cherche, Cordelia and Caeda (will replace BH!Roy) in months for me. Only one Cordelia which was booked for Oscars GF. 

    I managed to score a new personal record this week, but no chance to stay in top 5k anymore. 

    Where is the line at for top 5k, since that will be my new home for the time being? All I know is that 5124 was fine last week (#28XX) and now 5128 isn't enough and the minimum requirement seems to be 5132 and up.

  4. 20 minutes ago, kirauza343 said:

    My bad, I forgot about him. Doesn't help that I haven't played his game (I really need to fix that or at least watch a play through on YouTube).

    In retrospect, my reply was a bit too shallow anyways; you might have thought I was upset or something about you leaving him out, while I myself had never heard of Saias before his debut in Heroes. However, his apparent reputation, would definitely open up some possibilities for some supports with the other tacticians.

    Me personally, I'd prefer a remake à la Echoes and won't watch a playthrough just yet.

  5. 1 hour ago, Javi Blizz said:

    Got a death in the last match of my AA run, so 495X points this week, which means another week in the 10K-20K bracket. 

    Nice to see that next one is Fjorm's season, that means that Niles can debut in my regular Arena team :D

    No more time to try again? I'd never end a week without a 7-win streak, but I understand that does not apply to everybody.

    As for me, it truly saddens me that the threshold is skyrocketing so quickly in AA and the dumb game isn't giving me copies for my core to keep up (pulled blue for Ninian, but got no Nowis in the process, once again). Figures the day would continue being annoying after GC, -Att Ninian, the Ares/non-Lene drop... le sigh....

  6. What a fine day, Ares being dropped after getting him instead of Lene, crushing my hopes of getting Lene as a 4* (also, I don't care about Ares), GC being as bad as ever (seriously, fuck that mode; I'l stop registering in advance if it always puts me in losing teams), pulling a -Att/+Res Ninian with no notable fodder besides her (Give me Nowis, game... pleeease). Grand day, I feel like jumping off a Wyvern to celebrate.

    Siiiiigh, back to 0 orbs and a bad aftertaste..., but I'm just complaining again; IS could have been crueler and just wasted my orbs for nothing while I now have, at the very least, 7 dancers for AA.


  7. 8 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    Something like this?


    Yeah, pretty much something like that. Doesn't seem to be a clear cut though. Glimmer seems to be better when having a colour advantage, but with TA and squishy low-def ranged units would probably be overkill while Moonbow would help more with the armors lurking around in high-score matches. I need to pay closer attention to the units I can't kill while Moonbow is active and see whether Glimmer would have helped.

    The stats are helpful, though. I'll bookmark it for the future, thanks.

  8. Hmm, not sure why I just started thinking about it, but would it be smarter to use Glimmer over Moonbow in my TA dragon squad (Nowi, Fae and A!Tiki)?

    Basically, all of them are +Att and use Lightning Breath, Moonbow, TA3/QR3. In never bothered changing that since the Glimmer CD change, nor since the Lightning Breath targeting the lower stat on ranged units.

    Someone already made the calculations and gathered experience with Glimmer to spare me the time and resources to check it out? I know people tend to use Breath skills on dragons with other specials, but it never really interested me to do so myself, TA and low-CD is my jam.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

    I think this time the 4th unit on the banner was another freebie called "Shitstorm".

    Really though, I guess it's not too bad if the 4th unit is basically still present, just as a freebie. Though I can see why whales would prefer this not to be the case. Kinda odd to me they picked Marth to be the freebie, even as a groom. You'd think he'd still draw pretty decent sales and they'd want to capitalize on him, especially as his first alt. I guess they still expected a loli bride to do better? Just strange.

    I agree, Marth seems like a no-brainer to capitalize on and yet..... we got this. IS is weird sometimes.

    Also, I want a Shitstorm +2 then (Witch Nowi gave us a copy as well) and the upcoming summer banner might feature Bikini Nah. Oh golly, +10 is a true possibility here.

  10. The way people get upset once more, sigh. Have fun with the useless bashing while I simply find Sanaki's art cute.

    I'll be waiting for the stats to figure out how badly I want these units. I do want a flying blue tome for my Tactics team, but I'm not sure if a dancer would be a good pick. They do get a BST penalty and being ranged makes it maybe worse in this case; with that said, the other valid blue tome flyer is Corrin (Morgan is too slow for my liking) sooo, I guess I'll let IS decide whether I should have her or not. Sanaki will be kinda tried, as I really like her as a character, but I fear that she might not be that great as a unit. Regardless, I will pull some green with the blue if they aren't horribly bad units. Tharja looks great, but I don't really care for her nor another red mage, so I can safely pass. Curses for wasting orbs before the legendary banner arrives which might feature very appealing units.

    So, even seasonal banners will only feature three units now, with the excuse being a bland TT unit as #4 (bland for me because they really never matter in Arena due to the lack of merges; they are prefectly useable, however)? At least they thought about Marth this time, which is nice.

  11. 27 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Also what's with FEH saying there would be a new hero?

    My guess would be a new hero like Charlotte was last year, but to be honest, I don't want that anymore (which is why my prediction featured Oboro instead of... let's say Scarlet with a dress displaying her Chevois flower custom, even though I'd love to have Scarlet in the game). Seasonals are the moments where I actually want alts to preexisting units (so of course, IS is gonna do what I don't want to see and introduce another character as a limited seasonal :P ).

    Also, for us Germans it's written in a peculiar way where Feh asks herself 'how cute HE will be'. Unfortunately, it's most likely just masculine in its grammatical sense, seeing that hero is masculine and it is refering to "a new hero" from the previous sentence of the notification. This means it's still very probable that this banner will only feature ladies.

  12. Ninian, Tharja, Anna and ... let's put a Fates character in it, Oboro. There is my super accurate prediction of the upcoming banner. Like last year, all from different games (well, Anna is just my personal wish after Sharena and Alfonse getting their alts and with the whole foreshadowing).

    I would have loved a Marth that fits with B!Caeda, but I ain't the one making decisions on how to sell special banners, so that's that; even if it's not impossible, yet. Another Tharja ain't really what I want, but it was just a matter of time before her next alt came around, so whatever.

    Still hoping I can skip this one, not enough orbs to spare, but who knows what nonsense they'll offer this time that will "force" me to try.

  13. 14 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

    The sad part is that all those Olivia's were pulled trying to get a single F!Grima. It took 5 Neko!Sakuras, 4 Jaffars and 11 Fanlivias to get a single F!Grima. Also, with her current Res, she's mage-bait. 

    In her base kit, she mostly is just mage bait, but I'd definitely find a sweet spot for that +10 one with some SI (mine is a Smoke Dagger Windsweeper)

    Btw, when were FanOlivia and Jaffar ever relevant in acquiring F!Grima? BraveLyn, Genny, NekoSakura and Jakob were the units running next to F!Grima on the banners if I recall correctly? Gaius was the one running next to Olivia/Jaffar. Am I missing something?

    @Nanima was faster than me, but yeah same premise.

    Edit: And now you were faster, ninjas everywhere XD (or not, the forum decided my post was faster, now that I reloaded the page, whatever)

  14. 12 hours ago, silverserpent said:

    Considering it's Fury 1 without the HP penalty after combat? Plus stack on Fury 3 as his A-skill? He can be pretty good.

    I didn't want L&D to take away from his bulk.


    Hey, you should totally consider putting him in our compendium thread for +10 units. You'd be the first provider of a M!Corrin.

  15. 6 hours ago, silveraura25 said:

    Yea. Apparently someone said it'll be earth season, but I'll see in a couple of hours

    That makes sense, I should really stop assuming too quickly...

    Anyhow, is there any better way to describe Amelia during this season's Arena offense than "roflol"? Those boosts are ludicrous, thought myself in a dangerous position, where my TA Nowi might get shot by GreenBowLyn if she tanked a Roy, then just tried to look at the numbers with putting Amelia as bait, and she tanked it like a boss even though she isn't built properly, it's hilarious.

    Also, why the frek do I already have a defense win? Swapped out my Fae from last week with a bland Fury/Desperation Anna and I have a win.... whyyyy, I don't get it (TA/QR Nowi - DB/WoM Lilina - Ruby Sword/WoM Olivia like last week for the rest. WoM shouldn't be an issue if you fight TA units that die to anything countercoloured).

    Also also, that competitive spirit in AA is harsh, no idea what I should do to remain in 3k. Right now it's merging M!Corrins together, but I don't really like him that much and that refine is really bland, but swapping to a new unit (like Effie for example) would require a lot of feathers I don't have to get to the same level as Aether +3 M!Corrin.... darn... mean players trying to take mah spot. 5124 was #288X or something, it's crazy how fast people improve up there.

  16. 16 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    At least I have F!Grima

    For what? The bonus unit is F!Robin, not Grima.

    Edit: Or maybe you were talking about applying Earth bonus stats with her, since next season will have Earth benefits? I admit, I didn't immediately think of that.

  17. 2 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

    Quick question, yesterday (or the day before) I asked the questions thread whether a +def -spd Nowi or +atk -HP Nowi would be a better (low-effort) investment. Hawk King was the only one who responded, and he was leaning mostly towards +atk -HP. He also recommended breath or stance skills, which would be ideal but unless I got an influx of Brave Ikes and Shiros, I'm more likely to keep Nowi's TA3 because so many characters I'm investing more in want those skills.

    If I want to keep TA3 on Nowi, and am planning on giving her QR3 in the future, and will run her with a dragon team, is +def -spd or +atk -HP a better option? The +def -spd one is the first one I pulled, and because I'm not super attached to Nowi I'm perfectly fine not switching if the two natures are roughly equal under certain circumstances. But is +atk -HP just that much more superior, or could I get away with the current nature?

    My Nowi +8, who is part of my core team for everything, is +Att/-Res and runs TA3/QR3/Fortify Dragons/DD Seal because screw those Breath skills. In your situation, I would definitely take the +Att/-HP one, but ultimately it will be up to your preferences. I would be lying if I said that a +Att/-Spd hadn't crossed my mind as the best combination, seeing that she gets doubled by everything in high-tier Arena, and leaving her bulk untouched would therefore seem wise, but I find her neutral speed a lot more comfortable in PvE content. If you want to be extra bulky with Breath skills it might actually be a good choice to take +Def/-Spd and laugh at physical attacks, but with TA the difference is pretty negligible in most cases where one normally uses TA units. However, it might become significant when fighting colorless units and without DD seal (Lyn for example might be problematic if you don't pay attention). With the support of my Fae's Fortify Dragons and DD3, my TA Nowi really wants the +Att most of the time and couldn't care less about an extra 3 Def, but how would you use your Nowi?

    What matters a lot for TA builds (at least to me) is definitely the +Att to one-shot reds if you occasionally need to go on the offense. While Nowi remains mainly a EP unit, there are times where being proactive is helpful, but again, it is up to you what you want to achieve with her.

  18. I wonder how likely it is that Lene becomes the next 4* drop. Sword Valor is kinda making me doubt a bit, but I'd like to have her without relying on a banner focus. Obviously, she is gorgeous to look at, but I would also love to have a second sword dancer for AA (or even a sword valor dancer in general; I can't fodder off my only Chrom or Gray for that). Ishtar is 5*-locked, that's for sure, and I feel like Ares will be too (pulled him so that he can collect dust with the recent off-focus daddy for the time being - though perma-Bonfire is funny as hell), but he isn't as certain as Ishtar. Anyways, since I won't be spending on the banner anymore, I'll just have to hope.

    Concerning the story: Sharena being Loki would probably be a better twist than what we will end up getting, the writing isn't really subtle. Helbindi being the "forced to be a jackass for survival" isn't exactly new, but it's serviceable enough. It's a shame that we'll likely enter a break soon with an upcoming seasonal banner, but at the very least, I am not bored by the story. Even if it isn't anything special it's miles ahead of Book 1 for me.

  19. 27 minutes ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    Do either of your dragons have rallies? My theory on why it works with my team is that TA3 makes it so that Tiki, who has Rally Def/Res, doesn't want to be baited by a blue, because she'll do less than 5 damage. So she'll just hang out and rally stuff. This means she'll either stick to Nino or F!Kana, the former creating a very dangerous attack zone overlap. I could see either of your dragons doing the same with Lilina. Good positioning would obviously ruin the setup very quickly, but I have a feeling many people either don't know about or forget to account for the <5-damage rule. Actually, yours might be even more trolly because with a refresher, you can get stuff like your rallier moving forward to rally a friendly, then getting refreshed and ramming into the thing that was supposed to be the unit who got rallied.

    Both had Reposition, which is even more baffling, and Lilina had Draw Back. When I auto-battle the comp they do the dumbest stuff and seperate themselves to get picked off, which is why I never expected a win, like at all during the week, but if that win stays all alone till the end of the season, then I'll just consider it a lucky pity win or something.

  20. 5 hours ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    ...Nowi and Tiki are even TA3....

    Why does this even work? Not caring about defense anymore I just slapped two TA dragons (Nowi and Fae), Olivia and Lilina, a team nobody should have issues with (TA dragons (TA units in general) are ridiculously easy to erase on both phases), and took a nap; now I already have a win, even though it took me till the last minutes last week to get anything while thinking about valid team comps for the current set of maps.

    Even if my Lilina and Olivia use WoM, the TA dragons shouldn't have any way of activating it by being obliterated beforehand due to the TA disadvantage, and killing off a slow mage and a dancer isn't hard. Could be a free concede, or the guy was drunk or whatever, but I just do not get Defense in this game.

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