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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. 7 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    Darn it. I fell asleep so I didn't get the tap battle daily done. This will forever haunt me -.-

    Those pitiful rewards? I doubt it. You probably lost more by not playing Grand Conquest intensively and collecting the small bread crumbs every two hours.

    So, is it just because I'm bored or does anyone see a Henohenomoheji when looking at Ishtar's face?



  2. I was about to get really angry, but it turned out well at the very end. ~150 orbs to get either Jakob (Bold Fighter Beast) or Lyn for Speed Tactics. Already have Grima and Inigo, but could do quite well with Genny and Henry. Sniping all Greens and Colorless.

    Inigo, Grima, Grima...... why game. Getting 5* should be a nice thing, but not if it's the ones I already have and don't need, even for merges.... Legendary banners can be so frustrating. One Grima is +Spd/-Res, which is apparently how one wants her to be, but it doesn't interest me that much. She is just a decent unit when I only need great ones or characters I actually like.

    Anyways, was feeling down (I know, 3 5* in 150?, not too bad, right? But as explained, it doesn't make me happy, when the other candidates were way more interesting) and went into my last summon to get a +Att/-Spd Jakob. Thank Naga, a beautiful specimen for when I get Bold Fighter. I'll begin preparations to turn him into the beast he can be. Gacha is really tiring, playing with our nerves all the time....

    I wish everyone luck for their pulls and wishes!

  3. Reaching 50k is so easy now that I would personally prefer this to last seven days instead of ten, though I have no idea how big the struggle is for casual players. Maybe I should just be happy about it and always ignore the mode after 50k and HM grind with Navarre, who is such a scrub, you can auto-two-turn the 5 HM per match with ease. Zephiel, Michalis and Llyod aren't much harder with the right units.

    Still, since energy isn't being used that much anymore, I might as well auto TTs whenever I think about it, but the feather rewards are almost irrelevant now, so I'll do the same and just take the 4k and forget about it (the competition in the higher tiers is ridiculous for the payoff.)

  4. 50 minutes ago, Book Bro said:

    Last year: why are the only alts from Awakening/Fates? Tellius and Elibe are popular too!

    This year: stop with the alt Ikes and Lyns! Lucina and the Fates royals deserve more attention!

    Straw man? Straw man.

    I can obviously just speak for myself, but I just don't find the alts that appealing if they are spammed the way they are now. Seasonal alts shouldn't be an issue (and aren't if I perceive the overall mood correctly). Popular characters dressing up, celebrating some event are fine for most, I feel. I would even prefer being no cases like Charlotte and Shigure/Inigo where characters are first introduced in alternative forms, but hey, that's just me.

    Legendary Alts aren't an issue for me either. I don't eagerly pull for them  and one per month is actually pretty tame. They are supposed legends, alts of lords/main characters/OCs are perfectly acceptable considering the theme. With that said, I don't see why Lyn is a great pick right now. IS has the tendency to push too far too early. Lyn should actually get five alts, heck even more in the lifespan of this game, but I already get the vibe of milking a cow dry before its peak production. That may very well be my personal impression, but Thracia, Hinoka, Eirika, Celica and Chrom were pretty disappointing to be frank, as I don't feel the game already needs these to salvage banner sales. If someone has numbers to prove me wrong, that sales were dropping or whatever, and that the alts are necessary to keep the game profitable (besides pure greed), then please do correct me, but I just don't see how the very first banner of Thracia needed to divert the attention this much from the main lord of the game for the Memehardt, as an example. As this is my first and last Gacha game, I have no clue on oversaturation for specific characters, but if that exists then IS is kinda pushing for it way too soon.

    It's not even an issue of getting everyone into the game (won't happen, even though I'd like it if they adressed this somehow in the future (like skins for existing characters with similar stat distribution; not saying they should do this, just throwing whatever nonsense I come up with on the spot), but more about the atrocious pace at which new characters are added, when it isn't necessary to be this alt-focused, yet (heck, I'm pulling for Lyn because of Speed Tactics; it could be anyone having it, even personal flops like Est).

  5. Shame, GC doesn't seem to have significant changes to make the mode more fun. More lances and less differences in reward won't make me motivated to try again like last time, so I'll do what my teams did three times in a row and say "screw you". I'll get the personal level rewards and then ignore it besides quests, take whatever my team accomplishes and not bother with it otherwise. I'd like to keep my nerves intact this time.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Regular Hinoka or new Hinoka? Regular Hinoka would run Hinoka's Spear and just pretend the -Atk didn't exist. 32 base Atk isn't too bad when you have a 20-Mt weapon.

    New Hinoka can use her Special skill as a crutch by stacking Spd for Moonbow activations or just run the Attack +3 Sacred Seal.

    Oh yeah, should have been more specific, BowHinoka was my -Att unit, regular Hinoka is actually quite fine as +Spd/-Def. +Att seal for the Kinshi Knight it is, for now. Thx for the input.

    19 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    I can't summon better natures if the game refuses to give me them. It's ridiculous the number of duplicate natures I get on some characters.

    When even whales get screwed over by the system that much, what a harsh world we live in.


  7. 18 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    If you are running Heavy Blade in her A slot, you almost certainly want to also run Hone Fliers on an ally to help boost her Atk to better guarantee a Galeforce activation.

    If you are using Galeforce, I would use Lunge (or Drag Back) instead of Hit and Run because Hit and Run moves you away from your opponent after attacking. Also because Lunge is great for disrupting positioning.

    Yeah, makes sense; would probably go for Lunge then to infiltrate the enemy lines. I have a spare Hone Fliers from a second Hinoka, but am still very hesitant on who would be the most suitable candidate for it. Heavy Blade on A is the only way to make it immediately proc, which is kinda important in Arena, I feel, since I don't think Cordelia will be able to attack twice, before getting killed. I intend to run both Hinokas and Caeda or Azura atm, giving two Hone Fliers and some warp shenanigans, but I just don't feel too optimistic about getting a def win with it; I've been pretty weak lately on defense. Also still not sure if Firesweep Cordelia is that efficient in Arena to begin with.

    22 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    You want to make sure your units are taking their turns in the correct order. Test out your team with auto-battle to see what order your units will move when controlled by the AI and make adjustments to your team slot order if they're not moving in the right order.

    What would be a good order, though? If a dancer moves first, it's easier to predict a team and kill with EP units or Dancer/Nukes, but if the dancer makes a unit seperate itself from the team, it's an easy sitting duck to kill, which also begs the question "what support skills are the best for flying teams?". I've seen so many bad Repositions on AI teams that it hurt my soul.

  8. With the upcoming Arena season and having an atrocious -Att BowHinoka, I thought about building a flying team for Arena defense, though being the first time doing this on defense (offense is a piece of cake to use them), I'm quite unsure whether or not I should bother the with planned investments. First and foremost, my Cordelia.

    How bad is a +Att/-Res Cordelia with Firesweep+/Reposition/Galeforce/HeavyBlade3 (I hate my regular Ike and will kill him off after the 5k HM)/Unsure B-Skill (Have Hit&Run atm)/Fortify Fliers (might give her a Goad, if I get more Pallas) / Quickened Pulse Seal. I feel the AI is too dumb to use Firesweep Cordelia.

    The investments would be: 5*ing Roderick + sacrifice, sacrifice regular Ike - which is why I'd prefer pointing it out here.

    As far as I experienced it, NY!Azura is kinda trash in defense teams due to poor AI decisions, but maybe I'm wrong. Anyways. Here are my useable Fliers: regular Hinoka (+Spd/-Def), NY!Azura (I actually forgot: -Att/+Res I believe), Kinshi Hinoka (-Att/+Res, sigh), Caeda (+Att/-HP) / to a lesser extent also Minerva, but her nature is meh (-Res/+HP I think) and she isn't properly built, yet EDIT: Forgot about F!Grima (+Def/-HP) and DC-less Myrrh (+Res/-HP). I don't have any of the seasonals, nor do I have F!Morgan or DC fodder, which is quite a pity for defense purposes, leading me to believe I shouldn't build a flier team for them, not that I have any idea on how to properly build one atm.

  9. 6 minutes ago, silveraura25 said:

    This is kinda like the Awakening banner, isn't it?

    Pretty much the same feeling for me, yes. I will easily forgive Morgan and Kana once (both pairs should be in the game), but once they pull a Corrin/Robin on them, I'll probably be less willing to do so again. Alt Chrom on horse was nonsense, though (again, only for me).

  10. 31 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    Also, in reaction to others complaining about alts: aren't we getting 4 new characters anyways, two of them free? I think this is fine.

    Definitely doesn't feel that way for me. Shigure had to come in his original form, but being in the game for quite a while now makes him rather lackluster and less fresh, his kit isn't helping imo (fun for people wanting a wo dao lance?).

    The gender pair is also irritating for me when one speaks of "different characters". Another case of a necessity to implement them at some point, no doubt, but it doesn't make me feel better about the "getting new characters" part. If anything, Kana got an alt while being a new character as well.

    Hinoka is an alt, where Reina should have been, imo, but money, I guess. At least she only has one.... for now.

    And Kaze... well, we don't know his deal, yet (if it's a Rhajat/Ayra thing, then we cannot count him towards this banner, but the respective one in the near future). He is new, though, and a welcome addition.

    What I'm trying to say, this doesn't feel like four new characters, but more like two newcomers and three alts and I am aware that this is just my personal perception, I just wish it weren't this annoying lately.

  11. Ew, who dared to put a new character on this banner? Shoo, Kana, shoo, we need another Azura.... on a horse.... with decorative wings on her back to fit the banner theme. Bye bye, Reina, nobody wants thee, not even in a banner perfectly titled for you AND introducing your class (IMO, it doesn't matter if she is a great character or not, the way/pace IS introduces the cast is infuriating and every playable character should get in).

    I wouldn't mind getting Hinoka, I do like her, but I doubt I'll spend many orbs on this. I have other priorities with my orbs right now. That Kaze, though... hmm, thinking about the possibilities on how IS might introduce him. The timing is weird, that's for sure.

  12. After the summoning pool changes I thought I would never be disappointed in off-focus units ever again.... and then came Eldigan on todays banner and my usual full summoning session...

    What role does he even offer when you already have a Xander? He is so pointless and the 12 damage Fury 6 is just a meme. Sigh, new lvl 40 conversation, I guess.

  13. I kinda doubt everyone will get in with this current trend. Doesn't seem that profitable with the lesser known/appreciated characters and demands too much effort to be added in bursts (balance, useful skills, artists, voice actors), at least that's my impression on how they decide things.

    @Tybrosion 380, ey? Yeah, that seems like quite a few. A new banner every two weeks, ~26 banners with 3-4 units.... adding the legendaries with an extra 12 per year and leaving alts out of the theory... we have a very generous 116 new units in a year; that still doesn't seem very fast, does it? Not sure how long this game will last, but I'm not expecting some of the more obscure characters to come anytime soon.

    I dread the day when a non-seasonal banner will offer 4 alts and no newcomer before the next Thracia banner drops (I mean seriously, they obviously have no clue how to implement that particular cast when you look at the current banner).

    Talking about banners.... I'm really itching to spend orbs, haven't spent many since F!Grima (a bit on Nowi/M!Grima). Could use another Hector banner (yes, still have none since this games inception...); Speed Tactics would be fine as well.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

    I put a level 20 healer in my team of level 40s and now Try This recommends I do the level 8 Normal TT.

    This is hilarious, I haven't seen "Try this" recommend anything non-asinine, yet. Not sure who it benefits, to be honest....

    The maps used for this TT makes it kinda hard for me to farm HM. Reinhardt and Horses are making it easy, but those are already mostly capped for me (1k to gather max for the usual suspects), so I'm not sure yet on how to gather HM outside of that since mediocre units won't make it far and frustrate in manual play. Investing into units to get more feathers is dumb, so I guess I'll keep abusing Navarre for them.

  15. 1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    The earliest hours don't. There's too many rounds/hours in a map, so the first day is a trap for more than nominal use of free lances. This was demonstrated on my first outrealm where Alfonse went super hard and had 20+ properties the entire first day and then just completely died during the second day and lost everything because he didn't have any ability to defend his stuff. The entirety of the second day, however, does matter, with the very last two rounds being the most crucial.

    I'm not talking about the lances as an item, but the free energy one has and goes to waste if unused. If one completely ignores the mode the first day and it becomes the norm for a significant portion of the team (which we had), they will put themselves at a disadvantage, depending on the map constellation. An early heavy push is pretty wasteful, though, that I will agree.

    Don't get me wrong, I know that a team can conquer everything the second day without having to care for the first, but morale seemed quite noticeable in some instances and I had a feeling users took the stance of not participating at all because of them looking at an unfavorable map (not that it mattered as a lot of people got good rewards for doing jack). Having a better starting position also helps conquering later on with the extra lances. The major conquest then is obviously way more significant than any contribution in the beginning, but I would argue the start isn't completely useless. But hey, it's just my impression, can't care enough about the mode to verify my claims on a more pedantic level.

  16. Finally over, being three times on the losing end is fun, that's for sure. I have no clue on how they will improve this mode, but I really don't want to experience such frustration again. I can't believe I am saying this, but I prefer VG over this. Who cares who wins the inconsequential voting? Just look at the predictions, read between the lines and maximize feather income on your own while ignoring everything besides bonus hours. It's boring, but I at least keep the feeling of determining my rewards.

    With GC, you have the same boredom (except if you are into RD) with the added dependency on your team and a useful map position, which is entirely random, AND having to be ready to do stuff manually, tediously, and consistently (people say the early hours don't matter, but considering you need to not be reduced to 1-3 areas to properly conquer in the later hours, people do need to pay attention to not just give away free areas too much, which will happen if you only play at the end). I'll be keeping an eye on changes, but if they don't really matter, I will actually ignore this mode entirely past the orb rewards.

    I'm so glad TT is next; boring grind for sure, but entirely dependent on my own contribution, which is apparently all I can ask for. Gratz to the lucky teams out there.

  17. I really wish my points wouldn't be thrown away like that, just because I was seconds too late to end a manual run for higher scores before the round ends. I can't blindly rush things with those stupid reinforcing units spamming my conquest, can't put all scores too soon for fear of retaliation, had to contribute in several areas, and it would have made a difference on that spot as well....

    My fault for trying so late in the round, you will say, but this way all my points for the last match are just poof in an already limited pool of possible contributions. I already hate this mode in its current state, and this does not help. Also, my team will probably get bullied on once everyone sleeps... fun.

  18. Woke up telling myself "Ah, the TT banner is today, I'll pick all the blues and then just leave it at that" -> 1 colourless, 4 reds -> Welp, 4* Priscilla it is! At least I'll keep all my orbs, but figures that there would be no blue. Well played, gacha.

  19. 47 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    ..., like building some more units (and giving everything Wings of Mercy and/or Desperation).

    God, I wish I could say this unironically. It would make this a lot more tolerable.

    I am being crushed once more in my new team, but I can't contribute much anyways without any new items, so I'm screwed to accept the peanuts of this mode. It's more free stuff and yet I can't shake off the salt when other people will be going away with several thousands of feathers more than me...

    I'd love to know what metrics or other reasons they used for putting teams together.

  20. Oh boy, am I glad I was put on Team Anna, the map is designed so nicely /sarcasm

    Seriously, what were they thinking with that bottom right area?

    I really don't see this mode becoming good anytime soon, just too many flaws or unfun/random elements, making this feel like the Voting Gauntlet 2.0.

    2 more rounds of this, yey. While I'd love to just ignore it and get whatever rewards at the end, I'd just feel bad to let my team down, so I will continue contributing, against my previous decision and only this time because the event is new, but man is it disheartening to be screwed over this badly.

  21. 15 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

    Outrealm 924 team Sharena, we went from leading big time to last.  What has IS given team Alphonse for them to be leading everywhere?

    Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel Alfonse has the most accessible and straightforward area constellation of the three. That space in the bottom corner on the right seems to be the weird confusing part in my realm, and it only affects Sharena and Anna. But what do I know. Maybe all the most active players were coincidentally put in Al's teams. :P

  22. Yeah, not gonna bother trying to have the best strategy, seems too arbitrary and my team also seems to fail spectacularly, sooo.... nice idea, but not my cup of tea.

    Some maps are infuriating (choke points you can't overcome due to spam and slow reinforcements), team prowess is random (number of participants per dimension, time zones, available time. enemies fought, etc.), fighting takes quite long (the AI is atrocious on these maps with my team comp) having to look at the status every two hours reminds me of early voting gauntlets (which is not a good thing) and speaking of voting gauntlet, this is as fun as one of them. Auto-battle every 8 hours it is, with random rewards at the end! You did try, IS, and you did ask for feedback, but I think I'll give up in advance.

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