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Posts posted by MonkeyCheez3K

  1. My defense team is now Dragon Kindergarten, because who cares (also wasting good resources on 2 grails and 10 pebbles more seems .... not optimal):


    Can't even upload a screenshot directly, something about 40kb limit, lol, was the limit changed recently?

    Ninian next to the tactic room and all the books, telling a story by the fireplace. Myrrh, Fae, Kana and Nowi all gathered around to listen to her story after exhausting themselves completing the snowman family.

    Everyone only has their Fortify/Hone Dragons with Ninian also keeping her singing skill, coz they feel cozy together, and F!Grima standing in the corner, desperately longing to be part of it, but unable to admit it. If you want to murder this, be my guest, you monster.

    The longer season should let me get into Tier 20 easily if my math skills aren't abysmal and counter teams aren't too frequent. After that, Season 21 will be impossible, so whatever and many shrugs once more. Might even turn my Myrrh back into an Earth-Dragon then due to this game mode being super arse, i mean unfun, and build a Raven F!Robin or something; whoever gets the job done well enough to keep me in Tier 20.

    Screw this mode also for limiting you to 5 teams, but not being able to just lock the skills in them. I use those units elsewhere as well, stop making me go through the tedious skill menus to change stuff back and forth to how I want them. There is always that one skill, that one seal suddenly missing somewhere else when i do that because it's way too cumbersome and bloated. I can finally lock a defense team in AR (why still not in Arena, tho.... IS, you're just monkeys sometimes), so let me lock my offense as well if one has to be limited to five teams. Right now I just go in with the same team without looking at the enemy comp, because I just can't be bothered.

    It pisses me off to no end that Arena Assault is the only "PvP" mode I enjoy now.... initially the worst, now it's the best. If I didn't currently have ludicrous luck in pulling units, I'd be even more worked up.

  2. Are those New Year pulls rigged to be good or something? To make people invested in the upcoming year of content?

    - Old New Year banner, going 2 green, 1 red (didnt take a picture of the circle, coz I wasn't expecting what would come afterwards):

    Libra, Arthur, Camilla (didn't have her, so I thought, ok, day won't be total trash at least)

    - First circle on the new banner:



    Hate the reds, I'm gonna be honest, but my first three 5* circle on non-legendary, so I won't complain, also, I like Laevatein, so I will take it, even if the third dust-collecting Reinhardt and another useless Eldigam are as helpful as another Raigh and Henry.

    13 orbs left, enough to pull another three units on the legendary (base %) for green and blue, so what could go wrong. 1 green, eh, I'll take it.



    Game won't give me anything on the Tellius banner, am I right to assume that? Regardless, I needed that; been a while since I pulled what I wanted or needed, and this batch was insane from probability alone. What a way to start of with a bang, even with those two useless dudes.

  3. 1 hour ago, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi said:

    If you're running double Eir, Aversa and a refresher, the only thing missing is a Light-blessed tank. Pick something with good mixed defenses, though favour Def, since Eir's buffs are going to help shore up that Res. Surtr is who I've been using (and he's a junky +0 +Spd/-Atk one) with great success. I've also seen Myrrh recommended. Hardin also has the kind of stat line needed to survive.

    As far as who to pick for refresher, just anyone who has good synergy with Aversa or your chosen tank. Failing that, Gronnraven Y!Azura can provide some coverage.

    There wouldn't be any spot left for the bonus unit then (Eir, Eir, Avera, Tank, Refresher), so what do I do there? I have a built DC +4 Myrrh, already blessed for my Tactics team, would be great here but I can't justify losing her regular blessing. Would love a flying Olivia as a light blessed dancer, but my other dancers are already well-placed in blessed teams or without synergy, so I might go young Azura or change the blessing on my spare Axura. The only exception, a -Att Bridal Ninian, has been underwhelming so far, and I just don't know if she would help me that much (she is a flyer for them buffs and easier terrain, I guess).

    Winter Fae kinda came along now; Lightning Breath, +Def refine, her bond skills and Drives from my other team members as a good substitute for your successful Surt? She has the benefit of not being blessed yet, so I wouldnt mind blessing her with Light, and maybe I could reason with myself to swap regular Ninian's blessing to buff Fae and become my go-to AR refresher then...

    Also how does Surt help (let's imagine his time after the bonus stat seasons), you just put him in range of the overlapping units with his regular build and pick off the enemies once triggered?

    1 hour ago, Maaka said:

    Three of my top offensive units are Nowi, Soleil, and Loki. Nowi is a standard steady breath, quick riposte build with a distant defense seal, but she is +res/-spd with a res refine on her lightning breath. At +10, this lets her get up to 38 def and res when attacked (44 with DD), and I normally use NInian with fortify dragons. She can tank so many of the main threats and destroy them on the counterattack. I also run her with an ally support on Corrin with his Yato refine when I need some insane bulk. Aside from the steady breath, she is pretty cheap to build and extremely effective.

    Soleil is my armorsmasher unit, which is extremely useful against Surtr right now, and really any armored unit in general. I gave her galeforce with the flashing blade seal since she is so fast and since she is a 162 bst unit, her bulk isn't too bad either. However, any armorsmasher unit would work pretty well. I mainly tank everything with Nowi and then lure the enemy close enough to where Soleil can run through them, so any high attack/speed red unit works well and there are a ton to choose from.

    Loki is rather specific, but the fact that she is a walking tactics room makes her useful against pretty much any team. Being able to lock down a firesweep brave Lyn to 1 movement while you bait the other units is extremely useful. Unfortunately, she is a rare unit and if you didn't pull for her, you're pretty much out of luck there.

    Regular Myrrh is a good one to use with two Eirs, but only if you have distant counter on her really. One thing that saves me in many of my matches is stacking in combat buffs like ward fliers or drives on a really strong tank. I used a light blessed Myrrh last week with two Eirs with ward fliers and she literally tanks everything except falchion users, which you hardly see unless it's horse Chrom. 

    As far as positioning skills go, I generally give my two main units reposition and the third unit smite, just in case I need to smite onto a trap and then run away to test if it is real or not.

    I'm sure there are many other great units that people can suggest, but the ones I mentioned have carried me through all of my matches with nearly perfect runs. However, you do have to think pretty hard about the matches and how the enemies will move to really do well. I've seen plenty of whales completely misuse their units and lose just because they don't know how to play.

    I wish I could use my Nowi, but she has been a core unit of my main team since pretty much the beginning of the game. I cannot justify changing anything about her, even though she is a prime candidate for mixed bulk, light blessing will never happen on her and I actually have no Nowis to spare for a new one (need one for possible Lightning Breath). A Galeforce user should come in handy, not sure if an armorsmasher, but I'll keep Soleil in mind, I do like her and wanted to build her at some point anyways.

    Loki.... I summoned when she arrived.... never got her.

    Same as Nowi, Myrrh cannot swap blessings as a core part of my Tactics team, truly a shame, she would have been very helpful.

    Thanks to both of you as well. I might save some nerves, yet.

  4. 8 hours ago, Johann said:

    Here are a few tips:

    Thank you for the advice, noted them down.

    I could still need some more on specific units/builds to make this easier on offense. S summoner support for example is already way too tedious for me. If I could just swap S-ranks at will, I might actually do it, but I cannot put the effort into swapping every week and neglect my favorites because of this infuriating mode while having to redo mindless battles to get back to S on previous supports (I know its halved in requirements, still too tedious).

    So back to the team comp, one or two Eirs in my team, who should be the core dancer, if any, who gets what positioning skill, any Galeforce user?, who gets what buff skills, etc

    A team of Eir, Eir, Aversa, dancer, bonus for example seems weak against common threats, but maybe someone has a strategy going that works really well that I could replicate without being rich (I do have some good fodder, but I cannot waste it on mere assumptions and general ideas). I could also build commonly seen units from scratch if they are not too hard to obtain like Reinhardt/Cordelia/Cecilia/etc. , I could focus on my Winter Fae as a bait unit, but again, can't just spend scarce resources only to find out that my current approach of "just go" has the same success.

    I appreciate the help, this mode marks the first time in FEH that I just feel like hating the game (sure, maintaining a tier is easy, but losing on 600~ lift because of an obnoxious system, leaving me permanently behind in resources is more than just frustrating when I'm also forced to play it every day), and if I can avoid that kind of negativity, I might still continue enjoying the game in the future, even with its many flaws.

  5. With the increasing risk of me getting crazy, while also throwing my phone at the wall (basically, I hate Aether Raids), I would like to ask how I should proceed in building up a core offense team to handle most situations. I can't be arsed with switching out all the time, dont have enough blessings and I'm not motivated at all, but have to play this daily so I don't feel like I miss out on too much. Although I know that no team can beat everything, I aim at easing my daily pain with the worst parts of this game before I feel forced to quit.

    So I have three Eirs, two neutrals, one Att+/Spd-, barely any noteworthy units without blessings (making it even more obnoxious finding targets for the light blessings, as I hate deleting the former one). I don't mind swapping out blessings or investing in more copies for Aversa, pulled a trashy but maybe useable Fae (+HP/-Res) on todays banner and generally don't know what to build that doesn't make a unit die to the cookie cutter overlapping defense nonsense.

    If investing in a solid core puts me at ease, I can dig into quality fodder, though I don't have some of the more common premium skills like Close/Distant Counter, so kindly point towards roles and strategies I should go for. That will suffice as a start, but I appreciate any specifics as well.

  6. What is a scythe going to be for a weapon type? Axe?

    Feh Channel was whatever, after Book II how could anyone expect anything worthwile from their writing team? Tickets are there to motivate players into spending more orbs, the Metal song was just.... weird and didn't add much. Being different for differences sake, I guess, like "Hey guys, you didn't like Book II? Don't worry, this is totally different its darker, cooler and more hardcore!". Not looking forward to 3-movement flyers (I don't mind Tibarn, tho), I won't care for the new elements, I'll stay open for a better story, but have zero expectations left and.... well, that's it. Not a whole lot, as expected from 10 minutes.

    Still curious about what will break me and my stubborn franchise love, but this was rather harmless compared to Aether Raids. I just wish I weren't so indifferent to it all.

  7. Why spend on the current banner when you pull the featured units in record time? I spend 150ish orbs for three Ylgrs and a random Alm. The pull rates are very beneficial for the consumer. I feel revenue would be way weaker with that alone. Current dissatisfaction obviously doesn't help, though.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    it feels super weird when I'm just saving up free orbs for my pulls and not spending money.

    On the other hand, this banner's sniping rates are through the roof, so it's felt better than other recent banners.


    Either way, I've currently already eaten my gacha budget for the month, and I want to actually hold myself to that for once (instead of stealing from my groceries budget).

    Heh, I kinda imagined it must have felt weird when one is used to spending a big but regulated budget in a set period of time. Good luck with that perseverance. I myself am trying to resist pulling more to keep some orbs for January (or Distant Counter), those rates are, however, indeed quite juicy.

    Generally, if anyone needs a copy for fodder or whatever, they should definitely consider pulling here. This easily beat my pulling for Legendary Lyn that wasted so many orbs for mere tears nothing.

  9. Don't I feel like a fool for fruitlessly wasting all those orbs on worthless Lyn for her Spd Tactic, getting two Ylgr in 70ish orbs means I can even keep one (I don't hate her, she just has no character development). Emergency Chill Spd/other Spd Tactic unit is still an option if I can't do anything interesting with her.

    The high chances of getting another copy or Surt are tempting, but I need my orbs for Haar, so I'll be content with being liberated from the Spd Tactic drought.

    Now I only need a Hector..... to complete my Tactic team. Until then.... Haar, come to me, please.

  10. So, Hrid is the next legendary, I'm assuming?

    2-unit banner.... huh, didn't see that coming. I'm saving up anyways for a possible Haar in January, but that Speed Tactic is pissing me off once more, coz I won't get it. As for the rest, nothing that surprises me anymore except Ylgr's weapon type (Blue dagger, what?). So one circle of green and blue and then I buzz off from the game.

  11. Haha, having gained the golden throne I'm now already completely checked out from the mode and I am getting sloppy because of it. Good thing I really don't care since I hate the mode, but the difference is very much noticeable.

    As for defense, I'm going for a "My team is gonna attack you and suicide into you before you can get both Aether reserves and hopefully take out one or two of your team while they are at it" on the obviously broken spring whatever map (like everyone). Not sure if Reinhardt, Maribelle, Veronica and dancer (Young Azura this season) is the right approach, but trying for defense wins is kinda pointless. Griefing would be enough for me.

  12. Not even a season done (well, technically I am done since I dont have any aether left) and I think I'm gonna hate it as much as Arena, while AA will remain as the "most fun" of the PvP modes (how sad is that?). Hate the very limited amount of daily runs, hate having so much aether left that is just 3 units short of another run and wasted for the season, hate the snowball system of people ahead staying ahead since it correlates with the upgrade stones, hate the initial shitshow with the calculations on how much a match costs in aerther, hate the growing number of really obnoxious defense teams due to bad design choices like healers, hate the turn limit (even though I know why it's there), hate the bonus system that now also applies to buildings I might not want to build. And what  do I like? The potential of individual map designs giving a lot of variety that immediately falls flat when it becomes tedious with the focus on aether reserves.

    I wish I could share the hype a lot of people have for this mode, but I just can't. Out of curiosity, though, am I the only one who finds it atrocious that upgrading your buildings is bound, as mentioned, by a snowball system where the lead gets further ahead with rewards and leaves the rest further behind the longer this will go on? In Arena you can catch up with other modes and rewards, here the extra stones will be a permanent bonus against anyone in lower tiers for all upcoming seasons. Sorry if it was discussed before and I just didn't read it. I've been more passive lately with the game and in the forums while I try to figure stuff out.

  13. 40 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Remove female Robin and add Lucina. This line-up wouldn't work because there is an odd number of characters in the summoning pool, meaning you'd have uneven banners.

    Oooh right, second blunder of mine. After F!Corrin I forgot that F!Robin isn't a regular unit as well. In that case it would work the way you suggest it. Guess it is a valid possibility after all.

  14. Smash Bros. VG with M!Robin, F!Robin, Marth, Chrom, Roy, M!Corrin, F!Corrin, Ike?

    I'm so screwed, Aether Keep did little to nothing for me and I haven't had any fun with this game prior to the update during October. I know people enjoy AK, so I won't rain on their parade, but for me it did nothing to fix the other modes from being absolutely boring/frustrating. Seeing that one can't play AK for long, it works on a snowball system and also generally only matters if you care about GHB/TT units, which I don't, I'm pretty much back at waiting for something to enjoy again. Garbage pulls don't help either

    Taking a break from the game wouldn't help as I know that it would be the same as quitting in my case (I just don't do temporary breaks, almost always just permanent ones), but boredom and frustration might endanger my orbs with some spontaneous summoning itches. Looking at the new schedule, I think I'm in it for some pain.

  15. 10 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    Just a reminder to the rest of you guys, there is still the Feedback thing in-game, so be sure to let them know your thoughts!

    I know that my Feedback goes straight to the bin, considering they still haven't fixed the description of Ares' weapon in German, even though I've told them twice. So I don't even bother anymore.

  16. So that's how they fix Bold Fighter, ey? Another hard-to-get skill on a shiny new unit, punishing fair skills like Quick Riposte, because they already dug themselves way too deep into the ground; all in one neat package. At this point I dont even know what to say. Thankfully, I can wait until the FEH channel before I think about what I should do, but man, can't say this is going anywhere I want it to.

    As for the units, I'm not that angry or whatever about another Camilla/Corrin. It's sad that I have become so unmoved by the low number of new characters, but it's just whatever. Mikoto is nice, but beyond that, I just shrug, as with most of the game atm (except for the Gacha, which returned to the "You want stuff? Screw you, lol!" state).

  17. 2 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Palla best big sister confirmed.

    I'd argue she has a devilish side to her. She can read, she knows it's Kiran's diary and she deliberately used that instead of any other written text (basically stealing the book as well) while disregarding any sort of privacy. Secretly evil or personal grudge against Kiran for not summoning another Abel to keep for herself? Who knows?

    Nonetheless, this was quite cute.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:


    And also, damn I hope my cynicism never gets as bad as yours.

    Give it time, cynicism only gets worse. I'm afraid I noticed it on my behaviour as well.

    As for the announcement, I'm very curious about what triggered this (specifically I mean; generally, it's kinda obvious discontent from fans an is even vaguely adressed in the news) and what they hope to achieve. I mean, asking for Binding Blade fans, who were often disappointed by the neglected treatment, to wait for March? That is quite a long wait in an already uneventful period of time. Is that supposed to appease them? I don't feel that it would work that well, even if it does give them a specific month to look forward to.

    Personally, if Haar is on the RD banner, I would have to restrain myself and save orbs for January. Might be hard, though, since I still need fodder/merges and IS continues to dish out banners with units I still want, e.g. this legendary banner I will have to put everything into green, and sometimes often without success, e.g. colourless for Loki, since they are determined to push for those dumb duel skills.

    I'll need more info on the next major update before I can safely say whether I'm even more frustrated with FEH or not, though.

    For the people expecting beast units with Book III, I wonder if Path of Radiance can still come before January, since the news only mentions Radiant Dawn.

  19. Investing into additional anti-Tiki units paid off rather quickly (Arthur, Hawkeye, Amelia, Sheena, Camilla, Bartre) , 1 or 2 extra for every element, making AA a lot easier to tolerate where I would have been frustrated otherwise since Tiki apparently already spread out like a plague (no surprise there).

    Tiki made climbing up to T21 a bit obnoxious last week, but hopefully things will be a bit easier once she isn't directly a bonus unit (same goes for Myrrh).

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