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Posts posted by Jeheza

  1. 50 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

    Sacred Stones has a horse-slaying lance (...I think it's called the Horseslayer).

    Hm... in Sacred Stones itself, it might be underwhelming, if anything. [Monster]-Slayer is so good because there's so many monsters in the postgame. The only postgame horse enemies are Tarvos, who tend to wield axes anyway.

    hmm. yeah, didn't account the post game that much. I also forgot that Horseslayers exist in the game, my bad. Been too long since last time I played FE8

  2. Not usually. But if I have immersed heavily in the story and the Character is good and his/her death is well written and it gives a big impact, then Hell yes! Below Spoiler about Rave Master manga.


    Still remember it was like yesterday when Sieghart sacrificed himself, even though it’s been years since that happened. Omg but that death is a bookmark example how to kill of a character from a series with creative and epic twist. It was so heavily bound to the story too.

    I actually just found a youtube clip of the character death above and damn, got this nostalgic melancholic sensation again and actual tears to flow from both of my eyes.:sob:


  3. Well, the first skill I came up with was "Cleaver" which would work similar to bishops slayer skill except this version would be "effective against horseback units". I mean, there is already axe type weapon halberd that has the same effect so maybe halberdier could utilize the skill with lances. It might be a little OP though.

  4. Saw Ike in Brawl. He became soon my favorite character and after getting interested in competitive play, he also became my main alongside Wolf. I soon became curious if Ike appears in any of Wii games. Found there was a game called Radiant Dawn. Then I went into youtube to look information. Saw a video with all the CG's and watched it. (I was like 12yo simpleton back then, Didn't care for story spoilers or watched any gameplay) I Thought it was some badass hack and slash game (FE Warriors lol)  and told my father I want this game. Got it for next birthday. Disappointed at first that it was a lame strategy game which lacked action. Played it for few hours -> felt in love with the game and became a fan.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Tolvir said:

    I will probably buy it out of a love for Fire Emblem, but it will likely sit on a shelf.

    This same will probably happen with me too, unless I play it like the other warriors game I've played.

    The only warriors game I have ever played is the Hyrule Warriors. As a not huge Zelda fan, the repetitiveness would have bored me in 20 minutes if I'd have been playing alone. What improved my game experience and made it fun was sharing the experience with friends and playing the game together.

  6. Damn but have the badges turn out to be a headache. 

    18 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    Known Bugs

    If you don't have a Member Badge or Allegiance selected, your member badge/allegiance may not display properly. In fact, I have no idea how you can have them NOT selected--and equally no idea why the failsafes don't kick in.

    When I go to Allegiance selection there's two "Not selected" options for me. An " " and "-" and mine is in the first one. I have never selected an allegiance before so maybe that's a one way to have it not selected. Or then it's something completely different.

  7. Pretty much what most of the people have said here. Improving story and character depth with at least some kind of support/base convos will help a lot. The one Important thing I think needs improvement is the map objectives. In the original Gaiden, The main map objective was rout, while in Shadow Dragon it was always Seize(haven't played long time so correct if I'm wrong). Since conquest got praised from it's diverse Map objectives, I think IS is taking this into account while making the remake.

  8. The First question to be answered: Do you somehow need the cookies to be enabled for a vote to be counted as a vote? If so, then the below theory could be incorrect and mistaken, which I prefer it to be.

    In Fire Emblem Heroes ballot, after voting a character the page says: ”You can vote again tomorrow starting at 10 p.m. PT (7 a.m. CET). This basically let’s a person vote once per day with one device. Therefore, you can vote multiple times if you use your computer, smart phone, tablet etc. That’s understandable. But what if you could vote many times with your same computer with the same browser? 

    Well, that might be possible. I just voted Amy 5 times in a row with my smartphone for test purposes. I’m just wondering if the previous vote is simply replaced by the next one or if the vote is not counted at all. (For example, 15:30PM I vote for Orson. then after a moment, 15:33PM I vote Stefan. Have I voted two characters or does the latter replace its previous vote.? Or have either of the votes been confirmed as a vote? Both times I get the golden glowing and the text ”You selected X” ) At least normally you shouldn’t be able to change your daily vote so this got me curious. I also didn’t link the nintendo account, since I find it too obvious not to work like that. I could have tested it but I don’t even have a one… I think.

    Here’s the steps I did. 

    1.   Go to the voting page with your browser (I used firefox with private browsing) 

    2.   Vote without linking the nintendo account

    3.   Vote your Character

    4    Character gets selected

    5.   Reset your browser

    6.   repeat steps 1-5

    Of course, if your Vote confirmation is somehow connected to your cookies, this trick is quite possibly invalid. Though, what if they aren’t? If you can stack votes, isn’t the whole ballot rigged? Like it’s not anymore about that all the people have equally 13 votes to give. It’s more about the people who put the most effort and time into grinding votes.

    Let’s Imagine hypothetically that there’s a group of five people. Each of them uses this trick to vote Lyn repeatedly. Let’s assume It takes 1-2 minutes to restart the browser and cast another vote for a character. If all the five persons vote Lyn for an hour, Lyn has gotten at least 150 votes. If we Imagine the group would consist of 30 people whom will efficiently vote Meg for 5 hours, She’d be getting at least 4500 Votes, while normally they could only give 30 in that time. This kind of a trick can’t be working, right? It would be too ridiculous and unfair.

    Last question: Does the vote get transmitted into the host server when you get ”You selected X” despite your browsing style(incognito mode, etc)? What do you think? 

    Do you think this exploit could potentially work? Would you like it to work? I certainly hope not. Discuss about the matter below.  (Then again, It could be fun if some Old school FE hipsters would boost Dagdar or someone that caliber into the top 10)


  9. Well, we neither saw the axes nor the weapon triangle arrows in the trailer, which could indicate IS is leaving them out of this installment to make it an unique Gaiden experience. Still, we have seen extra characters appearing in this game, so it’s not an impossible theory that we’d get new classes which specializes in axes. I still think there’d be no weapon triangle in the game whether the axes would be in or left out.


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