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Posts posted by Jeheza

  1. I still have mosquitos in my bedroom.

    Really? My condolences. It's like one of the most annoying things at summer imo, when you go to sleep and turn the lights off, but suddenly start hearing repulsive whimper around the room...

    I actually checked the most recent forecast and according to it, we're having some rain( as liquid format), 6 C temperature and wind blow of 11m/s.

    I guess I'll spend my Christmas Eve/Day inside the house.

  2. Tiki recruited, Valm Blitzkreig'd and Plegia's army trampled. Now it's just Grima's servants left: Chapter 24, 25 and endgame.

    I let my libra die back in ch9 and didn't have any good rescue bots except Lissa and Anna. the enemy reinforcements got a chance to surround me around turn 6-7 when I tried the EXP milking strategy, so I went with 2 turn sweep when recruiting Tiki to my team. I probably wouldn't have even needed any extra EXP since I already pretty much Crushed chapters 19-23 (Unless ch24 brings some nasty surprises. Ch25 and endgame will be 1-2 turn clears anyways). I'll probably do the rest of the game tomorrow which after my "legit" Lunatic+ run comes to conclusion.

  3. Welcome to the forest, KittyCatLand!

    I see that you like Pokemon Platinum and SSBB. I like platinum too, since the GEN4 was the gen that introduced me to pokemon and the wild strategy battles. Who do you main in brawl. I mained Ike and Wolf, but have now moved to play Smash 4. Btw do you own smash 4 for Wii U or 3DS? or do you just prefer Brawl?

    Undertale seems like an interesting and funny game. I played the demo and loved it. It gave me some Earthbound vibes (Which is a good thing.)

    I also had some difficulty making words come out of my mouth back in my High school days, whenever I talked someone with high authority. You shouldn't worry about it too much.

    I'm more of a Manga guy nowadays, but I've watched some episodes of One-Punch Man this year and I've liked them a lot. Looking at your current profile picture, I guess you've liked it too?

    Oh and if you find Lunatic hard, we have a Lunatic club thread here in the forest where you can ask help and questions for some tips, strategies and such.

    EDIT 4: Jeez, i'm looking like Ubisoft, releasing stuff before it's even finished.

    ^ This made me grin a little :)

    Anyways, Hope you enjoy your stay here in the forest. Don't get lost.

  4. You're right, I cleared ch17 and don't have money problem anymore. (I managed to get 6 bullions(S) with the despoil from chapters15-17. I wouldn't have needed them, tho). I actually forgot leif's blade's extra effect and would've have used that if I'd just remembered it. At least I can now buy effective weapons for the Tiki's chapter. I should just have the 6GF unit's while Lissa and Anna works as staffbots. I hope the RNG doesn't fail me.

  5. It used to be like -10°C to -25°C here, back in the good old days.

    It might kill the christmas mood, but I love this weather.

    No snow or ice, which cause traffic chaos.

    Perfect weather to cycle.

    Yeah, I miss the snow a little for the mood reasons, but if anything good comes out of it, it's the more secure and smooth traveling with wheels. I hate driving a car on Icy roads.

  6. It just feels odd, for me at least, to go outside in dark forest at 5PM local time when temperature is 10 (°C) | 50 (°F); the same we had last June. Christmas is coming soon and there is no snow anywhere. And I live in the damn North Pole.

    So, my fellow forumites, what do you think about this fascinating phenomenon called climate change. Is it Hot or Not? Or do you care at all?

  7. My experience is that Cynthia's Paralogue looks harder than it actually is. Only a little, it's still much harder than the regular chapters, but it's still worth a try or two. Try focusing on the left side first, using a ranged non-flier with decent Def like Robin to bait and fight Snipers across walls on EP, and recruit Cynthia by having Sumia fly out, talk to her, kill something with GF and fly back, then let Cynthia fly out (or just have Sumia fight unpaired and have her pair up with Cynthia after talking if there's no enemies in range, like what you do with Kellam). Lucina and Cynthia can't ORKO anything at base, but since they both have GF it's a very good idea to soften things up for them whenever possible, because three extra kills per turn go a long way in that map (and get them a lot of exp too).

    You were right, the Cynthia's Paralogue was easier than I had thought. The promoted enemies made me fear the map and made me thinking that I'm not ready. I felt I needed at least two gale force users to get safe situations for Lucina and cynthia to get exp from chipping, thus decided to sacrifice ch14 for cord.

    I managed to build S-supports with Lissa/Frederick and Olivia/Henry, and have cleared the child paralogues in this order. [Cynthia]->[Owain]->[Morgan]->[severa]->[inigo]->[ch15]. After this post I'm going to try my luck on chapter 16.

    I probably could've have rolled with anthema!Inigo, but decided to reclass Henry to barbarian and pass Despoil, since I find my self broke all the time. maybe I can get some extra profit from the upcoming chapters this way.

    I'm also curious about Tiki's recruitment chapter, since I'd like to get her join my team as a support unit for Lucina. Here would be my pairings:

    [Morgan|Owain] [severa|Inigo] [Cynthia|Sumia] [Cordelia|Frederick] [Lucina|Tiki] [Robin|Chrom] [Lissa|Anna] [Olivia]

    I know Frederick is bad, but aside Robin and Sumia, he's the only other that has Good support with Cord.

    Lissa supports anna for guarding reasons; I only use anna as chest looter, anyways.

    If this isn't going to work well, my alternative is pair Lucina with cynthia and Cordelia with Sumia. Any critique,comments or other suggestions regarding my pairings?

  8. You're not strong enough to go straight to Cynthia's Paralogue? That's not good, you really want to get and start training her quickly and right after Cht.13 is the best time to do so. Feeding Cord in Cht.14 is probably your best bet, then. Lucina can catch up somewhere (Cynthia's Paralogue is still probably going to be the easiest place).

    Yeah, I felt that I wasn't strong enough for that yet.

    I have now given some nutritious lunch for Cordelia in the chapter 14 and she managed to get 8,5 levels and Galeforce. Should I now go the chapters like this [Cynthia's chapter] -> [Morgan's chapter] -> [severa's chapter] -> [ Chapter 15] ?

  9. Well, the Great charge became the Great suicide. Too bad, that hand axe hit really ruined it since I don't think that the enemy thief would have dealt much of damage. I actually threw my bet earlier that you might lose in the Fog of war map (Which was chapter 6, IIRC), since that can potentially be though with the units you were allowed to use.

    Oh, and I think Neimi is produced something like "Nii"-"Mi", but that's just a guess, I'm not very good in producing names either.

    As for the new content, I'll be on a Hiatus starting January for like idk nine months, but I'll be lurking around if and when I have time. Still you said you were thinking of doing something Mario, and the Neimi/Colm support gave me an idea for my favorite platformer: Wario Land 4 (It's a little Mario-ish, at least)

    Some ideas how you could HARDCORE the game:

    1. Use Hard Mode or S-Hard if it's available for you

    2. If Wario dies even once, it's game over.

    3. No access to mini-games, thus no way to buy in-game prizes except "Smile" to make bosses easier.

    If you have never played the game, you won't have S-hard available, and it would probably be too much for first time blind run, tbh.

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