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Posts posted by Jeheza

  1. Alright, so I have now cleared chapter 12 & 13. Chap 12 was brutal, even more because I tried to find good strategy to give EXP to Cordelia as much as I could. In the end, I had to go with maximum offensive output that I could pull out of my team, thus promoted Lissa to valkyrie here. (And I don't regret that decision, since it lead me to victory.) Chap 13 was a cakewalk compared to 12, which made me take an advantage of training Cordelia again. I actually forgot in the middle of the battle that Sumia was not LV15 yet and she barely got the GF in the end of the chapter (she end up with LV 15 EXP 4).

    Still after all the feeding, Cordelia is only LV 7 Dark Flier. I have now checked both available chapters: Cynthia's paralogue and chapter 14. Cynthia's chapter seems like a no-go at the moment.


    Would it be a ridiculously stupid strategy to give literally all the possible EXP to Cordelia in chapter 14 to speed at getting the GF. I had a little test earlier and I could probably do – if it's partially sane, at least – some kind of Kite strategy where I only deploy Chrom, Sumia, Cordelia and Robin. Sumia takes Chrom out of the way while Cordelia with Robin's help, murder's everyone with ranged combat from the outside of the ships for biggest possible EXP.

    The bad thing is that if I would do the above, I couldn't milk the Henry x Olivia support and my Lucina wouldn't be able to get EXP. I'm afraid how bad she would become if I don't start using her right now.

    If that's bad way to go, any suggestions of what I should do?

  2. Apologizes for being unclear. the number after the "," is the EXP the unit has, but aside for being completely irrelevant, It has caused misunderstanding.

    So to be more clear, Lissa promoted to troubadour at level 20 cleric and is now a level 12 troubadour. Should I make her hit the max or promote earlier?

    Chrom is level 11 lord. I just wonder when Chrom should promote to Great Lord to give better support bonuses for the lead unit.

    Sumia promoted to Dark Flier at level 20 Peg Knight and is now LV10 DF. Cordelia is still LV 18 Peg Knight.

  3. Questions of promotion/Class paths.

    I'm currently in the end of chapter 11 (L+) grinding Olivia to LV30 with dancing. When should I promote:

    Lissa LV12,6 Trubadour.

    Chrom LV 11,55 Lord (Supportive unit only)

    What class path would work well with fred!Owain?

    My Sumia is now LV10,73 Dark Flier and she's getting at least one level from the remaining (7) foes. Cordelia is LV18,22 Peg Knight. How are their EXP pace holding up?

  4. The main idea why I would ban the skirmishes was so that there would be no way to grind/train units. Like Squid kid said:

    If you're gonna go hardcore, take it all the way.

    But if you feel like you really need to train weaker units then sure, I won't judge. Besides you don't have Seth or any of the mounted units available, which might make the difficulty hard enough.

  5. Have you already planned which route you are going? I’m suggesting Ephraim Ephraim one, of course.

    Also, since you are doing hardcore LP, I will recommend a fifth rule: No access to Tower of Valni, Ladgou Ruins or monster skirmishes. You can enter to monster skrimish if its blocks your way for a shop or next chapter etc, but you have to retreat right after the battle starts.

  6. Because of me not paying attention, I moved Natasha in range of a Berserker which would kill her. Luckily she was attacked by another unit first, she doged and killed him and leveled up and got defense and thus survived with one HP from the Berserker.

    Wow. that def+1 sure came handy.

    Does rigged luck count? In that case I can showcase many examples from various LTC runs.

    I was thinking more of the situations were you could only hope some slim chance events to happen. Rigging luck with RNG abusing is a little different in this case, but if really want to, you are free to post some LTC examples. Besides the Topic title says when you most needed it.

  7. This is just my view of the above, but I see it very unlikely for you have a chance to efficiently train so many characters with so diverse class paths in no grind L+. Chrom is more than likely to become a support-only unit in the late game so I would use him as that all the time. I'd probably just make him Great Lord.

    I'm not sure How effective (+Spd -Def) is but I see (+Spd -Skill) or (+def -Skl) more effective myself. The latter is very good at early game. Also If your MMU's Spouse is Lissa you probably want to pass at least the other of the children (Morgan/Owain) veteran; Maybe for both. Though, If you make a sorcerer of either of them, Armsthrift would allow them to be an useful mire bomber. I still feel like Gregor!Laurent will do the job better at that.

    I'm also not entirely sure how you're going to get galeforce for Mogran/Owain since you won't have enough time to train a good Lissa in Pegasus class path, since it would draw focus off and waste some seals from other units you are training. I'm also arguing against the Grandmaster ending class little bit. I feel like there's better ones available (Sorcerer, Sniper, Bow Knight etc.). I don't know the pros & cons of the GM that well though, so won't judge that any further.

  8. I see. Well, I went for the DK with my Robin.

    I'll try to get at least Henry!Inigo and Owain from the boys. That said, Who would be better father for Owain considering my current situation, Frederick or Gregor. Frederick already has C support with Lissa and his Support growth with her is faster than it is with greg, who hasn't no support level atm. Though with Gregor, I could pass Owain Armsthrift. I'm thinking of going with Fred but I'm still not completely sure.

  9. I probably got mine today. I was literally blessed by the Goddess herself.

    I was playing FE: Awakening and attempted chapter 10 on Lunatic+ [No DLC/Avatar Logbook] first time. The chapter was going smoothly until around turn 6 when I felt I need to retreat my units to the beginning. The 3 wyvern reinforcements coming from the fortresses got me off guard a little (especially the one closest to the starting area) and I was about to give up the hope. All of my units were in the reach of the enemy reinforcement units. They started to move and for some reason they all came for Sumia&Chrom pairing, one by one.

    • The first wyvern that engaged battle had Luna+/Hawkeye combination (Of course –.–). Chrom dual guards the blow and helps Sumia defeat the foe. (Lucky!) Though It’s not helpful enough when There’s still two bloodthirsty bastards waiting for their turn to catch their pray.
    • The next wyvern rider had Aegis+/counter and possibly something else as third skill (I never got the chance to know that :sob: ). Chrom dualguards again and my Sumia hits the wyrm two times with wind tome for total of 12 counter damage (She’s Dark Flier, btw.) Chrom then finishes of the Wyvern. (2/3 survived.)
    • Then the last Enemy. It had 51 accuracy and could potentially oneshot my 20HP Sumia with a 25 damage blow. But then Chrom comes to dual guard his wife third time in a row O.o . Sumia then crits the wyrm and lets chrom do the finishing blow.

    Result: I survived the enemy assault and managed to complete the chapter because of that.

    Pick a god and pray: best L+ Strategy ever. :P:

    So, what are your luckiest RNG string you remember pulling of in FE on Player/Enemy Phase when you most needed it?

  10. Saitama from OPM. It would be funny as hell to Jab,Tilt and taunt opponents off screen from 0%. On a second thought, He would probably be too broken for smash. :P:

    For a more realistic choice of character that probably stands no chance: #FE version of Chrom. (I'm sure no other FE chars are getting in anymore)

    Isaac from Golden Sun, I really like this series and would love for a character from Golden Sun to be in Smash.

    I actually voted him in the ballot back in the days and still believe Isaac has a slim chance of getting in. Though, I'd probably be more happier with Shovel Knight, Wolf or Snake.

    Dante or Nero from Devil May Cry.They have a great possible moveset (mostly Dante with his styles though),but I doubt either would make it.

    Dante would be badass.

  11. So, Been a while since I updated my progresso here and yeah, gotta say a lot of stuff happened.

    First of all, I got tired of chapter 5. I completed it once with my previous ”Hardcore” rules, but somehow I messed up with the enemy range in the very end of the chap and let both of my healers, Lissa and Maribelle to die, so I didn’t save my progress. After that failure, I stopped playing for like two weeks. Then, I Thought of starting over the whole game again with different base strategy (Using F!Robin instead etc.), but RNG prevented me for getting past the prologue.( I got ctritted by a mage 3 times in a row thus, died 3 times in a row and gave up for the plan…).

    After all my struggles, I decided to continue my existing save file by lightening my rules. I’m doing now a Lunatic+ [No DLC & No Avatar Logbook] Run. I’ll be using Renown awards up to Gradivus (Renown 10000). I’m doing this change mostly because I want to play L+ fairly while at the same time, enjoying it. The game got a lot more easier and comfortable for me now that I have access to Bonus team shops. (Managed to clear chapters 6,8,par2 and 9 on first try.)

    Now that I’ve listed some info above, It’s time for some questions:

    • I’m now going to chapter 10 and my Robin is LV 20, – Dark Mage. Should I promote him to Sorcerer or Dark Knight? Would vengance/Nosferatu be better than Lifetaker/extra mobility?
    • My Sumia is now LV 2,35 Dark Flier. My goal is to get her to level 15 at the end of the chapter 13 to give her and Lucina gale force. Am I doing good, or is her experience pace lacking behind?
    • My Cordelia (Which is going to be my Robins future breeding machine for ultimate Morgan & Severa), is now at LV11,0. Should I train her in the paralogues 3 and 4 or should I save the extra chapters for Lucina/Morgan/Severa?

    That’s it for now, I guess. Thanks for the replies beforehand.

  12. Considering the fact that last time I played Melee, I was like 11 year old kid (Not counting the emulator tests from a year back.), I don't know if I "Mained" anybody. But my skills aside, I played most with Yoshi and Roy and least with Ice climbers (Never been a fan of them). I voted Roy because I loved fully charging his neutral-B against 1lvl cpus :P:

  13. Welcome to the forest!

    I turned to fire emblem when I saw how strong Ike was in smash bros. brawl. Not knowing what fire emblem was, I decided to buy radiant dawn for the wii and try my hand at managing an army. I thought it was cool. Until I found out I had bought a strategy game.

    Haha! this exactly same thing happened to me. The only difference is that instead of rage-quitting at chapter 5, I fell love with the game and the series.

    Anyways, I hope you enjoy your time here!

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