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Everything posted by vanguard333

  1. I should probably point out that I'm only halfway through the game at most; I'm in the chapter involving the walled-off crime city and the Don, and I'm currently just at the part where Cloud has to talk to the guy who runs the Honeybee Inn. I should also make a disclaimer that, while personality certainly plays a very large role in a character's attractiveness, I'm just going to be talking about the characters' visual beauty. I will say that quite a few within the game's female cast are, visually and aesthetically-speaking, very beautiful, with the obvious two examples being Tifa and Aerith for obvious reasons: Aerith being a very refined, elegant beauty that still manages to look approachable, while Tifa is more of a Ms. Fanservice with boxing gloves in terms of visual design. That said, interestingly, if we're talking purely in terms of physical beauty, neither of them is the one that I think is the most beautiful; that would actually be Jessie. And, the funny thing is, I'm not sure why. Obviously, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but however subjective it is, there's still usually things that one can point to in order to explain why they feel a certain way about something. For just a couple examples, if you asked me which girl in Fire Emblem Awakening I considered the most beautiful, my answer would be Cordelia, and there would be things I could point to: I consider long red hair to be beautiful, she has an elegant build that somehow still looks plausible for someone in what is essentially a light cavalry unit, and her facial design in certain scenes can radiate a certain level of warmth and kindness. Again, if you instead asked me which girl in Three Houses is the most beautiful, I would probably say Edelgard, and my reasons would be different, but there would still be clear things I can point to. With FF7R and Jessie... I'm at a loss. I suppose one thing for me is that the character needs to look... simply beautiful, if that makes sense; a character can easily look overdesigned to me where they might not for someone else. In real life, this manifests in me preferring when someone isn't wearing cosmetics, and for character designs, it manifests in me preferring simpler designs if that makes sense. Both of those examples from Fire Emblem that I mentioned above do have that, as does Jessie... but so does Aerith. So why do I prefer Jessie? Anyone have any ideas as to why, given what I've said?
  2. Pretty much all this: the maps are very memorable and interesting, the different nations really come across as distinct societies and cultures, each with their own issues, and it all ties into the plot really well. The closest that any other FE continent has come to Tellius' level of great worldbuilding is Fodlan, and even then, a lot of the worldbuilding is in books rather than in stuff that the player really gets to see, and a lot of the worldbuilding that we do see is just political rather than also cultural. Plus, the maps aren't as memorable.
  3. I remember that game; it's the only classic Megaman game I've played because it was available for the GameBoy Advance. I remember that game being a lot of fun when it wasn't being difficult in all the wrong ways to make a game difficult. There were definitely a lot of things that seemed very unfair. It being added to a collection would pretty much guarantee it just being a port, but I would love if the difficulty was subtly tweaked in areas just to make the game less trial-&-error (especially if you're playing as Megaman).
  4. I can't believe I forgot about Mega Man; I would love a legacy collection of the spin-offs, especially Battle Network. I only ever played Battle Network 5 (Team Colonel) and Battle Network 6 (Cybeast Gregar), and I would love to be able to go through the whole series. I know ports of them were available on the Wii U e-shop for $6; that's how I got Battle Network 6, but it would be nice to get a collection of them (and for the Switch). That said, Star Force would also be great, especially since those were DS games, so it would be good to see them reworked to no longer need two screens & a touchscreen; that way, they can last longer. By the way, what did you think of my list of E3 hopes/predictions/fears?
  5. Wow; I completely missed this because I spent most of today finishing a paper. Let's see... ...Nope; can't say any of these stood out as something I'd want to play, though some of them did stand out as interesting ideas.
  6. Thanks. What did you think of the video? It's from one of only two shows I've seen this year where two characters that like each other actually communicate, and the other show was a rom-com where the premise is that they get married midway through episode 1 (and that was the only reason I decided to even try the show: that it looked like it was actually going to be creative for once, which fortunately turned out to be the case).
  7. I can definitely understand and agree with this. That said, I also don't like when all the other characters act like the person somehow should've been figured it out already even though the person with the crush never said anything. It's really weird how the more poorly-written examples of this can somehow make me simultaneously think both, "Notice it already!" and "Stop blaming them for not noticing when the person has yet to confess!" without any cognitive dissonance on my part. Basically, I would really like it if there were more stories where the characters are actually open and honest about their feelings for each other. Less, "Why are you blushing?" and more of this:
  8. Pretty much. Nowadays, you'll see a bunch of YouTubers refer to it by the much more vague and controversy-catching title, "forced diversity" and whenever I hear about that, I'm always like, "There was already a name for this: tokenism, and most people agree that tokenism is a bad thing. Why call it something more vague like 'forced diversity'? Does that name create more buzz or something? If you're wanting to talk about tokenism, just call it tokenism!" It's not political and it's not a 'woke agenda'; it's media companies trying to go for broad appeal without putting the work in to write interesting characters. It's the same corporate logic that's behind any other case of a play for broad appeal that ends up appealing to no one, like Fallout 76 trying to be both an RPG and an online-only survival game and ending up being decent at neither. Those two things may not seem similar, but the corporate logic behind both decisions is the exact same.
  9. Please note that my "hopes" and "fears" lists will include stuff that I know is absolutely ludicrous or just plain unlikely, with a 0.5% chance of happening at the most generous (least generous in the case of fears). I'll mark these with an (L) for "ludicrous" My hopes: 1. New information about Breath of the Wild 2. 2. A public apology for misleading fans about the content of Age of Calamity and a promise to be more transparent going forward (L), as well as a second wave of DLC that acts as an "original timeline" campaign. 3. Skyward Sword HD is revealed to fully support a left-handed control option: if selected, the motion controls get mapped to the opposite joy-cons (so swing the left joy-con to swing the sword) and the game is mirrored to make Link left-handed to match. 4. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn HD Bundle. 5. A Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance anime created by an animation studio that knows what they're doing, cares about the product they're making, and won't file for bankruptcy after only making two episodes (L). 6. Xenoblade Chronicles X Switch port (I still have the Wii U version; it's more a hope that the game gets a second chance). 7. An announcement of Final Fantasy Versus XIII: after 7 years of development before cancellation and rebranding as Final Fantasy XV, Nomura's original vision finally gets to be realized; this time being made on an engine that's actually finished and can handle an open-world game (L). My Predictions: 1. Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD ports to Switch. The Wind Waker HD port will have less bloom than the Wii U version. 2. New information about Breath of the Wild 2. 3. Fire Emblem Echoes: Genealogy of the Holy War + Thracia 776. 4. Pokémon Legends Arceus delayed + a small amount of new information. Fears: 1. Eiji Aonuma vows to make every Link right-handed from here on out and make every Link right-handed retroactively, as well as cut off the left hands of every Nintendo employee who favours their left hand (L). 2. Star Fox Zero Switch port (L). 3. Nintendo announces that they cannot make a Switch port of Xenoblade Chronicles X due to software and hardware issues. 4. A bunch of remakes and ports are announced as limited-release.
  10. If it seemed like I wasn't calm, that was most certainly not my intent. At most, I had only a bit of initial shock (and even then, shock's a strong word; I guess it would be something between surprise and shock; is there a word for that?) at seeing someone bringing up Asta screaming after I thought that being the big takeaway had long died down. I see; I guess I'm too used to seeing it being brought up as a criticism; especially when seeing the statement "I couldn't get past episode [insert tiny number here]", as the statement I see is usually, "I couldn't get past [insert tiny episode number here] because of it". I must've misread or misinterpreted what you said; my bad. Well, as I said (or rather as I meant to say), if you ever feel less disheartened, I would recommend giving it another try. As I said, it had a rocky start, but it improved very quickly and I haven't seen that quality decline or even stagnate; it just keeps getting better. I'm honestly surprised that the anime is still infamous for that. Then again, people still jokingly refer to the anime Naruto as "Boruto's Dad", so I shouldn't really underestimate how long a meme can last. I see. That makes sense. I will say one thing I like about Black Clover in regards to that (I promise I'm not just trying to say good stuff about Black Clover; I'm just bringing this up because I thought it's related and interesting) is that it takes a rather nuanced approach to power-scaling; different magic attributes have advantages over other specific attributes, a weak-but-skilled mage can beat a powerful opponent if they're clever but this is considered unusual (and it's always done in a way that makes sense, like one guy who uses trap spells and guile to compensate for his low amount of magic), and then there are characters whose powers are unconventional enough within the show's setting that they simply do not fit on standard power-level scaling; the characters in the show eventually have a name for it: arcane stage mages. The protagonist, due to his lack of magic and his anti-magic, is one such character. Also, perhaps most importantly, the show isn't afraid to have characters on a lower power level lose. One of those videos links I left above (the power of rivals) has the two main characters lose to an exceptionally powerful opponent.
  11. Three years; the show's been going for three years now, and the protagonist screaming is still what people take away?! He hasn't "screamed nonstop" since episode 5, of 170 and counting. It was the VA's first time voice acting, and he improved very quickly to the point where he's now one of the best voice actors on the show. Here; see for yourself (I'm not suggesting that you watch all three of these; I'm just providing multiple examples to show that I'm not just showing an isolated case of him not screaming): Execute Them! | Black Clover - YouTube Asta vs Langris! | Black Clover - YouTube We're the Same! | Black Clover - YouTube In fact, he got so good that he sang the show's 12th ending (I'm serious; the show's 12th ending is sung by the protagonist's voice actor). Honestly, Black Clover is one of those shows that had a bit of a rocky start and then improved massively very quickly. I get the importance of a first impression, but I can point to a ton of famous well-loved shows that had a rocky first few episodes. Star Trek Next Generation for instance had a rock first season, yet the show is still widely loved; that show literally defined the term Growing the Beard (as it improved in quality at the same time that one of the actors had to grow a bread for another role, so the phenomenon became named after that coincidence). Black Clover didn't take nearly as long to improve as that show did, so how come Black Clover still gets so much flak after three years? Okay; I can understand not wanting to watch a series that hasn't finished yet. I'm just saying don't judge Black Clover by your first impression of episode 1. Oh, and it's currently on hiatus for a while because it's way too close to the manga and because they're now making a movie, so you could count it as technically finished if you want to give it another try. I wouldn't know in regards to that example; I've never seen Dragon Ball. I'm relatively new to anime, with the list of anime I've watched to completion being the following: Spider Riders, One-Punch Man, FMA: Brotherhood, Violet Evergarden, Record of Grancrest War, Naruto (part 1 and Shippuden; it took me over a month to binge-watch), My Hero Academia, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, Black Clover, and TONIKAWA: Fly Me to the Moon.
  12. You would like Black Clover then if you haven't seen it; in that show, no one even says "power of friendship" and the characters are instead shown to be using actual teamwork: combining spells in creative and clever ways, teammates familiar with each other are shown being able to know what the other will do, etc. Some of my favourite examples of this include the following scenes: No Magic Idiot! | Black Clover - YouTube Despair! | Black Clover - YouTube The Power of Rivals! | Black Clover - YouTube I think it has less to do with the trope itself and more just how it's often executed.
  13. Out of curiosity, what's your opinion then of a special ancestor of more than 2 or 3 hundred years that's the ancestor of a special clan, rather than just a particular special descendant? For example, the different clans in Naruto that trace their ancestry back to the Sage of Six Paths (such as the Uzumaki Clan and the Uchiha Clan)?
  14. Ah, Black Adder. I remember when all my high school classmates and teachers were surprised that I knew about Rowan Atkinson for this show and not Mr. Bean. My favourite part of this scene was definitely the "Pitt the Toddler? Pitt the Embryo? Pitt the Glint in the Milkman's Eye?" joke. Season 4 is definitely my favourite season of Blackadder, but it's followed closely by this one. Now that Black Clover's on a hiatus, I thought I'd look back at one of the moments from very early on the series that got me to keep watching the show. This is from episode 5, when Asta and Yuno take the entrance exam for becoming magic knights. A fellow contestant named Sekke pretends to be nice and helpful to Asta, only to show his true colours when they duel each other... and he very quickly comes to regret it. I promise I'll stop posting Black Clover vids after this one... for a little while:
  15. Okay. Um... you didn't state your opinion on the video. Did that link not work either?
  16. Interesting mockery of pizza commercials, though I've seen a lot of these jokes before in other fake commercials... that is until the second half, where it got very weird. Anyway, since the previous Black Clover video I posted couldn't get an opinion/review, here's this one. It was the very first ending of the show:
  17. I just checked the link, and I don't know why you're having problems; the link works perfectly for me, and I've posted at least 2 dozen videos from this particular YouTube channel (Crunchyroll Collections) onto this forum at some point or another and you're only the 2nd case of someone finding that the link isn't working for them. Does your wi-fi/VPN/whatever you're using not have access to that specific YouTube channel or something?
  18. Very, very weird/10. I couldn't tell if this was parodying something or trying to brainwash me. Well, I did three videos in a row that had nothing to do with Black Clover, but now that Black Clover has its last episode (for the time being, as it's going on a hiatus), I may as well post another Black Clover video:
  19. @Sooks Yeah; Dorothea hated Ferdinand because of an unfortunate misunderstanding when they were kids. @drattakbowser A lot of the ones on that list don't hate each other: Caspar and Petra definitely don't hate each other; Caspar wrongly assumes that Petra would hate him because their families fought each other in the wars between Adrestia and Brigid, and she has to point out to him that he is not his father. Claude doesn't hate Lorenz; he actually has some respect for Lorenz, as much he's annoyed by him and initially fears he could be a threat to his plans to open up Fodlan. Lorenz doesn't hate Claude, but he is suspicious of this mysterious heir that appeared out of nowhere. I guess maybe you could say that Lorenz and Leonie hate each other, but I'd hardly call it that. It's more that Lorenz is classist due to how he was brought up and Leonie doesn't think fondly of classist nobles. Linhardt and Lysithea don't hate each other. Lysithea doesn't like that he's insensitively pestering her about her two Crests, but Linhardt finds her intriguing and their B and A supports shows that he's trying to be considerate in his own way. Seteth and Flayn certainly don't hate each other; Flayn's just annoyed by how overprotective Seteth can be.
  20. Never seen the anime or heard this song before... it's... interesting. I'm guessing that the way the song fits is that the characters are constantly risking their life, both when within the mecha suits and outside them? Some say that you can't have a movie/TV sword fight be built around historical sword techniques because it either would be boring or hard to follow along. This video proves them wrong:
  21. Ah; it's a reference to the limited-release games; got it. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it.
  22. You posted this today of all days; why do I suspect that that link actually directs to the video used for rick-rolling?
  23. Okay. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't a necro. Yeah; I'll agree about the game not really saying why.
  24. That would be because Lorenz isn't trying to seduce them; he's trying to find a suitable bride because he believes that, as the heir to his family's lands and titles, he must do everything he can as a noble to maintain and improve his family's status, and that includes finding a bride that could increase his family's land, wealth, political standing, etc. In short, Sylvain is thinking with his reproductive organ, while Lorenz is thinking like an heir to a noble family.
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