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Posts posted by XxWolfxX

  1. You're too old to be vulnerable.

    Generally I would agree with you. But if you had to take even a step in my shoes you understand why I am the way I am. I guess I probably shouldn't feed into the bs of a 13 year old little chinese punk who thinks hes a girl, but I guess when your dying and had virtually everything you worked your ass off for taken away from you because of a disease you were born with just didn't know about for 20 years until it was to late.... its bound to make you a bit more sensentive.

    Of course one would say why do you bother going on forums if you can't handle it? Well this is probably the only forum I've ever been on where people are just blatently rude because they get off on it. Unfortunitally for me I'm an FE fan and this is the best the web has to offer.

    Yeah I'm 24 but my life civil/social/working life was stripped from me when I was 19. Happy now?

  2. Same for me, except replace FftF with XxWolfxX.

    I see people are still as rediculous as ever on this forum. Its like you guys litterly thrive on picking on people that are vulnerable, then say quit playing the victim. lol I guess some people never grow out of the middle school bully phase of their life. Or maybe "far from the forest" really means only post here if you have no morals in the way you address people on the internet. I guess I would do well to remember this is just a fanboy forum, full of bored people. Well get your kicks in people, thats what you do right?

  3. First post in a year and Wolf gets in another argument.

    This guy is a pro.

    Really? No where do I see an argument. I made a suggestion that guy who made the OP inquired about. And the next two posts were essentially uselessly condesending the subject of suggestion, then I pointed out why I suggested it because they didn't get it the first time. I don't understand the point of taunting me, its almost like you want an arguement. I could just report you for flamebaiting but it would likely get ignored. So *shrugs* I guess I'll guess I'll just go back to my life, and you can go back to taking candy from children cuz you have nothing better to do.

  4. Here are some somewhat obscure suggestions fitting the genres you mentioned, that were really good imo.

    -Sideshooter(like gradius)-UN Squadron (SNES)

    -RPG-Suikoden 1-5 (psx-ps2)

    -RPG-Xenosaga 1-3 (ps2) <-note: games have alot of cutscenes enough to say your playing a movie... otherwise great game.

    -sideshooter-Vectorman 1-2(SegaG)

    -RPG-Phantasy Star 1-4, and Portable 1-2(SegaMS, SegaG, and PSP)

    -RPG-Tales of Anything (pick a console lol)

    -RPG-Star Ocean 2(psx/psp)

    -srpg-Shining Force 1-2(segaG)

    I'm sure I have more but those should keep you busy enough. Most of those can be emulated without much hassle especially if you have a modded ps2. Enjoy.

  5. Stat_increase = [0.42 * base_stats] +/- rngmod

    And the base stats get higher the more you reincarnate them. (obviously) and its best to also get your character to genius ASAP (via reincarnation) for optimal stats.

  6. lol

    Why are you so defensive, man? Nobody "shut your idea down", we only warned him of the shortcomings of that particular version. Hell, I didn't even quote you or even mention your name. Just relax. Nobody's out to get you just because they have a differing opinion.

    I guess I was more referring to venusaur. And I wasn't stating my opinion, I stated a fact that he could buy a copy of the psx version for about 20-25 dollars cheaper if he needed a cheaper alternative. He didn't say anything about needing a high quality gaming experience he said he wants to play the english version. So I gave him a cheap, less-rare alternative. You guys said I wouldn't recommend it because it sucks, get the gba version/rom which clearly neither were an option. I'm not looking to start an arguement I was helping him in most efficient way possible. I noticed a guy posted a link to the gba version at the gamestop site which says product currently unavailable.... so yeah.

  7. Look I never said the psx one was the best quality its just the least expensive and the easiest to find. Yes I realize one out of every 30 or so gamestops might have 1 maybe 2 copies if your lucky. If you got yours at gamestop you have my blessing. I myself checked seven different gamestops, 2 fyes, and a gamers choice, and scoured a fleamarket in southwest florida (where I live) and didn't find a single copy. Obviously a rom is the cheapest way to get it, but he already stated his dad wouldn't let him download it. You guys don't have to shut down my idea I was merely giving him another option in the event he couldn't find a cheap gba copy. My god people.

  8. You can also buy it for psx used on Amazon.com for about 10 bucksish. This version has a little lag but the cgs are worth it. it also comes with ffv. The gba version is 40+ dollars good luck :3

    Note its scheduled for a 3ds remake so you might want to hold off if you plan on getting a 3ds.

  9. You guys are still at it eh? FE3 just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean its bad. It means he doesn't like it. You don't have to admit defeat or anything, just move on, hes trying to the arguement going. Just be the bigger guy and don't reply. At the end of the day it was still a successful game that not everyone has to like for whatever reason. /old man lecture

  10. It's not just about the plot twist itself, it's the fact that I've seen people judge the entire game on it, when there is much more to the game than that one scene. This is sounding like I'm saying that gameplay is more important than story, but there are much better games to play if you want story to be the main draw, and gameplay certainly is the most important part of this game, and I don't believe hours of it is reduced to garbage by a 5 minute scene.

    well its more like the entire second disc that turned the entire game upside down, but regardless I understand your point and am mostly in complete agreement with you. An example that proves what you say, is the fact that "professional" gamereviewers from say X-play, Gametrailers, or IGN judge a game based on; story, gameplay, music/sound, and graphics. Most semi-modern rpgs fail to excel in all areas and when they do its certainly rare but none-the-less many more then pass for good games. Every game has its pros and cons but the cons don't normally ruin the game unless its to do with gameplay. But you also have to realize that some people just don't like the underlying plot of the game which can ruin it for them. Their reason may seem illogical to you but thats for them to decide. For example I hate Kingdom Hearts, I'll never say its a bad game but I personally don't anything about it is likable besides the music and a couple nonplayable characters.

    Kind of reminds me of my twin brother and I arguing Crisis Core. He said I wouldn't recommend it, because it sucks. I noticed every review it got gave it 9/10 and higher so I played it and beat it in 2 days cuz I couldn't put it down because it was just that damn good. So I overenthusiacally when straight back to him and recommended to him and he yelled at me saying how wrong I was because of bad of the game was because it was to easy, you just mash the attack through the whole game. Now if you've played the game you know thats only really true on easy mode in the first few story chapters, and the story more then made up for that. So I insisted he was being illogical but he just hung up on me. So I guess the moral to story is, if you find reasons to enjoy a game that other people aren't open minded enough to see. Because someone says a game is bad for a reason that doesn't make any sense to you, it doesn't make it a bad game, they just don't like it. Thats their "problem" not yours. So its just best to just not bother. If they don't like it, it doesn't mean you can't. Sorry for the novel.

    I myself enjoyed SO3 mostly because of the diverse characters, combined with fun gameplay and nice vocals.

  11. lol don't know why i'm bothering but here goes. The game as far mechanics go was very well done in most cases IMO. The enhanced invention system from SO2 was a pleasant addition so you didn't have spend money on materials and risk getting nothing 20 times in a row and have to reset. In SE3 you had more control over the items you made without needing to unlock hidden talenta. Unfortunitally that made the game way to easy combined with the infinite fol trick. As far as the story goes I thought the first half was amazing and I think the second half was meh but fortunitaly the gameplay and memorable/unique characters were enough to keep me going. Like most Square Enix RPGs theres a nitch that you can abuse to end up with godly characters in this case its considered moonbase laser weapon and orihalcum x 3 (plus synthesis materials). Since money is easily aquired simply by leaving and an old man to spill his money and silver idols for about 3 hours, you can combine the 4 into an equation and even peppita can gain 90 levels in less then an hour then your strong enough to bonus battle the enforcers on styx, netting as many levels as you want and the entire second disc can end without even needing to use any other character besides the one amped up levels on the 4-legged robots. (of course your more then able to do it to more then one character but its not necessary).

    But all I can say is the game as whole didn't disappoint just games with leveling loopholes that are easy to abuse tend to make it less(or more if you like obliterating) enjoyable or just simply not hard enough.

    I'd give it about 7/10 for fun factor, characters, music, and gameplay mechanics. The graphics weren't terrible either. I think tri-ace pulled off the 3d anime thing pretty well.

    SIDENOTE: you guys who are seriously arguing over a plot-twist both need to man-up and just agree to disagree. Not everyone sees the plot-twist as a bad thing. If nothing else its certainly the opposite of unoriginal and cliche. Not everyone can appreciate that but some like a completely unorthodox twist, neither one of you is right or wrong.

  12. Enemy levels go up way too fast. Kurtis and his dudes have an average level of 55 to 60 now, while my own dudes are still in the mid-30s mostly. o_O

    Anyway, I have some more questions.

    Could it be that the base stats upon creating a character determine the growth of those stats? Because it sure is a bit strange that my red mage (a good-for-nothing whose -5 base points I all took off resistance) has so little resistance compared to my other dudes, considering the 110% resistance aptitude and her absurdly high level (...in comparison to the rest of my party, at least).

    For this reason, I'm thinking of having said red mage reincarnate into a genius star mage. She's Lv52 right now; would it be worth the 7500 points of Mana? An interitance rate of 95% sure sounds promising, too - however, there are some things I'd like to know beforehand.

    - Learned skills are kept, right? So if she were to reincarnate into a star mage now, would she keep her fire spells and the ice spells her pupil taught her?

    - Are there higher spell levels than Omega that I would miss out on if she were to reincarnate now?

    - If I have the Dark Assembly increase her movement and/or counter attacks, would that be kept as well or would I need to hold a vote for that another time?

    -In my experience the base stats are raised by a certain percent of the overall growth the character has made while leveling. I have tested this theory by taking my level 9999 Galaxy mage (the one with black hair) and reincarnating to a savior (to aquire the healing/buff magic) and she had an abnormally high base int, for a healer. Then after power leveling her to level 9999 I reincarnated her to and angel and her base int, res, sp were now above average. (40s before stat bonuses) The amount of stats gained per level seemed to be influenced from the amount of reincarnations they've done, the tier of the job, their base stats and some other misc factors like the residents on their equipment.

    When training a mage the best way to do it is create a blue/red/green mage under flonne so she can benifit from the attack magic. Then create the remaining two colors and name them dummy1 and dummy2. Level all three of them to level 100-120, so they can learn



    -basic fire/wind/ice





    Then use the dummies to teach the basic-tera spells to the first mage and flonne. Reincarnate the "1st mage" not the dummys to a star mage after you have leveled all of her spells to at least level 2 (any less and you risk losing them).

    get your star mage to have up to tera star and keep leveling up as high as you want. then reincarnate to either the galaxy mage for more int. or to a savior (assuming you have a healer of level 100 or higher) if not to a cleric. Now if you want to not use flonne you can just make a cleric under etna and make the mages under him/her. This saves you the hassle of leveling cleric for no reason.

    A good place to power level to level 9999 is cave of ordeals map 6. hope this helps ^^

    NOTE: Heal goes to Omega while fire/wind/ice/star goto Tera

    and movement/counter bonus don't carry over so its best to wait until you don't plan on reincarnating her anymore to upgrade movement. With a paladin(tier 6 angel) its possible to have her have 9 movement and not suffer any significant damage loss. But thats if you actually want to go as far as to get her an accelerator.

  13. blah blah, you guys are still at it eh? Well guess what you guys are still apparently completely clueless as to what my point is I see.

    Your pitiful examples like "the moon is made of cheese" are rediculous.

    OKAY, I will put as simple as I can cuz you guys can't to get past your egos to grasp something this simple. yes if you want to take that offensively go right ahead.

    Debating this topic is completely, and utterly senseless, regardless of how right you may think you are, or wrong you think I am, neither are going to be true. The game has like 50+ characters and gives you the option of who to use, with no given best. If you prefer Zihark use him.

    I mean mean fuck I think some who gets Meg to Sword Marshall and powns face deserves a medal, but you would laugh at them and say something degrading like why would do that gatrie is way better. And thats pure bullshit, and it just makes you guys like egotistical dickheads, who can't just let people enjoy posting their experience on a forum. You guys have to fucking debate everything.

  14. Floatzel makes the ultimate HM slave :awesome:

    Umbreon is pretty awesome in its own way

    i prefer the flying banana palm tree for hm whoring lol :awesome:

  15. Giving Vaporeon Surf, a move it wants, and Waterfall, a decent move that's necessary to complete the game anyway and gives Vaporeon a good move to use against Special tanks, qualifies for HM slaving?

    I don't even want to know what you consider Bibarel.

    um ya actually, waterfall is not even remotely useful on vaporeon and considering vappys pitiful attack. so the only use for it is to use it as an hm. last i checked there is nothing thats weak against water in platinum that is a special wall short of bastiodon and probopass which are also physical walls. otherwise you would take andvantage of the fact that they tell you what pokemons up next so you switch to an effective type. like a pokemon with more then 60 atk base attack. Thats why they give you 6 slots, and four move slots to as many types as possible.

    I consider biberal a pokemon just like vaporeon, they are both useful in their own way. Surf and waterfall are both good moves but not paired on the same pokemon your only hindering yourself.

    i swear you guys argue for the sake of arguing.

  16. im not even going to bother, at this point my logic/experience/anything i seem to say or think. is usually worthless or shot down. You guys are always saying i shouldn't get so upset and take it so personally. Is it really necessary to attempt to counter every single thing I say? Obviously my methods work, I beat the games by doing it my way, im not saying my way is better then yours, or even that you have have to agree, I'm just sharing my thoughts. And on every single post of made on this forum aside from a couple. My opinions have been massacred and not even suggested that they might work. *sigh* sorry for the rant its just im getting tired of it... If there was a forum about fe that had a better topic selection id leave this place in a heartbeat. Its like all you guys give your generic greetings to mindfuck you in to believing this actually an enjoyable forum.

    note: this isn't directed towards everyone. But I just don't want to have to debate every single thing i say...

  17. Look, guys i'm not going to through this with you guys to, if you all my reasons for picking mia and lucia over the other 3 read the past posts, my reasons are legitimate. The fact that you guys can't just move back on track instead of everyone just arguing with me, is just getting sad and pathetic.

    you guys are like friggin jehovas witnesses trying to force beliefs on me.

  18. When I was compiling that list with the help of the gamefaqs people (you know who you are) I decided that the list would be compiled with Dazzle taken into account, meaning I was going to ignore skl all-together, and luck on all but mages (for swarm). Also, I should point out that you can't make a team with all #1s and #2s, because most of them have a common weak stat. Sedgar and Radd, for instance have bad spd so you can't really use them together.

    Anyway, Est. I say don't use her. She takes too many robes. If you reclass right, Radd winds up very useable because of his def. His spd's a little low though, so if you're running low on wings and have a lot of shields, I suggest you use Frey instead.

    meh, my only real issue with that statement is it contridicts itself. you get 5-6 robes (i forgot which) so if you can afford to use her do so, she caps more then frey and shes cuter :P

  19. Her bases are pretty good for her level, it's her avaibility and Str/Def growths who are suffering

    Note: training her with elicia her 4-3 nullifies the lack of availibility. :] and her str/def are as good as you want them.

    Also Note: neither are the reason i chose her over zihark/eddy for slot 2. just saying.

  20. GASP! THAT's MINE! *sniff*sniff* I guess it wasn't a complete waste of time after all :3

    Anyway, Linde wound up higher than Merric because of her mag and lck (for swarm accuracy), I think. Merric has better Hp, def, skl, and spd. Hp combined with def is important so you can survive a General's Gradivus attack. Higher spd gives you more wings for other people on you team if you want to max your sage's spd.

    The general consensus was that you should train both Merric and Linde, because if Merric gets Mag blessed, you'd want his spd and hp, and if Linde gets spd blessed, you'd want her mag and lck. I almost always use Merric because he usually gets at least 20 mag (for me anyway) and I usually need the extra spd.

    well damn son *pats you on the back* I agree about training both. my last linde was like a gift from the heavens lol she got 50 hp 23 magic and capped skil, spd, luck, and 16 resist. sux i didnt get swarm though. (gaiden run)

  21. But why would you want to train Lucia? She has crappy bases for her level, horrible availability, she's only useful in ONE chapter and that's 2-2. Now I know you're just trying to set an example but it's a pretty bad one.

    lol if you must know the answer to that redundant question just read the novel of a "debate", but i can assure you its not worth your time.

    and im just going to ignore the fact that you are calling my example a bad one. because thats just your opinion even if its shared.

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