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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. The dreadfighter loob does almost the same. On Clive it's super good since he has low skill and speed, so going mercenary fixes it while he still keeps his good strenght and defence and also gets more balanced growths.
  2. Man, no need to get all defensive. Anyway, as LoGK said, Mila does have a Dragon Stone, so she is indeed a manakete. If Duma doesn't use one than that seems like a good reason for Naga to banish him and give him a suicide tool, while also explaining why Mila isn't mad yet. Perhaps she wouldn't turn insane at all, or maybe constantly using her powers to make Zofia fertile takes a toll on her despite the Dragon Stone.
  3. Can't. I'd have to wait for the last fork. Also, you should choose equip.
  4. Since no one is posting, I'll take it as a maybe. If someone else who hasn't posted a unit has other plans for Lukas or the pitchfork, they'll get priority. Seriously tho, I've seen PMUs completed in a few hours, why have you forsaken me? D:
  5. Well, at least he's gonna have 5 movement.
  6. So hey, this is going to be my first PMU. Hard/Classic, 10 characters per route, 2 forks available. Also choose their final weapon/item/shield (if I don't have the right item for the character I'll give them non-forged iron/steel weapons, leather/iron shields, the blessed ring, or whatever is worse than their final item, but won't use the arts). Alm's route Celica's route
  7. With is high speed and luck, Jesse is basically the only unit who can dodge reliably without support bonuses. Except maybe Catria but she can't use terrain. Anyway, I gave him a silver sword and he almost never gets hit when he uses his arts.
  8. Pro tip: don't let your guys die. Seriouslu tho, for the first one, let Fernand weaken the mages, perhaps with hit and run. Also, keep an eye on the generic units, 'cause they'll die easily. Don't care too much for the green units: the you get nothing by saving the soldiers, and Slayde will run away before he dies even if he gets attacked once or twice. For the Claire and Mathilda one, use Mathilda to bait the terrors and whoever has the ring for the sorcerers. Keep in mind that you can swap their equit to let Clair recover 5 healt. The other two are easy. Just be sure not to let the cavaliers sneak behind you in the last one.
  9. In between. I always wait at least 'till level 10. Also, if a unit has 60 or more exp and is ready to promote, I'll grind in the dungeon and get that last level before promoting. Most of my units got promoted around level 11 to 15.
  10. Let's use those Villager Forks, shall we? Archer Boey with Killer Bow
  11. I'll just say I would have appreciated the game better if it had better cutscenes. I don't really care about the full voice acting since I feel like the pseudo voice ating of Awakening was enough to convey emotion, but I just can't take seriously those cutscenes with characters made of plastic. The fighting animations are great, though.
  12. Wyvern Lord can't use swords. Perhaps the Griffon Rider should use axes instead? Isn't Duke Knight a better name than Dragoon? You may have "Hunter <-> Bow Knight or Warrior" instead. Why isn't this simply "Thief <-> Assassin or Rogue"? Great Knights can't use lances... I'd say General. Otherwise, whatever uses lances.
  13. Ch.17x Damn, I didn't have enough keys after all. This looked like a pretty straight-forward chapter, but I was really surprised by the ambush. Jake stood in the starting hall the whole chapter and ended up in a bad situation, but once he killed the killer lance guy he could tank the javelins enough to wait for reinforcements. Boah got an absurd Mag, Skill, Spd and Res level. Pretty cool. Ch.18 Preparations I gave Etzel the Energy Drop I was saving up, and now he's our super skilled, super resistant Hero! Ch.18 Pretty easy chapter. Didn't really need the save points, so I used them to get good levels out of Boah, Linde and Midia. Speaking of Linde, she got promoted thanks to Gandalf's Master Seal! Ch.19 I'm out of keys already! The thieves were kind enough to open two doors for me though. And with Tiki recruited, my roster is finally complete! Ch.20 Everyone who could cross the river (except Marth) went north, together with a warped Midia. Everyone else went south. This was Jake's time to shine, with 3 ballistas to shot at and distant enemies all around. By the way, Linde has the Mercurius and can reach 30 damage. Wow. That A rank bonus goes a long way. I recruited Lorenz by mistake, losing out on some exp.
  14. What? Then how am I supposed to show off my maxed out Bow Knight Mycen?
  15. The replayability is pretty high tough, as you can use different classes, recruit different characters and learn different skills. What I want to know is: is there a multiplayer mode? Like player vs player?
  16. Alm's villagers are good in almost every class they have access to, but excel in some of them and everyone told you already. For Atlas, the class line with the highest speed is the mercenary and that's the only good one for him: the cavalier line is the second-best in terms of speed and those hare his resulting stats (asap assumes you always promote him at the minimum required level): As you can see, his speed is just too low, and he doesn't have the defense to tank 2 hits at a time. You can make it work with a Libra shard, otherwise you'd better stick to mercenary. Generally, if you are going for the best possible stats, the best way to do it is going mercenary with all the male villagers and loop back at villager, then go with watever class line patches up the character's growths.
  17. I think this should be implemented more as a skill than in the weapons themselves. For example, rogues can get a skill like stun and assassins can get a passive wich increases the chances to proc lethality (or maybe all skills that need to proc) when attacking an enemy with full health. As for knives, I think they are perfect as they are in Radiant Dawn: they are meant to be weaker weapons, and that's fine.
  18. Actually the latest games I've played are fire emblems and games that are too obscure for anyone to know. I'll do it anyway. This is an Awakening character. Name: Nono (Pocket Quest) Class: Adventurer (personal, can use swords, lances and axes) Reclass: Trobadour tree and thief tree. Movement: 6(foot) Personal skill: Mouthy Companion - May dual guard and dual strike even when not paired up. The stats of Uzu (used for the purpose of determining the likelyhood of dual guards and dual strikes and the damage of the latter) scale with Nono's level, like FE8 Phantoms.
  19. All of them and all of them again! I like diversity. Also, some characters just nail their classes. The myrmidon from Echoes looks super sexy, though. So sad that I'll have to promote them for the magic defense and higher movement.
  20. Lyn x Kent. I'm surprised so many people ship Lyn x Hector or Eliwood, I see them more like buddies. Personally, I always go A Lyn and B Sain for Kent. Also Hector x Florina because she's adorable and I want her to fall in love and there's no other choice. No Lyn doesn't count.
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