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Everything posted by Enaluxeme

  1. Is everyone dead? I won't stop this untill I finish it, unless I get my hands on Echoes before then. Ch.14 I had to bring Julian along since I have no keys whatsoever. He got sniped, though, so I guess this is the last time this happens. Of course I bought a bunch of keys at the vendor. Marth was warped because I don't have the patience to spend 3 turns waiting for him to get to the village. Apparently Minerva can't speak to Catria, which is a shame since I wanted to recruit those lances. Midia only grew HP... Bleah. Ch.15 I used Castor and Matthis to block Garnef on the bridge. Of course, Boah and Wendell kept boosting their res. I warped Marth to the chest and went pretty close to a game over with that mage ambush. He's using that talisman, alright. Midia somehow got a point in strenght. Ch.16 There's really nothing noteworthy about this chapter, except that I promoted Hardin. My hopes whent up when Midia got HP, Mag, Skill and Spd in a single level, but then she crushed them with an HP only level soon after. Ch.17 Preparations Gave the Dracoshield to Cord since it can actually make a difference for him. When coupled with the high res and HP, that's gonna make him a good front line unit for the whole game. Ch.17 Well, Marth had to go all the way to those chests because I'm greedy. He used a dracoshield and a speedwing on his way back on his throne. Linde decimated the manakete with her wyrmsword, including the boss. She didn't get any impressive level, though. Midia got an amazing HP, Mag, Skill, Spd and Res level, so maybe there's hope for her after all. Ch.17x Preparations I couldn't get another level on Roger and he's at 78 EXP, so I decided to make him an hunter and promote him as soon as he gets to level 18. He's packing all his swords for as soon as he can use them.
  2. Mostly yes. There are some units like the aforementioned Sophia that are a complete pain to use, but overall you can use everyone. Certain characters can be screwed in the long run if they have unimpressive bases and fail to get good levels over and over, but that's it. FE1 - Since the cap is 20 for all stats, you can use basically everyone. A stat-boost or two will be enough to make even the worst character relevant for the whole game. FE2 - Because of how promotion works, everyone can have good stats. FE3 - Like FE1, but even better thanks to growth-boosting items. FE4 - Some pairings can result in disastrous characters, but even then the right equip can make just about everyone usable. FE5 - Like FE3. FE6 - Some units can't stay relevant through the whole game, sadly. Maybe with stat-boosts? Also, Sophia... FE7 - Everyone is usable from the moment you get them to the last chapter. Everyone. Just keep an energy drop ready if you plan to use Renault. FE8 - Everyone is usable, and the game is super easy anyway. FE9 - Everyone is usable, and there are growth-boosting rings(and shield), too. Also, you may level up in the base and reload if the level sucks. FE10 - You are limited in the choice of characters for most of the game, but the way level-ups in the base works potentially makes everyone unscrewable. FE11 - Ok, no, someone just sucks so bad in this game. FE12 - Overall higher bases and growths than FE11, plus growth-boosting items. FE13 - Infinite levels makes everyone useful, even though not everyone has access to that skill. FE14 - Never played, dunno.
  3. Make me redo the list for you, since some of these are in an incredibly gray area:
  4. It seems to me that your problems with FE6 are mainly about the writing. Maybe trying the new translation is the solution. If you also don't like some gameplay things you can go around looking for patches: I quite like the Roy early promotion one and those that bring axes on par with FE7 (that makes the early game harder as a result).
  5. Well, this thread got full of people. That's cool! Also, that's a sexy Maria. Ch.12x I think it's safe to assume all gaiden chapters are preatty easy, uh? I roasted Horace with Midia, who started her magic career with a point in hp and one in magic. Castor got the Boss, reaching level 17 with a very useful speed and defense level. Ch.13 Preparations Castor got promoted and switched to Warrior Class. He's... Surprisingly better than Wolf in everything but HP and axe rank. Wolf won't need many levels to surpass him in strenght and defense, but he'll probably never reach the same speed. I reluctantly switched Roger to Hunter since he reached 20 speed as a mercenary but he's still only level 13. Ch.13 This chapter was pretty straight forward: I made sure that the weaker units were never in range of two ballistas at the same time and had Jake decimate about everyone once he got Beck's weapon. Linde didn't get more strenght, but grew a point in magic. She's already at 19 speed, so I think she'll promote early.
  6. I'm not opposed to a remake of FE7, but it should come later down the line, certainly after FE4, 5 and 6. But you know what? I think I'd enjoy a FEXNA port more than a legit remake, especially if there's some kind of inheritance/data transfer/something with FE7X and FE6XNA.
  7. I'm basically waiting for others to write something in order to avoid double-posting, lol. Ch.10 Wait, I remember the characters starting further up. Maybe that was FE3. Can I point out how ridiculous it is that there's houses, forts and shops outside the big central structure? Maria's cell is literally bigger than the castle where the boss stands. Anyway, I divided my forces, with Marth, Sheeda, Roger, Matthis and Wendell inside and everyone else outside. Didn't manage to get a level on Minerva. It's ok, though: her new class has 5% more speed. Ch.11 Preparations And Minerva is now a Sniper. Thankfully they start with C rank in bows, but I'm still sad about wasting that sexy A rank in axes... Castor got the Speedwing because speed is about the only thing he has over Wolf, also it may not make a difference on Matthis, Cord will probably max it anyway and nobody else needs it. Well except Marth, but he'll get the next one. Speaking of, both the Goddess Icon and the Seraph robe went to Wendell some time ago since he needs more survivability. Ch.11 Both the charging pegasi and the mercenaries were easy enough, and I was able to recruit Linde effortlessly. Used warp sheningas to recruit Jake. This marks the last time I use Sheeda. Linde only got resistance on her first level up and a Shin level on the second... Wow. Ch.12 Preparations Linde became a myrmidon, also I used the energy drop on her because there's no way her strenght will be enough otherwise. I mean, that's still very low, but at least she's able to do scratch damage... You know, to get exp. I think I'll end up giving her the Starsphere so that she'll be able to use the Levin and Silver swords as much as she likes.
  8. Ch.7 With all the bows I have the white wings were exp pinhatas! I hate that last part, though... Wendell just kept dying! Seriously, I mean it. I needed 5 straight days for this damn chapter, all because of that zone of horror and demise. Ch.8 This one was surprisingly easy despite the ambush towards the end. The reason for that is Roger, who can effortlessly tank basically everything coming from these 5 forts. Sheeda got the boss kill by accident, I should probably stop using her. Ch.9 Preparations I turned Roger into a Mercenary, we've got more than enough bows already but only 2 swordsmen, and Matthis mostly uses lances anyway. Ch.9 Didn't bring Julian, but lots of keys. I used Sheeda to grab the Wyrmslayer, but she dedn't fight. Marth recruited a couple of bows. It's incredible how useful Matthis is once his strong point is actually strong enough: when he is first recruited, he can resist one more attack than other units at best, but now he can consistently tank thanks to his giant health bar. Also he now has high strenght, so he's able to deal enough damage despite the fact that he can never double. Wolf got a level, and I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad one: he didn't get speed, but he got double strenght. Also, Mannu must be the easiest boss in this game.
  9. Try repatching on a new rom, perhaps with a different tool. I'm having absolutely no problems.
  10. I'm assuming you mean unpromoted instead of prepromoted. Yes, an high level unpromoted is competent enough stat wise, but promotion gives you movement and often more con and another weapon tipe. Cavaliers are the one class that remains basically the same after promotion. Of course an unit that is promoted on level 20 has higher potential, but if you aren't going to get it to 20/20 because you don't have the time to do it or you would need to go out of your way to feed that unit you'd better promote early.
  11. Wrong. If you don't think you'll be able to get the unit to 20/20 you'd better promote early. It's better to finish the game with a 16/20 character than 20/16 since they end up with the same stats but you get to make use of the promotion bonuses early and can even build up the secondary weapon rank.
  12. I used random thing picker and did everything manually. There might be better sites or tools, but you'll need more time searching for them than actually using them anyway. Since I commented I'll make a small update. And yes, I plan on sharing the whole run. Ch.7 Preparations? Wait, I didn't get to chapter 6x? But I had lots of characters killed! *goes to check requirements* WHAT? That is insane! How could anyone be able to lose so many characters not on purpose? That's it, I'm switching to the gaiden removal patch, I think the saves are compatible. Ch.6x Preparations Ok, I applied the gaiden removal patch and redid the last part of chapter 6. It mostly went the same way, except this time Castor got the boss. This is the first time I play this chapter! Ch.6x The enemies here are pretty weak. Makes sense, I guess. Athena doesn't actually come with a killing edge, and that's disappointing. Look, Matthis got a rank in both swords and lances! Now he's almost as useful as base Hardin! ... So basically, if Marth's army isn't slaughtered those cildren don't get saved? Guess the developers believe in preserving the balance of the universe and stuff.
  13. Ch.4 Brough a bunch of units with me just to get them killed. Lena herself died just after her brother was recruited. I recruited the wind tome and fed the horsemen to Matthis. Cord is getting a bit screwed with the levels as of late, but he's rather tanky for a magic unit. Ch.5 A handful of new recruits this time! Hardin is leagues better than Matthis, too bad he has to be a sniper. Wolf dodged far more than I expected. I'm still using Sheeda, but less than before. Ch.6 Preparations Made Hardin an archer so even he can know how it feels to suck. Wolf is extra slow, too. I'm gonna feed him thieves when possible. Ch.6 Brought Julian to raid the 2 nearest chests, but didn't recruit his pal. Wolf didn't actually get those thief kills, but he managed to gain a level regardless. No speed, meh. The killing edge thief escaped, at least I still have Navarre's. Matthis was just 1 strenght point short to being able to damage the boss. Dammit Matthis. Marth ended up getting the kill since Wolf missed what should have been the final blow despite WTA and ended up in a bad situation. Dammit Wolf.
  14. Ch.1 I started playing with complete disregard of almost everyone's life, only keeping safe Marth and Sheeda. Abel, Cain and Jagen died. Guess the old retainer won't accompany Marth on his random class quest. Sheeda will do the job, and training her will make things easier for when she has to recruit like everyone. Marth killed basically everyone except the boss (Sheeda got that one), but got shitty levels in the process (this is the first time in my experience he only grew hp). Ch.2 Strangely, no one died. The RNG was more kind to Marth this time as he killed half the enemies. Cord had the north-east island all for himself, while Sheeda and Castor took the remains. Ogma killed the boss by accident with a crit. A shame, I wanted to feed him to Castor. Ch.3 The real game starts now: I only use Marth, Castor, Cord, Sheeda and Lena during the whole chapter. Marth went alone on the left, getting the devil axe and using the fort as cover to fight the axemen alone. He got good levels out of it, too. I recruited Nabarl because he's too risky to fight and I wanted that killing edge. This time, Cord got the boss kill. Ch.4 Preparations Now I can class change. Changed Cord to dark mage and got him a fire tome. I won't class change Castor until promotion though, because ranks. Warriors get bows anyway, it's probably what hunters would have as second choice if split promotions were in the game.
  15. ALLRIGHTLETSDOTHIS No chosen unit, but i rerolled 3 times both characters and classes. Will play on hard 1 using Jagen until I have at least 3 more units. Midia Bishop She never had the greatest strenght, not a great loss going in a magic class. Ardin Sniper This is fine. Cord Sorcerer That's actually pretty good! Roger Horseman This is fine. Wolf Warrior Anything non-magical is good with Wolf. Tiki Manakete Vanilla. Minerva Sniper Another Sniper? Fine. Jake Ballistician Vanilla. Wendell Sage Vanilla. Castor Warrior Wolf will outshine him, but he'll be in the team before him. We'll see. Linde Swordmaster She'll rock the Levin Sword. Etzel Hero He too, I guess? Matthis Paladin Vanilla. Boah Sage Basically vanilla, but better because of ranks. I'll take Gotoh since I don't want to kill Tiki. This looks pretty fine! I'll tell you how it goes.
  16. You are right. What I meant is that a character with low magic using the tomes with the lowest might is a recipe for failure. If he was a dark magic user he would have been much better. Also I imagine he would make for a perfect war cleric...
  17. That reminds me, I'll have to try a draft sooner or later.
  18. Try comparing promoted characters to base Marcus. Then consider his growths in fe7 are better than in fe6. He most definitely doesn't suck. That is true for every prepromoted character in this game, actually. Well except Renault, but his condition of suckyness mostly comes from light tomes being bad and Athos existing.
  19. Doesn't seem that impressive actually. Those are stats that would fit an unpromoted Kent. Did you promote him at level 10?
  20. I definitely think it will be the next one. However, I'm not totally sure it will still be for the switch, I guess it depends on how long the switch will be the last nintendo console. I'm hoping they'll use the opportunity to expand on FE4, maybe adding the 3rd part that was planned or incorporating FE5 all in the same game (though that would make for a really long game)
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