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Posts posted by amiabletemplar

  1. As far as movies go, Akira is really the only major anime film I've seen. I've heard that most/all of Miyazaki's work is spectacular, but haven't seen any of it myself yet.

    For the small screen, I certainly enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Fullmetal Alchemist, but my favorite has to be Ghost in the Shell and its sequel (GitS: 2nd GiG).

  2. Speaking as someone who is...well, let's just say older than most of the people on this forum, there are three pieces of advice I can give. They are far more easily said than done, but if you can do them, you'll be a lot happier with your relationships, romantic or otherwise.

    Speak honestly and directly to others. Avoid hiding behind euphemisms. Don't hope that others can pick up on your tone, can "sense" what you mean. Don't get stuck in the horrible, HORRIBLE mire of thinking that it's "better" or "more fulfilling" when people can "just know" what you want. If you have a problem, say something: preferably not while you're in an adverse emotional state, but DON'T let it sit and fester unaddressed. If you have a particularly strong feeling--good, bad, or in-between--share it. When you leave things unsaid, you're asking trouble to come inside and have dinner with you.

    Always hold yourself to a higher standard than you hold anyone else. This cuts both ways. Give other people more--much more--slack than you give yourself. Attribute the problems and faults in others' lives to difficult situations or factors beyond their control, while taking personal responsibility for the failures you yourself commit. Do not deny success when it occurs--whether your own or someone else's--but be modest, results-oriented, and duty-focused about your own success ("I did only what I promised I'd do/what needed to be done"), while showing admiration for the success of others.

    Respect is something you must earn from, but freely give to, other people. Respect is utterly essential to personal interactions, and true respect--not merely general courtesy--is something earned, the result of habitual demonstration of a character of merit. Like trust, respect is a connection built between two people, the result of a pattern of behavior, and a single break from that pattern can ruin it forever. Nobody owes you respect, ever: but, by giving respect to others in all your dealings, you may earn the respect of people who notice and care. Be willing to accept attempts at reconciliation, but also aware that some people will fake it in an attempt to have their cake and eat it too.

    Along with these, there are three important things to remember:

    The hardest part about being a good person is being one when other people aren't. Facing off against the shitty things other people say and do is a constant challenge. But if you want a good, healthy relationship--even when your best efforts have failed in the past--you've got to keep trying, keep doing what you've been doing. You're going to be constantly fighting against your internal inclination to righteous indignation when people treat you poorly, for example. Or when your girlfriend/boyfriend does that one thing that annoys the hell out of you and you've asked her/him to stop 800 million times.

    Unless you're very lucky, very few will thank you for doing these things, and most won't even mention it. I don't mean that people won't say "thank you" when you do nice things, nor that you won't get sweet nothings whispered by your significant other. I just mean that going the extra mile isn't going to get you accolades and rewards. People may think well of you, but they'll still be people--which means being flawed, often self-centered, and often ungrateful.

    Doing this stuff is a lot of work, and every single day you'll be tempted to break down and stop. This is equally true for romantic and platonic relationships. Interacting with others in the good way, the healthy and productive way, is a labor of love--but it's still a labor, and it will leave you feeling tired. Don't hide from this fatigue, but remember that it is only through your will that you can overcome it--the very thing that fatigue tries to take from you. When you're tired, reach out to the people that love and support you, let them know that you need to lean on them for a little while--and always be ready to do the same for them, even when you've had a bad day.

  3. Manaketes in general just aren't too good in Apo (you didn't specifically say you were focusing on that, but it's what everyone here assumes unless specified otherwise). Nah can still make herself useful, just in another class.

    Good to know. Though to be honest, I'm not touching Apotheosis until I get quite a bit more experience under my belt. I'm really a very casual player, I just have enough math background and an interest in "playing well" to care, somewhat, about optimization.

    If you like Manaketes and want to see them be really good, though, it's better to just do something else they are good at. Nowi in particular shines the most on vanilla Lunatic as a frontliner with a Seraph Robe, Dragonstone+ from spotpass and a Merc Robin husband- she takes very little time to get going, is incredibly destructive, and Morgan/Nah with Veteran inheritance are even better.

    Interesting. I'll keep that in mind, if I ever decide to up the difficulty. For now, I'm still playing on Normal/Casual.

    Fred is fairly low demand, actually. His most common use is on Inigo, who doesn't really mind the Spd/Mag drop and gets Paladin and Luna out of the deal. He's sometimes used as a filler option on non-GF Noire thanks to his good Str/Skl mods, and similarly for Yarne when no Sniper dads are available. Outside of that, not many want him. He's probably the second least wanted dad in the game, behind Kellam and ahead of Donnel and Libra.

    Sounds like I was taken in by that GameFAQs trickster. Good to know. Thanks, again, for your help. I tend to think fairly defensively, rather than offensively, and it's taking time to adjust.

    That is... Quite possibly the flattest mod spread I've ever seen on a Morgan. He'll be stuck with +2/1/2/2/1/2/2 Str/Mag/Skl/Spd/Lck/Def/Res (I think, +HP isn't a common asset so I might be remembering it wrong). I legitimately can't think of any way to put that to use. Uhh... Maybe as a Grandmaster with All+2 supporting a Sage? A Dread Fighter with All+2 supporting a Dark Flier? Really haven't got a clue.

    You have a good memory; I poked around and found the tools to check, and you're completely right. When I chose them, I was thinking, "Ah, this means having no weaknesses!" But as I'm learning more, it seems that "no specific strengths" is, itself, a weakness--or at least it can be.

    Eheh, my name is a pun on a boss from Super Mario RPG.

    Aha. I've never played any of the Mario RPGs myself, so that sailed right over my head.

  4. If you're a young kiddo, does that make me an old fogey? :P

    Best of luck with the "games as a side project" thing--and I mean that very seriously. Life has a terrible habit of either turning side projects into the surprise main focus of your life...or into "someday I'd like to..." (the regular-people equivalent of Development Hell).

  5. Oh my goodness! I can show my DANCE! :D

    o \o \o/ \o o <o <o> o> o \o/
    .|. |. | / X \ | <| <|> |
    / \ >\ /< >\ /< >\ /< >\ /< / \

    Welcome to the forum.

  6. Welcome! Your names make me think of Beethoven--specifically, the Moonlight Sonata and Für Elise. (Or, if you prefer, Piano Sonata No. 14 in C minor and Bagatelle No. 25 in A minor, respectively.)

  7. I would switch Donnel and Vaike. Donnel!Nah gets really terrible overall modifiers, especially in speed. And she doesn't get an offensive proc like Luna, so Galeforce feels a bit wasted here. Vaike!Nah won't have GF but she'll get good physical mods, as well as access to Luna and the Hero class which makes her very viable. Donnel!Kjelle is really solid because she already has some great class options, and just wants access to Galeforce (and the purple hair looks great on her). Having said that, I don't really like pairing Nowi with anyone who doesn't look like a kid, so I guess I can get if you don't want to change these.

    Would also switch Virion and Fred. Virion!Inigo has a lot of cool stuff going for him, but the lack of an offensive proc like Luna or Vengeance frustratingly keeps him from being optimal. Inigo can get Luna from Fred and he's good to go. Fred!Gerome is really bad. Gerome is usually used as hard support because he can never get Galeforce, and can't do something like VV either. So he wants things like Hit+20 and a faire, and gets none of those from Fred, while Virion gives both of those things.

    I would maybe consider swapping Lon'qu and Stahl. Lon'qu doesn't give Owain anything he wants. There's class overlap, and Owain doesn't get Luna/Vengeance. Stahl!Severa is solid, but she already has everything she wants skill-wise, so you could probably put Stahl to better use. Stahl gives Owain Luna, as well as modifiers to be good at both strength and magic.

    Understood. It's unfortunate that Donnel!Nah isn't very good; I have a huge soft spot for dragons (one of my favorite mythical beasts!). Since I'll still get two Galeforce users out of the deal, though, it's an acceptable switch--though I definitely feel you on the "pairing Nowi with non-childlike characters feels weird." The only reason my male Avatar married her is because my aformentioned love of dragons was stronger than the ick factor (because zomg DRAGON BABIES). Completely understood on the Gerome thing (well, other than precisely what VV means--I assume Vantage+Vengeance?); ironically, Frederick as a father seems to be in pretty high demand, but as a result I ended up keeping him in reserve until relatively late, so I'm perfectly fine switching that around. Pretty much the same with Lon'qu and Stahl, actually. Thank you much for your help!

    Those three switches are pretty important, definitely do them (Fred most of all, Fred!Gerome is a practical joke played by an infamous troll on the Gfaqs community years ago where he tried to convince people that a bottom-of-the-barrel pairing was top tier, and succeeded). From there, if you wanted to, you could switch Gregor and Virion to get Hit+20 on Yarne and Berserker on Gerome, but it's not strictly beneficial unlike the rest of those changes.

    What Asset/Flaw are you using? And welcome to the Forest, by the way!

    Good to know on Fred!Gerome. Not surprised that someone would try to pull that off--only that it was so successful.

    My Avatar's Asset is HP, her Flaw is Luck. And dobryj vyechyer, comrade.

    (Edit: Also, just to avoid confusion, I'm not actually Russian nor do I actually understand it; I just thought it was humorously appropriate given your username.)

  8. Thank you, all, for the warm welcome!

    Welcome to the forums, amiableTemplar.

    What was the first Fire Emblem game you played? Why is Awakening your favorite?

    Awakening is both the first and the only Fire Emblem game I've played, so it's sort of my favorite by default--one of those "technically correct but not very meaningful" answers. That said, I'm definitely interested in Geneology of the Holy War, and the Tellius games don't look half bad either.

  9. Started a new file in Fire Emblem: Awakening, in part to correct some foolish mistakes I'd made (like not realizing that Lissa could become a Dark Flier until *after* acquiring Owain...), but also to see how a female Avatar differs from a male Avatar. As is my wont, I've done a goodly amount of research, including some references to this website, to find advice and information about "ideal" (non-Avatar) parents for various children, and figured it couldn't hurt to get some feedback on my choices.

    The only pairing that I've completely committed to, at this point, is Chrom/Avatar. However, some of the pairings I've picked are more or less fixed, while others are much more open to change; I'll mark them as such below. I've intentionally tried to get as many Galeforce units as possible; only Kjelle will fail to get it, since I don't have a male Avatar to father one of the "can get Pegasus Rider from her dad" daughters.










    * = I'd prefer not to change this if I don't have to, but will consider it.

    ** = Not going to change without a pretty compelling reason.

    † = I'm not sure these are great choices, it won't be hard to make me change them.

    Edit: If it helps, I also have a (rough) idea of what role I want the children to fill, I just figure it's better to keep things simple for now. I'm not a huge buff on the series and may not understand all the acronyms/jargon employed, so I apologize if I come across like a dullard. I'm just new to Fire Emblem optimization!

  10. Or good morning, as the case may be.

    I'm amiableTemplar, also known as Ezekiel elsewhere on the interwebs. I may not be highly active, but I look forward to seeing what this board has to offer.

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