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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. I have a really bad feeling about this: FE Awakening had "3" parts to it. I feel like each of the 3 parts to FE14 will be "8-15" chapters long, sort of like a more extreme sacred stones thing, but sold separately with discounts/whatever else they said. I'll gladly buy each version if each game is a solid full game, but if this is some kind of forced DLC for the entire story, ehh...
  2. Why is everyone saying "good, gives them time to polish it"? The Japanese trailer said it's coming out this June. The only thing that'll happen from then until 2016 is a slow translation process whenever NoA/whoever feels like they need to do it. Really wished it'd make it this year :P
  3. Your FE10 hack sounded pretty interesting.

  4. To celebrate the new FE game out this week in Japan, I'd like to show some work I did last December on some FE10 hacking. Note that this is nowhere near complete, yet if there's enough interest I'll finish each chapter ASAP. Note that this is an early work in progress. Updates to this will be made and properly labeled with the date etc so anyone following can easily see what's new. Difficulty info Changes Shop/Bargain changes Forging/coin changes Growth rates "Hard mode recruitment bonus" Images, showing chapter changes (1-P to 1-3, 1-9 preview) Enemy AI changes Extra enemies/reinforcements Miscellaneous changes Things NOT changed: Patch/release warning: Progress: Thanks
  5. With the release of a new FE game today, I was going to post a thread showing my work on an abandoned FE10 hack I was working on, and actually try to start posting on serenes regularly. My one question now is for any graphics experts on Dolphin. Anyways, regarding actual data hacking, has anyone found out what to edit to change florete to deal magic damage? I have tried so many things but can't find the byte that says whether a weapon does physical/magic. I have almost everything else figured out so stay tuned for a thread!
  6. I don't consider myself much of a pushover when it comes to getting through any difficulty (bearing in mind I haven't had the wonderful honor of being trampled with FE5's reputation) in FE, but has anyone played the 5 star rating in hard mode? If so, has anyone passed chapter 1 on their first try? :P For now, it does seem to be 'just' stronger enemy stats as reported (instead of more of them/more reinforcements, and thankfully it didn't pull a FE10 and get rid of the weapon triangle), however I was pretty surprised that I had to actually think of a plan to take out the axe enemies since usually I would let the weapon triangle take care of them in first chapters. I played through the game on hard mode 1 star though, and beat it with practically no trouble, except in a few unexpected reinforcement locations. We'll see if I have to restart on the second highest rating if the rest of the chapters really end up brutal :P
  7. I never gave it much thought to be honest, however in the third cutscene (the river crossing/sorry to drop in.. unannounced one), when Zelgius looks up at the hawks in the sky, there's a halberdier/sentinel/whoever who asks him "My lord?" and something else after Zelgius says to keep the enemy engaged. That wasn't Levail with his helmet on was it? The lance looked like a normal silver lance/greatlance or whatever, definitely not wishblade material. Also the overall armor looked more like a halberdier than the sentinel/lancer outfit.
  8. Money was never an issue in this game. On one playthrough I avoided the forge mostly and was able to get way over 100,000 gold by Volke's chapter (didn't sell the laguz gem from the desert either) just to see what Elincia would say to him in the off chance there was something programmed there :P I hear in the Japanese version of FE10 though that you couldn't promote to 'third' tier without using the items, of which there were 10 or so, in that case I would think that they should be sellable, if they weren't already in that version.
  9. I would have preferred continuing a clear data save for any difficulty to raise all enemy levels by 1, or give them all +1 to stats per replay to the point where the game would be statistically impossible to beat. ...So much for those 9 (playthroughs 2-5 were on hard mode, then it was back to normal for themed playthroughs) check marks I see when I press start on a map :P
  10. Yeah, well you made some great point in the SMG thread. You're a fucking genious.

  11. Heh thanks, I usually lurk on FE boards so I never checked to see your comment until today.

  12. While I definitely agree with most of your points raised in the first post and the overall difficulty level in general, there are some points that I don't think people clearly see from Nintendo in general with regard to how Galaxy is structured. First off (paragraph about Nintendo in general), with the influx of all these new "soccer mom"/elderly/kid/women type of people playing the wii after being on such a huge gaming hiatus/never in their life, people like Miyamoto/other developers of Galaxy could not under any circumstance risk or afford to make the game horribly difficult or "hardcore" just to appeal to the hardcore fans, especially with a game with Mario tied to it. Iwata himself said that Nintendo's "plan" with Wii/DS was to cater to the new people, and then after an unspecified amount of time, somehow start luring them into the regular core games... Galaxy is/was THE game to achieve or start that, if at all planned (Brawl edges it out in sales but that's honestly in the hardcore-only class). Another example of that is common complaints you hear from people and the Wii's storage solution problems and Virtual Console/WiiWare downloads (fridge jokes). I really don't think they want/wanted to introduce anything that would have the word "Gigabyte" attached to Wii (maybe at E3 :P) since that would, in their eyes, not be appealing to the new crowd that's likely making the system sell out every month. And truth be told, the people running out of space truly are a small percentage of users, I'm pretty sure there's tons of consoles with only 2-3 casual games taking up a save file. With that in mind, some examples people raised in this thread about how you only need half of the total stars in the game to win, or how some stars are undeniably mind-blowing to get are legitimate reasons in how the extra difficulty is there for people who want it. If you're a 100% completionist, that's wonderful, some of the stars took many lives of mine to be honest. Most people took the 3 bar life meter to be an increase in difficulty, not some crazy confession of how childishly easy the game is they gladly scaled the game down from the previous Mario games. If people in general are complaining about trivial things such as that one toad who gives you a 5-1up gift from Peach/Toadstool right at the beginning, that's seriously for the people who are less gifted than the typical gamer :P No need to accept it if you don't want to. I agree that the map/hub overworld in Galaxy felt pretty straightforward versus 64/sunshine, though, yet again Nintendo couldn't dare alienate people so early in the game with a different design choice right? As far as the poll is concerned, 9/10 is probably my overall enjoyment rating of the game as a whole. I unfortunately found myself slaving over the last 10-15 stars just to see the special "stuff". Games like Radiant Dawn have accumulated many more hours, and gladly so :P
  13. In the second endgame chapter for part 4 (Black Knight vs Ike), if you have Tibarn or Mist in your group for the Tower of Guidance, they each say something unique after the brief video of Ike doing the attacks the "mercenary/Hero" class did in other FE games (high jumping flip attack on the Black Knight). Anyways, Tibarn approaches Ike and states how the Black Knight is his prey yet allows Ike to duel him from the "I will surpass Gawain by killing Ike" speech. Also worth noting is if Tibarn isn't in your group, that entire explanation BK gives is completely omitted and not "transferred" to Ike. Additionally, Mist doesn't say much but she approaches Ike with concern much like she expressed in Path of Radiance and Ike stating he'll be alright. What I'm wondering is if anyone has noticed any other characters, probably ones that were closely tied to Ike and the Black Knight from Path of Radiance, say anything at all to Ike/Black Knight if you brought them into the Tower with you. I've played through the game 6 times but am certain that I've never brought in at least 40 of the total character count. Everyone else just stares at Levail and the other enemies :P I couldn't find any script information on the website for this chapter (I've read the stuff about Sanaki telling Levail to bring down the barrier but was more interested in what happens before you get to the preparation screen) relating to this but would appreciate any feedback.
  14. Welcome to Serenes Forest! Hi. I'm Knife.

  15. If it's too difficult for some people who want to see the entire game there's some hilarious Impossible mode difficulty (no saves) runs on youtube that get impressively far. Getting the jump timing correct is usually the hardest part, and doesn't help that playing on a keyboard isn't as intuitive as a controller, though thankfully you can change the control options around.
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