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Posts posted by SalShich10N

  1. 1 hour ago, Troykv said:

    Yeah, I think Sara is the only unit shared in both units.

    Personally I prefer the route where appears Misha (I like the maps more), but I'm still surprised she appears.

    Fun fact: Misha can only be recruited if somehow you're able to capture her (You need to use the Sleep Staff or the Sleep Sword)

    Yeah, I did recruit her, took many tries. It was a total bitch because of her suicidal tendencies and having to deal with the hoard of dark mages plus a siege tome overlapping her squadron. IIRC it was also the map where Cyas appeared there doing his Cyas things like boosting everyone's hit rates and sleeping you. She wasn't even that much better than Karin, either rather she feels like "here you go, in case you accidentally your Karin".

    Pretty hellish map, tons of fun.

  2. 5 hours ago, Troykv said:

    Misha is such a weird choice for a SR Card... They want a flier with a SR? Karin would be a option too... I wonder how popular these two are in Japan.

    Do you even get Misha in the Lunar path? I only went straight to Leonster in the split, so I don't know path share some units. I know you get Sara on both route.
    Still, I wonder if there's a meme along with Misha or something.

  3. FE11: Athena, and the 15 gravestones involved in getting her
    FE12/3: Cecil, though she's a lot easier to use in the original FE3
    FE4: Johan. I still argue to this day that him an Johalva are exactly the same in stats.
    FE5: Makua, even if Mareeta outclasses her.
    FE6: Fir. Getting her promotion item is a hassle. (was gonna say Echidna, but she's not bad)
    FE7: Rebecca. I even used her in HHM
    FE8: Artur. Early promoting him for a second C in staves is very good for chapter 14 if you are going the Ephraim route.
    FE9: Mia. Everyone and their mothers was telling me to use Zihark, but I refused.
    FE10: I don't think I used a "bad" unit here.
    FE13: Vaike and Cherche on no-grind runs.
    FE14-B: Orochi and her low Spd ass.
    FE14-C: Arthur. He's pretty good and ironically reliable. Great option against ninjas too.
    FE14-R: Playing this game on it's own more than once. Lunatic, no less. What was I thinking...

    Can you even not use someone in Gaiden/Echoes?

  4. 11 hours ago, Kirie said:

    Vince put together a possible set list over Discord based on what we know. Here's a transcribe for reference/feedback:

      Hide contents

    1-3 Alm
    4-6 Celica
    7-9 Gray
    10-11 Tobin
    12 - Probably Tobin, possibly Kliff
    13-14 Kliff
    15-16 Faye
    17-18 Lukas?
    19-20 Silque
    21-24 Clair and Cliff?
    25-26 Mae
    27-28 Genny
    29-30 Saber
    31-32 Leon/Kamui/Luthier?
    33-34 Delthea
    35-37 Atlas/Jesse/Pegs?
    38 Deen
    39 Sonya
    40 Tatiana
    41-42 Zeke
    43-50 Berkut + ??? + 2-4 Cipher Mascots

    51-53 Al
    54-55 Roy
    56-58 Tiena
    59-60 Gant
    61 ???
    62-63 Kilmar
    64 Elphin or Echidna?
    65-66 Raigh
    67 Echidna or Elphin?
    68 ??? (Niime?)
    69-70 Zeed
    71-72 Jemmie
    73-74 Zephiel
    75 Cipher Mascot

    76-77 Skrimir
    78-79 Lethe
    80-84 ???
    85-86 Ena
    87-88 ???
    89 Rafiel
    90 Ike
    91-92 Mist
    93-94 ???
    95-96 Zihark
    97-98 Jill
    99 ???
    100 Cipher Mascot


    The missing Laguz gotta include Tibarn and Naesala. Perhaps Nasir too. I hope 99 is Haar.

  5. Does anyone know where exactly can you get them, particulary during Celica's side of Act 3. I finished the whole half of Alm's map and by the end he had 4 golden marks (1 from a treasure and 3 from trading in Exotic Spices) and I could trade the free DLC boots for further 3. Had I known how the DLC boots work I would have gotten them on Celica's side instead and gotten the 3 marks. I checked that one of the rewards for one of the quests on Celica's side is an Exotic Spices (Dagon Fillet), but I need something called "Gossamer Hair" but I don't know how to get it.

    Anyways, does anyone recall where to get Golden Marks during the main story line? I know they're few in number, but Celica really wants a cool sword.

  6. no, seriously, why is it advertised as the "Laguz edition" if 10 out of 25 are going to be Beorc? That's only 15 laguz. Like did they halfway through forgot about more Laguz to add?
    Anyways. We know Ike (R), 2 Mist, Zihark (R), Ilyana, Grommel (why is he a meme?) and an obligatory Cipher exclusive. Only 4 Beorc left, cross your fingers for another card of your waifu, everyone. I personally hope Ashnard snipes one of the green SRs.

  7. 13 minutes ago, pinguyFrank said:

    miledy has very little screen time in Hasha no Tsurugi sadly :(:

    What about Echidna and Elphin? To see if they're any indicator of how strict they'll be to characters involved in the manga.

    Also I've just noticed, out of 4 Rs relegated to the green cards, Beorc are already half of them. Goes to show how even during Laguz's special moment, Beorc are just better than subhumans.

  8. I am about to finish chapter 1, so my impressions are like the immediate results. I went Mercenary Grey, Mage Tobin, Mercenary Kliff and Cleric Faye.

    Currently Grey is pretty damn rad he's fast, Mage Tobin is also pretty great since Excalibur is very broken and you get it very early, Kliff is surprisingly doing very well although he does have the Thunder Sword on him plus his black color scheme is very good and finally Faye is odd she has like a ton of Atk compared to Silque and physic to boot. While I feel Faye might perform better as a more offensive class, she's very slow and her early Physic helps a lot.

  9. It isn't even confusing, just downright crippling. So you have these units that can be very good potentially better than beorc at glance, but only for a few turns and then they are turned to deadweight for full 5 turns, and their empty gauge carried over between chapters. To top it off they don't promote so no bonus stats, they don't get new weapons so enjoy range 1 weapons with no variation the whole game. The worst part is that eventually become so common it feels like normal Laguz only exist so the player understand how powerful the royals are. And we complained about Fates having preference for royals, didn't we?

    It'd had been better if the gauge got filled the more they fought, but depleted very quickly if they didn't fought during a turn. That way the player would have to opt for more aggressive strategies when using Laguz to keep them transformed.

  10. The only thing you might have to worry about is that the game moves kinda slow so have a shortcut for for fast forward (though if you played FE4 and 5 already you probably already have one) and for Book 1 I'd say Shadow Dragon on the DS offers a better experience, but Book 2 is still very unique when compared to the DS remake since FE12 ended up differing wildly. For instance in FE12 the star shards only boost stats whereas in Book 2 of FE3 the shards boost your growths like the scrolls in FE5 and stats cap at 20 like in FE5 so you can easily get your waifu favorites to become viable even if guides say they're garbage. The sprites are very cool, too so battles are far more graphically pleasing than FE12.  If you've already played FE4 and 5 you'll be right at home here.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Darrman said:

    It's actually Chapter 12. Chapter 14 has a different gaiden, and capturing the boss there will do nothing but cause you pain. Chapter 14 is a really annoying map for good measure, so be careful.

    Oh yeah, my bad. 14 was that defense map with an image macro that hypes it up, but it actually turns out to be a very chill map. I didn't realized just how early you get Olwen, Mareeta and dancer Lara, holy cow.

    12 is also the map with the Vantage Scroll on the roaming boss, so watch out for that if you want to use Olwen

  12. 2 hours ago, Rapha666br said:

    Thanks for the help.

    Still confused about capturing. You have to atack first? Or can I get them at full hp?


    • Initiate a battle at range 1
    • if Unit has higher Bld they can catch (mounted units have/need Bld + 20)
    • If you kill them you "capture" them (essentially you apply the rescue function on them)
    • You can trade their stuff (i.e take their crap and leave them penniless) transfer them to someone else and release them
    • Once released they count as a kill

    If a unit is without a weapon or asleep they can be captured without a battle. When you battle with capture the attacker has half their speed and strength, so brave weapons are great for capturing enemies. Effective weapons are good for capturing too, note that in this game anyone can use a Rapier. Archers can never capture because our lord and savior Kaga dictated that this would be an Axe biased game. Several bosses have things other than weapons like scrolls and are hard to approach with a thief, so capturing is another method. Make sure you don't miss the Vantage Scroll, because that makes Olwen the most ridiculous unit you'll ever see. The only Enemy-Only weapon is the Hell tome (you'll know which one is because you'll immediately think "oh damn, I want that in my life) which turns into crappier tomes if you try to steal them.

    57 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

    Thief hideout? OK, that's new.

    It's a gaiden map, you need to capture the boss in chapter 14, but don't release him. That will give you chapter 14x, the Thief Hideout, which is fucking CRUCIAL that you get because you get your dancer this way.

    Oh yeah one last thing from personal experience: Get as many Wind tomes and Hand Axes as humanly possible. You see one, get it at every opportunity, specially hand axes because after a while they stop being common on enemies.

  13. In Order, IIRC



    • Level
    • HP
    • Atk
    • Def
    • Hit
    • Crit
    • Attack Speed (always check this one first)

    In this case, Glade does 12 damage, doubles and has an 11% chance at crit (not really because PCC) and the enemy won't do anything to him and will most likely miss anyways.

    Here are a few of my personal experiences: Don't be conservative about the Repair staff, it has 5 full uses for a reason and the Light Brand and Pugi are definitely great places to use them as soon as they are close to breaking or outright break (broken weapons are not removed from your inventory). Knight's Proofs to promote units are actually a very restricted resource so make sure whoever gets them makes good use of the stats boost. Karin, for instance, might be better off just with the Wrath Skill (you get a scroll) than promoted.
    Don't feel discouraged by fatigue, but do manage your staffers. Early on you get Safy and Nanna and you should alternate between them as necessary. Later you get a crapload of staffers and it's all fine.

    Save the brave weapons for when you want to capture stuff, specially enemies with cool weapons (there is a swordmaster with a very early killing edge during the early escapes and a brave sword you get in 4x is the key to get it). Staves can miss, but the hitrate is set by skill and at 12 Skill the staves have 100% skills. Healing staves might also double. Only the Brave Lance is a Prf weapon, the others are free to everyone.

    Even if a unit falls of mid game and you drop them, but they still have moderately good stats (12-15~) then they're most likely useful for dealing with just the normal enemies. I recommend promoting around level 15 so you maximize the stats you get from promotion. Mages should all promote at level 10. All of them, specially Sara and Assvel.

    Brighton is the most broken shit I've ever seen when it comes to a mounted units. Seth has nothing on him. Holy shit that guy, make sure you use him and his waifu. Speaking of which, if you find a waifu, feed scrolls to her and make yourself the happiest player ever. Mine was Machuya and I am 100% happy with her, brought her to the endgame and all.

  14. On 4/2/2017 at 1:10 PM, Trymer said:

    seems like when the forum can't help me out finding a card I need my best bet is trying Amenity Dream then and looking into the proxy shipping.
    and hope that google translate helps enough with helping me understand what it is that I need to be doing haha.

    also what payment options do those sites have? I've seen most accept credit cards, but rakuten also has that UnionPay.
    I'm wondering do some of those sites also do paypal? I don't own a credit card and where I've grown up it's really ill-advised to own or use one.
    (my parents literally like only own one which is inactive just for the sake of being able to activate it if something goes horribly wrong on vacation so we can rent things)

    Oh trust me, google translate is much more useful than you think. I recommend more a forwarder than a proxy, for those are on the cheaper side, but then again I have no experience with a proxy. I use this one https://www.2you4.jp/

    Amenity Dream offers paypal payment. Your parents are wise with credit cards, let me tell you. Tools for modern slavery is what those things are.

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Geek said:

    So by Heroes do they mean the original characters from Heroes (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Veronica, and Mysterious Man) or a random assortment of characters?

    Also, how many sets have Fates characters been in so far?

    Set 1: Promos for Set 2.

    Set 2: The entire thing.

    Set 3: "Gee Azura! How come your mom let you have TWO SRs?".

    Set 4: Free at last.

    Set 5: Promos for set 6.

    Set 6: Nohrian scum.

    Set 7: $40 for Birthright alone isn't worth it.

    Set 8: Free again, but not for long.

  16. So guys, have you gotten your cards yet? what did you guys pull?

    I got mine today here are my pulls:

    Pictures of the Cards:



    Awakening Cards






    I was thankfully able to pull every single R without isses. Unfortunately I pulled more Awakening foils than Jugdral foils, that's not what I wanted. Thankfully the SR+ was not a card I had repeated so I managed to pull 4 different SRs, which is always good, would've liked Aversa, tho. Now my sense of smell/taste has to be very keen because not only I pulled Patty SR as I predicted, but I also pulled two of them. God, she's so darn cute I can't complain.

    And I got what's easily the best R+ in the whole card game now in Kellam R+. You see that card has a special perk, a quirck that you cannot see unless you hold the card with your own meme-ridden hands: You can actually see Kellam's shilouette in the foil of the card if you reflect it against light. A very nice card for any collector.

    Oh yeah, the postcards by amiami were cool, I got two awakenings and one each of the others. This means I have two large versions of the Tiki R artwork, which is absolutely gorgeous.

  17. While I bought from TCG republic before I knew any better, they do have two very strong points besides their inflated prices: Free International EMS Shipping (if buying 50+ USD, which might as well be three or four SRs or so) and they give you free packs. I got two from them.

    The other, and main, card shop I use is Amenity Dream plus a forwarding service called 2you4. Between the two of those it's 3000 yen on EMS total for shipping, which is the same as shipping from somewhere like Amiami and it's great as you can get tons of Rs, N and HN like 10 yen a piece. Overall one of the more cost-efficient ones when it comes to mass purchase and collection rounding.

    And my third source for cards is some dude here in my city I found through what's the local equivalent of ebay that gets cards in bulk off japanese auctions. He sells them to me for relatively the same price as amenity dream without shipping expense and offers a good chat. Might be a lolicon, likes Fae a bit too much. Do search around for your area for someone else who likes Cipher as well, you might come across some higher ranking weeb that might help you gets cards for cheaper.

    6 hours ago, Aquantis said:

    Rakuten can be cheaper, but only if you buy a lot of cards, as all the individual sellers I've seen there only send Express mail (so ~$15 base for shipping).  I have found that Rakuten is normally way cheaper than the way overpriced TCGRepublic, even with the added shipping cost.

    Bigweb usually has the best prices, and Amneitydream has decent ones too (those 2 sites are what most card prices are based on for trades and stuff).  I believe you have to go through an intermediary to order from them though

    I find that Amenity Dream has cheaper prices on PRs while Bigweb has better prices on some Rs or SRs. The variation is usually like 100-200 yen or so. The big difference is that Bigweb doesn't accept paypal or foreign credit cards while Amenity Dream does accept paypal, making it much easier to use forwarding services and the reason why I don't use Bigweb.

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