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Posts posted by SMaster777

  1. *tries to think of linked endings*

    Micaiah/Sothe (Only affects Sothe's)


    Naesala/Leanne (I think it only affects Leanne's)

    Jill/Haar (Only affects Jill's)

    Ike/Soren or Ike/Ranulf (Requires PoR, only affects Soren or Ranulf)

    Though some of the info convos made me forget, even for a moment, the lack of good supports.

    Meg: See you later, pookums!

    Zihark: Meg, wait! ........ and did she just call me pookums?

  2. *is holding the shotgun that did the deed*


    And on the weapon triangle bit, Yes, I know Ephraim > Eirika in that, but this isn't about those two fighting. (He'd kill her by a LONG shot, FTR) This is all personal opinion.

    Yeah, For once, Personal experience means something XD

    And on a random note, We could play this by RD Maniac JP/Hard US starndards, where the WT is nonexistient lol

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