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Aggro Incarnate

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Status Replies posted by Aggro Incarnate

  1. Hi

    1. Aggro Incarnate

      Aggro Incarnate

      Oh hey thanks for the message, I don't get these very often :)

      I'm still relatively new to the FE community as a whole (esp. compared to like old regulars on SF) though I found FE fascinating and ended up picked up on some bits of history of the community along the way I guess. I've only really read about your stuff in the FE scene, with setting baselines for various GBA/Tellius FE speedruns/TASes as well as the rage moments and some stuff for DSFE as well.

      I kind of assumed you kinda retired from the community due to real life taking over. (I'm sorry if the 'FE Fossil' comment got across and rubbed the wrong way, it's just that I assume you moved on after all your cool stuff with FE) So it was cool when Gwimpage made a link on discord to your Twitch stream, though I guess I missed the actual FE:RD bit a few days ago.

      Not sure if I find myself the most avid of Twitch audiences but maybe I'll get to tune into some of your FE stuff on stream if you intend to do more later. Kudos on your streams and everything.

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