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Posts posted by Cquel

  1. But isn't that just the assumption that you are making rather than one Morgan would make? I would differently believe you if it was just Morgan(f) but since Morgan(m) says something different its harder to believe. Plus doesn't Morgan remember everything about Robin? It would be kinda weird for them to forget that Robin gave them that book when they remember everything else about them. I remember Morgan saying that they weren't sure that the future was in ruins when you recruit them and im sure that is because of their memories of Robin.

    The two DLC were released at different times in Japan though, almost a month apart. The NA dates doesn't show a story or development connection. The two being part of the same bundle does a bit though so its something to consider.

    Wasn't Robin created through experimenting on Grima blood though? So if his blood still lives on in Morgan then someone could recreate Grima right? That kinda ruin the only real choice we have in the game.

    Isn't the law of conservation of detail more of a TV and movie thing? I just finished watching a show called Gravity Falls early this week that used it to great affect. Im not saying that it can not be used in video game just that they have a set of problems to deal with that other media doesn't have. One of the main problems with using it games is the fact each player doesn't see the content in the same order and there by can come up with different conclusions biased on their experience. Im not saying that this isn't being used here but since you can also kill Morgan in FP it kinda makes it hard to say that they came from there.

  2. He really made an identical copy of personal annotations?

    He also could have assumed that was why he had it, seeing as if it was from the future, he wouldn't know anyway and would just have to guess.

    While in real life, it could very easily be just another unique book he happens to have two copies of, this is a story and is thus subject to the law of conservation of detail. Why bother having two sets of identical books that are described in exactly the same way and would make sense being assumed to be the same if they were, in fact, completely random? And they weren't even developed remotely separately- in NA, FP1 and HSS were released on the same day.

    Since that's what he said we have no reason not to believe him. As I said Morgan(M) doesn't seem to lie and when he does he is often caught doing so. On top of that Morgan is known to reread books and shown to care a lot about the books that Robin gives them so it would be hard or out of character for them to make a copy. Robin is also known to have multiple books with annotations in them, just look at Lissa's support, so its hard to say what book they gave Morgan in FP. Just because they are both books doesn't mean they're the same.

    Also why does it matter that the two came out at the same time in NA? Are you saying that NA changed the story of the two to imply some kind of connection?

    Honestly the main problem that I have with Morgan being from FP is with how the game ends. If you have Robin kill Grima then they disappears because they have Grima's blood in them. But if Morgan came from FP then wouldn't that mean that they also have Grima's blood and that they should have disappears to? The only way I can see it working is if the Morgan you recruit from FP originally came form a different timeline and ended up in FP first. However you said that FP was based on a failed version of our own which would mean the Morgan from a different timeline would be the one with the same gender as you, the one that you do not give the book to.

    Again I am probably reading to much into it or missing something important so please point out anything that you find wrong.

  3. In Morgan's FP convo (FP1 if male, FP2 if female), Robin gives Morgan a book on tactics before leaving, and Morgan comments that they already had one, given by that world's Grima. In another convo in Hot-Spring Scramble (Cynthia for F, Inigo for M), Morgan has two identical copies of the same book, with no memory of why.

    Well male Morgan says he has two copies because he is a klutz and that he tries to be prepared for every eventuality. Female Morgan is a bit more convincing but she could have two for the same reason as her counterpart. She does seem to play around with people a lot more than male Morgan. Im not saying that the FP book and the one in HS Scramble are not the same, just that it seems like a bit of a stretch to me. Then again iv made stretched theories in the past so who knows.

  4. -Morgan exists in FP (and one of the FP Morgans is the one you recruit, at that). This occurs even if Morgan's alternate parent is a future child or one of the Spotpass Six, which cannot happen in Lucina's timeline. Meanwhile, Morgan's supports only suggest anyone knew her in Lucina's future if she had a sibling, which cannot happen with those pairs, so presumably she simply doesn't exist in Lucina's future under some conditions.

    Do we know that the FP Morgan is the one that we recruit? I dont remember them saying or implying that but it has been a while since i played FP. I always got the impression that the Morgan we recruit came form our own timeline were we win.

  5. Most people would say so, but I don't agree with them, because being vulnerable to enemy critical hits is never a good thing.

    How vulnerable to crt are you in Fates? I had a -Luck stat in awakening and i never got crt unless the enemy had a killer edge or something.

  6. I understand the whole licensing thing in terms the reasons of probably why there isn't dual audio, but could someone explain the whole union thing to me? I don't know a ton about the voice acting biz so that'd be great.

    Unions are kind of a tricky thing. From my understanding joining a union gives you certain benefits and a slightly bigger pay but you can only do union approved jobs. If you do a non union job you normally have to pay a fee and might even get kicked out. Now most video game and anime voice acting jobs are not union approved so to not get in trouble some voice actors will do the job under a fake name or not have their name listed at all. This is why it can be hard to know who is voicing who sometimes.

    This is just my understanding of it and my info might be a bit old so things could be different now.

  7. The physical versions of Conquest and Birthright are predetermined when it comes to choice. If you bought Birthright, you won't get to choose Conquest or Revelation unless you have one of them downloaded as DLC.

    This is not true. You still do have a choice but if you choose opposite faction you are immediately taken to the eshop to then buy the other version for $20 and download it.

  8. have they ever had a demo come out for a game that already went on the eshop? i've never heard of that?

    They have released special demo version of games before in the past. The Legend of Zelda Tri Heroes special demo came out a week after the game was released. Of course we want the demo to be released before hand but there is still time for them to announce something.

  9. Well... that was very well timed. I'm a bit annoyed we don't get Japan's digital version though, because that was the only one that truly let you "choose". (That messes up my plans for the choice, I was originally going to go through the game without knowing which I'd choose, and leave it up to an Amiibo battle when I got to Chapter 6. Now I'm going to have to do that in advance if I want to pre-load.)

    While its not the best situation you still do have a choice when playing the game. From what I've heard, the choice is still there at chapter 6 but if you choose the opposite faction of the game that you bought then have to pay $20 and download it after the chapter. I know that you want to pre-load it so you don't have to break up game play but if you really want that choice and are going to buy both versions anyway then the option is still there for you. Again its not the best thing that Nintendo could have done but we have to make due with what we have. Hopefully we will get a demo so people don't have to randomly pick a version.

  10. Am I the only person that's frustrated their using percussion-heavy nonsense as the background music instead of something from the actual game?

    They probably made the commercials with a specific audience in mind and picked something that would hype them up. With the music and announcers that they picked we will most likely be seeing one or both of these commercials on Toonami tomorrow night.

    I personally don't have a problem with it but then again I'm in that target audience.

  11. For me my favorite pairings are based on supports, hair color, and classes.

    Chrom x Olivia

    Sumia x Henry

    Maribelle x Frederick

    Lissa x Libra

    Cordelia x Gregor

    Sully x Kellam

    Cherche x Vaike

    Nowi x Donnel

    Tharja x Gaius

    Miriel x Ricken

    Panne x Virion

    I think everyone should see Sumia x Henry and Cordelia x Gregor at least once.

    Since Robin can marry everyone I like to make sure that everyone else is happy and then go with whoever is left. Normally Lon'qu if I'm playing female and Sa'ri if I'm playing male. I don't really have any set pairings for the kids.

  12. First, how exactly does it work? I know I might sound kinda dumb here but I've never preordered DLC before. They say something about a code but I just wanna make sure that I understand correctly before making any purchase.

    Third and last, Is it worth it? I remember Awakening offering map bundles that were actually cheaper than the separate maps. I'm betting that they'll do the same thing here. So what's the point of preordering it at a low price early if we can't even play it until it's out, and when it's out there might even be packs that do the exact same thing that you can buy then. That's the most important point for me right now, so i would appreciate if someone could explain.

    If you preorder it before it comes out from some place like amazon or gamestop then they will email you a code on Feb. 19 that you can then redeem on the Nintendo eshop (link on how to do so here). You will be able to do the same thing in the in-game store once it comes out so you don't have to worry about codes.

    The only benefit you get from ether preording or buying the bundle before all the maps come out is that you can download them the day they come out. If you decide to wait till all the maps are available then you can download all the maps at once instead of going to store each week to download the new one. The price for the bundle will be the same no matter if you preorder it or not.

    I would recommend waiting till the game comes out before you buy anything and then deciding whether or not you want the maps as soon as they come out.

  13. I think that they will follow the same schedule that they did with Yo-Kai Watch, releasing the demo two weeks before the game with an announcement for the demo a week before. This means that the announcement will come out on Jan. 28 with the demo coming out on Feb.4 (remember that the eshop only updates on Thursdays).

    As for the content i think we will get the first 5 chapters stopping at the big choice. I think it will only be in normal difficulty and the data wont transfer but we might get an item or something, most likely nothing though.

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