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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. To me it makes more sense to boost already proficient stats. You should aim to hit benchmarks, like going from being 2HKOed by magic to being 3HKOed. That way, the stat boost was actually useful and you can hardly achieve that when your base Res is nigh 0. E.g.: An enemy with 20 attack against a unit with 20 HP and 3 Res will 2HKO you even after a small Res boost. However, 20 Att. VS. 20HP and 10 Res will go from a 2HKO to a 3HKO after a boost.

  2. 3 hours ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    3) Are there characters who only have 1-2 supports? I never liked that some characters had tons of support options and others too few.

    Yes. However, base conversations exist to flesh out characters and nobody has tons of supports in the first place. E.g.: Alm only has 3 support chains and 7 counting those without convos. In fact, the majority of the cast doesn't have more than 1-2 support chains.

  3. More or less for the same reasons that you would not count on Elise's Def and HP, or on Rinkah's strength, or Benny's speed because they weren't designed for this.

    Players have often ignored the intended roles or designs of units with great results. Eg.: Seth who is supposed to be your emergency button but is instead the main combat unit in any efficient run that doesn't outright ban him for being too game-breaking.

    Or Seliph who is supposed to steadily grow throughout the game but can instead promote right after his join chapter and be very powerful.

    I prefer to strengthen my units' niches than losing time and tons of stat-booster, Pair-Up bots, etc and the result is much better IMO if you don't let the enemy use your weaknesses which is easy if you're efficient during your phase.

    Using the word "lose" in this context would mean that the stat-booster goes to waste, but that isn't the case in my opinion.

    I can't think of another unit with 8 Mov, inherently powerful 1-2 range that 2HKOs most enemies (11 Might, 23 Str and +5 from skills most of the time) and high bulk (38 HP, 27 Def) that only needs a Speedwing to start ORKOing. Who would be a better recipient for the Speedwing in your opinion?

    There’s also no time loss and the only Pair-up bot you need is Charlotte.

    I'd prefer a low Spd stat for higher growths in the stats that 'define' a character's gameplay.

    However, there is no important trade-off for making Xander fast. He has a lot of Str with Charlotte, even more than he usually would have, and his Def is so high that it can become disadvantageous to increase it further. Xander benefits from more Spd because it lets him ORKO. He doesn't benefit as much from more Defense since he can already tank well and might be ignored if it is increased.

    In Xander's case, that's a lot of effort for a unit which is already great (and even beyond great) as he is, a powerful poking unit and more.

    As mentioned before, the resources are all easily accessible; it takes no effort. I'll review the resources in greater detail:

    1)Speedwing. There's one in C15, which players usually get. In terms of resource allocation, Xander is one of the best choices.

    2)Charlotte pair-up.

    3)Shigure with Rally Spd. His paralogue is easy and you would want to marry off Azura to someone anyway for two paralogues.



    You even lose one action per turn and Charlotte who's a formidable glass-cannon unit.

    That's not much of a loss when you kill numerous enemies on EP. What's more is that Charlotte isn't a great unit, not bad but not great either. Her offense is largely overkill, other units can ORKO just fine as well while being able to at least tank somewhat.

    Also, if Xander's meant to be played more offensively than a standard tank thanks to his skills, you may need to tank with him because of his massive damage output, and then he'll just ORKO everything, letting an opportunity for another unit to attack, and he won't last for a long time because it's Fates.

    Firstly, this feels more like an argument against doubling itself since any unit that ORKOs opens up space for other units to follow-up and kill it. It's a fundamental draw-back to doubling as a mechanic. If we take this logic a step further, we could say that Xander should definitely double since he is one of the (physically) tankiest units in the game and is much more likely to get away with doubling on EP than other units.

    Secondly, this argument assumes bad play. Nobody will throw any unit in a mob of enemies when the cumulative damage is lethal and can realistically occur (dodging).

    Thirdly, stats aren't fixed in 3DS FE. Just don't give him Spd tonics/+Spd pair-up/Spd Rally and you're good to go.

    Really, any argument in this discussion can be countered with this. A "fast" and a "slow" Xander aren't mutually exclusive because nearly all the speed comes from temporary boosts. You can remove those just as easily as you can apply them.

  4. Or just don't make him a faster unit. He wasn't designed for that and has already everything he wants.

    I've never understood that argument. Why shouldn't he double? Why would you leave enemies injured when you could ORKO them? Why would you prefer a low Spd stat to one that is high?

    It can't be because of effort. Xander doubles relatively consistently with Speedwings+Charlotte+Rally Spd+tonics+Defender. Those resources are all easily accessible (Offspring-Seal Shigure to FK for Rally Spd). No Swordmaster or Lodestar re-class required unless you do PvP.

  5. Chapter 7: 9/9 (9/37):

    Sold Goddess Icon, Str/Spd/HP tonics for Corrin, Jakob carries a Heart Seal and the Bronze Lance for Arthur.

    Turn 1, Corrin is paired with Jakob, they move west and separate Corrin farther to the west. On enemy phase, Corrin kills the 2 Faceless. Turn 2, see Turn 1. The entire middle part of the map is routed on EP. Turn 3, Corrin+Jakob run back to the center and Silas equips a Bronze Lance and moves into the range of a Faceless. Turn 4, Jakob trades Heart Seal+Bronze Lance to Silas and heals him. Arthur takes the HS and Lance and re-classes to Cavalier. Silas finishes the Faceless with Arthur DS and Corrin moves to the center of the map. Turn 5, Jakob heals Corrin and she kills a northern Faceless with DS help from Arthur. On EP, one of the paired Faceless dies fighting Corrin+Arthur and a southern Faceless attacks Silas+Jacob. Turn 6, Jakob chips the northern Faceless, Corrin pairs with Arthur and he kills the Faceless Silas weakened, Silas kills the northern Faceless. EP, a Faceless attacks Arthur. Turn 7, Silas moves north to engage 2 Faceless on EP and Jakob heals him. Arthur moves south and drops Corrin closer to the boss. EP, Arthur and Corrin each kill a Faceless in Attack Stance and Silas weakens two. Turn 8, Arthur pairs with Corrin who attacks the boss with the Dragonstone; Silas+Jakob finish off their enemies. Turn 9, Corrin kills the boss.

    8 Turn would be possible if Corrin could 2RKO the boss. She can with a Str proc and Fighter!Arthur but then she can’t reach him on Turn 8 PP because the boss’ cohort is still alive and blocking the way.

    Chapter 8: 5/14 (5/42)

    Turn 1, Corrin visits the village, Arthur moves forward and Silas carries Jakob. Turn 2, Jakob kills one of the northern mages and Arthur/Corrin follow them. Odin pairs with Niles and he kills one of the eastern Mages just outside Flora’s Freeze range. EP, Jakob kills two Mages, 2 Fighter close in on him and a Fighter draws closer to Niles/Odin because he thinks he can dual strike Niles. Turn 3, Niles attacks the Fighter. Jakob moves north and switches to Silas who equips a Sword so that the Fighters target Arthur; Arthur moves north. EP, Arthur chips 2 Fighters and Niles barely survives getting attacked by a Fighter+DM. Turn 4, Arthur carries Corrin over to the Fighter in the boss area and she kills him. Silas moves onto the northern village and drops Jakob out of the range of the Fighters. Niles switches to Odin who kills the Fighter. EP, Silas kills the 2 Fighters, 2 DMs attack Odin and Corrin gets attacked by a DM and a Fighter. Turn 5, Silas kills the DM with Corrin DS, Odin barely reaches the village with Niles’ +Mov boost, Jakob visits the northern village and Corrin ORKOs the boss (full shield gauge).


    	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Corrin 	24	17	6	13	15	7	13	5	D/D Lv 11
    Jakob 	24	11	7	14	12	14	8	7+2	D/D Lv 5
    Silas 	24	12	0	10	9	9	11	5	D/E Lv 8
    Arthur 	22+5	11	0	9	8	2	10	6	E/E Lv 8
    Odin 	21	5	8	10	7	9	6	7	D   Lv 5
    Niles 	22	9	5	9	15	6	7	12	D   Lv 8
  6. Selena can be free until you have your full army recruited (children too). Flora should be only if you need another staffbot (I have Elise, so I shouldn't need her). Also, turn count is off until Chapter 6.

    Alright, Flora is banned then since I'll have Jakob+Felicia+Shura.

    I know, but I decided to try and LTC anyway. I should have probably put them into brackets from the beginning, though.

    I'm really torn about whether to use Camilla as a malig knight or a wyvern lord. I know wyvern lord will give her better stats, but something tells me I may have just gotten magic screwed last time around and that if I stick with malig knight I might actually get usable magic from her. What do you guys think?

    I've never really felt like Camilla needs Magic to perform well outside of C10. A Malig Knight Camilla can also preemptively deplete the Silence staff uses in C12 in case you intend to Nostank the latter half of the chapter. But that's probably not going to happen with Nyx.

    I usually always reclass her to Wyvern Lord after she hits Level 5.

    Also your post reminded me of something: I won't use Path/Visitation/Battle Bonuses either; no DLC, Skill buying etc. etc.

    By the way, I don't think you two have said what difficulty you're playing on? But I might have missed it.

    Chapter 4: (7/22)

    Corrin gets the Goddess Icon and Kaze and Rinkah move up. Turn 2, Corrin activates the DV, Kaze and Rinkah kill a Faceless together. Turn 3, Corrin kills a Faceless and Rinkah+Kaze move to the DV. Turn 4, Corrin pairs up with Kaze in order to double generics and activates the middle DV; Rinkah stands one tile east from Corrin. On EP, the boss goes after Rinkah, which is good because Str-sealed Corrin can’t kill anything, and all other Faceless suicide on Corrin. Turn 5, thanks to terrain Rinkah can move out of the range of the boss. Corrin goes as far west as possible and kills a generic just outside the range of the boss. He attacks Ryoma on EP and dies. Turn 6, Corrin moves as far north as possible and drops Kaze in range of the last remaining Faceless. Turn 7, Kaze kills said Faceless.

    I know there’s a way to 6-turn; you can probably reach the DV a turn earlier than I did but the forests are so inconveniently placed that I just took the 7-turn clear. Not like the turncount here actually matters.

    Chapter 5: (4/26)

    Turn 1, Corrin goes left to kill the Merc on EP, everybody else goes right. Turn 2, Corrin gets danced to the right to kill a Merc and Kaze, paired with Rinkah, attacks the Dark Mage while also standing in range of another DM from the south. If Kaze got hit, Sakura moves 2 right of Kaze and does not heal so he can survive the attack from the DM to the south with 1 HP. On EP, the southern DM will attack Kaze and knock his HP into kill range, the DM Kaze weakened earlier will then attempt to kill him instead of attacking the helpless Azura/Sakura/Corrin, fail due to Shield gauge and die consequently.

    This strat is RNG-proof since there’s a back-up plan in case Kaze dodges so much that the first DM doesn’t target him and goes for Sakura/Azura/Corrin.

    Anyway, Turn 3, Corrin kills a full HP DM and gets danced to kill one of the paired Mercs, Kaze kills the remaining DM and gets healed by Sakura. Corrin tanks a Wyrmslayer on EP and OHKOs back. Turn 4, Corrin gets danced to kill the hooded man. Ryoma either needs to do enough chip damage or Corrin just gets a crit. Kaze attacks the reinforcement DM to the east and can safely survive EP due to Shield gauge. Ryoma kills the remaining DM and saves the 4-turn.

    Ryoma actually won the 1 VS. 1 in a failed attempt.

    Chapter 6: (2/28)

    Standard. Corrin drops Jakob into Takumi’s range, Leo moves into Yukimura’s range and has Camilla as DS support. Elise activates the DV and Xander moves as far south as possible. On EP, Takumi nearly kills Jakob and Yukimura gets killed by Leo+Camilla. Turn 2, Xander pairs-up with Camilla and OHKOs Sakura, Leo OHKOs Takumi, Jakob weakens Hinoka and Corrin gets the kill.

    	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Corrin	22	14	6	10	13	7	11	4	D/D
    Jakob	22	9	7	12	10	11	7	7+2	D/D

    Corrin is off the charts, she ORKOs unpaired Faceless without any assistance and only needs Str/Spd tonics for the paired ones.

    Progress might be slow since I need to plan things ahead now.

  7. Hard/Classic, +Str/-Lck female Ninja; banned mounted Corrin and Jakob for this playthrough.

    Prologue: (2/2)

    Chapter 1: (5/7)

    +HP/Def saves a turn but I went with +Str for a few reasons:

    1)Ninjas need good Str and I don't need to continuously rig it now.

    2)+Str is probably the best Asset for killing Takumi and other late-game boss enemies.

    3)Percy must have a high Str stat in order to kill Fuga and Yukimura.

    +HP/Def is probably still better for turn-counts but +Str is more convenient.

    Chapter 2: (3/10)

    Everybody went to the left on turn 1. Turn 2, Gunter positions himself so that Corrin can ORKO an Oni with DS Support and Jakob moves 1 north of Gunter. On enemy phase a Myrmidon dies to Jakob and he weakens Rinkah. Turn 3, Corrin moves 1 right of Jakob and kills a Myrmidon with his help, Gunter kills Kaze with Corrin DS and Jakob runs away. Corrin defeats the remaining Myrmidon and Rinkah on EP.

    Chapter 3: (5/15)

    Everybody moves south and Corrin kills 2 Myrms on EP. Jakob got carried farther ahead on turn 2, Corrin moves south. Turn 3, Corrin activates the DV and Gunter+Jakob kill an Archer and later a Myrm on EP. Turn 4, Corrin pairs-up with Gunter and was meant to weaken the boss but landed a crit instead. I didn't anticipate it so Jakob wasn't in the position to seize that turn.

    Since everybody makes their own specific rules, I'll assume that undrafted units (Selena, Flora) are free for the time being because that's usually the norm in a Draft. I'll ban them if any of you think that's too much, though.

  8. Niles+Nina

    By the way, what is everybody's stance on:

    -Visiting other castles for ore and DV


    -Mess Hall


    -Lilith's temple

    The first three points seem fine to me (ore can be gotten through using the Arena so getting them online just saves time; though I'm a bit skeptic about DV) but the last 2 break the limited resources concept a bit.

  9. I'll just ban Camilla for myself and assume "paralogues except 1 are free up to 20 turns", under those circumstances:


    It's true that a lot of units are free but I don't mind at all. This seems like a more casual draft, which is good because I've no experience with low turning CQ anyway (and very little in general).

  10. Alright, I'm assuming this qualifies as a "project" under the double posting rules, I came up with a potential update to the rules:

    What if we replace the same-sex servant with Niles on the free unit list? That way the early game doesn't have a ton of mandatory chest skipping, we all get an early free unit to give a helping hand in chapter 10, and capture system isn't rendered meaningless for all but one of us so if it's absolutely necessary we can capture units to aid us in chapter 10.

    How does that sound?

    Also, again, one spot left!

    IIRC, you would only "lose" the Rescue, Enfeeble and Spirit Dust. Azura starts with a Chest Key and I believe there's a droppable in C9 too so the only must get item can be acquired without Niles. Spirit Dust and Enfeeble don't warrant free Niles and nobody would normally get the Enfeeble in a quick clear anyway.

    The second part sounds nice but I think employing free units for chapter 10 is a more elegant solution. That way you don't have to wait for the captured units to join/burn resources on them and there's nothing inherently wrong with having free units for a chapter. But my biggest gripe is that allowing Capture completely devalues picks like Charlotte or Peri or Benny. Their niche is to provide good pair-up boosts/be a Shelter bot/give +1 Mov and they're rendered irrelevant by having Niles as a free unit with capture allowed.

    That's at least assuming we play for turns. If not then allowing capture is fine but I still don't think Niles should be free.

    Edit: And the rule might kill Shura as a unit.

  11. Forget about Sorcerer since I was writing off the top of my head.

    Other classes that are better then Sniper such as Assassin, and even Warrior can use bows better then Snipers though.

    Villager isn't even good for skills, and it ultimately wastes a character slot.

    Better at using Bows than Snipers is questionable. Snipers have access to Long/Double-bow and skills to help you use Bows better. Of course, Assassins and Warriors are better classes since they can alter range but that's besides the point. My argument is "Sniper isn't the worst class in the game", not "Snipers are the best bow users".

    Snipers and Taguels are both outclassed. However, Snipers have a place where they can be useful, Taguels don't. That's why I mentioned that Sniper isn't the worst class in the game.

    Agreed, it's such a joke class that I ignored it for the purpose of the thread. It seems like a class that you want to get out of as soon as possible and never return, specifically made to give a unit a terrible start without other purpose. It's comparable to the (normal) Trainee class in FE8.

  12. I'd say that Sorceror is the best class by virtue of having access to Nosferatu. It's the easiest way to trivialize the game.

    Sniper can't be the worst class unless we disregard Lunatic+ and Apotheosis. A Sniper is much more likely to survive EP than any 1 or 1-2 range locked class not named Sorceror. Initially, I wanted to say that Swordmaster is the least useful class but Taguel is even worse. Absolute lack of 1-2 range, mostly unimpressive skills, locked to one weapon that can't be forged for the majority of the game, not high enough stats to offset its weaknesses etc.

    The absolute worst is Villager, but it's more of a joke class than something that the player is supposed to actually use throughout the game.

  13. I'll be the odd one out and say that I like Chapter 7. Seizing the second castle is actually pretty fun since the enemy group can be legitimately threatening and not even Forseti!Arthur can solo them reliably all on his own. Moreover, I've always loved optimizing Leif's EXP, money and items so that he can promote as soon as possible. Warp can shorten the back-tracking, I've never seen that as much of a problem. The music is also very good.

    Chapter 4 would be my least favorite. Mostly because you're forced to wait until a story element is finished. Though, it also bothers me that un-promoted mounts can't access the second part of the map and I was never fond of the design of the first part of the chapter. My units always tend to get stuck there.

    No clear favorite.

    Don't get me started on him or Julius/Istar. The Latter being pure Bull Shit.

    Ishtar in first-time playthroughs is very RNG to fight. But there are ways to trivialize her:

    Promoted Seliph with a Brave Sword reliably ORKOes her before she can do anything. Faval can one-shot at base but struggles with Hit rate.

    Ishtar/Julius in C10 can be entirely skipped by seizing the castle with help from Rescue/dancers.

    Endgame Ishtar can be silenced, put to sleep or, if you want to be funny, berserked so long as the staff user has sufficient Magic+Magic Ring.
    There's a video out there showcasing Ishtar killing the Final boss while berserked.

  14. Saizo+Str tonic+Iron Yumi forge is probably the best way. Everything else requires a rainbow tonic/Darting Blow+Str tonic and somebody from the main group as pair-up bot.

    Forging costs less the further you get since you can just use the inventory of whoever joins you to make forges. Resources still need to be grinded in the Arena, though.

  15. Ethlyn should just spam staves, she can also do well in the Arena with Prayer Sword manipulations.

    As another user said, Dew can fight the Pirates that attack Madino in chapter 3 after you've taken the second castle for some EXP. South-west of Madino is a village that gives everybody who visits it a permanent boost to Str and Def so Dew can make use of that too. There are some Civilians in Chapter 4, everybody who talks to them gets 100 EXP. The last boss of chapter 3 drops a Power ring. Dew can easily buy that since Bargain allows him to acquire whatever items he wants without permanently investing money (He can sell items at the same price he bought them). He can make use of magical swords since stealing works at range. He might also be able to dodge tanks chapter 4's mages with the Light Sword.

    He can do decently well in the Arena if you rig crits with a +50 Kill Slim Sword but getting that in the first place is tedious and you need to use a small trick to get it early anyway.

  16. No, I do mean all the paths. The dragon veins made for some excellent level design and sure, the continuation of grinding from awakening and OP skills on lunatic weren't good ideas. However, I think Fates, from a basic mechanics perspective (creative use of dragon veins, strong map design, varied objectives, and varied enemies), is the right way for the series to go. Sure, the story NEEDS to be better in the next game, and if it isn't then I would say that FE is screwed, but for now, I think we can agree the FE is not fighting a losing battle yet!

    I can understand Fates as a whole but your post clearly stated:

    but revelations had by far the best gameplay in the series.

    I agree with most things you said if we're talking about Fates as a whole but Revelation is something entirely different.

    Chapters like 7, 8, 10, 24, 25, 26 etc. take a long amount of time but aren't difficult at all. Oftentimes the maps employ gimmicks that prolong them but don't add to difficulty or strategic depth.

    OP skills on lunatic weren't good ideas

    That's the one thing I don't agree with in the context of Fates as a whole. What OP skills does Lunatic mode feature?

    Staff Savant+Inevitable End during CQ Endgame is a bit ridiculous but that's about it. There are ways to work around Lunge!Ninjas/Poison Strike+Grisly Wound!Ninjas and C25's Hallway of Death can be skipped or trivialized with staves.

    BR and Rev hardly have noticeable enemy skills in the first place.

  17. On the other hand, Fates COMPLETELY screwed up on story and characters #BlameTakumi, but revelations had by far the best gameplay in the series.

    Did you mean to say Conquest? Because this would be the first time I see somebody praise Revelations' gameplay.

    Anyway, FE isn't screwed in my opinion. The gameplay is still fun, in the case of CQ even good, and the games are selling well.

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