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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. It has always been weird to see Felicia in this LTC instead of Jacob. Though, it makes sense considering you need a Flier with good 2-range and Lunge for these clears instead of a Paladin.

    By the way, the Chapter 6 link in the OP links to Conquest Chapter 6 and not Rev.

  2. Pretty sure that's the case, since I've never seen him crit either. I have seen differences in how the fight plays out though. Ryoma always loses eventually, but the number of times he hits seems to be variable.

    I'm pretty sure that someone said they had seen him win once, it's just very unlikely.

    Anyway, he's probably coded to never crit and always dodge the first enemy attack.

  3. Because forging a blizard or Thoron tome can kill medius in one hit, and requires less RNG (unless tiki is trained).

    And a lot of money to me is around 20000 because I want to save it all and forge grand weapons. Derp.

    No, base Level Tiki with a Lightsphere has 86% Hit. 92% Hit with the three C21 Secret Books and most likely 100% if you actually train her(80% Skl growth and 90% Lck).

    Let's say we didn't bother training her and just gave base Level Tiki 3 Secret books: 0.92^2=0.8464-> ~85% success chance.

    A Sage with capped Skl, Lightsphere and a 22 crit Thoron has 36% crit and 100% Hit. 36% success chance if we don't Aum->warp; ~59% if we do.

    To summarize:

    The first strategy requires 5 statboosters(6250 G) and a +3 Wyrmslayer (3600 G) and has a reliability gap from 85% to 100%.

    The second strategy requires a +4 Might, +12 crit Thoron (21.000Gold) and has a maximum reliability of 59%.

    Tiki is still more reliable and cost effective without the Lightsphere.

    I don't want to sound condescending but I think just throwing Tiki at him is the best option.

  4. I reccomend saving at least one warp staff use and one use of a thoron tome for the final map. Why? If you forge thoron to have 17-20 might, and 20+ crit, with a mage who's magic is 21-capped, let's say that... Medius won't like electricity.

    Keep in mind though, this costs a ton of money. You can also do this with a blizzard tome, but you will need to get the forged might to 16, which is the max might for blizzard. Same crit, 20+, and don't bother with hit or weight in this game.

    My final tip, is to forge an Iron Sword for 7400 gold. In SD's standards, this is cheap. Forge it to have 11 might, and 15 crit. It will help in those situations where you need just enough damage to do chip or finish off a boss. It's not the best, but it works.

    +4 Might +12 crit Thoron costs 21.000 Gold and a +9 Might +15 crit Blizzard only marginally less at 20.700 Gold.

    Why not just make a light +3 Might Wyrmslayer forge (3.600 Gold), warp SM!Caeda (or anyone else who hits 30 Spd as SM) to ORKO the Manakete and warp->Aum->warp with Tiki for the Medeus kill? Caeda might need a Seraph Robe or two but they cost 1.250 Gold post Silvercard. One could also purchase a few Secret books for Tiki to improve the 40ish% total success chance but that's optional.

    As for advice: You get 21 Warp staff uses total (28 with Gaidens) so use it whenever you see fit but make sure to not break any Warp staffs since you get a Hammerne in C20. Forge mainly effective weaponry (Wingspear, Rapier, Ridersbane etc.) since the forge effects are tripled.

  5. I'd need a speed rallyier.

    Is Luna/Selena adequate for that? Or should I go for Lasward/Laslow getting that reclass from her since his personal skill also gives +1 str and spd? I mean, Endgame let's you shift your units.

    I can train some in children paralogues (the shove and switch captured units, as well as bench Lasward with rally speed after getting it) just to get those one turn kill skills for endgame?

    I’ll just say something about Rally Spd bots in CQ in general:

    1. Shigure (Azura’s son if you aren’t familiar with the English name) is the easiest way to get Rally Spd. Marrying Azura to someone and then doing his pretty easy Gaiden after C20 gives an instant Rally Bot, sadly, that’s against the rules.
    2. In terms of effort VS pay off, the generic Master of Arms in C23 with Rally Str, Spd, Def and Res is the best option. Even if you want to raise another Spd Rally Bot I highly recommend capturing him since you might need Rally Str for Endgame anyway and Def/Res is nice too.
    3. Selena can get Rally Spd before Shigure/Rallymen. Though, 10 base Strength after reclassing, E-ranks and one of the worst personal Str growths in Nohr make for a lackluster unit. If you’re going to use her, you might be better off going Hero/BK and then switch to Falcon Knight and squeeze out the last three levels until Rally Spd.
    4. Laslow can probably gain levels more easily as a Falcon Knight than Selena due to higher Str in every aspect. The down sight is that it takes a bit longer for him to get there because of his later jointime and required S-support before reclass. He'll make it in time for Endgame for sure but Rally Speed is a valuable skill, the longer you have it the better.

    You could also try something silly like Falcon Knight Arthur. Should work stat-wise.

    I don’t feel like I could give a definitive answer because I honestly have never made much use of either Selena or Laslow. All options are viable, however.

    Yeah, Midori’s/Sophie’s/Kana’s/Shigure’s/Dwyer’s paralogues should all be easy enough to allow feeding kills to weak units. Others work too, of course, but those are the easiest ones in my opinion.

    With Life and Death +10 and Great Knight damage output, is this viable?

    Well, Life and Death+Great Knight cap alone won’t do but if you add Swordfaire and Ellbow Room, yes (assuming the obligatory Rally Strength, tonics etc etc are also present)

    Doubling could be a bit problematic if you don’t cap Spd or come close to it. The game gives you up to three Speedwings (with the second one being difficult to get) but it’s a very contested resource. Xander usually always gets those. Xander without resources is good but not that amazing because he can’t double anything and gets doubled by faster enemies. Xander with resources is comparable to Ryoma (albeit he still isn’t quite as good as Ryoma with resources). The situation is comparable to FE10!Haar except Xander isn’t that OP and needs a bit more resources.

    Spending a bit time in Paladin might be nice for the extra +1 Spd from Defender. If you get Spd-screwed but not Strength screwed, you could just be a Paladin for Endgame as well.

    There’s enough room for class variety here to be relatively RNG safe, in my opinion, just check Corrin’s stats for RNG-screwage from time to time and reclass accordingly. Might help to safe up an Energy Drop and one of the three Speedwings too.

    ...the other issue would be movement.

    Marx has one Rescue/Shelter down.

    Should I kill Ashura for the boots in the story? Or do we get enough of those?

    No, the pair of Boots you get in C23 is enough.

    Here’s a sample strategy that attempts to keep team assumptions at a minimum, starting positions are relative to Corrin's fixed position:

    Camilla+Boots 2L, Base Level Shura/trained Niles reclassed to Bow Knight with +Mov pair-up( The pair-up could be Kaze for example) 1L, Marx 1L and 1S, Azura 2S and 2L, Strategist!Felicia with Rescue and +Mov pair-up(could be Gunter) 2S and 1L, Strategist!Elise with Entrap and +Mov pair-up (could be Niles/Shura) 2S, Shovebot 1L and 1N, Swap-bot 1S, Rallyman (the generic Master of Arms previously mentioned) and Laslow somewhere.

    First, Rallyman and Laslow rally Corrin. Then Corrin pairs-up with Camilla, she now has 10 Mov. The Shove-bot shoves Azura south and she then gets swapped farther south. Felicia moves 1L and 8S on the DV and waits. Camilla moves 9S and 1L and waits. Azura dances for one of them, Marx shelters Azura from the north and Shura moves south of Marx, transfers Azura over and she sings for whoever she did not refresh. Elise moves 7S, 1L and 1S and then entraps the General to the left who is blocking the way. Felicia moves 7S, 1L and 1S then uses Rescue on Camilla (9 tiles away and Rescue has 10 range). Camilla has 10 Move which is barely enough to make it to Takumi and ORKO with Corrin.

  6. Haitaka and Kumagera are much harder to capture than generics so if you want them solely for the skill utility (though, Haitaka is a good unit from what I've heard), you're best off capturing generics. Admittedly, Haitaka is also easier to train than the generics but Kumagera needs so much EXP to level up that I would just recruit a normal Oni.

    Chapter 9 has more than enough Spear Fighters that Niles can capture. You could capture an Oni in C10 but if it's too chaotic there, C11 gives you another chance.

    C11 is a pretty lenient map so training the Spear Fighter there should be no problem. C14 features enough stationary/easy to kill units like the Shrine Maidens, Archers or Onis up north that feeding somebody a few kills shouldn't be too hard.

  7. Yoooo, this is exactly what I'm looking for.

    I beat Conquest on Normal relatively recently with a no-reclass clause, so that map is fresh in my mind.

    And I can already assume the enemy density on Lunatic will prevent Rescue Staff 1 turning unless I have Pass on someone.

    What rescue chain setup and ATK boosting to get Takumi would you recommend for that if I have Line of Death skill?

    I won't be able to debuff him if we're going for one turn.

    You can rescue skip it without Pass, if memory serves you'll just have to Entrap one General out of the way. Only one rescue staff use is required for the strategy. You'd have to move the Rescue bot and the unit carrying Corrin (Wyvern Lord!Gunter gives +6 Att total so that could actually be an option. If Movement doesn't suffice, it'll have to be Niles) as far south as possible, dance for one, shelter Azura, transfer Azura and dance for the other then rescue the Corrin-ferrybot down, entrap the General and bring Corrin to Takumi.

    Skill-set would be something like Swordfaire, Line of Death, Ellbow Room and Trample+Strength+2 (though, it requires marrying Camilla/Beruka and a few Seals). Due to Mov issues, you'll probably have to be a Paladin (GK is too slow to double) for the +1 Mov to the unit carrying Corrin. IIRC, you need a bit less than ~80 Att to ORKO so I'm pretty sure that you'd achieve that after Rallies(including Laslow's fancy Footwork), Strength tonic, Pair-up boosts, Gunter's personal, Strength cap, A-Swords and all the skills you have(the skill set-up there is basically +25 Att already). If you allow for Path bonus items, Aggressor definitely needs to be in there. Alternatively, if you don't feel like going Wyvern is worth it, you can stack Luna/Dragon Fang instead of Trample/Str+2 and hope for the best.

    Though, it could be that Trample and Str+2 are unnecessary with all of the other factors. I'll look up the exact numbers tomorrow.


    Takumi has 75HP and 26 Def on Lunatic. He reduces incoming Yato-damage with the factor x0.75 and his personal skill reduces damage by 1. At least 38 damage per hit is the requirement for a ORKO.

    At least 78 Att is necessary: 78-26(Defense)=52


    39-1(Personal skill)=38

    30 (Paladin Str cap)+16(Shadow Yato)+10(Line of Death)+5(Swordfaire)+4(Rally Strength)+3(Wyvern Lord pair-up)+3(Gunter’s PS)+3(Ellbow Room)+3(A-rank)+2(Strength tonic)+1(Fancy Footwork)+1(A-rank WTA)+1(Defender)=82 Att

    Would you look at that, negative Str modifier and Corrin still ORKOs the Final boss without Wyvern skills. Rally Str can easily be attained by capturing Rallyman in C23. Silas/Marx A or Peri/Sophie S would be needed for getting Paladin.

    You have 4 Str points leeway and you can still squeeze out 1 extra Str from Gunter if you reach B-support (Chapter 15 is bound to give you C so he only needs to be deployed twice at worst and he’s still a very good support bot). In other words, 25 Str should be the minimal Str necessary for this kill.

    Chapter 18 gives an Energy Drop, Silas’ daughter’s paralogue gives another Energy Drop but it requires keeping Villagers alive that have an IQ approaching 0, Kaze’s daughter’s paralogue gives a Dragon Herb and you can buy an Energy Drop from the Level 3 shop. It costs 10k but the game throws a lot of money and items that can be sold for money at you towards the end of the game so it can be gotten.

    Takumi’s offense is kind of threatening post LoD and Vengeance (73 Att.) but nothing Corrin can’t tank.

    Also, you need 35 Spd to double. That's a Spd base of 26 after Rally Spd (Rallyman has Spd too), tonics, Fancy Footwork, Defender and Yato's +1 Spd boost. I wouldn't be overly concerned about that since you'll spend time in the Samurai line anyway.

    Whoever is reading this, feel free to double-check the math and tell me if I made any mistakes.

  8. There’s not much to be said about Chapter 6. Xander could’ve transferred Felicia over to get +Hit bonus from Attack stance when fighting Hinoka. One thing to keep in mind is that Attack Stance grants +Hit boosts so whenever you need to land a finishing blow with a paired up unit that does not need the pair-up boosts for the kill, it’s usually better to transfer and attack stance the enemy. I replicated the strategy with a minor change for additional ~10% Hit for example.

    Going south is probably the best way to tackle chapter 7 and Effie is most likely the best choice for holding chokepoint since Corrin will have to help with the boss. To me it seemed a bit weird that you used a Freeze staff use just to feed a kill to Felicia when she has more than enough EXP to gain from healing and 2-ranging Faceless. Besides the next chapter has many Mages that she can kill for easy EXP as well.

    With regards to the video about Mozu's Gaiden: Elise’s personal doesn’t work when being the supporting unit during pair-up as you might have already noticed. You might want to buy a Bronze Axe for Arthur until his skill goes up often enough. It helps early-game hit and helps him avoid getting low% critted. Gamble is also something most players want to de-equip until he turns into a Berserker.

    The Mozu boss kill is one of the situations where my Attack stance advice from earlier would have been relevant, 82% isn’t reliable enough when missing means death and another +30 min attempt.

    I know you’ve benched Mozu but I feel like I should comment on her anyway. She is, in my opinion, Donnel done write. Donnel gets one-shot and doubled by the enemies in his chapter and has terrible hit rates against all the brigands too; it was too much effort to train him and the EXP could’ve gone to someone else who could make better use of it. Mozu is different in that she doesn’t face chance of death every time she enters combat and can deal reliable damage and has Dual Strikes for EXP earning purposes. She needs resources (Heart Seal, Bronze Bow and you need to set-up kills) but, unlike Donnel, you can make a case for using her since she turns into one of the most reliable PP units you could ask for. To give you a better understanding of her stats: IIRC, she is very comparable to Takumi if they’re both at the same level with the only difference being her ~5 Spd lead that continues to grow with time. Moreover, she doesn’t need to be Level 10 with D Bows by C10 to be useful. I used a Level 7 Archer Mozu with a Bornze Bow forge (can be attained at that point regardless of the My Castle mineral through Ore swapping) for one-shotting the Pegs in Chapter 10 Lunatic to great effect.

    Very smart DV use in Chapter 8. The EP where Arthur fought the Fighter, faced a 3% crit chance and then killed him on PP is also one of the moments where a Bronze Axe would have been handy. The enemy onslaught around 29:00 would have probably been easier to handle had you fought them over the course of 2 PP while activating the DV to be safe on EP but that’s more of a nitpick than anything else.

    Since you said you would be doing child paralogues for EXP, here’s a small list of parents that give very easy paralogues, might contain very slight spoilers for chapter gimmicks/rewards past the first part of the paragraph: Corrin, Azura (worth mentioning is that if you do decide to use children, Shigure can instantly be turned into a Rally Spd bot if you recruit him at C21), Jakob, Silas, Kaze.

    Laslow(gives a few free items), Niles and Keaton are pretty manageable too. Odin’s gives very valuable items (Horse Spirit, Spirit Dust, Lightning, Calamity Gate) but it’s hard to get all of them without a very powerful EP unit. Leo’s is pretty manageable if you have an Entrap and also gives a bit money. Arthur’s can net you a lot of money but it can be quite difficult on Lunatic, especially towards late-game. Benny’s is difficult with little to gain from it and the same goes for Xander’s.

    Used parent’s name because you probably know them better than the 2nd Gen names.

    A common reclass for Lunatic would be Camilla to Wyvern Lord since she doesn’t profit from magic access as much as she does from Wyvern Lord’s extra stats, it also gives Rally Def. Most people would wait until she hits Level 5 for Savage Blow before reclassing. Since you’re using Felicia, she might want to reclass to Strategist for Rally Resistance+Inspiration which would make her a great support unit and enable her to use magic offensively (before Flame Shuriken, at least). Niles definitely wants Shurikenbreaker for late game but Lucky Seven also has its uses so I’d recommend promoting to Adventurer to get it and then switch to Bow Knight. Leo likes a Sorceror reclass since it gives him extra offense and better growths and some innate class boosts. If Xander is marrying Charlotte (

    very good pairing, it gives him +8 Str and +5 Spd, add +1 to everything if he has Defender) he can grab some skills in Hero, avoid Beastkiller weakness and marginally improve his lackluster Spd. Arthur generally appreciates spending some time as Great Knight to get Ellbow Room and Luna which works with his extraordinary skill (not very impressive at base but 70% growth) and stacks well with his +50% crit as Berserker. It also gives him 65% Def growth for a while.

    I agree that Odin should get Vantage but Dark mage->Samurai->MoA is too much time spent in a physical class. It hurts his already not stellar Magic and I think an average Odin would have trouble being useful as Sorceror afterwards. What does -6 Strength on a Nosferatu tank mean anyway? Does it really matter to de-buff the enemies’ strength when he already lost half of his health or more? Seal Strength seems like a mostly superfluous skill to me.

    In any case, Odin can indeed Nostank very well. Both his Skl and Lck are good enough to hit things reliably with Nos, especially when you consider that most enemies have 1-range and Odin has Heartseeker. His Defense and HP are quite good for a Mage too. The only thing he is lacking in is Magic and one-stat deficiency can be very easily remedied in 3DS-Fe games. Sorc!Nyx, for instance, gives 8 Magic, Malefic Aura is (effectively) another 2, then we have tonics etc. It also helps that nobody except Odin really needs the Spirit Dusts you get (Nyx is a glass cannon, Leo has+20 base magic, around 80% Magic growth as Sorceror and a personal tome and Ophelia hits even harder). If he gets Spd-screwed he might be in trouble but in that case you’ll just have to stay in Samurai for ~3 more levels. As long as he doesn’t go all the way up to Master of Arms, his Magic should be relatively functional afterwards.

    Also, he might need a few tonics to get started. HP and/or Def tonics are usually what helps him with Nos-tanking enough to make it work.

    Lastly, Samurai is pretty alright as talent. Swordfaire is obviously useful and Life and Death may or may not come in handy too. This Talent can be used in tandem with +Str and a lot of Att. boosting skills to ORKO the Final boss and thus make the 1-turn of Endgame possible. That’s pretty helpful since Endgame is a very difficult map but I doubt it will happen with +Res.

    Apologies for the wall of text, I also hope I wasn’t too nitpicky with some of my comments.

  9. I can't either, DF has never failed me this hard before. I am honestly starting to think it is possible to manipulate RNs in this game because I kept doing things in the exact same way and kept getting the exact same results.

    A while ago, I tested the credibility of Miraculous Save's description. Odin with backpack Kaze just moved south by 8 tiles 30 times in a row but I got different results (survived 8 times, died 22 times). Granted, that was a Rev file and it isn't impossible that different paths have different RNG mechanics but is does seem far-fetched.

  10. Congrats, I can't believe DF still didn't proc. For instance, with a 40% chance for it to proc during a battle you would have a ~99% chance to win during the first 8 resets.

    Chapter 26 on conquest lunatic is just dumb luck on If in the first room Iago Hexing rods everyone or not. If he land a single hit, you lose and he just always seems to have above 40% hit. That entire chapter is dumb luck on how many of the maids and Iago hit you with the staves. And once again to show the Imbalance, 27 is barely harder, I barely noticed any difficult with that chapter.

    And end game with the 5 Enfeebles + Inevitable end, means that if 2 hit you because RNG then your dead -8 to everything is killer on that chapter. If one and a Ninja hit you your dead. Skill starts to go out the window and luck is your only hope at that point. If inevitable end only gave halve the stat reductions at the price of them stacking then it would be fair. but if your really unlucky you can get -20+ to all stats just because RNG hates you (And I did once despite having a 25% hit I died that same turn.) It's not as bad as lunatic + in awakening where you can actually just get impossible chapters, But this artificial difficulty over actual difficulty. Your relying more on luck than you are your actual skill to win.

    Iago follows a pattern. During the first turn he'll use the first staff in his inventory, during the second the second staff and so on. Moreover, you aren't really meant to dodge staffs in Fates. They're just obstacles you have to work around. Just assume that every staff has 100% Hit and build your strategy around it. You'll see that you can find reliable strategies that way.

    If you disagree and want to reply, please send a PM. Now that MrNight48 has finished his run, this discussion would probably just derail the thread.

  11. although the video is nice (wtf was is paladin corrin that strong), it doesn't help with my execution. I have no problems getting corrin to takumi, it's just corrin can't one shot takumi without dragon fang procs because as soon as it's his turn. My corrin eats 2 enfeebles and a hexing rod and it all goes down hill from there. Also takumi able to hurt you through full shield points fucking sucks.

    also I didn't unlock most of paralogues. only corrin x jakob and xander x char. was too busy trying not to die to focus on being a ship master.

    When I said "it helps with the understanding" I was referring to C27. As in, it helps you to understand how the Maid Entrap AI works and how you can use the stairs to achieve a faster clear. I wasn't talking about Endgame in my last post at all. Though, I should have probably made that more clear. (You should have seen the Paladin Corrin in my original CQ run. ~80Atk with the set-up I described earlier)

    I know that Corrin can't ORKO reliably, that's why I started talking about C27. So that you can find a 2-3 minute clear of it for easy resetting and change your plan to rig DF procs again. As you've said, Corrin can hardly survive the enemy phase after Draconic Hex, two Enfeebles, a Hexing Rod and having already taken damage from Takumi before.

    Ah, that can also partially explain why your team is underwhelming. I was able to get most characters to Level 20 or at the very least Level 18 by doing paralogues.

  12. On the dragon fang thing, I see your point and may try again later. However as far as 27 goes, I have to ask how are you doing it in 2 minutes? Because I just don't see that happening when 4 maids have infinite range entrap staffs.

    IIRC, I had my best 4 combat units paired-up (Xander, Leo, Corrin and Replicate!Corrin). 4 people get entrapped to the rooms and just deal with the enemy there. The only problem is the Master Ninja who can hardly be killed by anybody but Corrin, everybody else just runs away and takes Vulneraries. As soon as the enemy in the room has been killed, the stairs open and everybody who could defeat their enemy just rushes Garon. The guys blocking the stairs always moved in my run. If you leave someone close to their range, you can probably bait them out too.

    A few details about the AI, though I'm not 100% sure about everything: The Shrine Maidens will only Entrap units in the main corridor, if you're in a side corridor, they won't bother you. They supposedly entrap the highest level units. The squad blocking the stairs moves away if somebody in the main corridor is close by, though in my original file they acted a bit weird and decided to move even if nobody was nearby.

    Though, there's of course room for variety. I think Moogleboss/Espinosa had an interesting approach in his HM Girls only LTC run so I'll leave a link:

    Might not work in your run due to Boots distribution but I feel like it might give you a better understanding of the chapter.

    With regards to Leo, didn't you get Ophelia's paralogue? It has the Calamity Gate tome aka the Dual Tome. On second thought, getting all the treasure in that chapter can be pretty tough so if you played it, you might have just missed the item.

    If you ever play CQ again, I recommend Dark Falcon to Level 35 and then Sorc as a mainstay for Leo. It gives him a lot of Speed, Magic, a Breaker and Nos access. GF!anyone can also break Takumi's wall.

  13. After the about the 8th time and 6 hours hoping corrin proc'ing a dragon fang just to win, I realized how dumb that sounded. That this rescue chain strat was clearly not going to work like it did for others and i was going to have to come up with a more legit strategy. Which meant sitting for even more hours playing a game that constantly tells me "want to beat the game? fuck you nohrian scum, keep redoing chapter 27 forever."

    How did that happen? I think you aren't trivializing C27 hard enough because it usually takes around 2 minutes to get through it and skip to Endgame. Endgame rescue skip then takes like 4 minutes due to preparations so 6-7 minutes in total for a reset. Not being able to save between the two chapters was a terrible design choice, I wholeheartedly agree, but at least C27 is designed in a way that it only takes a few minutes to get back to where you've been.

    I'm not entirely sure what your main point is now. If you want to come up with a legit strat because relying on the RNG is stupid, then I don't have anything to say. I thought the same way in my run. But finding another approach solely because you've been screwed over by the RNG doesn't sound like a good plan. There's like a 40% success chance assuming your Skl stat isn't terrible. It'll work eventually and on average, it shouldn't take a lot of time either.

  14. If a Dragon fang is all you need, then why quit now? Even if you have something abysmal like 25 Skl post rallies, tonics, pair-up etc. that's still roughly a 33% chance to ORKO Takumi assuming 100% Hit.

    It's possible to ORKO Lunatic!Takumi without procs but the benchmark is ridiculous and can only be reached by specific Corrin builds. My run had a +Str Str capped Paladin with A Swords, the Shadow Yato, a Strength tonic, a Strength rally, Laslow's personal, Wyvern lord pair-up, Gunter's and Camilla's personal active, Ellbow Room and Aggressor scoring the ORKO. If the player doesn't allow Dread Fighter, (s)he needs to get Samurai somehow for SF and Life and Death.

    It's either that or the player conserves most of his Rescue charges and half of his Freeze staff uses to play the chapter legitimately, resets until DF procs, or kills virtually anybody but Corrin off.

  15. 1. this is lunatic so most have either lunge/counter or both. this also means the stairs were blocked and i had to deal with oboro. yes I used entrap staffs and they failed.

    I see. I don't exactly remember what I did in my first CQ Lunatic run since that was my first Fates playthrough and I'm only now attempting it again but I'm pretty sure my solution was to sent a really overpowered Xander at them, Lunge doesn't work if the unit using it dies, after all. Positioning was still important because Xander can't take many magical hits even with Rally Res. He just kept running in and out until the initial group could be wiped out within one turn.

    Oboro's group can be weakened if you put someone in range of just one unit, kill it on EP and run again, though that wasn't an option in your run. I think I only took out Oboro's pair-up partner that way and then decided to kill them all in one turn.

    Entraps base 60 Hit is pretty bad. A combination of Elise's base magic+tonic+Rally+Sorc pair-up got it to work in my run. I wouldn't have suggested it had I known that your Elise has 6 skill as I'm pretty sure that's factored into staff hit rates.

    Anyway, seeing that most of the problems come from a really screwed team (mine was all around pretty good so I'm not really surprised by the numbers of resets as I used to be), that's all I wanted to address.

    Best of luck for the rest of the run.

  16. I've always wondered why people struggle that much with this chapter. I acknowledge that it is hard but all the player needs is a strong PP offense/a good Nostank. Hinata's squad can be challenging the first time around but you have Entrap+Freeze for that. I've never seen that much use for Entrap outside of removing Hans in C26 so that you can skip the bottom room anyway. The stairs make the top part less of a problem. What exactly is causing all the resets?

  17. Abundant Solace: It fits MyCastle, I suppose it is alright.

    Puppet's Feast: I rather like this one though it is nothing outstanding.

    Quiet Burn: Fits the Arena perfectly. However, I'm disappointed that we don't have a remix of a battle theme from the older FE's for the Arena. Some people claim it reminds them of FE6's theme but I don't hear the resemblance.

    Justice RIP: The map theme grew stale rather quickly but I enjoy the Storm version.

  18. Swordmaster Odin can be quite good but I recommend you try to use him as a Nosferatu tank instead.

    All he needs is Nosferatu and sometimes HP/Mag/Def tonics. It's true that his offensive stats aren't impressive by any means but putting his Mag aside, his stats are perfectly fit for a Nos tank. He has a lot of Skill and Luck +Heartseeker to hit enemies reliably with Nosferatu and his durability makes tanking a lot easier. His Mag isn't great but the game gives you numerous Spirit Dusts and nobody except Odin needs them. There's also Pair-up, tonics, meals etc. to further boost his damage output.

    C8 is just feeding him a few kills, he isn't really good there. Then you buy a Nos tome a few tonics and he can go left in Mozu's paralogue and start tanking, assuming he has a good pair-up. C9 he can tank the Archers in the boss room through the wall very reliably and bait out the initial groups of enemies near the start. C10 he can solo the right side with all the Archers, it makes routing the enemies a lot easier. C11 he can solo the Archer room. C12 he can take care of the 8 Apothecary reinforcements and is very good at approaching the top half of the map etc etc.

    Nos!Odin definitely has his uses. One thing you need to be aware of is his damage output. He should either be 2HKOing or OHKOing. If he leaves enemies at, say, 3 HP he can't regenerate his health during the next EP and just dies if too many people gang up on him.

    That's a non-issue once you get Vantage.

    You might also want to switch to MoA late-game to get Life and Death and back to Sorc though I haven't tried that out yet.

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