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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. I greatly prefer Xander's character and design to Ryoma's. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Ryoma's character and design too but I simply like Xander more in those areas. I don't mind Xander's role in the story too much since I usually skip scenes nowadays. I can sort of see where he is coming from story-wise if mental issues due to his past are assumed but I'm not going to try to defend Xander's role in the story.

    Unit-wise, Ryoma has better bases in my opinion because he can ORKO just about anything upon recruitment and has pretty reliable durability with Def and Avoid stacking early-on. I do believe that Xander turns out better. It's not uncommon for my Xander's to run around with 36 Spd (as much as Ryoma in C25) during CQ late-game and about as much Str and Def, assuming Rallies and Pair-ups. As others have mentioned, Ryoma is RNG-reliant while Xander is not.

    I'm voting for Xander, though I'm not sure which unit I prefer gameplay-wise.

  2. It took a while but I decided that I should make a small unit summary.


    Not bad by any means. His offense was pretty good after reclassing and it didn’t take long until he could start ORKOing consistently. He hit really hard during late to mid-game thanks to Axefaire with forged Steel Axes and Rally Strength from Felicia. His immense HP stat and solid Def also allowed him to tank when needed.

    Sol actually hit Level 20 during Endgame but never reached S-Axes.


    The MVP of this run. My team was kinda underleveled so he was very crucial during late-game thanks to being actually able to double (got 2 Speedwings but 1 would have probably already been enough due to Rally Speed and the availability of Berserker Pair-ups). He killed Takumi because everybody else would either:

    1. Die to Vengeance
    2. Die to Vengeance crits (eg: Sol)

    Also, notice something strange? He got horribly Def-screwed. Xander procced Def like 3 times during 16 Level-ups with a 50ish growth rate. That actually made him a lot better due to the enemy targeting conditions in CQ.


    Actually had very impressive early-game offense with Axefaire. Sadly, she is still extremely frail. Other people needed her offensive pair-up boosts (and by other people I mean Odin) or just Rally Str so she kinda fell behind the rest of the team after chapter 17.


    My Kaze’s always seem to cap Str somehow. There’s not much to say that the picture doesn’t already tell you: He’s a Magekiller and has generally good offense on PP. Kaze is also surprisingly tanky because of his high HP.


    Putting the names unbefitting of Odin Dark’s fell weaponry aside, he was kind of an odd unit. As one would expect, his stats after reclassing weren’t exactly stellar. The problem is however that it stayed that way for 70% of the game. Then his usefulness sky-rocketed somehow towards the end and he became one of my most competent units. For example when he tanked the Hero room in C26. And by tanking I mean not dodging attacks but actually facetanking them. With active and passive Def stacking he had like 36 Def, which is pretty funny on a SM.


    She doubles just about everything but was in need of multiple Spirit Dusts in order to ORKO enemies once the mid-game was over. Warp was broken as you might have already guessed. It made the quick clear of C20 and C24 possible and allowed me to skip the bottom room of C26.


    Looks solid on paper with Darting Blow and good enough Speed to double with forged Steel Lances to make up for the relative lack of Strength. There’s also enough Rally Strength to go by on my team to further amplify her offense and her Defense is solid as well.

    It’s just that Rally Speed was so valuable that she hardly fought after hitting Level 5. Good up to that point and Rally bot afterwards.


    He ORKOes things, flies but can’t really take hits. Leo was especially useful during C21 when he flew ahead of the group in order to ORKO the Stoneborn with Lightning. Or C20 where he OHKOed Fuga with Mjölnir so I could ~5 turn it while getting Rescue.


    Just a Standard Niles albeit with offensive issues towards the end of the game. He was still fine until Endgame due to Rally Strength.


    I like Benny, but only if he has Wary Fighter. I trained him for a while though I considered other units to be more important. Sorry eclipse, he was the least used unit.


    I tried to make her good. She got a +3 Bronze Sword and Berserker Pair-up all the time but lost importance once my team reached C18 and every enemy was promoted. The plan was to hit C rank Swords for KE, equip Gamble and have 3 tomes for crits but alas it never happened.


    His damage output in one hit is quite huge. Laslow’s was pretty alright as long as he got Rally Spd boosts but he was Xander’s pair-up bot most of the time.


    She’s basically Silas with a little bit less STR but actual Spd and Rally Def. Sophie replaced her father’s spot on my team which was amusing considering their supports talk about how hard Sophie has to try to be as good of a knight as Silas is.


    She’s just a Standard Elise. She didn’t fight a lot in this playthrough because I have 15 other units to use who can mostly just earn EXP by killing while Elise has her own personal and technically infinite EXP pool.


    Azura!Nina is so stupidly squishy. Putting that aside, she had good PP offense, move and versatility with the Shining Bow.


    Silas was kind of an interesting case. See, during early-game, he got Spd-screwed but also Str blessed so instead of doubling he was mostly just one-shotting and tanking. That was all fine until C18. There’s no chance for him to one-shot at this point or be an outstanding tank and with his terrible Spd he couldn’t double much either. After a while he was relegated to being a pair-up bot though at least he was the early-game MVP.

    Never even attempted to use Magic for obvious reasons.

    Most units here seem to be under-leveled. Maybe I spread EXP too thinly and skipped too many maps (Fuga’s wild Ride and Hinoka), maybe I relied too heavily on Xander. I don’t really care either way since my team was strong enough to handle everything up until Endgame where I started improvising. Endgame was one of the three chapters in this run where I struggled.

    1. The first one was, unsurprisingly, Chapter 10. Now, I don’t think vanilla Chapter 10 is that overwhelmingly hard. Doing it without Azura, without enough units to hit deployment cap and without Malig Knight Camilla (She was still strong but not nearly as good as with a Wyvern) made things more interesting. I forfeited the Draco Shield and got cornered near the Defend tiles on turn 11 but it worked out.
    2. The second was Chapter 17. 3 resets all because of oversights instead of the actual chapter. Kotaro killed Odin during the first try because I wasn’t aware of the fact that Silver Shuriken de-buff Spd. Second try Benny died to the Armorslayer guy. Third victim was Selena, again, Silver Shuriken de-buff Spd. This chapter engraved that fact on my mind.
    3. Endgame is actually pretty do-able until the rider squad arrived. It, alongside the suicide Faceless, proved to be too sturdy to be all wiped out in one turn. That’s the only time where I wished I would have been a bit more careful with EXP distribution. The solution to the problem was very careful positioning so that no squishy units could be reached and all of my remaining freeze staff uses. Selena’s staff hit rate was pretty garbage (64%). In hindsight, I should have trained Nina’s staff rank, it would have made things so much more reliable.

    And finally, the amount of times Sol got killed by crits, now is the last chance to bet:


    The Sniper in one of the side rooms of C27 no less. In other words, it only took a few seconds to get back to where I was and it was quite inconsequential.

    Technically speaking it happened twice but that was in a just for fun attempt at C25 where Sol had an actually fair duel (no healing items, no tonics, meals etc. Just Sol and his Yato-boosted stats and a Dual Club against Ryoma, his Raijinto boosted stats and, well, his Raijinto) with Ryoma that obviously ended in Sol’s demise.

  3. Couldn't he also just Spy's Yumi Ryoma until he (lobster lord) dies?

    IIRC Spy's Yumi is BR and Rev exclusive. It also has really terrible stats and taking hits from Ryoma isn't all that troublesome because of the terrain (Double digit damage basically doesn't happen without crits or skill activations).

  4. One pair costs 8000G though you're obviously going to use the Silver card to reduce that to 4000.

    You can buy as many of them as you want. I've bought 21 of them the last time I've played.

    The turn limit isn't all that tight so you don't really need to LTC this. Just sent someone tanky like Milady to the Secret Shop and avoid as many reinforcement trigger zones as possible. (Here's a link to them: http://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe6/guiafe6/ENG_cap21.htm )

    By the way, the village also has a Knight Crest that you can send back to the convoy, pick up with another unit near the armory and sell it for another 5k for more statboosters.

  5. Maid Mozu (S-rank Jakob) and Priestess Felecia (S-rank Azama)?

    Mozu already married Kaden.

    Also, OP, there are 2 Sakuras in your list.

    Anyway, Dark Knight MU, spouse Izana, Looks: Fem Build 2, Face 2, Hair 2, Hair Color 10, Hair Clip 3, Facial Feature 10 (literally randomized). I'm no good with naming so I'll leave that to you or somebody else.


  6. I see. I figure about that. I wasn't sure about Hinoka but that does make sense as a rescue bot. But would Takumi be as good as a Kinshi Knight? I mean I know he was pretty damn OP as a Sniper in my casual runs so...

    Well, the thing is, I'm trying for speedruns so I doubt there'd be any DLC grinding or anything with DLC. As for difficulty setting, I assume Normal/Classic.

    I figured he'd want to go Kinshi Knight because unmounted units tend to get left behind in LTCs and Rev has some flier heavy chapters (20, 22, 23, 13 and 12 helps in 18 and 17 too). I don't know how well he actually performs as Kinshi since I've always used him as Sniper.

    No path bonuses either? Some people also ban forging and/or the Mess Hall.

  7. Well yes, but would I use all the Royals?

    I'm also not too good at the better maneuvers on maps to minimise the turns.

    Camilla, Ryoma and Xander yes. Hinoka too because she's a flying 8 move rescue bot, Leo probably won't be that great since he doesn't have enough time to get enough Spd to start ORKOing consistently but he'll surely have some uses, I'm not sure about Takumi. He would probably be a Kinshi Knight since it won't hurt to have a few fliers and good mov in an LTC (I believe Rev LTCs are pretty flier reliant anyway). Elise is mounted so she'll probably be used occasionally, I don't see Sakura being very useful in the long-term.

    Bear in mind I'm not very familiar with Fates LTCs at all so that's more of a guess than anything else.

    Your strategies depend a lot on your rules. For example, you can 2-turn Chapter 7 if you allow (massive) DLC grinding and DLC characters.

    By the way, what is the difficulty setting?

  8. Alternatively I can rng abuse, which i still don't know how to do to abuse crits, so i would just give seth a butt-ton of elixers and hope for the best? Also is there any way I can minimize the damage Is the Demon Kings 3 range weapon does to me so I can force him to attack me at melee range ?

    You RNG abuse by retracing movement paths. Move the cursor to the very edge of Seth's movement range, then move the cursor outside of his movement range and move it into it again but not on the tile on which you've left it. The game will be forced to re-create the movement path. Since there are many ways to go from point A to point B, the game uses RNs (short for random number. In reality, the number isn't random at all. The game has a enormously long list of numbers that it uses to determine the outcome of battles eg. for whether or not a 50% Hit misses) to determine the exact movement path. By forcing the game to re-create paths, you advance the RN number string and thus change the outcome of the next battle. Here's a video of it, it's not the one I was looking for but it should get the job done:

    I think Demon Light is magic based so you could use a pure water but I highly doubt there's a way to force him into melee range outside of getting OHKOed by Ravager but not by Demon Light.

  9. I'm pretty sure the Demon King can summon an endless amount of reinforcements. If that's the case it's going to be difficult to find an opportunity to attack without dying on EP but you can try. As X-Naut said, Ephraim and Eirika should hide in a corner if you do this.

    Alternatively, if Seth has supports with Eirika and Ephraim (or any other unit with +crit affinity), he can crit the DK and probably finish him off on turn 2. Though, the chance of that happening is really low and you'd likely need save-states (if you're even playing on an emulator).

  10. Well, this is just me, but I think being a Berserker will likely blow up in your face, especially lategame.

    Haha, I'll probably get crit-killed a few times in this run, especially if I ever end up using Silver.

    Though, the Berserker Avatar isn't bad in my opinion. Berserkers have crazy good offense. Furthermore, Sol has 36 HP and 14 Def after completing chapter 8. That's overall better defense than Camilla if I give him tonics and Felicia's personal is active.

    However, I can see why you wouldn't want to use Berserkers. If I do create a post at the end of the run explaining how everybody turned out, I'll be sure to include a "killed by crits" Counter.

  11. Alright, thanks for posting everybody.

    I have to admit that this team turned out much better than anticipated. Every unit ranges from really good to at least viable. Dread Fighter!Kaze, Dark Falcon!Leo and Hero!Xander are all things I would consider doing/I have already done in a normal playthrough anyway. Stuff like Berserker Felicia is at least salvageable. I mean, the Avatar alone gives +5 Str and a tonic and a competent cook bring that up to 9. A Steel Axe +2 (when she finally reaches the required weapon rank) has also as much power as the Omega Yato (16). Not to mention she also gets early Axefaire so that's 30 Attack before factoring in her hopefully okay-ish base Str (growth is 35).

    Huh, she actually hits pretty hard when she gets going.

  12. Yes, it works for both. You have the option to choose between them before posting. There's a 30 post limit per day but I doubt you'll reach it and even if it happens, you can always delete posts to be able to make more screenshots (at least I have been told that this works.)

  13. General!Velouria (from Keaton x Effie)

    At least one of those should be on my team so that I can get them to S.

    Edit: Actually, I might be able to get them to S via DLC but I wouldn't be able to deploy my actual party and would have to do it just with base level characters in DLCs that aren't there for EXP grinding. I'd rather avoid having to do that.

    So yeah, please choose either Keaton or Effie (or both if you really want to) for my team and add their class(es) as well.

    No Anna so Witch Camilla it is.

  14. Pair-up a +Mov unit with Hinoka, fly ahead a bit and wait. Pair Ryoma with another flying unit, fly a bit ahead and wait. Dance for Hinoka, let Silas Shelter Azura, transfer Azura over with another unit and dance for the flier that is paired with Ryoma. Hinoka flies as far to the north as possible and uses Rescue on the flier with Ryoma. The Flier moves between the Generals and Berserkers two tiles away from Hans, switch to Ryoma, ORKO Hans and finish the map. Don't forget to apply Str, Skl, Spd tonics (if needed) before hand and use the mess hall. If Ryoma isn't strong enough to ORKO after tonics and mess hall, Scarlet gives +Str. If that still isn't enough, you have crits and Astra so it should work with a minimal amount of resets.

    Getting the 10k might be a bit tricky with this strategy but you should have enough money anyway.

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