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Posts posted by Cyas

  1. #60404

    [FE6] FE6 Draft


    gabethegreen: Lance, Wolt, Treck, Lot, Saul, Barth, Shin, Douglas, Hugh

    MagicIsOP: Gonzales, Bors, Ellen, Lilina, Ray, Echidna, Dayan, Dorothy, Cath

    Gradivus.: Alan, Tate, Chad, Sue, Ward, Zeiss, Yodel, Fir, Niime - 167 turns

    Blaze The Great: Thany, Zealot, Lugh, Percival, Oujay, Clarine, Klein, Geese, Wendy

    Cyas: Milady, Dieck, Noah, Astohl, Cecilia, Rutger, Juno, Igrene, Karel - 178 turns

  2. I think you should just give Blaze Wendy or some crappy unit since he hasn't posted for a bunch of weeks. I always assign units based on recruitment order when someone is inactive for long because there's no reason to keep delaying the draft for that. (Plus it's dumb being unable to submit it because the list is 2 picks short of being complete).

    Also wrt Niime, I was honestly more surprised about units like Douglas, Hugh and Cath being preferred to Niime. I agree that Cecilia and depending on the team Igrene are more useful than her.

    Good points. I assigned Wendy to Blaze and drafted Karel.

    Yeah, that was surprising too.

    Chapter 7(

    Debias, why do you have a Spear? It's annoying, please die. (The weeks of inactivity on my part were from trying to take this guy down.)

    I will post my results IF I CAN BEAT THIS CHAPTER

    If Marcus manages to gain 65 EXP and gain Str and/or Spd on the subsequent Level-up, he can ORKO with Armorslayer/Hammer (at terrible Hit rates) respectively and avoid reinforcements. That's a pretty big If, though. Or you just fight through the reinforcements, rig two Armorslayer hits and a finisher attack from someone else.

    Good luck.

    Edit: Disregard stat boxes. The formatting messed things up and I don't care enough to correct it.

    The conclusion of my run:

    Chapter 19I: 4/143

    Milady ferried Roy and killed the boss yet again, everybody else got (W)EXP. Astore also managed to snag the Paladins Knight Crest for some extra money. I’m at ~60k right now with some resources that I can still sell (mostly superfluous weapons and promotion items).


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	16.20	35	12	12	11	15	10	6	B Swords
    Marcus	10.32	40	12	18	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/4.19	42	20	17	17	7	14	6	S Swords, E Axes
    Rutger	10/10.69	41	18	27	21	7	10      S Swords
    Noah	12/7.08	40	16	13	19	11	12	5	A Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	17.79	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/7.21	43	23	18	20	9	18	5	A Lances E Swords
    Cecilia	3.40	31	13	8	10	10	8	13	A Anima C Staves
    Igrene	5.81	35	19	19	17	10	11	10	A Bows
    Fae	6.94	23	18	19	6	13	21	31	/
    Lalum	5.77	17	1	2	13	13	4	6	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Chapter 20I: 5/148

    Noah moves south and kills the Horse Slayer!Knight, Igrene kills a Fighter, Milady moves below her, Marcus rescues Astore and gets danced to drop him off and canto back to create a wall at the entrance consisting of him, Noah and Milady. Cecilia rescues Roy, Dieck goes west to kill the two Merc there so Shanna can go shopping and everybody else moves south. Astore is quite a bit ahead of everybody else but his Avoid is good enough to survive EP. Turn 2, Dieck got put to sleep, same goes for Rutger but Cecilia restores him and gets danced. Astore kills a Bishop blocking the way to Juno, Zealot moves next to him and steals all his weapons, Milady kills a Hero, Rutger and Noah two Sorceror, Igrene a Sniper and Cecilia gives Roy to Marcus and moves behind Astore and Milady so that she can only be attacked by one Merc. Marcus then gives Roy to Milady and cantos farther ahead. EP, Thanks to a wall and Cecilia and Zealot (who doesn’t get targeted by anyone. His Def/HP is higher than some of the units that are in range and he has WTA VS. Mercenaries) standing next to him, Astore can only be attacked by one Merc who has 50-60% hit and must miss. Cecilia gets doubled by a KE!Merc but survives, some people also gang up on Igrene and Rutger falls asleep again. Turn 3, Astore opens the door to Juno, Zealot recruits her and she takes a Chest Key from Astore to get some treasure next turn. Igrene and Fae clear out all enemies that could pose a threat to Astore. Cecilia moves closer to the boss room and attacks a Knight with Bolting. Marcus has just enough Mov to open the door to the boss room with a Key and move one tile away so that Noah can kill the knight from afar. Milady moves south of Noah and drops Roy into the boss room. Turn 4, Astore and Juno start getting some treasure. Milady+Noah tag team Roartz, no crits needed but hit rates are all between 30 and 40. Then comes the moment I realize that Roy is exactly one tile short of reaching the throne. I seized next turn and everybody else gained trivial amounts of W(EXP) and treasure in return.

    A 4 turn clear with my team is definitely possible. Though, that would leave either a Lightbrand!Hero or a Longbow!Sniper alive during EP 2, the one where Astore is at 6 Hp and Cecilia at 10 after she fought the Merc (or 0, depending on whether or not the RNG is merciful). Maybe there’s another way to arrange my units that gets Roy one tile farther ahead and doesn’t decrease reliability greatly but I’m not going to look for it.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	16.21	35	12	12	11	15	10	6	B Swords
    Marcus	10.56	40	12	18	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/4.39	42	20	17	17	7	14	6	S Swords, E Axes
    Rutger	10/10.89	41	18	27	21	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/8.31	40	17	13	20	11	12	5	S Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	18.93	30	9	11	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/7.89	43	23	18	20	9	18	5	A Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	3.74	31	13	8	10	10	8	13	A Anima, C Staves
    Igrene	6.43	36	20	19	17	10	11	10	A Bows
    Fae	12.10	32	24	25	9	23	22	35	/
    Juno	9.01	Base
    Lalum	6.70	17	1	2	13	13	4	6	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Chapter 20Ix: free

    I hit some important benchmarks during this chapter: Cecilia reached B staves for Rescue, Igrene hit S Bows for Murgleis and Noah has now exactly enough Str to 4HKO Murdock with an Armorslayer. Other than that, Roy hit Level 20, Milady reached her Str Cap, Fae got some more level-ups and Rutger has now enough Spd to double Zephiel with Durandal. Also, Cecilia got the boss kill (that required bringing the boss down to 1HP, her damage output is really poor) which granted her just enough EXP to get her to 16 Mag so 13 tiles rescues range.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	20.00	38	13	14	15	18	11	6	B Swords
    Marcus	10.65	40	12	18	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/5.21	43	20	17	17	8	14	7	S Swords, D Axes
    Rutger	10/11.57	42	18	27	22	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/9.08	41	17	14	21	11	12	5	S Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	18.95	30	9	11	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/9.78	44	25	19	21	9	18	5	S Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	6.26	32	16	11	11	10	8	15	A Anima, B Staves
    Igrene	8.16	37	22	19	18	10	11	10	S  Bows
    Fae	16.11	36	28	29	10	29	26	37	/
    Juno	9.10	Base
    Lalum	8.10	18	1	2	14	14	5	7	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Chapter 21: 6/154

    Okay, this was so long that I have every turn as its own paragraph instead of one wall of way too much text.

    Turn 1, Cecilia fullmoves east and rescues Lalum, Milady also goes to the right and picks up Cecilia on her way. Lalum dances Milady so she can fly south and drop Cecilia with an Aircalibur onto a Forest tile. Marcus and Noah both go east, Juno rescues Roy and flies in the same direction while Igrene, Dieck and Rutger go south for the Village and everybody else starts selling stuff. EP, looks unreliable but Cecilia is actually really good at dodge-tanking and oneshotting Wyvern, I think most of them wield Steel weapons so their accuracy is 30ish.

    Turn 2, Juno flies farther to the east, then gets danced by Lalum so that she can fly south to give Milady Roy. Noah rescues lalum and gets promptly rescued by Cecilia. Marcus faces the Wyverns up north with Armads on EP. Not much else happens during this Enemy Phase.

    Turn 3, Milady moves south and kills a Bishop with Malte (most and only reliable option), Cecilia moves to her right, takes Roy, trades her the Rescue staff and Hammernes it. Noah moves below Cecilia and drops off Lalum to the west. Juno flees from the Wyverns that are trying to kill her. Most of the EP happens in the middle but the Dieck/Rutger/Igrene trio handles it pretty well, the Paladin/Wyvern reinforcements are also drawing closer.

    Turn 4, Milady moves one tile to the right of Cecilia, trades her the Rescue staff and kills the Bishop. Cecilia moves south and puts the Manakete to sleep, she then gets danced by Lalum so that she can move even farther south and rescue Noah who takes Roy and moves closer to the boss area. Juno is still fleeing from Wyverns and Dieck, Rutger and Igrene are still on the way to the village. Nothing important happens on EP.

    Turn 5, Milady takes Juno’s Member and Silver Card (messed up the planning on that part) and gets in range of the Secret Shop while Juno positions herself a bit behind her to act as a bait and ensure that Milady has a clear path next turn. Wyvern reinforcements appeared close to the shrine so Cecilia has to move north, she puts a Horse Slayer Knight close to Murdock to Sleep to make EP more reliable. Lalum dances her and she rescues her and moves on a forest tile. Rutger reaches the village, sends the item back to Merlinus and he sells it which puts my funds at 84144G. He also traded all of his Swords away because Gale was about to spawn. Speaking of which, my units up north were done with selling items and had just enough safe tiles to avoid being attacked by the Paladins and Gale’s reinforcements. Finally, Noah drops Roy off and moves into position for his duel with Murdock. EP, Roy is in no danger, the Wyverns have ~20 Hit on him (Lancereaver) and Bolting doesn’t OHKO. The other Horse Slayer Knight has ~60 hit and leaves Noah at 1 HP, obviously enough for Murdock o finish him off if he wouldn’t have ~30 Hit on him. Noah had, like, 62% Hit VS Murdock and needed to hit both times. There’s also a Sage but I’ve no clue how high his damage output is and neither do I know his Hit rate. Cecilia is getting doubled by 2 Paladins and gets 2HKOed but faces only 30-40% Hit rates. Milady is also getting attacked by a lot of people but she has 18 Def and high Avoid so she’s in no danger. Dieck takes on a bunch of reinforcements but with WTA and Forest extra Avoid. For some reason, Gale’s troops just went to where all my unprotected units are without actually attacking Merlinus, who’s conveniently standing in their range.

    Turn 6, Fae kills Gale for no reason, Milady buys 21 Boots, Noah finishes off Murdock using the Armorslayer, everybody else gets some more EXP and Roy seizes. Unfortunately, nobody was able to use Boots this chapter.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	20.00	38	13	14	15	18	11	6	B Swords
    Marcus	11.55	41	12	18	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/6.52	44	21	17	18	9	15	7	S Swords, D Axes
    Rutger	10/11.70	42	18	27	22	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/10.30	41	17	15	21	12	13	S Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	18.95	30	9	11	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/11.17	46	25	19	21	10	18	S Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	8.77	33	17	13	11	11	9	15	A Anima, B Staves
    Igrene	8.89	37	22	19	18	10	11	10	S  Bows
    Fae	17.11	37	29	30	10	30	26	38	/
    Juno	9.31	Base
    Lalum	8.53	18	1	2	14	14	5	7	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Chapter 21x: 5/159

    Milady rescues Cecilia and gets danced farther ahead to drop her off at the western bridge on turn 2. Turn 3, Milady kills the Berserker on the way and Cecilia rescues her and cantos south (the Sniper blocking the way got distracted by Juno). Turn 4, she dropped her off and both are just outside of the range of the Brave Sword!Hero in the throne room. Turn 5, Cecilia trades with Milady to get her Rescue staff back (she was running around without staves or weapons so that she wouldn’t get targeted by Silence.) and rescues Roy who was at his starting position and kept using Boots. Milady kills the boss after Juno made it far enough to the north to use Torch and make the boss visible and Roy seized with his 13 Mov. Everybody else was busy using Boots or fended off enemies.

    Cecilia had to dodge one of three Sniper attacks in order for this strategy to work. I could’ve made the Sniper attack Juno with the Delphi Shield but then I wouldn’t have been able to see the boss on turn 5.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	20/1	42	15	17	17	18	13	11	S Swords
    Marcus	12.20	42	12	19	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/6.95	44	21	17	18	9	15	7	S Swords, D Axes
    Rutger	10/11.70	42	18	27	22	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/10.45	41	17	15	21	12	13	S Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	18.95	30	9	11	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/12.60	46	25	20	22	10	18	S Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	8.99	33	17	13	11	11	9	15	A Anima, B Staves
    Igrene	9.19	37	23	19	19	11	11	10	S  Bows
    Fae	17.97	37	29	30	10	30	26	38	/
    Juno	9.51	Base
    Lalum	8.73	18	1	2	14	14	5	7	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Roy has 14 Mov, Noah 15, Milady 12, Cecilia 10, Igrene 8 and Lalum 11

    Chapter 22: 6/165

    I’ll just explain the whole left side strategy now: It was quite extraordinary. Lalum dances Noah, he rescues her and drops her off next turn and so on. Lalum got in one precarious EP in which she had to dodge 3 30-50% Attacks. Noah faces the enemy Hero on 4PP and potentially 5EP if he doesn’t die to a crit before. Noah activates the switch on turn 5. As for the rest of the chapter: Turn 1, Roy storms ahead, Milady, Igrene and Marcus use Boots and do the same. Cecilia Hammernes Rescue, Juno rescues Astore (for the treasures), Rutger moves up too and Fae attempts to bait a Berserk. The finished run of this chapter was actually just a test run, I’m saying that because things didn’t go according to plan and Cecilia got targeted by Berserk but miraculously dodged so I kept going. Not much else happens on EP. Turn 2, Cecilia trades for the Rescue staff and then uses Boots and cantos farther ahead. Milady rescues her and Roy drops her off. Marcus runs ahead on the right side, Igrene trades a Bow from Marcus (she was weaponless because of the Berserk staff) and kills a Druid. Juno drops Astore to the right to help loot the treasures and Rutger trades for a Sword and Durandal (see Igrene). Turn 3, Cecilia moves south and silences the Berserk!Druid, Roy moves south and kills a Berserker and Milady moves south too. Igrene kills the Berserker that attacked her and also stands in range of the General’s Javelin by doing that. EP3, Knight and Druid die VS. Roy and a Hero gets weakened. Turn 4, Igrene ORKOes the Hero protecting the right switch with Murgleis and Marcus reaches it. Roy runs past the Hero to the boss room door and is disappointed that Noah hasn’t reached the other switch yet. Cecilia follows Roy and uses Boots, Milady moves closer to the boss room as well and blocks the Hero from killing Cecilia. Turn 5, Roy opens the door, Milady rushes into the boss room so that the enemies don’t end up barring Roy’s path on the next turn and Cecilia moves out of the range of the Heroes. Turn 6, Milady kills a Hero to make way for Roy, Cecilia rescues Rutger, who ORKOes Zephiel with Durandal and two crits and Roy seizes.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	20/3.10	44	16	19	17	19	14	11	S Swords
    Marcus	12.20	42	12	19	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/6.95	44	21	17	18	9	15	7	S Swords, D Axes
    Rutger	10/12.24	43	18	27	23	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/11.53	42	18	16	22	13	13	S Swords, B Lances, E Axes
    Astore	19.45	31	9	12	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/13.65	47	25	20	23	10	18	S Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	9.55	33	18	13	11	12	9	15	A Anima, B Staves
    Igrene	10.54	38	23	19	20	11	11	10	S  Bows
    Fae	17.97	37	29	30	10	30	26	38	/
    Juno	9.52	Base
    Lalum	9.08	19	1	2	15	15	5	8	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Roy has 14 Mov, Noah 15, Milady 14, Cecilia 14, Igrene 12, Marcus 12 and Lalum 11; 0 Boots remain

    Chapter 23: 3/168

    Igrene kills the Manakete in the way, Marcus the Druid next to it. Cecilia moves two tiles below Marcus and rescues Noah, he runs ahead and Wyrmslayers an Axereaver!Wyvern and positions himself on a Forest tile. Cecilia gets danced by Lalum who barely stands out of the range of all enemies and Cecilia moves north on a Forest tile close to Noah and uses a Holy Water. Roy uses one too and gets rescues by Milady who moves on the Ballista Island. Zealot buys some Elixirs for the next map. EP, Milady survives everything pretty easily as long as she doesn’t get crit by the killer lance Wyvern. She can actually even ORKO a Steel Lance Wyvern Rider while rescuing Roy. Cecilia gets attacked by 2 Wyvern Lords and two Wyvern Riders. Wyvern Lords definitely 2HKO at close to 50% Hit, Wyvern Riders might 2HKO but heir Hit rate is terrible. Turn 2, Cecilia trades the the Berserk staff and another Aircalibur tome from Noah and puts the Manakete nearby to sleep. Lalum dances for her and Cecilia rushes farther ahead and berserks the Manakete close to Brunja, she’s again on a Forest tile. Marcus and Igrene rescue-drop Lalum a bit farther ahead on yet another Forest tile and Noah just fullmoves next to Roy who was dropped by Milady. Roy is in Brunja’s Bolting range, Milady and Noah aren’t. He has the SoS and a Holy Water so his Res is 23, he isn’t getting killed by Bolting, getting targeted by any status staves or any other enemies aside from Brunja because he’s way too tanky and ORKOes everything in return. EP, Brunja does 12 damage to Roy, a bunch of Wyvern attack Milady but she’s in no danger of dying due to capped Speed and 18 Def at ~75%HP. A lot of Wyverns attack Cecilia, anyone that isn’t a Silver Lance!Wyvern Lord can’t really touch her. The same goes for Lalum, though, she gets OHKOed. Milady gets put to sleep. The other Sleep staff misses Cecilia but the berserk hits, she only needs to dodge the former. The Manakete eats the Druid above it. The EP is dicey but apparently not as terrible as it sounds. It took only two resets to get this right. Turn 3, Marcus gets danced to kill the Manakete with Armads to make way for Noah to just barely ORKO Brunja with Durandal (19x2, which is exactly enough). Switching her to Bolting wasn’t necessary to double, it’s just a way to increase reliability (Hit rate was +60%). Roy seizes on turn 3.

    15 Binding blade uses, 16 Malte and Armads, 14 Durandal, 12 Murgleis and 5 Dragonstone uses as well as 2 Wyrmslayers that don’t enable anyone to ORKO Manaketes is all I got for the next chapter. Armads!Marcus can actually ORKO in spite of the speed loss because he got 4 speed procs. Come to think of it, Base Level Marcus with +50 Lance WEXP can ORKO the slower Manaketes in C24. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’ve also recruited Karel, his stats are actually better than Rutger’s.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	20/3.11	44	16	19	17	19	14	11	S Swords
    Marcus	12.70	42	12	19	15	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, S Axes
    Dieck	15/7.52	45	22	17	18	9	16	7	S Swords, D Axes
    Rutger	10/12.35	43	18	27	23	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/12.71	42	19	16	22	13	13	S Swords, B Lances,  E Axes
    Astore	19.45	31	9	12	20	12	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/13.96	47	25	20	23	10	18	S Lances, E Swords
    Cecilia	11.15	33	20	15	11	12	10	15	A Anima, B Staves
    Igrene	11.01	39	23	19	21	12	11	10	S  Bows
    Fae	17.97	37	29	30	10	30	26	38	/
    Juno	9.52	Base
    Karel	19.00	Base
    Lalum	9.46	19	1	2	15	15	5	8	/
    Merlin.	1.10	Base

    Chapter 24: 9/177

    Turn 1, Milady rescues Igrene, Noah goes in the boss room, drops her to the west and also cantos in that direction. Marcus takes Fae and moves ahead, Cecilia Hammernes the rescue he is holding and Lalum dances for Marcus. He moves into the next corridor and drops Fae off. Roy moves closer to the boss room. EP, a Manakete attacks Igrene.

    Turn 2, Milady kills the boss and Roy seizes the first throne. In the next chamber, Fae kills the Manakete in the way and Marcus ORKOes the one to the left of the throne Manakete with Armads. Cecilia trades for the Rescue staff before Marcus moved, Lalum danced Milady and she got rescue dropped by Milady+Noah, Igrene tagged along. EP, in the first chamber: Roy kills two Manaketes. In the second chamber: A Manakete suicides on Marcus. Armads!Marcus actually has enough durability to take two hits.

    Turn 3, Fae kills the throne Manakete, Roy fullmoves to the west, gets danced and seizes the second throne. Milady and Igrene rescue-drop Lalum, Noah OHKOes the Manakete blocking the path, Marcus uses an Elixir and storms into the third chamber. Cecilia moves farther ahead. On EP, two Manaketes suicide onto Marcus. It’s also worth mentioning that Fae won’t do anything productive this chapter anymore and will be busy fending off Manaketes.

    Turn 4, Roy kills the throne Manakete and gets danced to seize the third throne. Noah OHKOes the Manakete in front of the next chamber. Marcus uses an Elixir and runs into the next chamber, he stays out of range of the Mankete to the right of the throne Manakete. Milady and Igrene rescue-drop Lalum farther ahead and Cecilia puts the most eastern Manakete to sleep, the reason will become apparent soon. EP, The left Manakete targets Marcus instead of Noah and dies.

    Turn 5, Igrene kills the throne Manakete, Milady, Cecilia, Noah and Marcus all move farther ahead, the latter also uses an Elixir. Roy full-moves, gets danced and seizes the fourth throne. EP, The Manakete in front of the fifth chamber dies fighting against Marcus. Igrene would die to the Manakete in the room but that one sleeps due to Cecilia. Igrene also gets left behind now and doesn’t do anything helpful anymore. She does meet up with Fae and activates the second support of this run. Did you know there are butterflies in the dragon sanctuary? Me neither!

    Turn 6, Marcus kills the Manakete to the right of the throne Manakete and Noah oneshots the one to his left. Milady takes the throne kill. Roy full-moves, gets danced and seizes the fifth throne. Cecilia rescues Lalum. EP, the Manakete guarding the next chamber moves closer to my team.

    Turn 7, Roy kills that Manakete, Milady moves farther ahead and uses an Elixir, Marcus trades for the Elixir and uses it and Lalum dances Milady. Noah kills the throne Manakete and Milady the one to the left of it, Cecilia puts the remaining Manakete to sleep because Lalum/Noah would die otherwise. EP, nothing happens.

    Turn 8, Roy seizes the sixth throne, Cecilia rescues him, Noah and Milady full-move to the west, the former also uses an Elixir and Marcus gets danced to kill the Manakete guarding the next chamber, the Armads breaks in the process. EP, again, nothing happens.

    Turn 9, Noah softens up Jahn and Milady finishes him off. Roy gets danced to seize the throne.

    Marcus was the MVP of this map and I love it.

    Final: 1/178

    Roy’s victory was bound to happen.

    Final Turncount: 178

    I wanted sub 180, I got sub 180. Still, 170 turns or less is obviously a thing in FE6 drafts. Better strategies/luck next time!


    Roy: 143B 48W, 1 bosskill

    He was actually not as terrible as expected. His durability issues were mostly resolved once he got an Angelic Robe. His offence, while not great, was still acceptable. He can’t double consistently and has pretty poor Str but he does have KE utility (which probably saved turns in 11A) and Rapier utility early-game. Promoted Roy with Binding Blade was neat. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still bad. I’m merely saying he’s not that terrible.


    Marcus: 204B 122W, 6 bosskills

    Marcus was absolutely invaluable for my TC up until C13. After that point, his combat started to become worse and worse but he was able to kill a Druid in C23 so it was never actually terrible. Armads!Marcus was also really helpful for C24. Of course, he can always work as a 8 Mov ferrybot. All things considered a great unit.


    Dieck: 126B 82W, 2 bosskills

    I picked him to improve my early-game turncounts and he did his job well. He played an important role in most early-game maps. Dieck became less important once I passed C13. I guess he played a more or less major role in C16 and helped get the Knight Crest in C21 for another pair of Boots but that’s about it for mid/late-game. Once he promotes his high Con hurts him since only few people can ferry him. Still, Dieck’s a solid pick if you’re lacking early-game power.


    Rutger: 139B 86W, 6 bosskills

    Recruiting him usually costs turns but I didn’t have Thany/Lance/Allen so my clear took just long enough to get him. He started pulling his weight in C7 (where he killed like half the map) and onwards and was very useful as both a normal unit and bosskiller up until C16. Then the game turned into Milady Emblem and he couldn’t really do much aside from killing Zephiel, which is still a good contribution on its own. I’d say he’s better than Dieck, partially because of the more reliable Speed and +30 crit but mostly because he can be ferried by everybody while Marcus was the only one who could transport Dieck.


    Noah: 131B 69W, 6 bosskills

    Noah was my second Paladin meaning that he’s automatically invaluable for my TCs. Though, his stats were kind of really bad most of the time. When he joined, he was tied with Roy for worst offense on the team. When he promoted, he had worse stats than Marcus and only slowly started to improve himself. He became decent once I gave him the Speedwing in C14x. Still, one of the most important units for this run. I’m just saying that there are better mounts in this game than him.


    Astore: 78B 11W, 0 bosskills

    The fact that he stole the Delphi Shield was reason enough to draft this guy. Furthermore, he also got a lot of money for Boots and had KE utility for a good portion of the game. Good pick I’d say.


    Lalum: 48B 0W, 0 bosskills



    Milady: 128B 58W, 8 bosskills

    The MVP and saving grace of this run. Incredibly important for C14, C14x, C15, C17I, C18I, C19I, C21, C21x and C23 and fantastic on all other maps as well.


    Cecilia: 30B 11W, 1 bosskill

    During mid-game, she was a rescuebot and Healer that wasn’t really needed outside of C16x. Cecilia became really important for late-game due to Rescues/Sleep/Berserk and definitely saved some turns.


    Igrene: 68B 37W, 0 bosskills

    Let’s see: She helped getting the Knight Crest in C15, was the only one who could kill a group of enemy mages reliably in C16 and also got 5 chests, killed a Bolting!Sage and a Longbow Sniper in C16x and thus increased reliability and saved a turn too, helped the C20 clear, helped getting a Knight Crest in C21, Cleared the right side in C22 and a path in C23 and may or may not have saved a turn in C24. Igrene is pretty useful.


    Fae: 35B 25W, 0 bosskills

    I guess she killed two Manaketes in C24. By the way, she has exactly 1 Dragonstone use left.


    Juno: 22B 0W, 0 bosskills

    Flying rescuebot in C21, played a role in C21x, got superfluous treasure in C22. I expected more but I drafted her for C21 and she did her job so there’s that.


    Karel: 0B/W, 0 bosskills

    He’s fine as a Gotoh character in a casual run but in a draft? Utterly useless. I don’t even know how he could potentially contribute.

  3. Whats the best asset and flaw to start a new lunatic gameplay?

    +Def and Spd are the most common assets and -Skl/Lck the most popular flaws. +Def tends to be used more by newcomers while +Spd is more for experienced players who know how to put it to good use. As FoliFF already mentioned, it also depends on whether or not you grind. If you're grinding, asset and flaw don't matter much because all of your stats are going to be high anyway. -Def/Spd would make early-game chapters harder but it would still be do-able.

  4. Additionally, forged Beastkiller/Hammers can go a long way in some Valm chapters and make ORKOing really easy, you can buy those from the Einherjar teams. Unequipping weapons/trading weapons away is another way to avoid Counter albeit a very situational one. Also, Rescue staves can be really helpful as well for picking of dangerous enemies and retreating out of range, it works even if the units in question isn't a Bow/magic user. They allow you to trivialize most "Kill Boss" chapters too if you want. Due to Luna+ and Hawkeye pure dodge/def-tanks don't work as well on Lunatic+ so try to get both good Avoid and concrete Def on most of your units instead of specializing on one of the stats. Since you're grinding, consider making a Rally bot at some point (you don't really need them early/mid-game but they're great when enemy stats go up again during late-game), stacked Rallies are really OP and can make your life a lot easier.

    By the way, if memory serves, Lost Bloodlines 3 is the easiest way to grind, assuming your unit already has enough stats to solo it with a Pair-up.

  5. Edit: Disregard stat boxes. The formatting messed things up and I don't care enough to correct it.

    Well, I’m not beating that TC. With regards to Niime, I originally thought about drafting her but Cecilia seemed more useful in my situation. Messing up the plans of other people and a bit more Heal support were the only really meaningful benefits I could’ve gained from picking her after I got Cecilia. I could have drafted her over Igrene but that would have definitely made some of my clears more complicated or make me lose out on some stuff and maybe a turn or two.

    Chapter 16: 10/124

    Fae, Marcus, Noah, Milady, Roy, Deke and Lalum are on the left side. Cecilia, Astore, Igrene, Merlinus and Rutger are on the right side. Roy used a Dragonshield first turn and was rescued by Milady who was danced by Lalum to give Roy to Rutger, promote and be rescued by Cecilia. Rutger moves north and drops Roy off. Cecilia moves north and Merlinus, Igrene and Astore follow her. Noah moves in the range of the Merc on the left side. Marcus rescues Dieck and Fae gets in the range of the Purge Bishop. Turn 2, Igrene kills the Bolting guy with her Long Bow, Milady and Rutger set up a small defensive formation on the right side. Noah, Deke, Lalum and Marcus mostly just move north while doing some rescue shenanigans to ensure that everybody keeps up. And this is where I lose track of what turn it is exactly so here is a rough explanation: Roy and Rutger kill some of the enemies on the right side, Igrene gets dropped right next to the wall so that the Mages suicide on her and give her some Wexp, Roy also gets dropped north. The left side just moves through the corridor. During the next turn, Astore steals Hugh’s Member card and Roy kills him for the Exp, Igrene opens the door, Rutger kills the Manakete and Milady starts fighting the knight and the Bishop. Marcus drops Dieck in range of the Knight in the corridor and Noah also drops Lalum off. From this point onwards, the left side opened the door and took care of the Paladin and his companions. Noah went north to lure Douglas south, then rushed past him and started chipping the wall to Zeiss. Dieck and Marcus just barely managed to kill the Snipers and get all treasures on the left side until Turn 10. Dieck also distracted Douglas for another turn because I didn’t want him chasing after the right side units. Meanwhile Astore rescued Roy, gave him to Milady on the next turn and she dropped him in the boss room and canto’d farther to the west to chip the wall and recruit Zeiss on Turn 10. Igrene was busy getting the treasure and Cecilia ferried Rutger to the boss room, Astore tagged along. Astore managed to steal the Delphi Shield but missed out on the Blue Gem due to turns. Rutger oneshot Narshen with the Durandal and Roy seized on Turn 10. I did some shenanigans with Merlinus to ensure that Cecilia gets the Bolting to help break down the wall but that turned out to be unnecessary.

    Got all the chest items, didn’t recruit Hugh, didn’t get his Elixir and also missed Narshens Blue gem and the Red gem of the Manakete and whatever else I could have stolen.

    Forgot to record the stats.

    Chapter 16x: 7/131

    Milady rescues Roy and gets danced to move farther ahead. Noah rescues Igrene and Cecilia drops her off. Marcus rescues Fae and Dieck moves north taking the left path. Turn 2, Igrene attacks the Bolting guy with Longbow but doesn’t manage to score the kill, Cecilia heals up Milady, Dieck kills a Mage, Noah chips a Merc for Fae to kill on EP (Marcus drops her off next to her since he doesn’t move). Noah gets danced, rescues Lalum and moves farther ahead to the right with Milady who drops off Roy so she can Javelin some enemies through a wall on EP more effectively. Turn 3, Igrene finishes off the Bolting guy, Milady weakens the Paladin with an Iron Lance so that Lancereaver!Roy can get the kill and Noah can, despite rescuing someone, double and kill an Archer in the way. Fae kills a Mage and gets rescued by Marcus. Turn 4, Cecilia restores Igrene who got hit by Berserk and she starts softing up the Longbow!Sniper. The middle pretty much does nothing except running out Bolting/Silence/Berserk and Igrene kills the Longbow!Sniper over the course of a few turns, Cecilia also does something important but I’ll talk about it later. Anyway, Roy uses a Vulnerary and gets rescued by Milady, Noah follows her and drops Lalum off, Marcus does the same with Fae. EP, Lalum has to dodge the Cavalier. Turn 5, Milady moves north and critkills a Bishop, Noah gets danced to move closer to the throne and take Roy with him. Marcus just barely manages to reach Lalum and rescues her and Fae tries to get some EXP. Turn 6, the Sniper finally dies, Marcus gives Lalum to Milady and she, along with Noah, rush to the throne and drop off both Roy and Lalum. Cecilia shaves off a turn here by killing a Knight with Bolting that would have most likely blocked my way during the next turn. EP, Lalum dodges both a Bolting and a Sage. Turn 7, Noah kills the Sage blocking the way, Milady crit-kills the boss and Roy gets danced to the throne.

    Why do so many of my strats involve Lalum dodging <_<


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	15.44	34	11	12	11	14	10	5	B Swords
    Marcus	9.31	39	12	18	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/4.10	42	20	17	17	7	14	6	S Swords  E Axes
    Rutger	10/10.22	41	18	27	21	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/6.39	39	15	13	18	11	12	5	A Swords  B Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.68	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/3.26	42	21	16	20	8	16	5	A Lances E Swords
    Cecilia	2.43	30	12	8	10	10	7	13	A Anima C Staves
    Igrene	3.36	33	17	19	16	10	11	10	B Bows
    Fae	3.67	18	16	16	4	10	18	28	
    Lalum	4.94	16	1	2	12	11	4	5	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base

    Chapter 17I: 4/135

    There isn’t much to say about this chapter. Milady ferried Roy to the throne, killed the boss and he seized while everybody else went to the Arena for more money and Wexp. Milady had to dodge a Sleep staff and double crit the boss in order to kill him (She was one Str. point short of ORKOing with Brave). I tried to persuade the Bishop into using Physic on another unit but even a 6HP Knight can’t get the job done. Also visited the Village and went shopping.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	15.54	34	11	12	11	14	10	5	B Swords
    Marcus	9.46	39	12	18	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/4.10	42	20	17	17	7	14	6	S Swords  E Axes
    Rutger	10/10.69	41	18	27	21	7	10      S Swords
    Noah	12/6.79	39	15	13	18	11	12	5	A Swords  B Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.78	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/4.67	43	21	17	20	8	17	5	A Lances E Swords
    Cecilia	2.64	30	12	8	10	10	7	13	A Anima C Staves
    Igrene	5.06	35	19	19	17	10	11	10	A Bows
    Fae	4.47	18	16	16	4	10	18	28	
    Lalum	5.43	17	1	2	13	12	4	5	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base

    Chapter 18I: 4/139

    Milady ferried Roy and killed the boss again, everybody else got (W)EXP.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	15.91	34	11	12	11	14	10	5	B Swords
    Marcus	9.70	39	12	18	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/4.19	42	20	17	17	7	14	6	S Swords  E Axes
    Rutger	10/10.69	41	18	27	21	7	10	S Swords
    Noah	12/6.93	39	15	13	18	11	12	5	A Swords B Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.78	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16/6.03	43	22	18	20	9	17	5	A Lances E Swords
    Cecilia	2.95	30	12	8	10	10	7	13	A Anima C Staves
    Igrene	5.29	35	19	19	17	10	11	10	A Bows
    Fae	6.10	23	18	19	6	13	21	31	/
    Lalum	5.77	17	1	2	13	12	4	5	/
    Merlin.	1.09	Base

    I'll edit in the rest of my run once I've finished it, assuming nobody posts.

  6. Sorry for the lack of updates, RL got in the way of everything and I had a lack of motivation.

    Chapter 14x: 3/111

    Milady rescued Rutger and gets danced to drop him off close to the boss room. Everybody else goes south and Noah uses a Speedwing. On EP, Milady gets targeted by the boss’ Bolting but the other Sage is busy healing enemies. Rutger kills most enemies that attack him. Turn 2, Cecilia heals Milady, she gets rescued by Noah so that Marcus can give Roy to Milady. Marcus and Noah also create a wall so that Lalum doesn’t get attacked by the enemies south. Talking about Lalum, she dances Milady after she gave Roy to Rutger so that Milady can critkill the Druid in the way. Rutger moves in the boss room and drops Roy off. EP is unreliable, Lalum dodges a Bolting and Milady has a chance of death too. Merlinus distracted the boss’ Bolting. Turn 3, Milady critkills the boss and everybody gets some EXP before Roy seizes.

    I could have improved the reliability by changing the movement of the previous turn so that Astore could rescue Lalum but it worked out without that improvement. Also, I noticed just how low Milady’s aid is: She can’t even rescue Noah. Marcus and Rutger are the only (good) combat units that she can ferry right now and the fact that she’ll promote soon isn’t helping in that regard.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	13.13	34	11	11	10	13	7	5	C Swords
    Marcus	8.81	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/2.47	41	20	17	17	6	13	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/8.33	39	18	25	21	6	10	4	S Swords
    Noah	12/5.06	38	14	13	17	10	12	5	A Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.45	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	14.81	33	16	13	16	8	14	3	C Lances
    Cecilia	1.50	30	11	7	10	10	7	3	A Anima C Staves
    Lalum	3.49	15	1	2	12	11	3	5	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base

    Chapter 15: 3/114

    Milady rescues Rutger, gets danced to drop him on the mountain near the boss area and cantos back. Noah kills the Merc, Marcus rescues Roy and Cecilia and Igrene rescue drop Lalum one tile further ahead. Rutger kills most enemies close to the boss on EP. Turn 2, Marcus gives Roy to Milady and cantos south, Milady gives Roy to Rutger and kills the enemy Sniper in the way and Rutger drops Roy into seizing range. Noah rescues Marcus and gets danced to move further east and drops him off. Igrene, Cecilia and Astore work together to get Lalum close to Percival. Merlinus also gets the Divine village. Turn 3, Marcus sells stuff and shops a bit, Noah gets the village, Lalum recruits Percival, Milady kills the boss and Roy seizes.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	13.14	34	11	11	10	13	7	5	C Swords
    Marcus	8.89	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/2.55	41	20	17	17	6	13	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/8.69	39	18	25	21	6	10	4	S Swords
    Noah	12/5.30	38	14	13	17	10	12	5	A Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.46	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	16.50	35	17	14	18	8	14	3	C Lances
    Cecilia	1.56	30	11	7	10	10	7	3	A Anima C Staves
    Igrene	1.11	Base
    Fae	1.00	Base
    Lalum	3.69	15	1	2	12	11	3	5	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base
  7. My sister read about Awakening in a magazine, was interested and bought the game. I tried the game out later and loved it. I spent a year or so with it before I started another FE: FE 8, I thought it was pretty meh at that time (no wonder considering I went from L+ no-grind to FE8 NM and thus thought it was way too easy). Though, FE7 got me into the older games and now I enjoy playing FE8 too.

  8. Why does the melody of disturbance in Agustria still make me flinch?

    Barring the first page, that's actually the first FE4 related post I've seen in the FE4 thread. Not that I'm complaining, that's FftF after all, just pointing out.

  9. Chapter 13: 8/103

    Noah rescued Roy turn 1, got danced, dropped him off and moved into enemy masses. Everybody except Dieck, who went for the Body ring village, moved east. Turn 2, Noah kills a Sniper from afar with a Javelin, Marcus kills a Mage, Rutger gets danced to kill an Archer and be in range of the Paladin+Cavaliers with the Lancereaver. Everybody else moves closer. Turn 3 was mostly just cleaning up enemies in the middle, Marcus also rescued Lalum. Everybody just kinda moved forward during turn 4, Noah rescued Roy and Marcus dropped Lalum off. On EP, Merlinus successfully distracts the two Wyverns, they move to the west and aren’t really a threat anymore, Astore stays with them to get some EXP and to keep them away from my main team. Marcus rescues Rutger and gets danced to drop him off in the Mercs+Heroes range. Milady took Roy from Noah who goes to fight the 3 wyvern close to the boss. Turn 6, Rutger finishes off the Hero, gets rescued by Marcus, who gets danced again and drops Rutger near the boss. Turn 7, Rutger kills the Paladin who moved south, Marcus the Cavalier, Milady gets danced and drops Roy in seizing range, Noah kills a Wyvern. Turn 8, Rutger kills the boss, Noah kills another Wyvern and gets danced to visit the village, Milady goes shopping and Roy seizes.

    I don’t know if I could have gotten a 7 turn but I don’t really care. This map wasn’t fun to LTC, too much Lalum dodging.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	12.85	34	11	11	10	13	6	4	C Swords
    Marcus	8.74	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	C Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/2.47	41	20	17	17	6	13	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/6.42	37	17	23	20	5	10	4	S Swords
    Noah	12/4.90	37	13	13	15	10	12	5	A Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.45	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	11.66	31	13	12	13	6	13	3	C Lances
    Lalum	2.98	15	1	2	11	10	3	4	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base

    Chapter 14: 5/108

    Noah traded stuff to Cecilia, who moved north to get the Boots and sent them to Merlinus. Milady takes the Boots, rescues Rutger and gets danced to drop him over the cliff so that he can kill the Mercenaries and Heroes on EP. Tate got the Silence staff, Astore the Talisman and Lilina and Shanna the Speedwing+Silver card during the last turn. On EP, Rutger killed some enemies and a Bishop attempted to Sleep staff Milady. Turn 2, Rutger moves east, Milady goes back to the main group and uses the Boots, then Noah gives Roy to her and she gets danced to accompany Rutger. Turn 3, Rutger sips at his Elixir and Milady gets close to the boss area and drops Roy off. Everybody goes for Rutger during EP and he barely survives. Turn 4, Roy moves to the west of the boss and equips a Light Brand, Milady buys some stuff and Rutger heals and baits some Wyverns that would have otherwise blocked the tile right in front of the boss. The EP is dicey since Roy needs to land the 38% displayed Light Brand Hit on the boss and Rutger has to survive the Wyverns +a few Magic users and I forgot to give him the Lancereaver during the preparations. Anyway, turn 5, the boss is at 30HP, which is just low enough to be oneshot by a Killer Lance crit from Milady, Roy seizes afterwards.

    I missed the Silver Blade, the Warp and the Guiding ring (the enemy density was too high for that). Rutger was pretty much in constant danger of getting killed if too many 50%s hit. Oh well, Dieck and Noah are too heavy to be ferried by Milady and Marcus wouldn’t have fared much better. Also, Rutger has, like, +5 Str over his averages.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	13.01	34	11	11	10	13	7	5	C Swords
    Marcus	8.74	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	C Swords S Lances A Axes
    Dieck	15/2.47	41	20	17	17	6	13	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/7.69	38	18	24	21	5	10	4	S Swords
    Noah	12/4.98	37	13	13	15	10	12	5	A Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	17.45	30	8	11	20	11	11	4	B Swords
    Milady	12.66	31	14	12	14	7	13	3	C Lances
    Cecilia	1.38	30	11	7	10	10	7	3	A Anima C Staves
    Lalum	3.18	15	1	2	12	11	3	5	
    Merlin.	1.09	Base
  10. Chapter 12x: 5/95

    Noah rescued Roy during turn 1 and got danced to move further ahead and drop him off. Astore rescued Lalum and Rutger took her but didn’t drop her off. Turn 2, Rutger gave Lalum to Marcus who moved to Noah and gave him her, Noah then moved ahead dropped her off and canto’d further north, Roy moved up. Turn 3, Marcus took Rutger, got danced by Lalum and moved further north and dropped him off so that he can reach the throne in 2 turns. Noah rescued Roy. Turn 4, Marcus moves north with the intention of getting the White Gem, Rutger moves closer to the boss and Noah follows him and drops Roy off. Turn 5, Marcus gets the White Gem, Noah the Red gem, Rutger critkills the boss and Roy seizes. Lalum had to dodge a few enemy attacks in order to survive, Astore and Dieck were busy with stealing/fighting. Got the Red and the White Gem, 1 Elixir and a Lockpick.

    So far, it would have been much smarter to give the Angelic Robe to Lalum.

    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	11.96	33	11	11	10	13	6	4	C Swords
    Marcus	8.56	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	D Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/1.64	40	19	17	16	6	12	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/4.66	35	15	21	20	4	9	3	S Swords
    Noah	12/4.18	37	13	13	15	10	12	5	B Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	16.17	30	8	11	20	11	10	4	C Swords
    Lalum	2.21	15	1	2	11	10	3	4	
    Merlin.	1.07	Base
  11. Now comes Arcadia. Screw Arcadia. It's not a fun map to LTC.

    By the way, is resetting the game and watching a units stat sheet enough to reliably get desert treasures? Getting Astore to the Silver Card location in time is kind of unfeasible.

  12. and the game pretty much forcing you to use a guide to even survive through the first fucking chapters

    I think that's stretching it a bit. A Blind player will be fine during Manster as long as he knows:

    1)how escaping works.

    2)the enemy placement of 4x. That map is admittedly mostly artificially difficult for a first time player.

    I agree with your overall point, though.

  13. Chapter 9: 7/70

    Marcus rescued Roy, Noah took him and promoted and Rutger dropped him. Everybody else moved closer. Next turn, Roy kills a Pirate and Marcus and Noah rescue drop him forward. Turn 3, Dieck kills a Hand Axe!Fighter that attacked Roy, Roy kills an Archer that Noah left weakened and Rutger kills the Merc who is standing in the way. Noah and Marcus rescue drop Roy once again. A Fighter was blocking the northern bridge on turn 4 and nobody could reach him so my units just killed some enemies while moving forward and Marcus rescued Rutger. Turn 5, Noah recruits Fir, Roy moves up and Marcus runs ahead and drops Rutger. Rutger kills Shin on turn 6, Roy critkills a Mage, Marcus tradeswaps the Lightbrand to Rutger so that he can weaken the boss on EP and rescues Roy, Noah drops Roy into seizing range and moves to the left to face a few enemies. On turn 7, Rutger critkills the boss, everybody gets some EXP, Thany buys two Hand Axes and Roy seizes.

    I tried getting a 6 turn but Roy would be just 1 tile short of reaching the throne. I wouldn’t have had enough units to make a clear path and kill the boss anyway. Also, I recruited Fir because she doesn’t cost turns and gives Rutger a Wo Dao and Roy and Marcus supported in chapter 8, I forgot to mention that earlier.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	8.91	24	9	8	9	11	6	3	C Swords
    Marcus	6.85	37	11	16	14	11	10	9	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
    Dieck	13.59	34	15	16	13	6	8	2	A Swords
    Rutger	10/2.15	34	14	19	19	4	9	2	A Swords
    Noah	12/1.36	34	11	12	13	9	11	4	B Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	12.67	26	7	8	17	11	8	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.03	Base

    Chapter 10A: 6/76

    Paladin RushTM. Noah went right into the middle of the enemy formation and killed the Halberd!Fighter, Marcus moved directly above him and killed a Hand Axe!Fighter. Dieck rescued Roy, Rutger killed another Fighter and Astore body blocks the enemies from attacking Dieck. On EP, pretty much everything attempts to kill Astore but he just dodges, a few enemies suicide on Noah/Marcus. Turn 2, Rutger kills a Merc in Noah’s way, Marcus kills the Fighter who was also blocking the way and Dieck gives Roy to Noah. Noah then moves south, drops Roy north and cantos south, once again into the enemy masses. Astore retreats north and is busy killing/stealing stuff for the rest of the chapter. Noah and Roy get completely flooded on EP. Turn 3, Dieck kills a Fighter who is blocking the way, Rutger kills the Merc north of Noah, Roy moves to that spot and kills the Fighter north of him, Marcus moves south and heals, Noah takes Roy and moves as far south as possible. Noah has kind of a dangerous EP but the Berserker’s Hit rate is pretty low so he pulls through. Enemies suicide on Dieck and Rutger. Turn 4, Dieck clears the way for Rutger who goes south and baits the Berserker, Marcus kills the Dark Mage and Noah moves close to the throne and drops Roy off. Rutger kills the Berserker and not much else happens on EP. Turn 5, Roy isn’t close enough to seize so he kills a Dark Mage and Noah starts fighting the boss. Rutger goes for the village, Marcus for the Archer who is using the Ballista, Dieck and Astore are busy killing stuff. Turn 6, Noah kills the boss, Rutger visits the village and everybody else gets last minute EXP before Roy seizes.

    My condolences to whoever drafted Geese. You won’t get him without wasting a considerable amount of turns or a ridiculously long and unfeasible rescue chain. I guess Gonzales would also be pretty bad considering I cleared the map before he even showed up.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	9.82	24	9	9	9	11	6	3	C Swords
    Marcus	7.24	37	11	16	14	11	11	9	D Swords, S Lances, B Axes
    Dieck	14.78	35	16	16	14	6	8	3	A Swords
    Rutger	10/2.77	34	14	19	19	4	9	2	A Swords
    Noah	12/2.70	35	12	13	14	9	12	5	B Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	14.25	28	8	9	19	11	9	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.04	Base

    Chapter 11A: 8/84

    Dieck went south and got the 2 most southern villages. Marcus went south in the town, killed a few enemies and got the Dragonshield and 5k village later, Merlinus went after Marcus and secured the Restore staff village. Noah, Roy, Lalum, Astore, Rutger and a few undrafted units (they’re solely there to help rescue drop/recruit Klain) went to the east to break the wall. Roy, Rutger and Astore critkilled their way through the enemies. Roy got the Angelic Robe village, Astore the Speedwing, Noah got the Sleep staff later and Rutger went straight for the boss. Zealot carried Clarine so he can drop her near Klain and later rescue drop Klein north to recruit Tate. Shanna sold Klain’s White Gem and bought some stuff, Tate also managed to get to the shop and buy keys. Got everything except Echidna.

    I’m in a love-hate relationship with this chapter. It’s great because there are many different side objectives and you have a time limit. However, Klein/Tate have a 10(0)% chance to not move and it procs every time I play.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	10.80	25	10	10	9	12	6	3	C Swords
    Marcus	8.04	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	D Swords, S Lances, B Axes
    Dieck	15.42	36	17	16	14	6	8	4	A Swords
    Rutger	10/3.73	34	14	20	20	4	9	3	A Swords
    Noah	12/2.97	35	12	13	14	9	12	5	B Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	15.77	29	8	10	20	11	10	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.04	Base

    Chapter 12: 6/90

    Roy uses the Angelic Robe and gets rescued by Noah who gets danced by Lalum. He drops Roy near the Knight and pulls a Fighter and a Warrior through the wall. Marcus rescues Lalum and Dieck moves up and promotes. Rutger and Astore are busy getting all the chests on the right hand side. Next turn, Marcus runs in the corridor of death, Noah takes Lalum and goes further east, Roy follows everybody, Dieck got hit by a Sleep staff and will miss out on the whole chapter. Turn 3, Roy gets rescued by Marcus, Noah drops Lalum off and faces some Archers. Turn 4, Marcus gives Roy to Noah who full-moves into the enemy masses and drops Roy off, Lalum dances Marcus and he rescues her and follows Noah. Turn 5 Noah opens the door, Roy and Noah block the entrance to the throne room and Marcus moves in and drops Lalum off. Noah kills the boss on turn 6 and Roy kills a Priest and reaches the throne via a dance.

    I tried to get a 5 turn but that might not even be possible with two mounts and would have probably required an unholy amount of rigging. Or maybe I missed something.

    Last pick sucks in any case.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	11.96	33	11	11	10	13	6	4	C Swords
    Marcus	8.51	38	11	17	14	12	11	9	D Swords, S Lances, A Axes
    Dieck	15/1.09	40	19	17	16	6	12	6	S Swords E Axes
    Rutger	10/3.94	34	14	20	20	4	9	3	S Swords
    Noah	12/4.11	37	13	13	15	10	12	5	B Swords C Lances  E Axes
    Astore	15.80	29	8	10	20	11	10	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.04	Base

    Dieck has 14 Con? That’s news to me, Dieck can actually be rescued by Marcus. That might come in handy.

    Semi-Relevant information: I won't be online from Sunday afternoon to Friday so no updates from me during that timespan.

    Here's my pick in case Blaze doesn't pick until Sunday afternoon:

    WENDY and if he picks her, Sophia. You can tell I don't really care because Blaze could easily be reading this right now.

  14. Chapter 8: 14/53

    This chapter is hard to describe so I’ll just give a brief summary: Marcus rescue dropped Roy the whole time so he can get EXP and Noah kind of does the same thing with Rutger because he needed EXP as well. Astore steals some stuff then starts opening chests in the middle room. Dieck just tags along and picks up the leftover enemies. Once Rutger got enough EXP, Noah went after Marcus, who was rescuing Roy all the time, and trained a bit with the enemies that Marcus left weakened. Marcus drops Roy into seizing range on turn 13 and Armoslayer crits the boss during turn 14 (I don’t like rigging low % crits but it would have probably taken 2 or 3 turns more without it).

    I didn't get the treasures past the boss and the Elfire tome.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	6.65	22	8	8	9	10	5	3	C Swords
    Marcus	6.25	37	11	16	14	11	10	9	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
    Dieck	11.58	32	14	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
    Rutger	10.22	28	11	17	17	4	6	0	B Swords
    Noah	10.28	30	8	9	10	7	9	1	C Swords D Lances
    Astore	10.94	25	7	8	15	11	7	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.03	Base

    Chapter 8x: 10/63

    See chapter 8, I’ll just give a summary: Dieck went south and killed all the enemies there. Astore stole some Vulneraries and a Door Key. Marcus and Noah rescue dropped Roy and Rutger forward. Rutger promotes during turn 8 and gets rescue dropped to fight Henning on turn 9 EP. He leaves him at 9 HP so Noah can finish off with the Light Brand.

    You might think that I could have shaved off turns by promoting Noah and rescue dropping only Roy but defeating Henning in a timely fashion would have taken way too much rigging. I’ve lost one turn but gained tons of reliability so I went with this clear.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	7.36	23	9	8	9	10	5	3	C Swords
    Marcus	6.75	37	11	16	14	11	10	9	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
    Dieck	12.57	33	14	16	12	5	8	2	A Swords
    Rutger	10/1.10	33	13	19	18	4	9	2	A Swords
    Noah	12.47	31	9	10	11	9	9	1	C Swords D Lances
    Astore	11.83	25	7	8	16	11	7	3	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.03	Base
  15. Chapter 6: 4/32

    Marcus rushed into enemy masses once again and killed many enemies. Turn 2, Rutger and Dieck caught up and help route the enemies in the middle while Marcus kills the Soldiers blocking the path to the Throne room. Rutger gives Roy to Marcus on turn 3 so he can drop Roy into seizing range and equips a Javelin to counter Wagner on EP. Dieck and Rutger clean up the middle, Marcus Silver Lances Wagner and Roy seizes.

    The boss kill was super unreliable but that's typical for Wagner: 14.95% C.o.S. factoring in True Hit.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	5.62	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
    Marcus	4.21	35	10	16	13	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, D Axes
    Dieck	10.84	31	13	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
    Rutger	6.06	24	8	13	14	3	5	0	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.01	Base

    Chapter 7: 7/39

    Deployed Allen and Thany for NPC rescuing/shopping/tradeswapping. Rutger went to the north-west part of the map and killed the Knight with the Armorslayer, Allen tradeswaps to Killing Edge. Marcus goes north-east killing a Knight and getting a Hand Axe tradeswapped later. Roy and Dieck follow Marcus while Merlinus closes in on the Villages to the right side. Next turn, Hand Axe!Marcus charges into the range of pretty much everybody, Roy gets a Merc kill fed, Merlinus visits a village and Rutger continues to critkill everything. During turn 3, Roy recruits Noah who kills a Soldier. Thany rescues Zealot (he was heading to the completely wrong direction), Marcus kills a Wyvern and Dieck gets another village. The next turn was kinda problematic because 2 cavaliers moved south, close to my undrafted units: Thany gave Zealot to Allen and cantos out of range of the Cavaliers but ends up in range of the Archer, Merlinus saves the day by blocking the way to Thany. Allen drops Zealot close to Roy, then cantos away. Roy recruits Zealot who rescues Allen out of range. After that, Noah rescues Roy and Marcus takes him and brings him close to the gate. Finally, Rutger baits out the Cavaliers so that they don’t go for my undrafted units, NPC!Treck does that too. It’s pretty simple from this point onward: Rutger cleans out the middle and gets the Village closest to him. Dieck kills the Archer and he and Merlinus get two Villages. Zealot and Allen go shopping. Noah takes Roy and Marcus opens the door with the key but doesn’t move closer to the boss. He ORKOes him with the Hammer next turn while Noah drops Roy in seizing range. Marcus gets some WEXP by fighting (and missing) a Priest and Noah kills him for some more EXP, Roy seizes on turn 7.

    I missed the Torch, the Elixir and the Horseslayer Village. By the way, if you kill the boss, no reinforcements will spawn. That made this 7 turn clear possible/more reliable. I’m pretty sure that Rutger should be good enough for Henning once I get to him. Though, I wish I could have gotten Noah more EXP.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	5.97	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
    Marcus	5.03	36	11	16	13	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, C Axes
    Dieck	11.17	32	14	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
    Rutger	8.47	26	9	15	15	4	6	0	C Swords
    Noah	7.55	Base
    Merlin.	1.01	Base
  16. Either redo the map, take the 4 turn penalty or just don't use the Halberd (I doubt 3k will change much). Choice is up to you but please check out the rules whenever you aren't 100% sure if you're allowed to do a certain move or not.

  17. Juno and Igrene.

    By the way guys:

    Obviously, you don't want to hold up the draft. If you're pretty sure you're going to be sleeping or at school or at work when your turn comes up, and you won't be back for a while, you're allowed to implement a contingency plan. This involves - generally - sending a PM to another user with a list of picks. Let's go back to this FE8 draft that's going on. We're early in the draft, and we're waiting for Furetchen to get his double-pick done. Donna knows she'll be in bed like a good girl when Furetchen makes his pick and doesn't want Soul to have to wait. So, Donna sends Soul a PM.
    "Hey Soul, bestest buddy old pal, if I'm not around when you're ready to go could you draft Forde for me? If Furetchen takes him then give me Ross, then Duessel. Thanks!

    Consider sending me a PM if you already know your picks and know that you'll be gone for a while. I'm the last one to draft so it's literally impossible for me to steal your picks.

  18. Chapter 3: 8/18

    Marcus kills a Soldier and Roy and Dieck move closer to the enemies. On EP, a Soldier and an Archer attack Roy. Next PP+EP, my units just kill some guys while progressing forward. Turn 3, Roy moves up and heals and Marcus equips the Iron Axe and rescues Roy. A Knight and a Soldier suicide on Marcus during that EP. On Turn 4, a Soldier is blocking the path so Marcus moves as far as he can and drops Roy off. Roy has to fight some Soldiers and barely survives. Merlinus gets the Mend staff, Marcus kills one of the Cavaliers and Roy moves closer to the boss room and uses a Vulnerary. Roy fights 4 Soldiers, 1 Cavalier and 1 Fighter and pretty much defies the RNG: He dodges everything but the Lance!Cavalier, he also critkills said Cavalier. Turn 6, Marcus kills the Hand Axe!Fighter and Roy goes into the boss room. Next turn, Marcus trades for the Armorslayer and then fights against Slauter with an Iron Axe on EP. He finishes off on turn 8 with the Armorslayer and Roy seizes. Dieck was busy protecting undrafted units the whole time.

    Roy got a few crits this chapter but I don’t think any of them were needed. A 7 turn clear was probably possible considering that Roy was one tile short of reaching the Throne on turn 7 but the enemies always ended up blocking my path in the last few turns and I got tired of restarting the map. Oh well, Roy got more EXP that way.


    Unit 	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	4.45	20	6	6	7	10	5	2	D Swords
    Marcus	2.32	33	9	15	12	11	9	8	D Swords, A Lances, E Axes
    Dieck	8.11	29	12	14	12	5	6	1	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.00	Base

    Chapter 4: 7/25

    Marcus rushes into enemy masses and Dieck rescues Roy. Next turn, Dieck gives Roy to Marcus, who moves forward, drops Roy off and cantos into enemy hordes once again. Marcus keeps rushing forward and Roy+Dieck pick up the scraps. On turn 5, Dieck rescues Roy so that he can give him to Marcus during turn 6 who drops him close to the throne and then positions himself with a Silver Lance right in front of Erik. Dieck spars with Rutger on EP. Clarine recruits him on turn 7, he kills an Archer and Dieck kills the boss while Lot buys stuff from the Armory. Roy seizes on turn 7.

    I cleared this map as fast as my drafted units allowed it but 7 turns is still very slow. Not having one of Allen, Lance or Thany on this map is really stupid. Nobody got the Angelic Robe village because it costs turns.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	5.26	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
    Marcus	2.89	33	9	15	12	11	9	8	D Swords, S Lances, E Axes
    Dieck	9.65	30	12	15	12	5	7	1	B Swords
    Rutger	4.23	22	7	12	13	2	5	0	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.00	Base

    Chapter 5: 3/28

    Marcus took a few Hand Axes and rushed to the gate, Dieck rescues Roy and Rutger moves north and just self-improves for the rest of the chapter. Everything attacked Marcus on EP. Next turn, Dieck gives Roy to Marcus and kills a Bandit in front of him. Marcus equips the Iron Sword, drops Roy in seizing range and cantos to the boss. Roy doesn’t actually die instantly to everything and survives the enemy phase without me having to manipulate the RNG. On turn 3, Marcus Silver Lances the boss, Dieck and Rutger get some last minute EXP and Roy seizes.


    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	5.59	21	7	7	8	10	5	3	D Swords
    Marcus	3.51	34	10	16	12	11	10	8	D Swords, S Lances, E Axes
    Dieck	10.10	31	13	15	12	5	8	2	B Swords
    Rutger	5.47	23	8	12	13	2	5	0	C Swords
    Merlin.	1.00	Base
  19. I don't believe so. If I go north at the beginning to get to the gate more quickly, Marcus has to crit one of the fighters in order to advance because he doesn't have enough speed to double. Going south leaves him just out of range to drop Roy on turn 3 and kill the boss on turn 4 PP.

    Also, I pick Oujay. I'll do Chapters 2 and 3 later today.

    He has just enough Att. to OHKO any generic Fighter with the Silver Lance.

    Cecilia and I guess Rutger (Yes, I already have Dieck but he has so much Con that nobody can really ferry him. Some more help early-game also can't hurt).

    Chapter 2: 6/10

    Roy moves south and critkills the Soldier, Marcus moves next to him and trades Roy’s Iron Sword at the top of his inventory. Merlinus goes to the village and Allen to the Armory. 2 Soldiers and a Hand Axe!Fighter attack Roy but he survives. Marcus moves on the fort and kills one of the Hand Axe!Fighter with a Javelin, Roy and Dieck kill Soldiers. In the 3rd PP, Lance trades the Armorslayer to Marcus, Roy heals himself up and Marcus rescues him and moves to the east. Dieck jumps into the middle of an enemy horde and ORKOs anything that attacks him at 1 range on EP. Next turn, Marcus kills a Soldier and Dieck an Archer, nothing of importance happens on EP. Turn 5, Marcus gives both Roy and the Armorslayer to Dieck, kills another Soldier and Dieck moves up and drops Roy in seizing range. A Fighter and an Archer attack Roy on EP. On turn 6, Marcus kills the Archer who blocks the way to the boss, Dieck ORKOes him with the Armorslayer and Roy seizes. Dieck got the exact same Level twice: HP/Str/Skl/Spd, I’m not complaining.

    Unit	Level	HP	S/M	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	WEXP
    Roy	2.53	19	5	5	7	8	5	1	D
    Marcus	1.65	Base
    Dieck	7.27	28	11	14	12	5	6	1	C
    Merlin. 1.00	Base
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