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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. (Along the coast, southeast of the central river and southwest of the mystic woods) The young pirate boy Gull washes up on the shore, his boat destroyed in Galeem's attack, but miraculously Gull managed to come back alive. The warm sands of the beach stir him awake. Gull slowly comes to his feet and collects his belongings, which had been scattered over the sand. "Aww man. I was really starting to like that ship." Gull thinks to himself as he stares back at the ocean. "Well ship or no ship I'm gonna need to find myself a new crew, every good pirate needs a few good deck hands." Gull turns back to the beach and quickly scans the area for other people that may have survived before heading inland.
  2. I made it to the end of the adventure mode recently, I didn't 100% it, but I did manage to get all of the fighters. I understand why people have their grievances with this mode, but for me it was a good time. The rest is spoilers so I'll make a tab.
  3. Zelda is an absolute blast to play in Smash Bros. Ultimate, I'm actually taking her into consideration when choosing a "main character" this time around which I never expected! However, Shulk has never felt better so I'm leaning towards him as my main again right now, but I haven't really decided yet.
  4. Get a new toaster that can toast toast because I can't live without toast damn it! (Not a joke, actual fact.) You've been shipwrecked on a island with 15 other people and your group's leader is a communist.
  5. I've burned through several Usernames over the years, my current Username is about 4 to 5 years old now and probably the one I've stuck with the longest. At the time I was deeply caught up in my religious education preparing to become a full member of the Catholic Church, "TheGood" came from the idea of striving to live by 7 Heavenly Virtues and achieving Sainthood at the end of my days. Also at the time the original Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii was my favorite video game and in the game the humans of the game's fantasy world were know as The Homs rather than as Humanity, so I felt I could use "Homs" as a Xenoblade tribute when creating my new Username and now here I am.
  6. Map looks good, can't wait to see what happens when all this gets rolling. Spoilers ahead, but I have a quick question...
  7. Xenoblade Chronicles X is my favorite game of all time so yeah, that one.
  8. Okay guys, I knew it your responses to my post were a joke and I shouldn't have responded so harshly. I probably wouldn't have responded the way I did if it wasn't an ungodly hour. I'm no night owl that's for sure.
  9. I assumed we all new I was talking about video game characters, I don't support Goku or Shrek in Smash, I actually hate it and I wish the very notion it would die already.
  10. I have no idea what to think right now. Joker from Persona 5?! That is absolutely insane! Guys, there are no rules anymore, let your imaginations run wild from now on because in Smash Bros. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
  11. As a big fan of Supergiant Games' other works, Hades is easily the most exciting announcement for me thus far!
  12. I personally feel that it could be because the same reason you just gave to Tekken 7, sticking to a "main" character is common in a lot of fighting games, Super Smash Bros. is no different.
  13. You can't do it in Street Fighter 5 either. With that and Tekken 7 I hope this is a one time deal for these franchises and not the new fighting game standard.
  14. @Water Mage My personal favorite alien race in the game is probably the Orphean. Not only are they very visually appealing to me, but also their racial quirks are implemented really well as to preserve each Orphean's individuality rather than falling for the old "planet of hats" trope, which could have easily been the case considering they have a semi-hive mind thing going on. Also they make really cool looking armor and weapons.
  15. Good for you! Easily the best part about preorders is knowing that it's on its way. I'm planing to go to the store and picking it up in person myself, I just hope it doesn't immediately sell out everywhere. I'm not expecting that to be the situation, but I don't think it's impossible, especially now that I live in a big city.
  16. I don't see why it wouldn't count. Aging up a character has been apart of several different redesigns, Old Snake is no different.
  17. I'm guess my character was that one enemy general who's actually decent guy but can't be recruited so that he can die to make you feel bad. However at the end of the game during the final battle he comes back as a Dullahan who's both aggressive and really hard to kill.
  18. Fixed! Thank you for noticing. Definitely try to get every party member you can and switch out which ones you're using every so often to raise your affinity with them to unlock more side quests and heart to hearts. I felt the same way. The weird thing is that rap really isn't my thing, but somehow Black Tar kept growing on me and now it's my favorite song in the soundtrack, albeit somewhat ironically. We Reclaimers are busting our butts out there braving unspeakable dangers trying to find the Lifehold and you're saving cats from trees!
  19. Xenoblade Chronicles X was released in North America on December 4th 2015. To this day it is still my favorite game of all time. The vast alien world of Mira, imaginative monsters, refined combat system, pulse pounding soundtrack, excellent voice cast, and so much more create a wonderful experience filled with adventure around every corner. The game isn't a masterpiece, but what it does well, it does REALLY well. Xenoblade is definitely more well known for it's more story driven games like XC and XC2, but the exploration focused XCX captivated me in a way few other games have. Tell me what you think of Xenoblade Chronicles X and where you think the series can go next.
  20. Your voice definitely brings a unique sound to this song, different, but in a good way which is what covers are for.
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