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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. American Pie by Don McLean is one of the few songs I remember vividly listening to when I was rather young, most likely because I listened to it all the time with my parents in the car. The best part is that it got better as I got older.
  2. This game just might get me to pay for online service as well, even though I hate what they've done with it. I'll need to get a job soon if I want to make that happen though, moving states does that to you I suppose.
  3. Week 6 - Characters! Well friends we're on the home stretch now, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches this Friday! And what better way to end our little countdown with the one thing we care about the most, the characters we're going to play as! So share what fighters you're most looking forward to playing, veterans you're happy to see return, newcomers you can't wait to get your hands on, and maybe a few characters you want as DLC for good measure. There are just too many characters I want to play as in Smash Ultimate so I made a big list to share my general thoughts on all the characters. I'll hide it a spoiler tag below, but just please remember it's just my opinion and you don't have to agree with my personal feelings. In terms of DLC fighters the gates are wide open as to who could be playable, personally I'm holding out for Elma from Xenoblade Chronicles X, Magnus from Kid Icarus Uprising, and Bandanna Dee from Kirby's Return to Dreamland.
  4. Agreed, unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about it unless the community can prove beyond reasonable doubt that they are indeed pirating the game. While going silent on the internet in mass is pretty suspicious, it's not hard evidence of piracy. People go offline for periods of time for many different reasons that are always bad things, but if they get caught I hope they are banned from tournament play for an extend period of time, anywhere between 2 months and a year sounds fair to me.
  5. My favorite characters are easily Lyn and Fredrick. They're both very powerful and super fun to play as in Warriors, it also helps that I like them from their own games. Also Wendy Lee and Kyle Hebert are two of my favorite voice actors so that's always a plus, but this game has a lot of actors I would consider in my favorites anyway so don't ask me to start listing them off because we'll be here forever.
  6. I would personally love to see the animation done by Madhouse, they've done a ton of quality work over the years and their action scenes are pure eye candy. Or if that doesn't work out we could always give it to Pili International. Edit: For those of you who just Googled Pili International Multimedia... No. I was not joking.
  7. The fact that Fire Emblem is getting it's own expo just blows my gosh darn mind. I honestly don't really care about what they announce at the event when I'm too busy thinking to myself: "This is the world I live in. How?" It's just so shocking to me that Fire Emblem went from a quite japan only success to one of Nintendo's heaviest hitters.
  8. Here, here! The final week before release is always the most exciting, but it's also ironically the longest and most agonizing to wait through. Remember to keep yourselves occupied this week folks!
  9. Above all else I just hope that the gameplay remains enjoyable not matter the tone. In my eyes nothing makes or breaks a game more that how a game plays, the story and tone of Tokyo Mirage Sessions is ridiculous and stupid, but the game itself is so much fun that I don't really care about anything else once I'm exploring a dungeon and fighting monsters.
  10. The roster in Smash Ultimate is so full of awesome looking characters that I doubt I could predict who I'll be maining until I've actually played it for myself, but I am expecting to play lots of Shulk since I love the Xenoblade games and he was my main in Smash 4. There are plenty more characters I'm considering as possible mains, but I'm going to save that list for later on another forum(weekly topic countdown forum, next week is characters).
  11. Sorry about that, I shouldn't have assumed anything.
  12. We can't really say for sure until the game comes out, but I think Galeem controls the Mater Hands as a type of overlord or puppet master rather than a mutual relationship. However, you should inquire about such speculation elsewhere, it's not really what this forum is for.
  13. Literally every other classic movie monster you could think of. Zombies, Skeletons, Werewolves, Ghosts, and many, many more.
  14. Let's be honest with ourselves, most of us are Villagers. But in my wildest fantasies I'm probably a Caviler or Knight.
  15. Week 5 - Modes! Extra modes are always a good way to keep players coming back for more when they grow weary of the standard gameplay. Super Smash Bros. has a long history of fun little distractions that give the game longevity. What modes are you looking forward to in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? Personally I'm really excited for Smashdown and Squad Strike as fun new twists on traditional gameplay. Classic Mode also looks great this time as well, along with the new Spirits Mode which is stickers crossed with event matches for endless possibilities.
  16. I went back to my original list and decided to make an updated version based on a few developments that have happened over the past few weeks. The most notable change is that I've removed third-party characters, I don't think they're off the table, but I'm starting to suspect Nintendo might try to go full first party with the DLC. Elma Bandanna Dee Magnus Tingle Edelgard
  17. While I don't know anything specifically, I did hear that information about boss fights was data mined. I am admittedly happy that there will be more bosses, but you can be damn sure I'll be avoiding the details like the return of the Black Plague.
  18. Due to recent developments, please refrain from making any posts on this forum containing an information regarding the leaks from players in Mexico who have received the game too early.
  19. Didn't really grab me. 4/10 Sky Should Be High - Guilty Gear Xrd
  20. This is why my blood boils when I see so many people complaining about characters that are "missing" from the roster despite the fact that we already have a roster far bigger than anything we deserve and the fact that Sakurai told us not to expect tons of newcomers and they still expected the world from him anyway.
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