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Everything posted by TheGoodHoms

  1. Personally I think that there's a lot of places on Bionis that we never get to see in the game so I don't think that the issue of over population wouldn't actually happen as fast as you might be envisioning. Heck there was an area within the game set on the Bionis's shoulder that was ultimately cut from the final product, so it's safe to say there could at least be a decent amount of land that the Homs could spread out and colonize over that we simply never got to see.
  2. It's because all the Pegasi are feminists who are out to show that they are strong independent ponies who don't need men to tell them what to do.
  3. In D&D you can pretend to be any kind of person you want(in a fantasy setting) so the game is only "evil" if you make it evil as a player or dungeon master. Personally I'm a Catholic and I play D&D at social gatherings all the time and I'm not bothered by it at all because I've never run into any players who actively try to worship the occult or the demonic.
  4. *Gives Carbon Dioxide to a plant.* *Throws a LEGO on the ground in front of the next poster.*
  5. 1. What is your opinion of me? 2. How did you become the leader of the Grammar Nazis? 3. Explain why Luxembourg's debt is $3.781 trillion. 4. What is your favorite movie? 5. Favorite TV show? 6. What is your favorite subject in school? 7. Favorite elective in school? 8. Are you an active practitioner of any religious faith?
  6. I wish thee a very merry Christmas, hopefully ye shall have a happy new year as well!
  7. 6.8/10 You're gonna cut your neck if you carry your sword around like that.
  8. 9. What's your record time for beating Xenoblade Chronicles? 10. What's your best idea for a crossover video game that hasn't been done yet? 11. First game you ever completed 100%? 12. Name one movie/actor/actress that you think deserves an Oscar this year. 13. Describe 2017 in ten words or less. 14. Did you enjoy being interviewed this week?
  9. In Soviet Emblem, swords seek mastery of their myrmidons.
  10. I'd wan't the GBA triangle back. Not that the Fates triangle is bad, I just forget what the counters for the ranged weapons are half the time simply because my brain is wired to think in terms of just swords-lances-axes thanks to the other games.
  11. 1. Do you think we ever went too far on the insults forum? 2. What's your favorite song?(music from a soundtrack counts) 3. Are you an active practitioner of any religion? 4. What's your favorite kind of video game? 5. Do you have a favorite book? 6. Favorite fictional character? 7. Worst thing about Xenoblade? 8. If you could time travel would you go to the future or the past?
  12. Stardew Valley was a game I bought wanting to break out of my comfort zone and try a new type game I hadn't before, but man am I glad I did. The game is great for just kicking back and relaxing after a long day. There's just something so cathartic about doing simple tasks like watering crops or fishing. As much as I love me some action in my video games it's good to slow down every once in a while, and Stardew Valley absolutely delivers on that front. I'll be on the look out for more games like this in the future, consider me a fan.
  13. When I was little... I thought Pokemon was originally a card game before it was a video game. I though that the Final Fantasy characters were originally from Kingdom Hearts. I thought Ganondorf in smash bros was a zombie. I thought Prince of Persia was a movie franchise.
  14. 20 does seem a little small, but they are advertising this as a soft reboot of the franchise so I can understand why, but DLC is absolutely going to happen so I don't think the roster will be just 20 characters for long. Street Fighter 5 launched with only 16 characters in it's base roster and now it has 34 characters(If you include season 3) thanks to DLC. If this trend is actually good or bad for modern fighting games is a question that's a little up in the air for me, but as long as the gameplay is good and there's enough content to keep me playing for a long time I'm not complaining.
  15. We all have songs we love that are from before out time. Show me what you got ya musical hipsters, I'll start with a reeeeeeally old one.
  16. Banned for not having a Skell pilot's license.
  17. Banned for wanting to put on a Santa hat on top of another hat. 7/10 too many hats.
  18. I'm seeing a lot of talk about bringing back an adventure mode/subspace emissary and while I would like like to see something like that return I think there's actually another way to create fun character interactions. They should give every character their own classic/arcade mode endings not too dissimilar to other more traditional fighting games and have the characters crossover and interact that way. I imagine it would work like the endings in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 only with Nintendo characters. As for character that could be in the game, I'm going to abstain from any predictions until the game is actually announced, but I will say that we really need to cut back on some of these clone characters. I don't mind a few clones in my fighting games, but Smash Bros. 4 I'd say has a little too many that just don't feel different enough for my tastes.
  19. New trailer dropped today. If you're going to be playing this game for the Blazblue characters you're going to be pretty happy with this one. I'm personally the most excited for Iron Tager out of this batch of new characters.
  20. Ha ha ha! I know right?! The trope just maybe is a little played out at this point, but hey it can be fun when it's done right. P.S. Let's not forget Ken & Violent Ken, Pit & Dark Pit, and Ky & Robo-Ky(okay I might be stretching it a little with that last one).
  21. That was a tactical retreat to planet Mira! I was going to comeback to help with a fleet of Skells, you have been miss informed!
  22. So we have Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Goku, and now Goku Black. Dragon Ball Fighterz: Attack of the Clones!
  23. But you are also a Homs are you not? Congratulations! You get to be fodder for Zanza as well, we can die together!
  24. Actually it's a reference to the first Xenoblade Chronicles. I am not some sort of home decor, you uncultured swine!
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