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Posts posted by pikachu955

  1. Congratulations on getting 8th place! Your entry was my absolute favorite. If there is another contest in the future, it is likely that I will be submitting a watercolor painting too.

    Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to the staff. I think this contest brought a lot of attention to the community here, which is great! I hope there is another contest soon. To those who participated and did not win, keep practicing your respective mediums. I checked nearly every single entry, save some of the written ones.

    I encourage writers to organize and participate in written roleplay, here on the forums. I first started writing creatively by doing written roleplays on FEPlanet forums over 10 years ago. It is good practice!

    Hey thanks so much for the kind words!! ;w; Hearing something like this really makes my day. I can't wait to see what you come up with? Do you have an dA or something? XD I'd love to see your work. And if anyone is interested since I saw someone else do it, here's my instagram for all my art related things https://www.instagram.com/luxiosis/

    I have also had my share of RPing and it's really fun. ^^ I third the motion.

  2. Congrats to all the winners and thanks to all the participants for making this an amazing (and stressful xD) competition. ;w; I'm very honored to have even placed and thank everyone who took a peek at my entry and voted for it. Special thanks to the hosts of the event for putting this all together. You worked tirelessly to make this event a real success. Thanks for allowing us to be able to share and experience something we all enjoy.

    I will definitely stick around for future competitions and to hopefully mingle more with you all. : ) Again, great job everyone and thank you!

  3. Hello :3 I've been a lurker for a long time and made an account just to enter this event. Seems like a lot of fun. ^^

    I just have a quick question though. How can you be sure the votes would be fair? I saw that it'll be community based voting but wouldn't it kind of defeat the purpose if there were people that would vote for their friends' submissions just for that fact? It probably can't be changed by now but I do think it would be better if mods were partial to judging to to decrease the amount of (possible) bias. ^^; Just my two cents.

    //floats away

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