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Posts posted by Loli_Tama

  1. Ah this topic, I was waiting for it to appear here sooner or later. So, before I give my opinion theres two points of notice that I want to adress:

    1- This is not a refugee crisis, it's a migrant crisis. A good part of the people entering Europe are not refugees or even Syrian but people from all over the north of Africa coming for money;
    2- Simply saying that all right wing parties are racist tells me quite frankly that you haven't done much research on the topic besides what comes out on the mainstream media. Are there racists? Absolutly but not all of them are and some might have interesting views if you listen. Again, not all of them but some.
    So with that out of the way back to the situation. Honestly I think anyone that can think rationally saw the car crash that would happen from a mile away. You can't simply open up the borders and let everyone in without some sort of screening and expect everything to be fine. Besides the economical strain of supporting so many people theres also the cultural diferences that needed to be thought about. These are people that come from countries where womens rights and free speech are almost non existent. What's more shamefull about this situation is that if anyone tries to object to this mass imigration and open border policy with honestly good points about why it might be bad they are immediatly labeld racist or islamophobic to try and shut down any discussion of it.
    Even worse the crimes that are being commited by this "refugees" aren't all being reported on the mainstream media. Heck the Colone new years attack was only reported at least 5 or 6 days after it happened. Not only that but the police themselfs lied about it by first stating that everything was peacefull that day to later saying that the suspects were not assylum seekers but criminals that they knew before which was proven wrong by the many reports of police officers on the scene wich were leaked to the media. Even when it came out on the media do you know what their most important point was? It was that the right wing was going to use it as an example of why this mass migration was bad. This orchestrated sexual assault on women is bad not because it happened but because it proves the racists right.
    And you know what happened to the people who did it? Nothing. None were judged or deported and they're still free to do what they want, probably planning their next attack on Carnival.
    Do you want to know what happened to the women who came forward and identified these men as being arabs and north africans? They were harrassed and called racists. Not only that but the Mayor of Colone said if women don't want this to happen to them they should stay an arms lenght away from strange men because that is so helpfull when you're surrounded by a mob of them like what happened in new years eve.
    Not only that but Merkel got the cooperation of Facebook and Twitter to censor and delete hatefull coments about the migrants.
    With all of this I think it's quite obvious why exactly more people are agreeing with the right: when your media doesn't cover things that are happening because of this goddamn PC culture and being afraid of being labled as racists, your police doesn't protect you because it has been suggested by the government to simply look the other side when migrants commit crimes because then they would have to admit that they were wrong about the open borders and when you point this out and say this is wrong your government doesn't punish the criminals but instead censors you like you're the criminal and everyone else calls you a racist.
    Sorry for the long post but I had this sentiment of injustice bottled for a while because if all of this had been done by white men instead of arabs you can bet that it would be all over the news and the feminists would all be talking about the white rape culture instead of simply saying 'well there have always been rapes in Germany' and forgetting the fact that never before in Germany a gang of 1000 people orchestrated a sexual assault on women. Not to mention the men that were also beaten that night.
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