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Everything posted by BruceLee

  1. I get what you guys are saying, and things in history did get twisted, but what makes you guys think what Lethe said isn't correct? She was talking about how the slavery started, and nothing contradicts what she said. Yes, Beorc and Laguz were in conflict from the start, but according to Lethe there was a period were they lived together in begnion in peace, and then the slavery happened. End of part 1 mate, when Tormod/Nailah/Rafiel/Vika/Muarim leave the Daein army.
  2. She also says something along the lines of ''If one side has to fall, i'll make sure it's not Daein''. Can't remember when it was. And her actions say enough as well. Why can't they both be telling the truth? Their stories aren't contradicting each other. And as i said already, there's no reason for Lethe to be lying in her support with Jill.
  3. Except what i said is the truth, she did ask them to break bread with Izuka, which makes me think she isn't taking him and his feral business as seriously as she should be, even if she did express disgust. Yes, the beorc and laguz were in conflict since the start, but there seems to have been a time where they started living in harmony, and then the beorc enslaved them. So looking at the present Tellius, it's simplifying to say the racism is a two way street, the laguz have a good reason to hate the beorc, but do the beorc?
  4. I get why you'd think that, but i doubt Lethe was twisting the truth in that convo seeing as she was being quite sincere with Jill, it is a touchy subject after all. I think she was telling it how she knew it, to see what Jill's response would be.
  5. What are you being so edgy for? I didn't say she wasn't against it, i said she wasn't trying hard enough to change it. Which doesn't counter what i said. And can you tell me where that was said please?
  6. Yes but that's rather vague. Lethe says in her support with Jill that Laguz and Beorc lived in harmony until the Beorc enslaved them. And before that happened they we're all(except for the Dragons) living in Begnion together, with a Beorc as king. So it makes sense for what Nasir is talking about happened after the slavery started.
  7. Obviously she can't snap her fingers and tell them to stop. But she comes off as if she's doesn't even try. As i said, she asks tormod and co. to break bread with Izuka after finding out he created the feral one's and used the drug on muarim(who was helping them win back their freaking country). Why the hell is she asking them to break bread with Izuka instead of dealing with the fucker? That was just stupid and ignorant of her to say that. Also she's constantly talking about how she'll sacrifice people(innocents) from other countries to protect the people of Daein, the people that are excited about hunting down the laguz. Way to simplify things. Let's remember that laguz and beorc lived in harmony until the beorc attacked the laguz and enslaved them for centuries. That's true, at least the writers we're still trying back then....
  8. Daein was very clearly implied to be very racist under Micaiah/Pelleas. > At the end of part 1, Tormod says if they (him, Vika, Muarim) stick around too long they will start getting dirty looks, he says most Daeins stil loathe laguz. Micaiah also knows Izuka is behind the creation of Feral One's, and that he tried to turn Muarim into one, yet she says to them ''Nothing i say will convince you to break bread with Izuka?'' Like wtf, do something about him dammit.......... > When they join in on the war against the Laguz Alliance, she says ''with a few exceptions, the soldiers are excited about hunting the laguz.'' This should say enough........... > When they are getting ready to pour oil down the canyon, a random soldier comes running and reports to Micaiah personally, and says the ''sub-humans'' defeated general ''random name'' and are headed this way. So yeah, Daein is very much racist and i get the feeling Micaiah isn't even trying to change it. side-note: What i also really dislike about that whole canyon thing, is when Ike and co. have Micaiah and co. surrounded and Sanaki orders to just let them go.......... Why???? So they can try to pour oil on you again?????? Her reasoning for this is also very stupid. ''I've seen enough bloodshed for one day''. Great, so just let them go so they can attack you again later(which they are saying in your face that they will) and cause more bloodshed.
  9. Almost 4 days left! Can you feel the hype? :)
  10. ^loool that ava tho. OT: I've heard Azura is a good unit as a Great Lord, although you'd have to give up her dancer class, which may not be too appealing.
  11. > Xander #5 > Xander above Takumi > Elise #1 > Saizo not #1 Get. Out.
  12. I will be getting the DLC pack aswell, all of the maps/rewards look good.
  13. You know, i haven't played RD in a while, but now i'm starting to remember how much i actually dislike Micaiah. Sigh, they both suck really. Also, while Micaiah does get called out on her horrible actions by other characters during part 3, it's completely forgotten and never brought up again after part 4 begins, iirc. That also bothered me, one moment she says how lovely the people of Daein are and she'll kill innocents to save them, and the next moment she's talking to her soldiers about ''hunting sub-humans''. That makes it hard for me to sympathize with her. bruh. Yeeeeees. I love that guy.
  14. I'm guessing we'll get the DLC after the same intervals of time NA is getting them after release date.
  15. I dislike them both, but i dislike Corrin more.
  16. I couldn't contain myself either and started looking up stuff of both paths, but only small bits, i didn't want to spoil myself on everything. So i stopped looking up stuff of Birthright, from what i saw and what i heard it sounds good. But Conquest..............i only checked out one chapter on youtube and i was like wtf is this shit. Eventually i spoiled myself on more and more until i stopped caring because of how bad it was and just spoiled myself on everything. I was actually seriously contemplating whether i was still gonna get Conquest, but in the end the gameplay and maps, which look really good won me over to get it anyway. I don't wanna discourage anyone though, others might enjoy it after all. And in the end gameplay is still the most important element of a game, but i myself still need the story to be at least decent, or i lose motivation.
  17. 1 week left hype! Let me guess, odin's? :P
  18. For me waifu means my fav female char, which i haven't decided who that is yet for fates. But my one true FE waifu will always be Mia from PoR/RD.
  19. Almost there peeps! Meanwhile i'm on chapter 28 of PoR, just gotta cross the finishline.
  20. This is fates bro, people don't get called out for their horrible actions. They are heroes dammit!
  21. I've spoiled myself on pretty much all of Conquest, the one that most agree has the worst story, and lets just say it's the gameplay i'm looking forward to and not the story. Birthright's story sounds alright from what i've heard, and i like it's characters more as well.
  22. Same here, it's like a black hole that sucks you in and doesn't let go until all your units are too overpowered. That said, i'll probably just do Before Awakening and Marth and Lucina's hero battles because i really like the Lodestar/Great Lord classes.
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