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Everything posted by BruceLee

  1. So if it's better to just keep her as a songstress, are there any other good candidates for the Great Lord seal?
  2. Now if only we could have the game acknowledge that Corrin's weak and incompetent instead of telling us he's heroic, brave, amazing, etc.
  3. Yeah, you've definitely not read the thread. Using Ike as an example to show Corrin's flaws =/= wanting Corrin to be an exact copy of Ike.
  4. If my sibling goes around killing my loved ones i'll be sure to apologize to him for any bad looks i gave him.
  5. They are all bad. But Garon takes the cake because he drags the story and a lot of other characters down with him. My biggest problem with Hans and Iago is that they survive for so long, especially Hans. That guy shouldn't have made it past chapter 13, but he does, which in turn makes other characters look bad(mostly Corrin).
  6. So when you change her to Great Lord her stats immediately get a boost right?
  7. If so which one suits her best? I'm thinking of maybe making her a great lord, is that good?
  8. For me it's just a way to vent. If i kept all of my opinions about the writing bottled up i'd go insane, especially since i'm so eagerly waiting for the EU release. But yeah it is getting tiring and repetitive.
  9. The moment i first laid eyes on him i already knew he was dat guy.
  10. I will excuse myself then, don't want to push anyone towards alcoholism.
  11. Fun fact: If Garon wasn't a slime, Xander would be ok with everything he did during the invasion and let him rule on Hoshido's throne(and probably continue to eradicate all of the Hoshidans).
  12. Saizo. That guy looks like a fucking boss. Love it. Ryoma is a close second. Also badass. There are more i like but these two are just on another level. Edit: Kagero is also badass. Huh, looks like i love Ryoma's gang.
  13. Definition of coward: ''A person who shrinks from or avoids danger, pain, or difficulty'' What does Corrin do when Hans is walking around killing civilians in front of his eyes? Nothing. All Hans does is tell him it's Garon's orders and Corrin backs down immediately, letting him continue with the killing of civilians.
  14. Yeah Mediamarkt is slow when it comes to Nintendo stuff. They are too mainstream lol.
  15. I disagree with Ike being perfect, but i will take him or Robin over Nohr!Corrin any day. Again, i want a hero, not a coward. I can't empathize with a coward.
  16. I see what you're saying, the writers have made it so that we are to believe if Corrin tries anything he dies, just to further their plot agenda. But if that's the plot we have, i would rather have Corrin rebel and die a hero, than be a coward who can only clench his fists while civilians are killed in front of him. That should say enough about how much i dislike the writing.
  17. Then you kill the rogues? Knock Takumi out? He can be reasoned with later, after he sees your accomplishments against Garon. Again, details. Just don't let Corrin be a coward. Should Ike have handed over Elincia when his fort was surrounded by Daein? He and his mercenaries would have died if it wasn't for being rescued by the laguz. That's what i want from Corrin, fight or die.
  18. Even if he fails to immediately convince the cheve rebels, he can fight them off and then convince them afterwards, hell, Hans is perfect here. When he shows up strike him down(instead of letting him kill civilians while you watch), that should convince the rebels. Anyway, you are arguing details, i'm saying if Corrin tried he would find a way to rebel, or die trying. Just don't be a coward. Same as above. And Ryoma is king, as long as he trusts you options open up. There were also anti-laguz racists in Crimea, didn't stop Ike from allying with them.
  19. That's not an excuse. Gather allies and bail. It's simple. Ike would have done it. Except Hinoka and Ryoma are still willing to trust you. Conquest makes that clear. We are discussing the story after you've already chosen Nohr, at which point the rebels are within shouting distance. The reason the ice tribe and Cheve rebels fail is because of Corrin. It's ironic. The logical thing to do is to team up with them and join Hoshido. Again, i see no excuse except cowardice.
  20. Did Ike not start out with only his mercenary gang? The allies he gained he did through fighting and persevering. Corrin had the Ice Tribe, Cheve rebels and Hoshido to join up with. So yes, i can blame him for not fighting back.
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