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Posts posted by Furby

  1. I finally managed to play this masterpiece on teh DS when the remake came out, and boy do I wish I'd done so sooner. Great game.

    My favorite thing to do is to convince my roommate to play all these games I've already done and give him horrible advice while doing so.

    "Go ahead and take Frog with you when you go up to that Sea Shore.... You get to fight Magus! :D"

  2. Yeah, what the shit is that fuck?

    Maybe like 1/4 of the reason Etrian Odyssey is a series I love so much (Hell, I bought the 3DS on teh sheer knowledge that we'd see another EO game) is because of it's music. It's regular sound tracks ingame are incredible and truly worthy of praise. Then it's super arranges give so much more voice to each of the tracks. There's a reason it's OST designer is legendary. It's because he's that damn good!

  3. Most Wonderous Battle OSTs Ever

    Creation Kit Tutorial

    Skyrim MOds

    Touhou Metal/Rock

    Pokemon Remix Music

    LP Super Man 64

    Skyrim: The Dragonborn Comes

    Greatest Battle Music of Allt imes

    Greatest Battle Music of All Times

    Skyrim Mods

    Tower of Horrible Voices

    Greatest Batle Music of All times

    Greatest Battle Music of All Times

    Pokemon Meets Metal

    Most Epic OSTs Ever.


    The sad part is I'm only confused as to why there's so much Skyrim on there. The rest of those I'm not confused as to their origins.

  4. If you didn't spend 20 minutes staring at the line "I am return" or whatever it was trying to decide if it was shittastic English or Ye Olde Englishe, you didn't really beat the game.

    The demonlord pales in comparison to that grammar challenge.

  5. I return from the depths of the internet to discuss this thing! God, I bought a 3DS over Winter Break and I was beating myself up for buying something that only had remakes to it's name (Something I said was stupid from the beginning. I felt stupid). Then this shows up. ATLUS JUSTIFIES MY GOING BACK ON MY CONVICTIONS!

    Hrm... Easy mode makes me a little stand offish. Mostly because it means they're working on making the game balanced and fair. Which is wrong. I still remember dieing to fucking moles in the first game because I wasn't thinking straight. I want that back. I say any game that has an easy mode should have an insane mode on it as well. Not just normal, but insane. And for Etrian Odyssey, that means the insane mode should throw bosses at you from the get go.

  6. Me x Everyone OTP, if that is considered a "pair".

    If gravemind can be considered one person, you can be such a slut as to have sex with the collective SF.



  7. Seriously? It's Thursday. It was Thursday when you revived this topic. It'll be Friday tomorrow.

    You fail, sir. What you SHOULD have done is wait a day then revive the topic with the video we are all now thinking of.

    As a troll, you're pathetic and worse, you miss prime opportunities to truly get to people. Instead you're as pathetic as a youtube down voter.

    So, stop. It's useless.

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