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About LMDHad0uken

  • Birthday 10/28/1992


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    Fremont, CA

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Ah ok thx for clarifying. I see Robin isnt as popular as i thought lol
  2. Edit: Nevermind i c Xander being possibly the only horseback character so he's fine to be included I understand Lyn/Hector/Eli/Roy being included but are Xander/Ryoma that popular? One thing that would make it interesting is having different fighting styles. Ryoma would prob have a unique one but Xander would prob get thrown in w other cavalier/paladins can't really see his fighting style being different. A problem w DBZ is the similar combo routes, and w smash is the Marth clones. Also I thought Lucina was the most popular character of FEAwakening but maybe im wrong i don't keep up w popularity polls
  3. Name: Had0uken place me wherever. i was in the previous project originally as a DragonRider (lancewielder). personality similar to Glen/Haar
  4. I could fill in as a dragon rider. Name: Hadouken yall can decide on the rest of the details for the character. my fav wyv/dragon riders are Glen & Haar so personality could be based on them
  5. In a new level that I made I can't seem to open a chest. I tried looking in the guide but no success for me.
  6. Level editor wont run with 0.8.3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "LevelEditor.py", line 15, in <module> File "c:\users\patrick\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-0o75dq\pyinstaller\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 389, in load_module File "EditorCode\Terrain.py", line 10, in <module> from DataImport import Data File "c:\users\patrick\appdata\local\temp\pip-build-0o75dq\pyinstaller\PyInstaller\loader\pyimod03_importers.py", line 389, in load_module File "EditorCode\DataImport.py", line 295, in <module> Data = GlobalData() File "EditorCode\DataImport.py", line 241, in __init__ self.load_data() File "EditorCode\DataImport.py", line 266, in load_data skills = [StatusObject.statusparser(skill.find('id').text) for skill in GC.STATUSDATA.getroot().findall('status')] File "../Code\StatusObject.py", line 686, in statusparser my_components['active'] = getattr(ActiveSkill, s_id)(name, charge) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Metamagic' Failed to execute script LevelEditor
  7. the error was fixed with the new xml file. Ill try to create the 2 identical tier 2 classes so i get the promotion gains like FE fates. I'll report my progress later *EDIT* Confirmed to work! Awesome
  8. cant make a new save or load game with version 0.8.3 DEBUG: Engine: Frame took too long! 5507 ms INFO: Engine: Music: Fade in INFO: Engine: Music: New Song DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['transition_in'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start', 'transition_in'] DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['pop'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start'] DEBUG: Engine: Music: Actual Fade in! DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['start_option', 'transition_out'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start', 'start_option', 'transition_out'] DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['pop'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start', 'start_option'] DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['transition_in'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start', 'start_option', 'transition_in'] DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['pop'] DEBUG: main: Current states ['start_start', 'start_option'] DEBUG: StateMachine: Temp State: ['start_load'] ERROR: main: 'color' Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 117, in <module> File "main.py", line 45, in main File "main.py", line 66, in run File "Code\StateMachine.py", line 189, in update begin_output = self.state[-1].begin(gameStateObj, metaDataObj) File "Code\Transitions.py", line 318, in begin options, colors = get_save_title(gameStateObj.save_slots) File "Code\Transitions.py", line 86, in get_save_title colors = [get_color(save_slot.mode_id) for save_slot in save_slots] File "Code\Transitions.py", line 83, in get_color return mode['color'] KeyError: 'color' DEBUG: Engine: Created save point from ./Saves\L0T1.p
  9. For the promotion class tree is it possible to do separate promotion gain stats for each class like FE8 & FE Fates? Like I want to make a knight -> great knight Mov+3 like FE Fates but I also want the option of knight -> general only Mov+1 Is it also possible to do negative stats on promotion like removing movement? Troubadour -> Maid/Butler would be Mov-1
  10. That's ok I can just make up another class to fill the gaps. Although I do think it would make things easier on the users on end if there is an option for a class to have a separate max level component.
  11. In the Engine is it possible for a class to have a higher max level cap in the same tier or no? Example SageLv20, BardLv40 as Tier 2
  12. Is there a way to make a magic weapon triangle similar to FE10? Like I want to divide Anima magic into its own weapon triangle of Fire, Wind, Thunder but still keep the Anima, Light, Dark triangle.
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