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About Gleipnir

  • Birthday September 26


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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Drawing, Chatting with friends
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

Gleipnir's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late.

  2. Gleip!! Happy birthdaaay!! :D

  3. Happy Birthday Gleipnir (a bit late, sorry).

    Hope you enjoyed it the most.

  4. I'm good! It's nice to meet you! ^w^

  5. I'm great! Your state of being? ;3

  6. How are you? :3

  7. Hi there! :D

  8. dogdgudssfsh I too is a fan of Pamela Ibis! She's just so cute in MK1~! Always have her in my party. Mhm. and I love you forever too! and yesh, I'm a fan of Ar tonelico and all the other Atelier/MK games too. :3

  9. ....wait, you like MK? AJGJSDFG I LOVE YOU FOREVER.

    I never read your introductory topic where you said you liked Ar tonelico...

  10. why hullo there! I see that you're also an Mana Khemia fan? :D

  11. Cool! That reminds me, I should apply for the driving test too anytime now, I guess.

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