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Status Updates posted by Gleipnir

  1. I'm great! Your state of being? ;3

  2. Hi there! :D

  3. dogdgudssfsh I too is a fan of Pamela Ibis! She's just so cute in MK1~! Always have her in my party. Mhm. and I love you forever too! and yesh, I'm a fan of Ar tonelico and all the other Atelier/MK games too. :3

  4. why hullo there! I see that you're also an Mana Khemia fan? :D

  5. I see, congrats for getting into college! I'm doing alright, just reading rules about driving and then taking the test at the end of July. :)

  6. Hey there! How's it going? :3

  7. Sorry for not responding..your IM didn't come through the computer. :<

    Though I noticed your message when I checked my iTouch and yeah AIM is just crazy..it happened a lot lately...:/

  8. Awesomeness! Calls me when you want to crush some people. 8D

  9. Oh it's going great! ;D

    and you? :)

  10. Yes! I like to make them as flat as pancakes. ;D

  11. Sapphire told me about joining the Spetsnaz Brigade so I thought I would fill up the T-90 tank crew unit position! :D

  12. How are you? :3

  13. ah okie, no worries. I'm friendly alright and nice to meet you. :D

  14. um..because i want to get to know you..or is it wrong for me to? :(

  15. why, hello there~ :D

  16. Hi thar! :D

  17. me neither, I never have play any of the Tales game. I finished watching the anime though. and yeah, a friend of mine urges me to try it too! xD

  18. oh I see you're a ToA fan too? ;D

  19. I'm fantastic! :D

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