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Posts posted by DavidAndGoliath

  1. Wow, IS continues to surprise me. Great news!! :D I don't see what the big deal is with making mercs an all-male class. But if Malice AND Athena are in then it's safe to assume that Malice would keep her original class and Athena be the myrm.

    If the BS chapters are gonna be in here, do ya'll think this means they are some of the downloadable chapters instead of main game chapters?

  2. Ain't touching 3DS unless they announce something as impressive as a Fire Emblem on it.

    Platforms are only as good as the games that are actually available for it.

    I feel a different way. The games announced seem reason enough for me to get one. I wouldn't fret that there wasn't a FE announced for 3DS, though. Pikmin, which has been confirmed to be in development, wasn't shown because Nintendo officials felt it would be overshadowed. New Mystery of the Emblem (a game we KNOW is coming soon to Japan) wasn't even shown, probably for the same reason. I know IS is working on Paper Mario 3DS, but that's not to say that they aren't working on a new FE (or Advance Wars).


    Hopefully we hear about one soon. :(

  3. Mario Galaxy 2 had a big, thunderous orchestral soundtrack. Will Skyward follow suit?

    Miyamoto says Nintendo couldn't do what it did with Galaxy 2 and not do the same with the next Zelda.

    Orchestrated soundtrack? Check! Can't wait!

  4. Is anybody else in love with Kirby Epic yarn? The art style is absolutely amazing. This is the kind of creativity that Wii needs to take advantage of.

    I began to watch the Zelda footage, but I felt so bad for Miyamoto with the glitchy tech that I had to stop. The gameplay seems great, though! I just hope that the demos run better for people.

    VERY pleased with METROID: OTHER M. I can't wait for its release.

    No FE announced for Wii? *sigh* Too bad.

    This E3 was an improvement overall. Kinect seems interesting, Nintendo is bringing back old franchises, and 3DS looks impressive. I'm still waiting to see PS3 content

  5. Wow, downloadable maps that are new chapters? This certainly one way to help flesh out parts of the story. That's a good opportunity to give certain characters some backstory as well. Great update! I'm kind of disappointed that the battle animations are the same (although, we only saw the mercenary and pirate animations). I just hope that Marth's is different--,oh, please IS!!

  6. My intention is to play the original, and like Sal said, I would've preferred to play a new game featuring brand new characters. Unfortunately, I have read a lot of the translated script for FE3, so I know what to expect. :- / That what happens when you want to find out what Marth's story is all about after kicking ass with him in SSBM. :-P

  7. I'm expecting the My Unit character to play a role similar to Lyn's in FE7. Maybe the gaiden chapters will be led by My Unit, I dunno. But it would make sense for the customizable unit to function as a Lord would ingame. I doubt the player would be allowed to progress without the character he/she builds in the beginning.

  8. @ Phoenix: You're right, though. I'm not trying to disprove anything. My point is that no one knows for sure. Like I said, there are signs that the end is coming (natural disasters that ravage the Earth, global warming, etc). It could be tomorrow for all I know.

  9. I'm a Christian, so I look to the Bible for my answer. And the Bible is very clear that nobody will know when the world will end. Jesus said in Matthew 25: 13, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes." The Bible does seem to indicate how the world will end, though. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" (2 Peter 3:10-12) Is the end near? I dunno; but we can identify some warning signs.

  10. I must admit, I was not particularly excited when I heard that this game would be a remake of FE3 (which I have yet to play). Personally, I prefer a new game. However, since the confirmation of My Unit customization and the new options for casual gamers, I certainly have become more interested in this game. At first I was worried about the effects of appealing to new gamers, but it's hard to argue with the business move. Plus, the diehard fans aren't being neglected (we still get higher difficulties and gaiden chapters). IMO, this system should be standard for future games in the series.

  11. Hey there, everyone! I have been lurking for a while now, but I decided to finally join. Like all of you, I love Fire Emblem. My other interests include sports (rugby and football and basketball and speedball), writing, reading, and worshiping. Any survivors of FESS? I was Traces over there.

    P.S: What up, fellow servicemembers!! :D

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