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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. just wondering which characters are the best supports for someone who's trying to S-rank HHM, or any mode in general.
  2. TheYugiohKid


    why hello, 13. anyone here look familiar? *pointpoint*
  3. just wondering - are the beta Durandal animations for FE7 somewhere in the english ROM, or would it have to be ripped from somewhere? I want to use them for one of my characters instead of the regular sol katti animations. also, the beta map for the final chapter, the one that has FOW, is that in the english ROM as well?
  4. I'm going to go ahead and sound stupid again, but i've downloaded java, and I still don't really have a clue what to do. I tried the link to FE universe, and found a video for adding maps that unfortunately doesn't have a part 2 uploaded. I'm mainly concerned with making custom sprites and portraits, which I found on FEditor adv, but don't know how to start my own. I'm sorry if i'm being annoying, or if I am actually missing something you guys already posted, but i'm really just about to give up right now, and i'm pretty sure i've tried all the links and suggestions you guys have posted.
  5. I hate to sound stupid or repetitive, but I just can't get FEditor adv to work. Am I not doing it correctly?
  6. Looking at your name, are you by chance Paladin_luna? I don't think it's gone, it's suspended right now. But with all due respect, I really don't want any of that making it's way over here. I only mentioned it to see if anyone over there visits here (which is obviously a yes).
  7. All right! let me see what I can do with this. Does this work just for maps, or can it do other things? (might be a stupid question)
  8. Hello and welcome.

  9. I actually had mappy at one point, and succeeded in creating a map, but couldnt figure out where to go from there. I also had FEditor adv, but couldn't get any of the programs to run. I was thinking about asking someone if they could make the sprites and portraits for me, but I wouldn't want to waste someones time like that, especially if this fails in the end. In reality, most of the sprites and portraits I need could be simply edited from whats already in FE7. For instance, making Ravens sprite bald with a black shirt and blue pants, as well as using the spike-armored Hero sprite and doing the same thing, would pass good enough for me to use for the character he'll portray. I might even be able to get away with making his portrait bald and squinting his eyes slightly. It would mostly be simple stuff, I just need the right programs really.
  10. I have alot of questions about making my own Fire Emblem, and im hoping you guys can help me out. I can get Nightmare to work, but my needs go far beyond that. Basically, I need to know these things: 1. How to make my own portraits/mini portraits 2. What program to use for text editing 3. How to make my own maps 4. How to make my own sprites 5. How to get all of this to actually come together into my own game, or how to insert my own creations into the ROM. I'm sorry if any of this has been mentioned in other topics, but im really hoping to get all the info in my own topic, rather than dig through all the other topics. hope you guys can help!
  11. I'm actually here for one thing - learning how to hack. I really want to make my own Fire Emblem badly, so i'll be hitting the hacking forums next. The people over at gamefaqs started to help, but i'll admit, i'm gonna need some extra help. I would also like it if I could get the names of the programs you guys use, rather than just a link. That seems to be one of my problems, I can't find the actual download after clicking the link. Well, hopefully I wont be too much of a burden on you guys. I hope to get some advice on hacking from the best!
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