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Everything posted by Lord_Grima

  1. That is one build that I'm working on now! Only can get +3 right now, but I am loving him so far. Using Attack Smoke is a good idea, but I don't have extra B!Lyn. Threaten Atk might be a good substitute. Currently my Summoner Support is on B!Ike, but it might change once i finish Berkut. Currently working on Lucius (+Atk/-Def): And then a dream build:
  2. The large amounts of money depends on the game and your playstyle. In early games you are given a set amount of money at the beginning of the campaign and only gain more by selling items (rare items from chests), or story elements. So you had to manage you money. Buy a few iron swords now incase they break, or save and buy killing weapons later. You hoard weapons because: A - They are legendary/rare weapons and you don't want to break them. B - Save the good expensive weapons for when you really need them. Are you going to use that armorslayer that cost 1260 gold to kill a few soldiers or save it for the General bosses. Fates took that all away. In FE7, Eliwood starts with a Rapier. effective damage against cavaliers and Armored units, but it is very expensive to buy a new one, and you can't for a long time, so do you use it against the early game cavs and knights for easy kills, or save it for when you really need it. I don't see how using the right weapon for a job is a negative against weapon durability. If I can kill and enemy with one hit of my silver Sword vs four hits of Iron sword, the silver sword wins. One durability out of 20 beats 4 out of 46. With Wt and Con, using the right weapon makes a huge difference. Weaker weapons and double attack; or stronger weapon but one hit. Conquest is designed that way. It tries to bring the challenge of older games into the mechanics and features of Fates. Money in Conquest is limited, so managing weapons is crucial. In Birthright/ Revelation you can grind for money, so you can make high forged Iron Swords for better damage and no penalty. Many people don't like the stat reductions and debuffs, so using the different weapons even though they can without losing them is still bad. If they can redo Fates' debuff system to make it more reasonable and they don't have a broken Forge system, then it might be ok. Otherwise weapon durability beats the infinite weapon + debuffs from Fates. (imo)
  3. Masked Marth again.. I missed getting Marth in the first TT, got her in the Mini, so this will be my second round of her. Still disappointing of no new unit or other reruns. I have a Lissa for my 40% bonus unit, just need to build a team for her. I don't have a full Armor Emblem built, so I need to work on a team. W!Lissa, Nowi, Arvis, P!Olivia/Lucius? Orbs are always nice. I really want to know what the new seals are. I don't use Fjorm (I just have better units), so the Water Blessings don't help me. Coins and Refining stones are helpful. Now I'm curious if IS is going to do anything special for Christmas Day. One free unit of your choice? A ton of Orbs?
  4. Things I don't want to see: Skill Buying (Fates) - Letting any character gain any skill by visiting a Castle was a little too OP. With it and the partner seals stuff the only thing that differentiates a unit (besides personality and personal Skill [which most of the time was irrelevant]) is stat mods. You can make any character whatever class you want and give them what ever skill set you want. Dragon Final Boss - Pretty obvious one here. Dragons get a little repetitive. Unbreakable Weapons (Fates) - Fates had an interesting way to handle no weapon durability, but some of the debuffs on the weapons were just so bad to the point of "Why even use it". A forged Iron Sword is a better weapon than a Silver Sword? Really? Part of the strategy of Fire Emblem is weapon management, making sure your weapons don't break, and you have spares or a backup plan in case they do. Leaving the main legendary weapon as unbreakable is fine. Too Many Royals (Fates) - Not much to say about this, but all the other characters felt overshadowed by the Royals. Especially when those royals had legendary weapons. Avatar as main character (Awakening 2nd half & Fates) - In the first half of Awakening, Robin was just the tactician which was cool and it worked well. The story was focused on Chrom. Once Robin became more involved in the main plot, there were some things that could have gone better. In Fates, Corrin did not feel like an Avatar, Corrin was more his/her own character (a bad one at that). Robin played the Avatar role better because I could see myself in Robin's shoes, but I could not see my self as Corrin. Magic in the main weapon triangle (Fates) - I miss magic being its own thing.
  5. Just pulled Lissa after collecting my Arena Orbs!! She is +Spd/-HP. I'm happy with these IV's! Now going to save orbs, then wait and see what other banners come. TT will definitely help rebuild my Orbs.
  6. If it is a mini-tempest, then the free unit might be one from an older TT (like how we got Masked Marth in Hector's), but Masked Marth is the only Awakening character of past unit rewards. So, no idea. New TT is at least nice for easy orbs! Will help for the Legendary Heroes banner and the winter banner. Any guesses for new SS? I want Spd Smoke (it seems likely) and Live to Serve (i like this skill to help heal a healer without Reconcile, but also want to run it and Wrathful/Dazzling Staff). I think a Distant/Close Counter SS could be neat, but I see how it is overpowered. It is a SS, so it is only usable on one person at a time, maybe add a HP threshold to weaken it a bit?
  7. Datamined Stats: They do look really good stat wise! Lissa will still be my main goal, but now I'm slightly tempted to pull for all of them. Winter Robin with Brazen Atk/Spd paired with his high speed with be insane. (41 if under 80% hp). Add Hone Armor to get 48 Atk/47 Spd without a weapon or IV's!
  8. "Clear Tenth Stratum of the Training Tower using only Infantry allies. All four allies must survive." Repeat with armored, cavalry, or flying instead of Infantry.
  9. Lissa is the only one that I want, but might pull Tharja for SI. Depending on stats, Lissa with Vengeful Fighter might be really good. Part of me hopes that the new Fighter skills are inheritable to non-armor units, but I don't see that happening. The Brazen skills are just upgraded Defiant skills. Defiant - grants 1 stat +7 if under 50% HP Brazen - grants 2 stats +7 if under 80% HP Otherwise, very surprised that all four are armored units.
  10. Overall I think IS has been pretty fair between the old and new fanbases/games. If you look at how many characters are from each game: Heroes- 4 Thracia 776- 2 Sacred Stones- 9 Blazing Blade- 20 Binding Blade- 15 Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light- 1 Radiant Dawn- 1 Path of Radiance- 10 New Mystery of the Emblem- 29 Genealogy of the Holy War- 10 Echoes: Shadows of Valentia- 17 Fates- 45 Awakening- 32 In terms of base numbers, Fates and Awakening have the highest numbers of playable characters. But if you want to compare Old games vs New games: Old games(non-3ds + Echoes)- 118 New games(3ds)- 77 I included Echoes:SoV in old games, because it is Gaiden (Old style). If you compare that way, then the older games does outnumber the new games by a pretty good margin. The only part I see "unfair" is the ratio of seasonal units: old vs new (2:22), but there are many reasons for this that other people have discussed. IS definitely knows who the more popular characters/ games are. If you look at the 8 CYL units added, all but Lucina are from older games. From a marketing stand-point, adding a ton of recognizable characters that newer 3ds players know from Awakening and Fates will get people to download and play, then they can introduce more characters form older games to get those players interested in the older games. Now IS needs to release some of the older games again.
  11. I really hope it is Lissa and Chrom. I'd prefer 4 Awakening over 2 Awakening/2 Fates any day. I want Lissa to have Bolt Axe. Add the effect that upgraded Dragonstones have, or something similar. If this banner is 4 Awakening, what are the chances that we get a Hoshidan Winter banner sometime in January? My guess is that they will do something like the Summer banners.
  12. "A naturally talented mage who hates training and hard work. Has a brother, Luthier." ___________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: Base Stats at 5 : HP: 30/33/36 Atk: 33/36/39 Spd: 31/34/37 Def: 10/13/17 Res: 28/31/34 Delthea, Free Spirit first appeared on Alm's Army Banner. Delthea boasts a high attack, Spd, and Res, but has the lowest base Def(tied with Lucius). With neutral speed there are only a few units that can double her(before skills). Her tome Dark Aura grants +6 Atk to any adjacent allies that use swords, axes, lances, dragonstones, or beast damage at the beginning of the player's turn. Delthea like a lot of other mages is a glass cannon. They are devastating attackers, but lack physical defense. ___________________________________________________________________________________ My Builds: Buffer Pure Offense Mage Tank
  13. Firesweep weapons are great for any frail unit. They can attack without a counter. You do have to build the rest of you team to support them. Reposition/swap to move the Firesweep user out of the enemy's way after attacking, or use dance/sing to let them attack again. The difference between Firesweep and Brave-Quad builds is that you don't need Desperation on Firesweep. This opens up different options for the B skill. Most units that run the Brave-Quad builds are also frail, so i don't think you should be baiting with them.
  14. These were quite easy maps. I used my team of: B!ike, Delthea, B!Lyn, and Masked Marth. My strategy was place B!Ike on a defense tile or a choke point, then let the enemy come to me. B!Ike just destroyed everyone. The Iron Wall map was so easy. B!Ike on a forest+Defense tile = no damage taken. Map 4: Light and Breezy gave me the most trouble because of the Candlelight Lissa. Took 2 tries to get the Lunatic challenge(Let Delthea in Felicia's range, and she died).
  15. Thank you for your submission. :) He will be able to bait mages, then attack back during the Player Phase. If you can get Warding Stance, that would be a good alternative to Water Boost, so you don't have to worry about the HP threshold. Though Water Boost does grant the +Res in the Player Phase, so that can help your Iceberg when attacking.
  16. Thanks, I missed that. Close Def offers a better boost to Def and Res, making it a better choice against Dragons. Steady Stance could work as well.
  17. "First in line to the Rigelian throne. Prideful, but loves Rinea with all his heart." ___________________________________________________________________________________ Analysis: Max Stats at 5 : HP 43 Str 34 Spd 22 Def 31 Res 24 Berkut, Prideful Prince was the reward of the 12th grand hero battle. His main strengths are his high HP, Atk and Def. His Res is low, but still higher than some other Blue Cavaliers. His Speed is his worst stat. Because of his high HP, Atk, and Def Berkut can perform well as a frontline attacker or a physical defender. His weapon gives him +4 Res when attacked, which can be upgraded to +7 Res when attacked. When upgrading his weapon he also gains HP +5 and Atk +2/Spd+3/Def+4/Res+4. Berkut is a great unit, but is held back by his low Spd. These builds show ways to overcome that problem. ___________________________________________________________________________________ My Builds: Ranged/Mage Counter Dueling Defender Brave Lance + QP Firesweep Damage ___________________________________________________________________________________ Submitted Builds: Renewal TT build - submitted by @Javi Blizz Images of the builds from FEH Unit Builder - https://feh-stuff.github.io/unit-builder.html
  18. Need to Pull: Ninian - Been trying to pull her for so long. Celica Ephraim - Used Eirika for a long time. Would like her brother as another buffer for Blade Mages. Genny - I need Wrathful Staff fodder. Add to Game: Owain - Odin does not count, we need the real deal! Basilio - Some of the best dialogue in Awakening. Erk - We have Serra, so we need Erk to complete the set! Rath - More Bow Cavaliers would be nice. Grima - More Dragons.
  19. If it is the same ratio as last time: Red: Eirika - My first 5*, and my best early game sword user. Otherwise we haven't gotten her in a banner in a while, and her in a banner might mean weapon upgrade. Leo - Haven't had him in a banner for a long time. Only red Cavalier Mage. Saber - Hasn't been in a banner for a while. Blue: Delthea - One of my favorite Blue Mages. Ninian - I've wanted Ninian for so long, but was never able to pull her. Hopefully high base rate will help. Fjorm - If it is a Fjorm banner, she has to be there. Green: Amelia - Hasn't had a banner in a long time. B!Ike - It's B!Ike, come on. The more B!Ike the better. Sonya - Hasn't been in too many banners, but is a strong green mage. Colorless: Lucius - My favorite healer, and I really want more to merge. Bride Lyn - We got Wrathful Staff last time, so now we get Dazzling Staff. Klein/ Leon - I wanted an archer, but don't know which one to pick. Klein for all the SI, and Leon was one of my best units in Echoes: SoV. These are the units I want the most, not the units I think are most likely.
  20. Most I've saved up is around 60k. I typically like to have at least 20k, just in case I find a Unit I want/need to promote. Typically I spend them on GHB units, or If I have a 5* with bad IV's I might promote a 4* of the same character up and merge. When Berkut comes back in a few days, my next batches of feathers will go to him. I also spend them on some Units for SI, most of the time it is 3* to 4*, but sometimes I go the 4* to 5*.
  21. At first I did not know what to put here because I haven't spent much time making builds, but after going through my units I realized I had more Builds than I thought. Finished (or almost): WIP but almost done:
  22. Just did my last pull sessions with TT orbs. Rough estimate around 100 orbs total. Results: Fjorm (+Atk,-Res) - In my opinion this is the best IV's for her. +Atk is always great. The -Res helps her Ice Mirror get more damage and she already has decent Res to lose some. Bridelia (+HP, -Def) - Boon could be better, but good bane, so it works out. Of all the seasonal units in this banner, she is the only one I wanted. Ayra (+Def, -Res) - Boon could be better, but with it 34 base Def is pretty nice. The -Res is perfect. So, she can be a strong attacker, or a Def tank. I'll work on her later. The only downside is I did not pull any Hector or Genny, but oh well. The units I wanted DC and WS for are already pretty good. And I still have time to work on their builds. Overall I think this banner was great, wish I could have pulled more, but it sadly came after a lot of good banners. So, here's to hoping for more banners like this!
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