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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

  1. The final leak. Well, this has been fun. Even if this is fake it would make a really cool game. 
    And now that we have Promotions, I made a diagram of the classes + their promotions. Weapon types are from leaks, or from past games, but if the weapon type is unknown, then there is a small box. The Vassal/ Bloodbound class has "[ ]" that means they weapon type is player chosen.

    FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon

    "Leak" Compilation V - 3.0

    Story Info:

    • A Gothic Horror theme. Darker and more mature, but not "M" rated. More like the Jugdral games.
    • Back Story:
      • 3000 Years ago - On the continent of Vrancea, 2 races came to inhabit the land: The Humans, and the native Kibaires. They fought for supremacy, but were always in a standstill.
      • 600 Years after (2400 years before current age) – The Humans were blessed by the god Samael with a bloodline marked by a brand on a worthy scion’s body. The Kibaires retreated into the deep forests where the light could not reach.
      • The victorious humans called themselves “the Children of Light” and formed the Holy Kingdom of Arges, home of the branded’s divine providence. The Kibaires were labeled as “the Children of Darkness” and the forests they live in became the kingdom of Covasna with tall castles to protect them from the humans.
    • Avatar plays a more Villainous role. Camus-like anti-hero.
    • the Fire Emblem - An ancient sundial. Gathers mystical energies from the sun and the moon. Can either empower or destroy the Kibaire. Both Sides are seeking it.

    World/ Continent Info:

    • Two sides - Humans and Kibaire (pronounced KEY-Buy-Er).
      • Humans and the Kingdom of Arges
        • Main human superpower in Vrancea
        • Based on the Holy Roman Empire, with capital based of Vatican City.
      • Kibaires and the Kingdom of Covasna
        • Main Kibaire Stronghold in a deeply-forested kingdom so dense, light can’t even penetrate the canopy
      • More Kingdoms/countries revealed in game.




    • Playable:
      • Alain - Knight Errant class. Protagonist. Uses a Sword. Follows the dominant organized religion and upholds it with his life, as the church sees the Kibaires as threats to all humans. Is tasked with uniting the humans in a war against the Kibaire.
        • Argesian Knight who serves the church of Samael. He’s a courageous and kind individual, but he can be dogmatic and stubborn to anyone who defies the church. He tries to do well and uphold his religion, but can’t seem to make important, but hard decisions. He is taught to see the neighboring Kibaires as a threat, and holds true to this belief firmly.
      • Huon - The "Jagen". A laid-back Great Knight. Past his prime. Aids Alain on his mission.
      • Gwendolen - Myrmidon. Self- Proclaimed Kibaire Hunter.
      • Eden – Cleric Class. A cleric in service to Samael and a kind & generous soul.
      • Jean – Archer Class. A proud & ambitious archer who is childhood friends with Alain and aids him on his mission
      • Anna – “No Introduction necessary. Paralogue chapter character.”
    • NPC’s:
      • Godfrey - Class Unknown, but might be unique. A knight said to resort to extreme measures. 


    • Playable:
      • Dracul (Avatar) - Vassal Class. Camus-like Anti-hero. Bastard Prince(ss) to one of the several kingdoms of the Kibaire. Believes devoutly that the Kibaire should be the ones to lead the world into a “new Era”. Special weapon gives bonuses against humans. Might be able to choose personality.
        • Bastard prince(ss) of Covasna, and thus treated badly his/her entire life, especially by his/her younger brother and next-in-line to the throne: Garland.
        • Viewed as arrogant and bitter, but only truly wants to do what is best for his/her people. The only way for that to happen in his/her own mind is to take land from the humans so the Kibaire can “enter a new era”
      • Mirela – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Optimistic and energetic.
      • Miruna – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Quieter and Calmer.Felix – Impaler Class. Recruited from bandits (Navarre).
      • Dorin – Dark Rider Class. Personal bodyguard to Dracul.
      • Adriana – Hippogriff Rider Class. A mentally scarred Hippogriff Rider who makes a living as a sellsword.
    • NPC’s:
      • Garland – Class Unknown, probably exclusive. Dracul’s younger Half-Brother and the first in line for Covasna’s throne. Arrogant and self-centered around a hatred for Dracul.



    lGJL4Nw.jpg                                         1aeLgXx.jpg



    • Balance of old and new mechanics. Trying to please both sides of the fanbase.
    • Returning Features:
      • Supports - Marriages, no children.
      • Pair-up
      • Weapon Triangle - Pre-Fates.
        • Weapon Proficiencies:
          • Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Anima Magic, and Healing Staves.
        • Daggers return as the sword equivalent to javelins. (1-2 range like crossbows).
      • 3 Types of Magic - Dark, Light, Anima.
      • Skills – learned similar to Fates/Awakening.
        • Sol and Luna - effects are swapped.
        • Typhoon – Renamed Pursuit. Chance for a Brave Attack. Class Skill of the Falcon Knight.
        • Canto – Same as previous games. Class skill of the Cavalier & Dark Rider. (Allows Cavaliers to finish their movement after certain actions)
        • Nihil – Same as previous games. (Prevents enemy from using skills in combat)
      • Reclassing & Promoting
        • Only base and promoted models.
        • “they only have 2 models: their base class & their promotion, so if Miruna reclasses to a phantom (just an example), she'll still look the same, when she promotes to whatever the wizard promotes to (I don't know yet), she'll look different, but otherwise, if she reclasses to a promoted class, she will have her "promoted" model.”
      • Wireless multiplayer
        • V.S.
        • Double Duel - Similar to Awakening's mode.
        • Arena - 4 player Free-For-All from the GBA era.
      • Weapon Durability
    • New Features:
      • Blood Weapons for the Kibaires, have an inbuilt “Nosferatu” effect.
      • New Allegiance – Rival Units
        • A team that attacks both you and the enemy. Purple Color. Similar to the Yellow Units in Warriors.
      • Day/ Night Cycle
        • Plays a role in the types on encounters on the Overworld. Stronger Monsters appear at night.
        • Sol & Luna’s activation rates are doubled. (Sol during the day, Luna during the night).
        • Kibaires gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Night. Dialed back to +15 Hit/Avoid.
        • Humans gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Day. Dialed back to +15 Hit/Avoid
    • World Map will be similar to Echoes: SoV, where you control 2 parties simultaneously.
      • They can interact in a skirmish against each other (exactly the way they were left) by having the party you want to control engage the other. The winner can take items from the loser’s convoy and gain Exp.
    • Amiibo - unlock special maps against enemies themed from the map's origin. When beaten, you unlock an S-rank weapon. Elincia's Gambit, Hinoka, Leo (the chapters), and Marth's Embarks are among them.
    • Art/ Graphics:
      • Artist - Kotaro Yamada. Drew Lyn and Narcian in FE:Heroes.
      • 3ds style aesthetics. 2D sprites on a 3D environment.
      • “Animated” cutscenes use the models of the characters.
    • Full Voice Acting. Avatar's name is skipped (not said).

    No 3rd tier classes.


  2. My best guess is we will get a small teaser trailer, like Fates did back in 2015. This will probably let us see a few characters, the new art style, and maybe a little gameplay. Not a lot, but just enough to get people excited. No story details have to be revealed. 

    The game comes 2018? No idea when in 2018, but a small teaser in January seems like a great idea.

  3. On 11/30/2017 at 8:28 PM, Morian said:

    I don't know what to feel about this. Kaze's event in Fates was very poorly executed. 

    But if I can get them back later, like you said, I guess is fine, as long as they don't become useless for being underleveled.


    7 hours ago, Altrosa said:

    Perhaps "tragedy in the party" could be more "characters are tangibly altered (down to growth rates changing) and in-game events play differently if certain members of the army fall." Although, that might not work unless classic mode is enforced, but the turn-wheel exists now for inexperienced players.

    When I say "Tragedy in the Party" I use the term "Tragedy" lightly.
    I definitely want something better that Kaze's event in Birthright. That came with no warning or hints. In a first/blind run, the only way to avoid is pure luck(by having the requirements) or having looked it up. In FE7, Matthew leaves the party for one chapter, but in the preparations screen he tells you and gives you time to takes items back. So something along those lines.

    For Example: your army is preparing for a battle, but one character is summoned back to the kingdom on urgent business. The player knows, and can take items off of him before he leaves. Then he comes back in a Chapter or two, nothing too long to fall behind, but can cause some change in tactics. 

    The most extreme "Tragedy" I want is a pure Fernand-style betrayal. Someone is in your party, then they leave for good. We don't get many of these. Most of the time it is "I only betrayed you because I was possessed." The character can give items back, and because they leave for good they don't fall behind in levels.

  4. Just something I noticed, but it looks like you can "purchase" each upgrade for a weapon, then choose which one you want to use from Equip Skills.

    I bought the Dazzling Staff upgrade on Fear+ for Lucius, and when I go back to the Weapon Forge, I still have the option to buy the Wrathful Staff Option. Then when I go to Equip Skills, the default (vanilla) Fear+ is still there along with the Dazzling Staff version.

    If anyone is willing to test this, and see if it is true, then that opens a lot of options for people. Instead of choosing one upgrade, just get them all and decide based on the situation.




  5. Breath of the Wild broke the normal conventions of Zelda, so Fire Emblem could use:

    • A Real Branching Story - Not the Fates way with 3 paths, but everything stays the same. I want a full "Choose your own adventure" style. Give a lot of decisions of where the party can go, and let the player decide. (Need to cross the border into enemy territory? 1- charge at the main gates, 2- sneak around)  Each choice progresses the story, but in different ways with different consequences, maps, and events. It would add a lot of replay-ability too.
    • No Dragon Final Boss - As cool and epic a dragon is for a final boss, it has become a series staple (almost). So if we could get a real non-dragon villain that would be awesome. Lord Berkut would be a great example to follow, a real person lead down a dark path. He has legitimate reasons to fight against the protagonists and still creates a really epic/ awesome boss fight. 
    • Tragedy in the Party - Once a character joins the party, nothing bad happens to them (unless they die in battle in Classic Mode). The only exception I know of is Kaze's event in Birthright. In FE7 several times a character leaves your party, but you are given a heads up/ warning to it coming. I want to see more of this. These are actual people, sometimes they have other things they need to do. Let some characters filter in and out of the party at times. And a more extreme version of this (which I really want) is the character just leaves and joins the enemy (like Fernand), you might get them back later, but it could show how nothing goes to plan, and people have changing loyalties. Like Fernand, character X does not like how the main protagonist is leading the army, so he leaves. I think this could create a really unique experience. Add this to the "choose your own adventure" style and different characters leave. If you take a more passive route, the "Punisher" type character leaves; or If you take the aggressive route, the pacifistic character leaves.


  6. 11 hours ago, Arthur97 said:

    Though Robin saying Corrin was the better tactician just screams wrong

    I agree. Robin has been studying tactics for a long time, and then got a lot of experience with Chrom. Corrin is Corrin, so he/she means nothing. Robin is best.
    (I'm now upset that there wasn't a Fernand character in Fates, someone who does not like Corrin's way of doing things and then takes matters into their own hands.)

    About the Amiibo, something similar to Fates with the characters being playable is nice, but give them more reason to be used. Supports, class change, or some unique, but not game breaking ability. I would also like something like Echoes, as in the Amiibo unlocking a challenge map which gives a reward. I did like the Phantom Units, so I really want to control Phantom Units. (Just make the Amiibo playable like Fates, but give the Phantom effect like Echoes: SoV).

  7. My predictions/ hopes:

    • Owain - One of my favorite characters, and typically one of the more popular kid characters. He should be a red Sword Infantry. Maybe with FireSweep Sword. 
    • Nah - We haven't had a new Manakete/ Dragon character in a long time. So, she would be a great candidate for a new Green Dragon. Hone Dragons?
    • Gerome - There are not many Wyvern Riders in the game, and it think it is time for some Lance or Sword Wyverns. As shown in the new Book, there are lance wyverns. So make Gerome a Lance Wyvern. 
    • Cynthia - I liked her in Awakening, and they can do several things with her. A tome flier would be the best choice because we don't have a non-seasonal mage flier. Otherwise (if IS wants to keep mage fliers exclusive), then she can use swords or lances. Maybe a staff Healer could be cool. 

    Less Likely:

    • Morgan - I would love to get Morgan in the game, but they haven't added Kana yet either, so Morgan is (sadly) less likely to be in an Awakening Kids banner. Maybe a future banner includes F!Morgan, M!Morgan, F!Kana, and M!Kana. 
    • Yarne - We have no info or hints of beast characters, so him getting included is unlikely at this point. If they do add beast characters there are a lot more first-choice options, so he will probably come later.
    • Inigo - A non-seasonal Inigo would be really nice, but so far with other "Seasonal-first" units (Charlotte), we haven't seen a normal version yet. And Laslow does not count as Inigo. 


    I would like to see almost every Awakening Kid join, but the first four are my top favorites and the ones that are most likely to make it into the game.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Florete said:

    For the record, those aren't unique to those characters. All staff weapons get the same enhancement options and anyone with Lightning Breath+ can get that boost, too.

    Lyn's Sol Katti gets Desperation at < 75% (up from 50%) and a Brash Assault effect also at < 75% despite BA 3 being < 50%. So that's pretty sweet.

    I figured, but those are the characters that I have, so that is what I saw. 

    Lyn is looking really powerful now. I've heard people wanting to put Vantage on her, but I'm curious how Wrath + Sol Katti+ would work.

    • Zanbato+ gets Beorc's Blessing.
    • Deathly Dagger - foes using magic cannot counterattack.

    This update is really making older units better/ more viable. I love it.

  9. So, with the new update and the Weapon Refinery out(maybe not yet in all areas), I want to know what are your favorite buffs/enhances/forges you have found. If it is OP, or just funny, please share! 

    So far I really like:

    Lucius - Pain+ == Either Wrathful Staff or Dazzling Staff built into the weapon.
    Eldigan - Mystletainn == Grants Fury 3 built into the weapon. (Fury 3 + Fury 3 = +6 to all stats, -12 HP after combat. wow.)
    Berkut - Berkut's Lance+ == Adds +3 more Res when attacked for a total of +7 Res. Add the +4 Res option to have a +11 Res when attacked. Do you fear the Prince of Darkness now?
    Nowi - Lightning Breath+ == If attacked at range, Nowi deals damage against the foe's lower stat(Def or Res). 


  10. New info dump == New Update for the compilation.

    The 600 years after the 3000 years ago (or just 2400 years ago) makes a little more sense. Anna being obtained in a Paralogue is normal. I would have liked to choose a personality for Dracul, but with full VA, I understand how hard that would be.


    FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon

    "Leak" Compilation V - 2.3

    Story Info:

    • A Gothic Horror theme. Darker and more mature, but not "M" rated. More like the Jugdral games.
    • Back Story:
      • 3000 Years ago - On the continent of Vrancea, 2 races came to inhabit the land: The Humans, and the native Kibaires. They fought for supremacy, but were always in a standstill.
      • 600 Years after (2400 years before current age) – The Humans were blessed by the god Samael with a bloodline marked by a brand on a worthy scion’s body. The Kibaires retreated into the deep forests where the light could not reach.
      • The victorious humans called themselves “the Children of Light” and formed the Holy Kingdom of Arges, home of the branded’s divine providence. The Kibaires were labeled as “the Children of Darkness” and the forests they live in became the kingdom of Covasna with tall castles to protect them from the humans.
    • Two sides - Humans and Kibaire (pronounced KEY-Buy-Er).
    • Avatar plays a more Villainous role. Camus-like anti-hero.
    • The Fire Emblem - An ancient sundial. Gathers mystical energies from the sun and the moon. Can either empower or destroy the Kibaire. Both Sides are seeking it.

    World/ Continent Info:

    • Continent of Vrancea


    • Humans and the Kingdom of Arges:
      • Main human superpower in Vrancea.
      • Based on the Holy Roman Empire, with capital based of Vatican City.
    • Kibaire and the Kingdom of Covasna:
      • Main Kibaire Stronghold in a deeply-forested kingdom so dense, light can’t even penetrate the canopy.
    • More Kingdoms/countries revealed in game.




    • Playable:
      • Alain - Knight Errant class. Protagonist. Uses a Sword. Follows the dominant organized religion and upholds it with his life, as the church sees the Kibaires as threats to all humans. Is tasked with uniting the humans in a war against the Kibaire.
      • Huon - The "Jagen". A laid-back Great Knight. Past his prime. Aids Alain on his mission.
      • Gwendolen - Myrmidon. Self- Proclaimed Kibaire Hunter.
      • Eden – Cleric Class. A cleric in service to Samael and a kind & generous soul.
      • Jean – Archer Class. A proud & ambitious archer who is childhood friends with Alain and aids him on his mission
      • Anna – “No Introduction necessary. Paralogue chapter character.”
    • NPC’s:
      • Godfrey - Class Unknown, but might be unique. A knight said to resort to extreme measures. 


    • Playable:
      • Dracul (Avatar) - Vassal Class. Camus-like Anti-hero. Bastard Prince(ss) to one of the several kingdoms of the Kibaire. Believes devoutly that the Kibaire should be the ones to lead the world into a “new Era”. Special weapon gives bonuses against humans. Might be able to choose personality.
      • Mirela – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Optimistic and energetic.
      • Miruna – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Quieter and Calmer.
      • Felix – Impaler Class. Recruited from bandits (Navarre).
      • Dorin – Dark Rider Class. Personal bodyguard to Dracul.
      • Adriana – Hippogriff Rider Class. A mentally scarred Hippogriff Rider who makes a living as a sellsword.
    • NPC’s:
      • Garland – Class Unknown, probably exclusive. Dracul’s younger Half-Brother and the first in line for Covasna’s throne. Arrogant and self-centered around a hatred for Dracul.




    • Knight Errant - Alain's Class. Mounted, Sword. Gains Lances on promotion.
    • Hunter
    • Monk
    • Bard
    • Cavalier
    • Armor Knight
    • Myrmidon
    • Fighter
    • Soldier
    • Archer
    • Mage
    • Cleric
    • Pegasus Knight
    • Mercenary
    • Barbarian


    • Vassal - Avatar's Class. Player chooses weapon type. Second proficiency on promotion.
    • Witch
    • Summoner
    • Succubus – A dancer-like class.
    • Imp - Functions like a thief.
    • Impaler - Lance using class.
    • Moonshifter/ "Laurel Wreath" - 3 "tribes". Wolf, Bat, Dragon. More like the Taguel, Wolfskin, and Kitsune than the Laguz.
    • Hippogriff Rider - Flying, Bows. Might be female exclusive, at least default is.
    • Dark Rider - Mounted, Swords and Axes.
    • Merman - Pirate-like.
    • Phantom - Anima Mage.
    • Vestal - Variation of the cleric.
    • Wizards - New name for dark mages.


    • Balance of old and new mechanics. Trying to please both sides of the fanbase.
    • Returning Features:
      • Supports - Marriages, no children.
        • Some same sex S-Rank marriages. Dracul can S-Rank anyone. More same sex S-Ranks than Fates. Some characters will exclusively have same sex S-Ranks.
      • Pair-up
      • Weapon Triangle - Pre-Fates.
        • Weapon Proficiencies:
          • Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Anima Magic, and Healing Staves.
        • Daggers return as the sword equivalent to javelins. (1-2 range like crossbows).
      • 3 Types of Magic - Dark, Light, Anima.
      • Skills – learned similar to Fates/Awakening.
        • Sol and Luna - effects are swapped.
        • Typhoon – Renamed Pursuit. Chance for a Brave Attack. Class Skill of the Falcon Knight.
        • Canto – Same as previous games. Class skill of the Cavalier & Dark Rider. (Allows Cavaliers to finish their movement after certain actions)
        • Nihil – Same as previous games. (Prevents enemy from using skills in combat)
      • Reclassing & Promoting
        • Only base and promoted models.
        • “they only have 2 models: their base class & their promotion, so if Miruna reclasses to a phantom (just an example), she'll still look the same, when she promotes to whatever the wizard promotes to (I don't know yet), she'll look different, but otherwise, if she reclasses to a promoted class, she will have her "promoted" model.”
      • Wireless multiplayer
        • V.S.
        • Double Duel - Similar to Awakening's mode.
        • Arena - 4 player Free-For-All from the GBA era.
      • Weapon Durability
    • New Features:
      • Blood Weapons for the Kibaires, have an inbuilt “Nosferatu” effect.
      • Day/ Night Cycle
        • Plays a role in the types on encounters on the Overworld. Stronger Monsters appear at night.
        • Sol & Luna’s activation rates are doubled. (Sol during the day, Luna during the night).
        • Kibaires gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Night. Dialed back to +15 Hit/Avoid.
        • Humans gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Day. Dialed back to +15 Hit/Avoid
    • World Map will be similar to Echoes: SoV, where you control 2 parties simultaneously.
      • They can interact in a skirmish against each other (exactly the way they were left) by having the party you want to control engage the other. The winner can take items from the loser’s convoy and gain Exp.
    • Amiibo - unlock special maps against enemies themed from the map's origin. When beaten, you unlock an S-rank weapon. Elincia's Gambit, Hinoka, Leo (the chapters), and Marth's Embarks are among them.
    • Art/ Graphics:
      • Artist - Kotaro Yamada. Drew Lyn and Narcian in FE:Heroes.
      • 3ds style aesthetics. 2D sprites on a 3D environment.
      • “Animated” cutscenes use the models of the characters.
    • Full Voice Acting. Avatar's name is skipped (not said).
    • No 3rd tier classes.


  11. Yay! B!Ike is a bonus, and a 40% one! My B!Ike is really powerful right now, so I can't wait to see how good he is with TT Buffs.

    Base			W/ TT	|	Urvan
    -----------------------------	|	Swap	
    HP 	48		58	|	Bonfire/Ignis/Aether
    Atk	54		58	|	Steady Breath
    Spd	26		30	|	Quick Reposte 3
    Def	40		44	|	Threaten Def 3
    Res	22		26	|	Distant Def 3 SS

    He is +Def/-Spd and he does have Summoner Support, so that helps a lot. Distant Def SS and Steady Breath also add to his bulk.

    With Delthea add Dark Aura, and any two of these: Hone Spd, Fortify Def, Fortify Res. So +6 Atk/ +4 Spd/Def. 

    Basically, I want to see if he can be unkillable in this tempest. This will be fun :)

  12. 37 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    I’m hoping it’s not just children from fates as I would like a few awakening children too

    I really hope this is true. I like the Awakening kids much better than Fates'.

    I'd really want Owain, Cynthia, Gerome, Nah, Morgan, or Brady. 


  13. I'll pull on everything except Blue, but I'll give my thoughts on all the heroes.

    • RED
      • Celica - I did not pull her in the past, so I definitely want to pull her now.
      • Ike - I want a better IV set, but the more merges, the better.
      • Ayra - Cause why not?!
    • BLUE
      • Fjorm - We get a free one, so pulling her is not top priority. Extra for SI(if possible) and Merges would be nice.
      • Spring Xander - I don't care for the seasonal units, so no go here. SI only if pulled.
      • Bride Caeda - Same as Xander, don't really care for the seasonal units.
    • GREEN
      • Hector - More for merges and SI. Distant Counter would be amazing to give to a lot of units.
      • Deirdre - I got a -Atk one earlier, so a better IV would be nice.
      • Spring Camilla - I really don't want her, because I don't care for the Seasonal Units, and especially her. So, either Send Home or SI.
      • Brave Lyn - Merges and SI. :)
      • Bride Cordelia - I don't care for the seasonal units, but I might make an exception for her. She is probably the best/ favorite of the seasonal units. 
      • Genny - Definitely want to pull for her. Give Wrathful staff to my Lucius is the main use. But I do Like Genny, so if I get two, that would be awesome.

    And when I say Seasonal Units I mean from the Spring, Bride, Summer banner. The Performing Arts banner is different.

  14. The artwork for these characters looks really good.

    Fjorm (Fake-Elsa) - She looks very prim and proper. Definitely want to see what her personality will be. 

    Surtr - We are going full Norse mythology here. So, are we getting close to Ragnarok? Otherwise his design is really cool, I can tell he will be a powerful character.

    Loki - Surprised that this is really Loki. I had no idea what Loki would look like, so nice to see now. I do want to find out more about her personality. If it is another Camilla, then I will be upset. But if she focuses more on deception and trickery than "being waifu/ sexual" than I'll be fine.

    Reyvatein - Interesting design. Don't know much about her. Not much to say here.

    The Fire People definitely appear to be the "Anti" of the Askr Trio and Fjorm. But that also leads me to: Where is Anna?

  15. 1 minute ago, Roflolxp54 said:
      Reveal hidden contents


    Since Brave Ike is on what's likely the TT header in the datamine, it's possible that he may be a bonus unit and/or the final boss of TT runs.



    Datamine info above

    If that is true, then oh my... I have a +Def/-Spd B!Ike with summoner Support. Add TT buffs to that and he will be unstoppable! I also have my Delthea giving Dark Aura, Hone Spd, and Fortify Def buffs!

    I wonder if my B!Ike could solo one of the high levels. >:)

  16. WOW! So, much new stuff!

    I am really happy for the Staff buffs and Weapon Forging, Now I can get a staff with high damage and special perks for Lucius. And Genny is in the 11 Focus Unit banner, so I can get Wrathful staff!

    The weapon forging looks really cool, and can definitely help a lot of popular, but weak units. I really want to see what Berkut's Lance can get. If I like what bonuses it gets, then I might have to rethink my Berkut's Build.

    The new story looks really interesting! And the first chapters release soon! 

    Overall, I think this was a huge success! Really excited for Staff Buffs, new TT, 11 focus unit banner, and so much more!

  17. New Fire Emblem: Fates Switch

    Fire Emblem: Ultra Awakening


    But some real ones:

    Fire Emblem: Knightfall - A mighty army/order of knights is well known across the region as the best, but some members turns corrupt and destroy the order from within. A few members survive, but have hidden in exile. Eventually they get back together, find allies, and fight their old comrades to reclaim the kingdom.

    Fire Emblem: Shades of the Past - A continent is doomed to repeat its grim history over and over again, but a hero rises and learns from ancient ghosts how to stop the cycle.

  18. On 11/2/2017 at 8:14 PM, Lord_Grima said:

    FE16 - Fire Emblem: New Moon

    "Leak" Compilation V - 2.2

    Story Info:

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    • A Gothic Horror theme. Darker and more mature, but not "M" rated. More like the Jugdral games.
    • Back Story:
      • 3000 Years ago - On the continent of Vrancea, 2 races came to inhabit the land: The Humans, and the native Kibaires. They fought for supremacy, but were always in a standstill.
      • 600 Years ago – The Humans were blessed by the god Samael with a bloodline marked by a brand on a worthy scion’s body. The Kibaires retreated into the deep forests where the light could not reach.
      • The victorious humans called themselves “the Children of Light” and formed the Holy Kingdom of Arges, home of the branded’s divine providence. The Kibaires were labeled as “the Children of Darkness” and the forests they live in became the kingdom of Covasna with tall castles to protect them from the humans.
    • Two sides - Humans and Kibaire (pronounced KEY-Buy-Er).
    • Avatar plays a more Villainous role. Camus-like anti-hero.
    • The Fire Emblem - An ancient sundial. Gathers mystical energies from the sun and the moon. Can either empower or destroy the Kibaire. Both Sides are seeking it.


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    • Alain - Knight Errant class. Protagonist. Uses a Sword. Follows the dominant organized religion and upholds it with his life, as the church sees the Kibaires as threats to all humans. Is tasked with uniting the humans in a war against the Kibaire.
    • Huon - The "Jagen". A laid-back Great Knight. Past his prime. Aids Alain on his mission.
    • Gwendolen - Myrmidon. Self- Proclaimed Kibaire Hunter.
    • Godfrey - Class Unknown. A knight said to resort to extreme measures. 


    • Dracul (Avatar) - Vassal Class. Camus-like Anti-hero. Bastard Prince(ss) to one of the several kingdoms of the Kibaire. Believes devoutly that the Kibaire should be the ones to lead the world into a “new Era”. Special weapon gives bonuses against humans. Might be able to choose personality.
    • Mirela – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Optimistic and energetic.
    • Miruna – Wizard Class. “Christmas Cavaliers/Cain & Abel”. Known for their wizard prowess. Quieter and Calmer.
    • Felix – Impaler Class. Recruited from bandits (Navarre).


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    • Knight Errant - Alain's Class. Mounted, Sword. Gains Lances on promotion.
    • Hunter
    • Monk
    • Bard
    • Cavalier
    • Armor Knight
    • Myrmidon
    • Fighter
    • Soldier
    • Archer
    • Mage
    • Cleric
    • Pegasus Knight
    • Mercenary
    • Barbarian


    • Vassal - Avatar's Class. Player chooses weapon type. Second proficiency on promotion.
    • Witch
    • Summoner
    • Succubus – A dancer-like class.
    • Imp - Functions like a thief.
    • Impaler - Lance using class.
    • Moonshifter/ "Laurel Wreath" - 3 "tribes". Wolf, Bat, Dragon. More like the Taguel, Wolfskin, and Kitsune than the Laguz.
    • Hippogriff Rider - Flying, Bows. Might be female exclusive, at least default is.
    • Dark Rider - Mounted, Swords and Axes.
    • Merman - Pirate-like.
    • Phantom - Anima Mage.
    • Vestal - Variation of the cleric.
    • Wizards - New name for dark mages.


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    • Balance of old and new mechanics. Trying to please both sides of the fanbase.
    • Returning Features:
      • Supports - Marriages, no children.
      • Pair-up
      • Weapon Triangle - Pre-Fates.
      • 3 Types of Magic - Dark, Light, Anima.
      • Skills
        • Sol and Luna - effects are swapped.
      • Reclassing & Promoting
        • Only base and promoted models. Quote below.
        • “they only have 2 models: their base class & their promotion, so if Miruna reclasses to a phantom (just an example), she'll still look the same, when she promotes to whatever the wizard promotes to (I don't know yet), she'll look different, but otherwise, if she reclasses to a promoted class, she will have her "promoted" model.”
      • Wireless multiplayer
        • V.S.
        • Double Duel - Similar to Awakening's mode.
        • Arena - 4 player Free-For-All from the GBA era.
      • Weapon Durability returns
    • New Features:
      • Day/ Night Cycle
        • Plays a role in the types on encounters on the Overworld. Stronger Monsters appear at night.
        • Sol & Luna’s activation rates are doubled. (Sol during the day, Luna during the night).
        • Kibaires gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Night.
        • Humans gain +30 Hit/Avoid during the Day.
    • World Map will be similar to Echoes: SoV, where you control 2 parties simultaneously.
      • They can interact in a skirmish against each other (exactly the way they were left) by having the party you want to control engage the other. The winner can take items from the loser’s convoy and gain Exp.
    • Amiibo - Unlock special maps against enemies themed from the map's origin. When beaten, you unlock an S-rank weapon. Elincia's Gambit, Hinoka, Leo (the chapters), and Marth's Embarks are among them.
    • Artist - Kotaro Yamada. Drew Lyn and Narcian in FE:Heroes.
    • 3ds style aesthetics. 2D sprites on a 3D environment to be more in line with your playthrough.
    • "Animated" cutscenes use the models of the characters.
    • Full Voice Acting. Avatar's name is skipped (not said).
    • No 3rd tier classes.


    Updated. New stuff is in the Mechanics section.

    Weapon Durability returning is nice, Part of the strategy to Fire Emblem is figuring out what weapons to use and when to buy new ones. The "Animated" model cutscenes sound cool, I like Echoes: SoV did it, so nice to see that coming back.

    Although, I will stay skeptic for now, until IS/ Nintendo release something official. Hopefully soon!

  19. Favorites:

    • Berkut - I really liked his design and character. He felt like a real villain with motives. i just wanted to see more of him.
    • Leon - One of my best units on Celica's route. Killer Bow or Long Bow and he did a lot of damage. Good personality helped as well. 
    • Lukas - I really liked his character, a calm and smart person. Even though Baron is not the best class, I still liked and used him.
    • Delthea - Fun and energetic. She easily became one of my best mages. Making sure she did not die was definitely worth it.
    • Tatiana - Physic and Fortify really helped me in later chapters, so she became my main cleric.
    • Mae & Boey - I'm putting the two of them together because they work so well together. I loved reading the supports and dialogue between them and it definitely was nice to see their end cards after beating the game.

    Least Favorites:

    • Atlas - A villager that joins pretty late in Celica's route, so I did not bother training him because I already had a lot of better units. 
    • Forsyth - Lukas was better. I just did not connect to this character.
    • Python - He seemed like an interesting character, but I did not get to see a lot of it, and I did not use him much.


    For my final dungeon team I had:

    Alm (Hero), Lukas (Baron), Tobin (Sage), Conrad (Gold Knight), Kamui (Dread Fighter), Saber (Dread Fighter), Est (Falcon Knight), Tatiana (Saint), Delthea (Priestess), Leon (Bow Knight).

    So, I guess those are my favorite units gameplay-wise.

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