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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

  1. 6 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:

    So I just noticed that the Tap Battle game is, in Japanese, called かんたんタップバトル, which translates to 'Easy Tap Battle'

    Yay. 100 floors of easy tap battling.... If we have to do it, couldn't we at least have a challenging one?


    There are options for different modes and difficulties, so it might get more challenging.

    We can only play up to Floor 40 on Day 1. The other floors unlock over time.

  2. 2 minutes ago, LordFrigid said:

    Oh, apparently they snuck in the Legendary Hero banner preview vid afterward.

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    Ragnell is normal, just 16 Mt and Distant Counter.
    Radiant Aether only has a reduced cooldown (4 instead of 5), better for QR builds!
    Warding Breath is same as Steady Breath, but with Res.
    Seal Atk/Def is not the most useful skill, but ok.
    Def Tactic is nice!

  3. Voting for the new Ike would be amazing. I know a lot of people dislike the Legendary Hero banners, so getting L!Ike (RD!Ike) for free would be great!

    Hector is another great choice, DC is such a good skill, and Hector is one of the best Axe units, so if anyone is missing him that would help a lot.

    Gunnthra falls under the same reason as L!Ike. Not as good as Ike, but would be nice to have.

    Another Black Knight for everyone? Zelgius for Free? Myrrh would also be a great choice.

    So many good choices...

    DO NOT VOTE FOR WRYS!! Not even for the memes. 

  4. Sorry Feh, the cake is a lie.

    Daily Maps - 1 map for each main banner? Sweet! More Orbs! 50 is a lot!

    50 free orbs!!! IS please spoil us more!! 100 total is a lot!

    More Developer Challenge maps? More orbs :)

    Daily GHB? YES!!! Xander returns! Ursula, Navarre, Michalis, F!Robin, Narcian, Lloyd, and Xander! Quests as well! 

    Training Maps will be great! TT has been the best SP grind currently, so something new is great!

    Hero Fest! YAY!All those heroes are great! B!Ike for Steady Breath, Sigurd for more merges and being very strong, Nephenne for Wrath and Atk/Spd 2, and B!Lyn for merges!!

    Tap game?? What?? not sure about this. I just hope the rewards are good...

    Ike is the new Legendary Hero?? Wow, I was not expecting this. But he looks so good!!! That flip to attack is amazing!! And he gives an Atk boost.9VqJKES.jpg

    Red looks really good! Sanaki, Seigbert, and Ike! Green is a close second, Gunnthra and PA!Azura.

    A Hero Rises voting thing. Ok, its a free hero, so can't complain, but who that hero could be is hard. Free Wrys for everyone!


    Overall very happy and excited for these updates and events! Things missing: Askr trio upgrades, TT mini info, and Weapon forge info (for the weapons we were shown for Raven, Felicia, Caeda, etc.).

  5. 2 hours ago, C. Turtle said:

    They are not the only two besides Azura. Jakob and Felicia join on all routes, and for units not in Heroes yet, you've also got Shura and Mozu.

    True, I forgot about them.

    But Jakob and Felicia are already in the game, Shura and Mozu are not talked about often, so Kaze and Silas are the main/most-wanted all-route characters that aren't in the game. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Thane said:

    The fact that some of these characters aren't in the game yet should be a crime. I want my daughter, dammit!


    Just now, Stroud said:

    Same applies to Fate, rather then seasonal Awakening/Fate units I want new units from these games.
    I'm still waiting for Rinkah and Kaze to appear D=. 


    We are missing a lot of characters from the very beginning of those games (Recruited within the first 7-9 chapters). Kaze and Silas should be in the game, because (besides Azura), they are the only two characters that join on all three routes.

    Awakening - Vaike, Miriel, Sumia, Kellam, Ricken, Maribelle.

    Fates - Rinkah, Kaze, Silas, Orochi, Hayato.


    I really want Owain. I've wanted him since the very beginning! (Kind of glad for the long delay actually, I want him to have good stats, and base game had a few problems).

  7. I'd buy 10 Berkut packs!

    I really liked this Support Pack, it was one of the few times I felt happy to spend money on this game. Black Knight is too good to pass up on. And 12 orbs, stamina potions, and Light's Blessings are a great bonus!

    I don't think this should be a way to introduce new units, but it is a great way for newer players to get TT or GHB units they missed without waiting 8-10 months for a rerun. (Looking at you Xander and Camus). 

    And it adds another way for players to get more merges for those units. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Early legendary weapons that seem to have been made to "old" design standards and don't have an (announced or released) upgrade of some sort yet:

    • Armads
    • Binding Blade
    • Fensalir
    • Folkvangr
    • Noatun
    • Regal Blade
    • Sieglinde
    • Yato

    That's 8, which is getting to be a pretty short list. 3 are Askr weapons, which could be handled differently somehow and will probably take longer. Armads is obviously the least in need of it, although it'd be a bit weird if it's the only weapon designed in that pattern not to get an upgrade. But that does indicate that if they keep adding at least two refinements each month until they finish with this group, it shouldn't take that long to get to the long-awaited upgrades for Roy/Eirika/Corrin. (And Lloyd, but I don't think he's as big of a concern.)

    You forgot about Brynhildr. Leo needs an upgrade, especially after a Eirika 2.

  9. Nice to see they are upgrading more weapons, and giving Base Game units good weapons!

    Very excited about Raven's weapon. I have a 4*+7, so I when I get a new Raven, I will promote him then merge down into my 4*. 

    Falchion upgrades are going to be nice! I used Masked Marth quite often as a passive healer for TT, so giving her a buff will be nice!

  10. 26 minutes ago, Coolmanio said:


    Here are the mid-term results everyone! Looks like the combination of Western + Japanese votes have led to SOME unexpected placements ^.^

    Nice to see some results.

    • Celica - Very happy about this! 
    • Camilla - no. just no. Can i give negative votes?
    • Eirika - Happy to see her up her, let's give her more votes to get a third version!
    • Hector - YES!!! Brave Hector is going to be awesome!! FE7 is my favorite, so yay!!
    • Ephraim - Very nice to see! 
    • Marth - It's about time Marth gets some attention! He could really use a Brave Version.

    I'm happy to see Ninian, Delthea, Veronica, Owain, Leo, and Kilff in the top 20! I really want Owain!

  11. 8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I saw someone point this out in the CYL topic.


    "There are 8 Heroes that appear on the homepage of the new CYL site that aren't in the game yet:

    Aversa, Inigo, Owain, Leif, Nanna, Myrrh, Marisa, and Valbar.

    I think IS is dropping hints as to who will be appearing next in the game, Aversa as a GHB alongside an Awakening children banner with Owain and Inigo, Marisa and Myrrh on the upcoming new heroes banner, and Leif and Nanna as a FE5 banner. The only hero that doesn't really fit in is Valbar, but maybe we will get more Echoes heroes or he will be a one off TT reward? Just pure speculation here."


    Marisa and Myrrh are in now, so they might truly be foreshadowing the others, and perhaps their coming unseen comrades too. How else would Valbar get in? Unless we're getting a mixed game possibly Farfetched 2 banner, or just another SoV TT without anything around it that is SoV.

    Leif and Nanna will give us the bare minimum of lord and his beloved. Nanna by the way someone said would be the first new PC Staff unit since June if counting Seasonals, April if not, assuming she doesn't run the Runesword. I'd guess the new Breath targeting of the lesser durability stat would be used for the Light Brand if Leif got that over the Bragi Sword.

    The third slot- well Finn would be ideal. However, Tailtiu and Oscar mean we could get someone random, like Sara. Or we could be getting Master Axe Reinhardt thanks to the recent Eirika addition for all we know. Said alternative Reinhardt could be saved for a GHB though- what is stopping them? He was a pure antagonist in T776, and his competition isn't great- Saias is the only likable alternative (Raydrik and Birdo are hardly cool characters). Given the love for myrmidon girls, Mareeta might sneak in, she will be used up much sooner than later; heck Machyua might get in before Galzus, a more worthy Sword (or Axe for either him or Machyua- since both are Heroes) infantry unit.

    Owain and Aversa? Yes please! I've been waiting for Owain for so long!

    The winners of CYL 2 will take a long time to release, so having a Farfetched Heroes 2 banner sometime in between makes sense. 

  12. 1 minute ago, NekoKnight said:
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    Love his art but those stats... He's like a slightly tweaked Sophia with only a stronger Raven tome to set him apart, and no variable nature to take advantage of.

    I want to make him the strongest he can be. What should his build be? TA3/Bowbreaker/support/Distant Def? Or maybe use Swordbreaker and QR seal for more coverage?


    TA3/Bowbreaker/Distant Def hard counters a +10 Merge/+Atk/Brave Bow+/Death Blow 3/Full Horse Buffed Brave Lyn. So, if you want to use him as a Brave Lyn Counter, he is pretty good!

    As with other Low spd mages, Desperation/Brash Assault would do well. Swordbreaker doesn't help in the enemy phase(If you want to use QR Seal) unless you give him Close Counter.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:
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    Stats are here



    WOW! Myrrh has 167 BST, 2 points higher than Armored Tharja, Jakob, and Henry! (165 each).

    Marisa looks decent, high Spd and decent Atk. 

    Lyon is pretty good, decent defenses, low speed. Nothing too special, but still looks like a good unit. PRF Raven tome is nice!

    Eirika has the same speed as Brave Lyn! With horse buffs, she will be very strong!

    L'Arachel also has great offenses with a good Res as well.

    Two pretty good units for free? Plus a lot more orbs from the story to head towards the banner. Nice.

  14. Just now, SilvertheShadow said:
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    There’s no Samishar to be seen. Rip the dream of Marisa having a (potentially) legendary weapon.



    My guess is she will get a Killing/Slaying Edge. That is what matches her pictures the most.

    Well, another Sword Unit as a TT reward.

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