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Posts posted by Lord_Grima

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Zelgius looks to be based off of his duel with Ike at the end of Radiant Dawn, which would suggest he'd have Alondite and most likely Black Luna. Warp Powder is also pretty much a given for his B skill.

    If you look at Zelgius' full image, it does show the Alondite. I need him!

    EDIT: Hero Merit limit is now 4000!

  2. Just now, Armagon said:



    Source: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/datamine/feh-datamine-110

    Don't know what they actually do though.

    Nice. Most likely it will not cost an extra movement like forests, because otherwise what is the point? Not sure what extra bonus they could give.



    Just a comparison between Black Knight and Zelgius. Even with -2 HP and -1 Spd, Zelgius does have the better statline. A +5 BST, tied with W!Robin and W!Chrom for the 2nd highest BST.

    Really can't wait to see what skills they have now! If Zelgius gets Black Luna, then wow!

  3. Nice to see some Radiant Dawn characters. Overall their stats look really good!

    Oliver looks mediocre statwise. Not sure about him... Micaiah looks a lot better
    Micaiah is a slower(-8 spd) than Linde, but has +4 Def, and +8 Res. She could be a really good Mage tank (maybe a counter to WE!Tharja?)
    Sothe has the highest Atk of any dagger units. Compared to NY!Takumi, Sothe has +2 Atk, -1 Spd. 
    Zelgius has really good offenses! And his defenses are quite good as well. We will have to see how his skills and weapon compare to Black Knight.

    I didn't care for the NY banner, so I've been saving orbs, and this banner definitely looks like a great one to pull on!

  4. 13 minutes ago, Stroud said:

    Ah, come on D= Just 1 Camilla more so we can have 4 of them. After that I don't care anymore if they will ever release Camilla again.

    But I do understand the point. There are Heroes who get too much attention. They have such a big pool on characters and give us the same again and again. 
    I also think Hinoka is underappreciated compared to Camilla (for reasons).
    Hinoka and Ryouma still need their second units in this game...

    Also what is with that Copy of Lucina which we got on one of the first banners from the game? Maybe he will get a new Unit?
    Maybe they are too ashamed for this bad imposter. 


    1. I have never liked Camilla. When I got to her chapter in Warriors, I did say "Go Home Camilla". Never played as her.

    2. There are more Camillas than Thracia 776 characters.

    3. As you said, Ryoma and Hinoka have not gotten seasonal variants.

    As much fun as completing an character-Emblem is, that should not be IS's priority. One of my favorite parts of Heroes is getting to know a lot of characters that I did not know previously. There are some FE games that I have not played, so meeting the characters here is awesome. So, I really like when more characters from older games are released. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Stroud said:

    CYL Camilla would be nice, blue Wyvern please, Camilla emblem please.
    The last crushing VG told us who is truly devoted to Camilla. 

    hmm, also how about they finally do something for the Askr Trio. But I think it is more likely that they implement something for them in the story.
    I will just wait and see what Feh will tell us, no point in speculating too much. At least for me.

    GO HOME Camilla! Camilla is the least deserving of a CYL version. Leo is the best Fates royal. 

    An upgrade for the Askr trio would be really nice. 

  6. Most likely we will get a new login bonus and maybe a few maps (like the New Years maps) to give us more orbs.

    What I expect is a story chapter, a new CYL Banner, rerun of the original banners, some new update (maybe one of the teased modes). 

    What I want is a free 5* unit of choice (or something like the CYL Free Banner(CYL Banner included)), New Story chapter, New characters, Reset story rewards, summoning pool fixed, and New Modes.

    I don't expect everything I want to happen, but if at least one happens then I'll be happy. 

  7. 1 hour ago, kisooni said:

    If the January direct was coming out this Thursday, should we have heard news about it yet? I want to hear about the new FE since they've been silent for song long, but it's 3 days before the supposed direct and no announcement. 

    The FE Direct last year was announced the day before. Direct was 18th, it was announced on the 17th. So, if the direct is coming Thursday(which I really hope it is), then most likely we will hear Tuesday or Wednesday.

  8. A full FE game about Pirates. Interesting concept, but not the best. Based off the boat maps from Echoes: SoV and Fates, I don't know how they can make this interesting. I like the Gothic leak better.

    Glad this was debunked. Still waiting to hear anything legit from Nintendo about this direct. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Zeo said:

    That one multiplier hour for Azura took me from rank 100k+ to 28k in the army and from 4k to 1,445k in total.

    Seriously... I wish I hadn't passed on that 4.5x multiplier this afternoon or I'd probably be in the top 10k. I underestimated how few multipliers Azura would be getting.

    EDIT: ...But...wait.... what? But why?... I don't... even...


    I want you to pay very close attention to this image and tell me what's wrong with it.



    Another Cringe is when people put Distant Counter on Units like Ike, whom have a DC weapon. And putting Hardy Bearing on their unit with Vantage.

  10. 1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    I'm trying to wrap my head around how one could make an open world FE work, since open world is hot nowadays. Not saying FE should go in that direction, I'm just trying to think how they could if they wanted to.

    We did get a "Trial/Teaser" of this with Echoes: SoV's dungeons. My guess an open world FE game would be similar to that. (Mix of FE and Dragon Quest). You explore the open world and then can attack wild monsters for exp and gold. Then story/paralogue chapters would have an NPC or a banner with a column of light type thing. Something to let you know "This is a chapter". Add resource gathering, different modes of transport, wandering merchants, towns, and setting up camp where ever you wanted to pass time.

    This could be really cool if done right, but I agree with what you say. It doesn't quite feel right for FE.

  11. I'm at least hoping for a concept art or title drop.

    What I really want is a trailer similar to Fates' teasers. I was really hyped for Fates when it was first advertised/teased. Show some tense moments, some action, and part of the intro cutscene. Include awesome music, and there you go. 

    And just a thought. In the Fates Teaser, the beginning had a HD cutscene before switching to Fates' style. I know it was showing the different sides, but I really liked how it looked. So, how would you think if this level of HD was the new FE. (different story and class designs, but same quality level). Might be a little far-fetched, but it does show an idea of what to expect.






  12. The Askr Trio definitely deserves an upgrade. 

    Falchion could use an upgrade. 10 HP every turn (we already have a skill for it, so why not).

    Corrin's Yato just got power-creept by Siegbert's Dark Greatsword.

    Byrnhildr needs the Gravity+ AOE debuff.

    Binding Blade, please! 

    Seiglinde needs an upgrade to complete the pair.

    Eckasachs (Zephiel). The big bad Zephiel needs a big bad weapon.

  13. 3 hours ago, KingSigurd said:

    A less linear type. Normally FE has chapters in order, which isn't bad, but maybe a less linear game would be fun. Here's an example: Let's say you just beat a level in this game, more than one path would open and the player chooses which way to go. And maybe not every path lets you progress but there would be more than one that would let you move on. I'm probably explaining this really bad but hopefully you get what I'm saying.

    Something I want in a Fire Emblem game is the branching paths/ "Choose Your Own Adventure" style. When Fates was first advertised, I thought that is what we would get, a game full of choices and consequences. Instead we only got one choice. Now that an FE is back on a full console, a lot of branching paths could make a lot of sense. The main story still follows the same path, but how you get there is a decision to make. Same destination, differing routes. Would add a lot of replayability. 

    3 hours ago, KingSigurd said:

    Better character development. We all know that Fates' characters (and story tbh) weren't the best. Since this game (hopefully) will be a longer one, we can have not only supports but even smaller or full sized maps/chapters and scenarios where we learn more about main AND side characters. I dunno, I think it'd be fun, maybe they can be optional maps that the player can choose to play?

    In Fates a lot of characters were not properly introduced or done well mostly because of the huge roster. That is one reason why I really like Echoes: SoV, a smaller roster so you have time to know who these characters are. One idea to help get to know characters is give each character a paralogue that allows the main lord to learn more about who is in their army. This is best done with a small cast and no 2nd gen(basically replace the children paralogues with character backstory paralogues). I like this idea as a "get to know you" better than support logs because it lets you know more about a character in a practical setting than a small chat. I loved seeing Boey and Mae bicker with each other in graveyards over Boey's Terror-phobia, so more of that would be awesome!

  14. 24 minutes ago, Aquazuras said:
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    image.png.3d8451fe41aeb6b04cd72070524e7ec5.pngDatamined Gunnthra stats. Her RES is much lower than I expected.





    Add Blizzard and Fortress Res for 33 Res, which is equal to base Arvis. Not bad. 45 Atk with Blizzard(without Fortress Res). 

    Compared to Cecilia:

    Gunnthra - 37/31/33/19/25
    Cecilia -     36/32/25/22/29

    Gunnthra has -1 HP/+1 Atk/+8 Spd/-3 Def/-4 Res. So If Cecilia was a good attacker, Gunnthra is better. And also need to factor in IV's.



  15. 3 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I don't think each element is inherently matched to one stat. Looking at the Fire/Wind/Earth/Water Boost (and Balm) skills, they're Atk/Spd/Def/Res, in that order. So I think there being two separate icons there means they can be paired differently: we'll probably get a second Water hero at some point who boosts some different stat.

    That is what I'm hoping for, otherwise why would the have two icons for each Legendary Hero. And in the Confer Blessing Menu or when you click the seasons Icon in the top left, it says "Allies blessed with ___ gain a boost when they go into battle with a ___-type legendary hero." instead of "Allies blessed with ___ gain + _ ___  when they go into battle with a ___-type legendary hero."

    And leaving the options open gives a lot of room for variation. 16 possible combos. Don't know if we will ever get that amount of Legendary Heroes, but it is nice to know there is options.

  16. Town Building/Battling - Not sure about this, if it more involved/ better than MyCastle, then it might be interesting. 

    Real Time Battles - This would have to really well balanced. In Fates, the PvP was heavily oriented to the Player phase (Part of it being the mechanics and skills in Fates). 

    Co-op - This sounds really fun! We do need more uses for the Friend List besides VG and greeting. 

    "Sleep Time Advancement" - I'm really not sure about this one. I have no idea what type of advancement would happen. If it is like other mobile games, where you choose an army to go and gather resources and it takes time to get them, then it might be a nice way to gain more resources.

    And another question. What are some Modes that you would like to see? There was a write in part.

    For me, I said an Endless mode. You take a team into a map of endless reinforcements. You earn rewards depending on many turns you survive. Battle ends when you die or when you surrender.

    Another idea is a variation on my endless mode. Similar to Chain challenges/ TT, but the more maps you complete, the better rewards you get. And it is repeatable. Say best ten maps with one team, and your reward is 2-3 Orbs. You can play again and if you beat 10 maps again, you get 2-3 more orbs.

    Basically I want a mode where you can farm Orbs, but it is challenging/ slow to do so. 

  17. 19 minutes ago, Othin said:

    I saw people predicting that Gunnthra's blessing bonus would be Def, but I'm guessing it's actually Res. Her shield icon is blue while Fjorm's "speed" icon is green, and Heroes often has patterns of red=Atk, green=Spd, yellow=Def, blue=Res. Also Gunnthra herself is all about Res and probably has low Def.

    j5T1fmo.jpg 8OFGkiz.jpg

    The matching color to other skills does make a little more sense. And with Wind, you typically don't think Def, you think Spd or Res. The icon is confusing, but there probably is a reason for it. But if each affinity always matches to one stat, then I think it is safe to assume Fire=Attack and Earth=Def. We will have to see.

    50px-Fortify_Res_3.png 50px-Fortify_Def_3.png Maybe, instead of using the crest/seal image from other skills, they are using the shield to symbolize Def and Res. 

    Now will the Res boost be +3 like the Water blessing, or will it be +4 to match the weapon refinery buffs?

  18. 6 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    This map is not new, I don't remember which chapter, but I've played that map quite some times in Book II CCs. 

    You are right, it is Book II, Chapter 1: Part 2 on Hard difficulty. It would have been nice to see part of the new story maps. I think Book I had a chapter almost every month, so if that patterns stays for Book II, then it seems right that we get a new chapter soon.

  19. So with the survey IS sent out, there were a few questions regarding/teasing new modes. 






    If you haven't taken the survey yet, please do. The more feedback we give to IS, the better Heroes will be! Otherwise what are your thoughts on these new modes?

  20. Nice to see a new OC. 

    Red - Brave Roy is the only one here I want, but I have a +Atk Sigurd, so I'm good. And because of that I don't need Sigurd. I don't care for Ryoma. 

    Blue - I have Fjorm and I don't care for Charlotte and Spring Lucina, so not pulling here.

    Green - Gunnthrá is the one I want the most (if she is not free). I don't like using Cecilia, so I'm hoping Gunnthrá has better stats. I don't have Amelia, so I would like her, but I already have three good green armors (Hector, H!Henry, and W!Lissa). Spring Chrom, I don't care for.

    Colorless - Bride Lyn is the one I want for Dazzling Staff fodder. Elise and Innes I don't care for.


    So, I'm going to do a few summons on green and colorless. Definitely not whaling here. If Gunnthrá is free, then I might only pull for Bride Lyn.

    I think there will be new story chapters, they show a map that I don't think we've seen before. And I think the Wind Blessing from Gunnthrá will give Def. Fjorm had a water drop and a man, so Water Affinity and Spd blessing. FbEpNTC.jpg This is Wind Blessing and Def(Shield) buff.




    • HP
      • Arden (60)
        • Hector (52)
        • Zephiel [4*] (52) 
        • Donnel [4* +1] (49) - with HP+5 & HP+3 seal
    • Atk
      • Ike (54) with Fury
      • Sigurd (54) (+Atk)
      • Eldigan (54) (+Atk)
      • B!Ike (54) with Summoner Support
    • Spd
      • Nino (41) with L&D 3
        • Ayra (40)
        • Fir (4*) (40) with Spd +3
        • Masked Marth (39) with Fury
    • Def
      • Lukas [4* +2] (44) with Fortress Def 2
        • Arden (41)
        • B!Ike (40) with Summoner Support
        • Seth [4*] (38) with Fortress Def 3
    • Res
      • Arvis (36) with Fury
      • H!Henry (36)
      • Lucius [+1] (36)
      • Mathilda [4* +3] (36)


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