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Posts posted by Pokenar

  1. I'll say I find a lot of stuff here interesting, and will probably use it for my next playthrough since it definitely seems like a good way to encourage me to at least switch up my class choices.

    But the main reason I'm commenting is a question about the data, Corrin's growths and caps in the documentation match a +mag-lck build, did you mean to include those modifiers in? Also, the photo for Pegasus Knight and Falcon Knight still show a lance being used, but the skill set on the right says they use bows now?

  2. It's okay, I'll be right with you, sobbing about the lack of Azura CG.

    Eh, we got treated really really well in the actual game itself, its fine to take a back seat.

    Though maybe I'd be more upset if Oboro, who I like just as much, wasn't in.....

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