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Status Updates posted by Christianguy7

  1. Hey, saw your post in "Where in the world are you." and noticed you mentioned 6 governments, and was curious about that.

    1. Master Thunderblade

      Master Thunderblade

      Oh dear... I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.

      First of all Belgium is a Federal state with three Communities, the Flemish community, the French community and the German-speaking community. In case you didn't know Belgium has three official languages Dutch (spoken in Flanders, the northern region), French (spoken in Wallonia, the southern region) and German (spoken in the region of Eupen-Malmedy that was annexed to Belgium after the first World War) These communities each have their own government (although government that governs the Flemish community is merged with the government of the Flemish Region) that has the same level of authority (kind of) as the Federal Government. (similar to the United States actually) The communities are responsible for social and cultural affairs like: language, education, healthcare, social-services, culture, etc. Keep in mind that the capital of Belgium Brussels is shared between the Flemish and French community but not the German speaking cummunity. There is no such thing as the Community of Brussels.

      In addition to the three communities you have also three Regions, the Flemish Region (which covers the same area af the Flemish Community), the Walloon Region (which covers the areas of both the French community and German community) and the Brussels-Capital Region (which only covers the capital of Brussels). Each of these Regions also have their own government. (although government that governs the Flemish Region is merged with the government of the Flemish Community) that has the same level of authority as the Federal Government. The Regions are responsible for regional affairs like: economy, employment, agriculture, water policy, housing, public works, energy, transport, trade, etc. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a German Region.

      Last but not least, you have the Federal Government, this goverment is responsible for the general affairs that concern all Belgians. For example: finance, defence, justice, social security, foreign affairs, internal affairs, heritage, etc.

      The six governments of Belgium are:

      1. The Flemish government which governs the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region
      2. The Walloon Government which governs the Walloon Region (the ones that blocked the CETA trade deal)
      3. The Government of the Brussels-Capital Region which governs the Brussels-Capital Region
      4. Government of the French Community which governs the French Community
      5. Government of the German-speaking Community which governs the German-speaking Community
      6. The Federal Government which governs the federal state of Belgium


      If you want to know more about Belgium I recommend watching the Belgian episode of Geography Now:
      the whole political structure is also explained: 

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