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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Soren, Lyn, Lucina, Edit Officer (it's a staple feature in certain Warriors games and would most certainly fit in FEW), Lethe, Black Knight, Hector, Ephraim, Robin, Siegbert, Owain, Inigo, Noire, Sue, Lilina, Validader and Marcus. They're amongst the characters I'd most like to use anyway. I'd definitely see myself using a custom character the most because that's just typically how I am, though Lyn, Lucina, Soren, Robin, Owain, Lethe, Black Knight and Ephraim would probably be amongst my top choices based on unique fighting styles and the requirement to mix things up in combat with each of these characters having a wide array of versatile options to use.
  2. I suppose it's just hard to come by nowadays. The same thing's basically happened around here where it's £39.99 on the eShop but like £45 if you're lucky enough to see it in a shop.
  3. What about a class that typically uses Dark Magic for offensiveness but also has staff access that would also be used to provide inverse staff effects? For example, if you cast Heal on an enemy, it'd injure them for the points they'd have recovered under positive conditions, however staves cannot directly kill a unit unless it's a staff used to resurrect an ally. If it's done in the form of a skill, this could give Clerics and the like a little more of a combat niche if they start with it.
  4. Lethality's not. Because she shares Mercenary with her father, she gets his secondary class set of Ninja. Lethality is the Level 5 skill for Master Ninja. Additionally, it's also possible to get her Luna by having her A+ Support with Sophie and accessing Great Knight. Unless of course she can't A+Support because it's already been used but I think she can marry Ignatius who also gets access to Great Knight. In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you. Kindly don't litter.
  5. If it was before today then I should hope not, otherwise my Time Travelling future self is a complete asshat.
  6. This took too long to post because the site had a massive disagreement with my Wii U...
  7. Gind Kreetings! It's been exactly a year since I joined the Forums so I think it's probably best to introduce myself on my 1-Year Anniversary of it. I personally think it's a little poetic to do so anyway. Well, what can I say to start things off? I personally doubt I'm all that interesting (I mean, I can scratch the back of my head like a dog if the mood strikes me but who really cares, right?) but various people have told me otherwise so there's always that. A few things I'll say about myself include but aren't limited to: I'm British (and I do love me a nice cup of tea on occasion) I can be very lazy (I literally waited a year since joining to make a topic on here for crying out loud!) I've been a gamer since I was 2, with my first ever game being Sonic 1. Also when I was 2, I decided it'd be an absolutely brilliant idea to mistake a packet of cigarettes for a candy that looks similar (literally just small sticks of sugar). This fucked up my diet and I don't typically eat as a normal person would, but for whatever reason I still don't hate the candy sticks I mistook the cigarettes for. As for what got me into Fire Emblem, it's technically Super Smash Bros. Brawl or more specifically, the trophy gallery. My first actual experience with Fire Emblem as a franchise came a week before my 20th birthday where I was getting a 3DS XL as an early birthday present (yay!). My reason for getting one is naturally because of obviously wanting one but more deeply because of Pokémon X and Y releasing later that year. Anyway, I could've got a plain XL in a colour of my choosing or a Special Edition Awakening model which costed a little more but ultimately came with a total of 4 games and the kick-ass pattern on the top screen. At the time, I was a little apprehensive because I really wanted a Pikachu Special Edition model (if you can't tell by now, I'm a big Pokémon fan) but there were sadly none. In the long-term, I let my judgement decide based on the factors of which games looked most appealing, and Fire Emblem's model stood out because of coming bundled with a game that featured "Marth". I didn't personally feel involved in Awakening until Chapter 9's conclusion, and after a while, I realized that Awakening had something that lots of games I've played up to that point for the past few years didn't really have. Real stakes. For the first time in a good few years, I found a game that actually had a story with a genuinely horrible consequence for failure. I was hooked. Since then I've gone back to a few of the older entries (7 and 9 are particular favourites outside of the 3DS era though I'm very iffy on Fates in general). So, yeah... aside from information on my profile, this is basically me. After having to spend an hour rewriting this after it didn't post the first time... or the next few times after that but fortunately kept a backup... So I'll round this off with a "Hi!"
  8. My favourites are Owain and Lucina. Owain's theatrical behaviour is honestly something I'd see myself doing in his position. Aside from that, I just typically find the quotes to be rather amusing. Lucina's basically "Waifu Bias" if you want the short version. I like the strength of her character and I just find it hilarious that she has a habit for so innocently saying the wrong things aloud.
  9. My guess is that it'll be kinda like a Wonderlocke, but switching for an Ice Type from Bank as opposed to Wonder Trading it. Perhaps combining the idea of having a bunch of Ice Types in Bank and treating it like an Egglocke, switching out anything that's not an Ice Type with an Ice Type. It's guesswork but it's how I assume it'll be done.
  10. The amount of times Marth gave me 1 Rupee on Hyrule Warriors, I still haven't forgiven him. Hero King my arse!
  11. "You can't tell from my expression, but I'm secretly an axe-murderer."
  12. I really like this idea. It's especially generous when factoring in overall amiibo prices, and what kinds of content could be tied to the amiibo. Perhaps it could unlock a random character from the game(s) that character's from. Maybe even as an early unlock method so it's not forcibly locked content.
  13. Frederick is very easy to avoid using. Unlike on Lunatic, you don't need to rely on him for a good few chapters at the beginning and instead can start using Chrom and other base class units from the get go. Regarding Donnel, if you want a very easy time recruiting him, get the Arms Scroll from the Bonus Box and give him both the Scroll and a forged Iron Lance. It works wonders for covering for his low stats until he improves. Though using the archer trap method, it's still pretty simple just with his starting Bronze Lance if you'd rather save the Arms Scroll. I personally didn't find much difference jumping from Normal to Hard so it should be easy enough to grasp if you lay out the overall enemy attack range and then highlight the enemies that might equally pose a threat. It helps to distinguish them and allows for better planning.
  14. FE11/Book 1 Character Camus FE2 Character Don't remember, I think it was Mycen (I literally did this minutes ago, my memory is awful.) FE12/Book 2 Character Tiki FE4 Character Ayra FE5 Character Raydrik FE6 Character Zephiel FE7 Character Lyn FE8 Character Ephraim FE9 Character Lethe FE10 Character Soren FE13 Character Lucina FE14 Birthright Character Shiro FE14 Conquest Character Siegbert For most of the Japanese only games, I tried to use characters that I thought looked pretty cool or suiting for the gameplay type. I haven't played much of Shadow Dragon or New Mystery but I remember seeing Sirius and basically studying him on the wiki, thus Char- I mean Camus is there. I chose Tiki more for the aspect of her being one of the few characters I remember being in FE12 since I haven't properly jumped into it yet. I chose Zephiel for FE6 because it's the only Japanese only entry I've played sufficiently enough and Zephiel's on the cooler side of Villains IMO. Lyn, Lucina and Siegbert are pretty much bias because I really like their character and designs. Shiro I've chosen because there's always at least one brash and arrogant character and he's pretty capable as far as Fates units go. Soren and Lethe are both taken from what I've seen in Path of Radiance but I elected to put Soren in the Radiant Dawn spot because I've heard he's pretty decent in it whereas I have nothing to base Lethe on but PoR. Ephraim I chose because he seems pretty chill and confident but without much arrogance. The rest are purely because of Awakening giving me visual aids to form an opinion of the character that way.
  15. I could see the Longfort and Fort Steiger from Awakening being used. Grima's back is most likely a given, Due to the nature of Fates' branching paths and numerous maps, I'm just going to suggest three, Hoshido Capital: Plaza, Castle Krakenberg and the Caverns underground Valla Castle. I'd like to see the Bern mountains and the Sacae plains as stages too.
  16. Interesting concept. That idea could have lead to more Wyrmslayer heavy maps though, which, aside from Chapter 5, I didn't really see many of...
  17. 3 is exactly the number of tiles Grey would have to walk to stand on Alm.
  18. To be fair, Corrin's wasn't passable because of it being their biology.
  19. Since I saw this topic at random, it inspired a unique thought in me. Combine various aspects or features of existing Avatar characters and see how it helps, but still develop the feature further to better use it in a more satisfactory way to more players. Essentially, I feel that players should be able to define: Race (Human, Laguz, Manakete etc.) Appearance (pretty self-explanatory) Breeding (Noble, Commoner etc.) Class Access (I do feel that Avatars should have a personal class, but that it shouldn't be their default class) Weapon abilities (to determine default proficiency with a weapon type) Unique Weapon (make a few for the sake of variety and have them available regardless) Personality (could vary dialogue in supports or the story) Unique Colours (for your favourite classes) Story Significance (Nonexistent, Low, Medium, High) Children's names (assuming the feature remains) and so on, it could be more immersive for those that want a more immersive experience. Alternatively, there could be an option for a completely unrelated story that's sorta like an aftergame story, using an Avatar as the main character but is completely optional. OR They could pull a Gaiden and have 2 separate main characters operating at different areas with the Avatar being one of them. Just a few thoughts.
  20. I typically find it fun to just cut loose and tear into enemies. Being able to play as characters I like is a big plus too.
  21. Likewise. Because of how old it is, I can't pick it up like I could with something more recent. I literally stopped and started hoping for a remake just so I could experience the story more comfortably.
  22. I tend not to do predictions for Warriors games because typically I don't know enough of the series in question. However here I'm not going to predict it because I know Warriors games that have had very large rosters and haven't even been a main series Warriors entry and also don't have enough knowledge of Fire Emblem characters outside of a certain area. Yo, dawg. I heard you like Chrom.
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